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Search results for go read

Showing results 1376 - 1400 of 2169 matches

July 14, 2006 Link to this post

Friday's Fiction
Twenty-three new pieces this week in the Fan Fiction section - busy week! Go read. (Louis Wu 12:57:31 UTC)

July 14, 2006 Link to this post

Sound makes it real, music makes you feel.
SteveOll found an interview with Marty O'Donnell on the BBC website; Marty's in the UK to speak at a game developers' conference in Brighton. (They caught him on a beach - in a long-sleeved shirt with an undershirt. Way to enjoy the sun, Marty.) There are some great quotes in there - I liked this one:

"For too long we have let the technology side drive creativity now we have to let creativity drive technology."

Go read the whole thing! (Louis Wu 11:50:00 UTC)

July 13, 2006 Link to this post

A lot of blood, sweat, and tears
Newsarama has interviewed Brian Jarrard about the Halo Graphic Novel; info about how the project started, where the stories came from, how the artists and writers were signed up. Great questions, solid answers - go read! Several brand-new pieces of artwork, as well. Thanks, drummand. (Louis Wu 17:43:11 UTC)

July 8, 2006 Link to this post

They have weekend Slip N' Slide Tourneys?
Late, but hey... it's Friday. A few hours ago, Frankie posted the Bungie Weekly Update - not a lot to say, except that the Halo Graphic Novel is actually done (w00t!), and a really cool pic from it has been posted. Well, there's a little more. Go read. (Or read it here, in our Weekly Update Archive.) (Louis Wu 04:21:29 UTC)

July 7, 2006 Link to this post

This week's Halo Humpday Challenge was against the Cayote Cavegirls - if you don't know who they are, the writeup starts off with an interview of their lader [sic]. The overall result - a tie, no matter how KP tries to spin it; this brings Bungie's not-losing streak to 3. (Of course, their winning streak - of one - ended two matches ago, but who's really counting?) Go read the whole writeup - I missed this when it was posted, but Pazicles picked it up. (Louis Wu 03:51:39 UTC)

July 6, 2006 Link to this post

7 on the 7th - Crotchety Old Man Edition
It's been a little while (okay, 3 months) since our last 7 on the 7th Contest - but hey, somebody's got to watch for aliens! So now it's summer (at least in the northern hemisphere), and thoughts turn to the outdoors - so what better way to give away Bungie shwag than to require creative outdoor art? To win this contest, we need pictures of your lawn, with a Halo theme in it. (Cut the image, take a picture, finish the lawn - nobody'll ever know.) You have a few other options - go read the full contest rules. And get to planning - we need pictures by a week from Sunday if you want to win stuff! (What can you win, I hear you ask... heh. It's a surprise. But it's coming from Bungie, so you know it's good.) Now get off my lawn! (Louis Wu 16:16:30 UTC)

July 6, 2006 Link to this post

Tied the Leader - Talking Away
XerxdeeJ stopped by to point out that Tied the Leader has been updated - there's a readers poll on sportsmanship, a treatise on teamwork (and whining), and a stroll through the referral logs, checking out what people are looking for. Go read! (Louis Wu 13:14:14 UTC)

June 29, 2006 Link to this post

WSVG - the new dog in town
A couple of months ago, we mentioned the World Series of Video Games, a new tournament featuring a number of games, including Halo 2. Bungie has just interviewed Nick Shellhaas, one of their tournament directors, about the organization and events... go read for more details. Thanks to Hookedonhalo for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 09:16:48 UTC)

June 28, 2006 Link to this post

Setting Ambushes
Rockslider continues to eke out new fun on Halo (the original game's second level), with some new info about Hillside entrance battles. Go read! (Louis Wu 14:52:09 UTC)

June 28, 2006 Link to this post

Enjoying Sunrises through Bloodshot Eyes
Remember the guy with the Halo room - he had his walls painted for that immersive experience? (We mentioned him here, Bungie put up a story about him a week later.) mrsmiley, over at Halo Babies, has interviewed him, with some new pics and plenty of new comments. I'm not sure I understand how a guy who says he can't afford a gaming computer spent $3500 outfitting his gaming lair... but that's not my problem, really, that's Mrs. Namloco's. Go read! (Louis Wu 14:16:26 UTC)

June 26, 2006 Link to this post

Halo-related portable media mogul Mintz is the focus of the latest Community Spotlight over at Bungie.net - go read about how far out in the middle of nowhere he actually lives. Dojorkan was first, it seems. (Louis Wu 22:12:13 UTC)

June 22, 2006 Link to this post

MLG Anaheim Preview
There's a preview of the upcoming 4v4 action at MLG Anaheim posted on the MLGPro.com website - go read about the top teams! Thanks, KP. (Louis Wu 14:03:01 UTC)

June 21, 2006 Link to this post

Brevity is the soul of... lots of things.
There's a great rant by Ducain over at High Impact Halo, taking moviemakers to task for not staying focused. He's specifically talking about trick vids, but his words are equally applicable to other categories of films; I don't even want to think about all the times I've suggested that someone re-edit their video footage (to cut out unnecessary material, to focus on the important parts, whatever), only to be told that "well, I don't have the original content any more, so I'm gonna go with what's here." Making videos should be like almost any artistic endeavor - the first cut is almost NEVER worth showing the world. Go read Ducain's words - and if you're a content creator (video, artwork, fan fiction, whatever), take them to heart. (Louis Wu 18:08:24 UTC)

June 20, 2006 Link to this post

Team MoBDeep
Over at MLGPro.com, there's an interview with Team MoBDeep, a relative unknown that came out of nowhere to finish in the top 8 in Dallas. Go read about who they are. Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 13:15:14 UTC)

June 19, 2006 Link to this post

Halogen needs a DVD cover
Blck, of the Halogen team, sent us a note recently about a new contest being held on their site; they're looking for help in creating a DVD cover, and they're putting some EA games and other schwag on the line to help you do it. Go read for details. (Louis Wu 10:43:39 UTC)

June 17, 2006 Link to this post

Team Cobra Kai - I should have known, Frankie cheatz
Frankie's sick, so this week's Update is a bit light - but there's still some good stuff in it. (And KP does a great job of ridiculing some random cheaters for good measure.) Go read - either at Bungie.net, or in our own Weekly Update Archive. (Louis Wu 01:21:37 UTC)

June 16, 2006 Link to this post

Friday's Fanfic
Fourteen (that's 2x7) new pieces of Fan Fiction for you this Friday - go read! (Louis Wu 13:12:19 UTC)

June 15, 2006 Link to this post

Next game's to 343.
The Halo Humpday Challenge writeup is now up over at Bungie.net; HaloPlanet might have won the overall match, but KP did a fine job of finding people on the other team to ridicule. (To the sniper in the first game - don't worry, I feel your pain.) Go read. I'm guessing, though, that by now he's gotten enough private messages for upcoming matches... you can probably stop writing. Frankie, of course, was first (I'm envisioning something like "KP, go get me coffee, then you can post the update"). (Louis Wu 22:44:25 UTC)

June 15, 2006 Link to this post

Halo 2 Vista Details
Over at Bungie.net, there's a new top story - it's a question and answer session about Halo 2 Vista, with info coming from Jo Clowes, project lead for Halo 2 for Windows Vista. The biggest news, as Frankie's notification post headline might suggest, is that Halo 2 for Vista will support dedicated servers - something that should make a LOT of Halo fans happy. There's more info in the Q&A - go read it! (Put on dark glasses before you get to the end, though... there's some NSFW GatesPr0n at the bottom.) (Louis Wu 00:49:20 UTC)

June 12, 2006 Link to this post

SCC Music Contest Redux
Gah. I posted this yesterday... in my mind. (That is: I wrote up the update post, but somehow got distracted before it actually went live.) We mentioned the SCC Music Contest yesterday - later in the day, the actual entries went online over at Bungiefansonline.com. There are lots and lots and lots of them - and each one has a description of the piece by the author, along with comments on the winning pieces by the judges. Go read, go download, go listen! Thanks to both Gods Prophet and Tazmaniandude for letting us know about these - and apologies for not actually POSTING it when I'd meant to. (Louis Wu 11:27:09 UTC)

June 12, 2006 Link to this post

Make No Mistake
Narcogen warns against overenthusiasm in his latest rant at Rampancy.net; there are some great arguments to help you keep a level head about what was (and wasn't) revealed in the Halo 3 Behind the Scenes documentary released recently. Go read. (Louis Wu 10:41:39 UTC)

June 10, 2006 Link to this post

Bad Cyborg Tactics
Rockslider doesn't quit - our forum contains a new post from him, detailing new changes to his Bad Cyborg site. Lots of tactics and tips... go read! (Louis Wu 08:35:41 UTC)

June 10, 2006 Link to this post

Tumbleweeds and Nonagenarians
Tonight's Weekly Update focuses on the XBL playlists (there are still 20 million games of Halo 2 played each month - WOW!), plus info on what's been going on in the office this week, and another great installment of the Waaahmbulance. Go read - at Bungie.net or in our Weekly Update Archive. Frankie, as usual (though not always) was first - though he's stuck true to his 'no more Firsts' pledge after the Halo 3 trailer came out, and has titled this post 'Free Food' or something. (Louis Wu 01:17:50 UTC)

June 9, 2006 Link to this post

Friday's Fanfic
Seventeen new pieces in the Fan Fiction section today - go read. (Louis Wu 11:39:42 UTC)

June 7, 2006 Link to this post

Would That Make Her Katana?
Today's One One Se7en, riffing on a line from the Halo 3 trailer, made me laugh out loud. Then I smacked myself in the head with a board as penance for encouraging Stuntmutt. Go read. (Louis Wu 19:16:37 UTC)

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