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Search results for go read

Showing results 151 - 175 of 2169 matches

January 31, 2013 Link to this post

HBOMB 2013: A Retrospective
Avateur shared his HBO Mountain Bash experience - Avateur seems to have a thing for using ice as a weapon. Go read about the madness and look at some pretty pictures - I can't believe I missed out on building a snow fort :(. Looks like everyone had a great time! (colindosaj 10:59:56 UTC)

January 30, 2013 Link to this post

Forge Test is Best
The Quim Ninja let us know about his write-up regarding the Community Forge Test Playlist - he feels it is the best move 343 have made on the multiplayer front yet. Go read! (colindosaj 11:41:41 UTC)

January 30, 2013 Link to this post

The Competitive Nature
The Penny Arcade Report posted an interview with MLG CEO Sundance DiGiovanni where he shares his thoughts on first person shooters, competitive gaming and the possibility of an MLG developed game. He also compares competitive nature of modern FPS games like Halo 4 and Black Ops 2 to classic games like Quake and Unreal Tournament. Go read! Thanks, YourExWife. (colindosaj 10:17:44 UTC)

January 26, 2013 Link to this post

Bungie Community Theatre Outtakes
Yesterday Bungie posted Act One of Bungie Community Theatre - they also posted an outtake video. That's not all though, Skittles x found a little Easter egg hidden in the Act One video! Thanks, Spawnling.(All of these great videos might make you forget to go read the actual Mail Sack these spawned from. It's worth it.) (colindosaj 11:33:25 UTC)

January 26, 2013 Link to this post

Fan Review of Halo 4
Diego Roselló shared his Halo 4 review - almost every aspect of the game is covered. Go read and comment! (colindosaj 10:54:31 UTC)

January 25, 2013 Link to this post

A Fan's Frustration with Halo 4's Multiplayer
PaulB goes into detail as to why he is so frustrated with Halo 4's multiplayer and provides he thoughts on how the game can be improved. Go read! Thanks, CyReN. (colindosaj 07:16:18 UTC)

January 24, 2013 Link to this post

Rubbing it in their faces
Tex posted her writeup of the HBO Mountain Bash - all I can say is wonga. Sounds like anyone who wasn't there missed a killer weekend! Go read, look at the pictures. (The ice tree shot is astounding.) (Louis Wu 22:22:23 UTC)

January 24, 2013 Link to this post

Ohio, where the wind co- wait...
Do you live near Ohio? Do you love playing Halo with fun people? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you might be interested in HBOhio, a LANfest being planned by Revenant1988 - go read about it and see what's going on! And don't forget to block off the weekend of April 20th on your calendar. (Louis Wu 15:05:41 UTC)

January 11, 2013 Link to this post

Friday's Fan Fiction (a little late)
The Fan Fiction queue had one piece in it today - it's up and available now. Go read! (Louis Wu 19:18:38 UTC)

January 10, 2013 Link to this post

New Year, New Bulletin
Last night saw the first new Halo Bulletin of 2013. Inside you'll find a heartfelt message from Mister O'Frankie himself, as well as some word on what's coming to a Halo 4 near you in the next few weeks. As always, you can find it locally as well. Go read! (GrimBrother One 14:51:00 UTC)

January 9, 2013 Link to this post

Learning from the pixellated
Can the relationship between Master Chief and Cortana teach us anything about marriage? Bree Brouwer thinks it can. Go read about her thoughts on the subject at Gameranx. Thanks, Taco Power. (Louis Wu 20:59:26 UTC)

January 4, 2013 Link to this post

Friday's Fan Fiction
One new piece is up in the Fan Fiction section today - go read! (Louis Wu 18:33:40 UTC)

December 29, 2012 Link to this post

Halo Anticheat 2
Btcc22 let us know about Halo Anticheat, a Halo PC mod that supports all versions of both Halo CE and Halo PC. Despite its name, it contains no anticheat... but it DOES contain quite a lot of other features. Go read about what's there, and what's coming - and grab a copy to try out! (Louis Wu 21:40:25 UTC)

December 22, 2012 Link to this post

After the hype
SK1LL4XED has gone back and taken another look at Halo 4, after it's had a month to percolate in his brain. Go read his thoughts on Teabag or Die. (Louis Wu 18:09:51 UTC)

December 21, 2012 Link to this post

Cold Cartography - Sidewinder
DayandKnightly has kicked off a series of articles looking back at Halo multiplayer maps - their layouts, what they brought to the table gameplay-wise, how they fit into the Halo universe. First up: Sidewinder. Go read! (Louis Wu 16:22:58 UTC)

December 13, 2012 Link to this post

Closing out the year, Bulletin-Style
The last Halo Bulletin for 2012 dropped last night, as well - there's a little info about new playlists (say goodbye to Slayer Pro for a bit), an interview with Josh Holmes, an update about Fileshares (not going to be operational for a while) and the Crimson Map Pack (they're sticking to the '14 Day Buy and Play' story they came up with to explain the confusion earlier this week), and some other tidbits. Go read! (It's local, as well, if you'd rather a lighter experience.) (Louis Wu 17:37:00 UTC)

December 1, 2012 Link to this post

They're not awake... but the snoring is subsiding.
Bungie took a little break from their Mail Sack action recently - but as of last night, they're back with a new peek into the mindset of a panel of employees. Go read! (While you're there, check out the latest Breaking In article - Jennifer Ash is going to be making sure you enjoy your next Bungie gaming experience!) (Louis Wu 13:50:40 UTC)

November 29, 2012 Link to this post

Halo Bulletin: Pretty Pictures, Soothing Text
The Halo Bulletin went up earlier this afternoon - and it includes even MORE pictures of the three new maps, plus details on changes to Halo 4 matchmaking and pictures of that Forza truck Grim mentioned recently. Go read it! (It's local as well, of course.) (Louis Wu 22:40:45 UTC)

November 25, 2012 Link to this post

Kentucky Fried LAN
Bryan Newman is hosting a LAN in Kentucky next May - maybe the biggest draw is the amazing t-shirt design. Go read about it! (Louis Wu 22:59:27 UTC)

November 21, 2012 Link to this post

Digital Foundry vs. Halo 4
Looks like we missed this earlier this month when it went live, but Eurogamer's Digital Foundry took a close look at Halo 4's visual tech - they came away impressed. Go read why! Thanks, Hypertrooper. (Louis Wu 19:44:25 UTC)

November 16, 2012 Link to this post

Friday's Fan Fiction
After a few weeks of dribs and drabs, our Fan Fiction section gets three meaty additions this week - go read! (Louis Wu 16:43:38 UTC)

November 15, 2012 Link to this post

Xbox LIVE - the first decade
Today is the 10th anniversary of Xbox LIVE - and for a lot of people, some of the earliest memories of that service are Halo-related. Bungie has put up a collection of thoughts from fans around the interwebs - and even though they chose to use this opportunity to take a cheap shot at me, I love 'em for it. Go read... and smile. (Louis Wu 19:14:41 UTC)

November 15, 2012 Link to this post

Funnies on Fthursday (the F is silent)
It's a day for Halo comics - Postmortem pointed out a recent episode of Dorkly that looks at the merchandizing of Halo, while RedGrimRune announced a new Halo-themed 6th Circle comic highlighting one of the more entertaining skulls. Go read! (Louis Wu 18:43:32 UTC)

November 13, 2012 Link to this post

Waypoint Warbles
Good stuff on Waypoint today:

Go read! (Louis Wu 20:12:30 UTC)

November 7, 2012 Link to this post

Teabag Prevention Closes out FUD
jake108 let us know that the Teabag Prevention team has released their recap/analysis of the final episode of Forward Unto Dawn (a bit late, due to illness) - go read! (Louis Wu 19:31:07 UTC)

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