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March 30, 2005 Link to this post

Launch Bay X
dg945 points out the release of Launch Bay X, a Halo CE map created by ejburke. You can watch a gameplay movie (19 mb, WMP9 format) or look at some screenshots before downloading the map (which looks pretty slick!). Check it out! Update: The map is also being mirrored at HaloMaps.org (along with a flash version of the movie). (Louis Wu 13:29:00 UTC)

March 25, 2005 Link to this post

Halo Babies has a new strip today - 'Very Punny' makes a grab for some One One Se7en territory. They've also got a news post about Joel 'Gruntsbane' Casebeer's resume going online - with some cool artwork. Check it out! (Louis Wu 15:48:44 UTC)

March 24, 2005 Link to this post

Where's John Madden when you need him?
rockslider continues his study of ways to fight lots and lots and lots of enemies in Halo (the original, not Halo 2) - his latest update looks at Assault on the Control Room, and a number of enjoyable scenarios you can set up. Check it out! (Louis Wu 19:28:35 UTC)

March 22, 2005 Link to this post

Over at HaloDev, you can read about Prometheus - a map editor designed to edit and create maps for Halo, Halo 2, and future games that use the Halo engine. It's not available yet - but there's a page full of info (and a list of Halo modding luminaries working on this that suggests it has a pretty good chance of succeeding). Go check it out - there are 10 screenshots to whet your appetite. (Louis Wu 11:50:19 UTC)

March 19, 2005 Link to this post

Weekly What's Update
A small but informative update this week, over on Bungie.Net. An announcement about a big announcement about DLC, specific info on upcoming cheat and bug fixes, some humonguous stats, and a pretty sad Mister Chief. Like that's any different. Check it out! (mnemesis 00:55:50 UTC)

March 14, 2005 Link to this post

A Worthy Disc
DoctorEvol decided to mill the Seventh Column logo out of solid aluminum. There are a pair of pictures in this post - the circle is 8 inches (20.3 cm) across, the depth of the cut is about a seventh of an inch or so (40 mm). Check it out! (Louis Wu 21:28:26 UTC)

March 14, 2005 Link to this post

Bungie AI Programmer Talks Shop
Damian Isla's talk from the 2005 Game Developers Conference, 'Handling Complexity in the Halo 2 AI', is now online at Gamasutra. If you're not a member (and don't feel like signing up), the Printer-Friendly version does not require a login to view. It's a pretty intense read - but fascinating. Check it out, if you're curious about how character AI works. Thanks, Dan Chosich. (Louis Wu 21:19:22 UTC)

March 14, 2005 Link to this post

New Strategy Guide (and writer) at TalkXbox
Not long ago, we mentioned that TalkXbox.com was looking for a new Strategy writer. One of the applicants (thanks to that news post, apparently) was Sparky - search our news for some of his existing strategy guides. He got the job - and at the moment has a big front-page banner at the top of TalkXbox.com for his Guide to Vehicle Handling (which is NOT the same as the guide of the same name he wrote on our forum last year - this one is totally updated for Halo 2, and contains nice pics and everything). Go check it out! (Louis Wu 13:12:31 UTC)

March 14, 2005 Link to this post

The Philips Phile - Halo Style!
This is one of the oddest things I've seen - but it's pretty fun. There's a talk radio program in the Orlando, FL market called The Philips Phile - they've got a couple of real Halo fans on staff. (In the past, they've sponsored mini tournaments - Motherstooth made this cool trophy for one.) Now, if you visit their homepage, and look for a picture of a Master Chief with an energy sword, you can follow the link to 'Philips Phile - Halo Style'... a series of videos (made by Motherstooth, hosted by That Weasel) starring the characters of the show in Halo machinima. (For the record, all hosting and moviemaking is done by fans - the radio program is not making any money off of this.) It's probably of most interest to those who know (or at least can hear) the show... but for me, it shows the lengths to which fans will go to show their love. Check it out! (Louis Wu 11:46:48 UTC)

March 11, 2005 Link to this post

Bumpmapping in Halo CE - a tutorial
Wow, nice. CrowPath has written up a really nice tutorial on bumpmapping in Halo CE - the first 3 parts of the five-part tutorial are online now, with the last two coming soon. Check it out! Thanks, MasterGrief. (Louis Wu 23:05:14 UTC)

March 8, 2005 Link to this post

I Regret... nothing.
Mike Miller once again comes through - what can arguably be called the most difficult level in Halo 2 now has a Legendary Walkthrough to help you along. Regret went up today - with 15 movies showing you a multitude of techniques that can get you past the hard stuff. Mix them in with Mike's clear writing (and amusing commentary on the things he DOESN'T like) and you end up with a great read, even if (like me) your chances of actually USING this guide to get through the level on Legendary are about as good as Punxsutawney Phil's chances of avoiding humans on February 2. Check it out! (Louis Wu 19:22:46 UTC)

March 8, 2005 Link to this post

Saving Private Cyan - Ep 2
A month ago, TurtleTurtleClan hit the scene with Episode 1 of Saving Private Cyan. Great cinematography, so-so voice acting. Today, they're releasing episode 2 - well, I guess we are releasing it for them. (The last time around, the fans shut 'em down, they loved 'em so much.) Voice acting is much better, cinematography is still great. It remains to be seen how the story will play out - but it's an entertaining film, well worth the download. We've got a QuickTime version for you (640x288, 37.6 mb - mirrors at mythica.org | bungie.org) and a WMP9 version (640x288, 31.4 mb - mirrors at mythica.org | bungie.org). Check it out! And sound off - either in our forum, or in theirs. (Louis Wu 03:05:09 UTC)

March 6, 2005 Link to this post

What Fits Where
Stephen Loftus continues his in-depth analysis of the Halo game world with a piece called 'The Pillar of Autumn Conundrum'. In it, he looks at the UNSC ship with an eye to reconciling various size anomalies - he finds that Bungie did a great job of remaining consistent with scale issues... but took a few liberties in the dimensional arena. The pictures are GORGEOUS. Check it out. (Louis Wu 15:58:58 UTC)

March 4, 2005 Link to this post

Wreaking Havok
Ever wonder why Bungie scrapped its from-the-ground-up physics engine in Halo and incorporated an existing middleware solution known as Havok for Halo 2's physics requirements? Wonder no more. Bungie's put up a sizeable article over at Bungie.net, explaining exactly why they moved to this solution, and what it means for you, the player. There's tons of info - and a glimpse into the life of a big-game programmer or 3. Check it out! (Louis Wu 22:49:22 UTC)

March 2, 2005 Link to this post

Conversations %%! Universe
Included with the Limited Edition of Halo 2 was a booklet titled, "Conversations From The Universe," detailing a few choice bits of interactions between various entities within the Halo universe. A number of folks have mentioned this booklet, and some of the information it contained, in forum posts over the last few months. Over at the Halo Story Page, we've finally completed a transcription of the text, available on our Resources page for your perusal. Unfortunately, we had a kind of electro-magnetic incident here recently and much of the original text was corrupted. We've put up as much as we can at the moment, such as it is, so go check it out and see what you think. (mnemesis 18:28:01 UTC)

February 28, 2005 Link to this post

The Pillar of Autumn, Realized
Stephen Loftus has spent an awful lot of time studying the intricacies of the Halo world - to a degree that some might consider fanatical. In the coming weeks, we'll be bringing you a variety of his speculations and analyses... but to start with, we've put up a page devoted to a 1/1000 scale model of the Pillar of Autumn he's building. This is a work-in-progress; at this point, it's a skeleton of the ship. The detail, however, is astounding... check it out! (Louis Wu 00:00:57 UTC)

February 25, 2005 Link to this post

Brian Jarrard Interview
Singapore news site The Electric New Paper has an interview with Brian Jarrard, Bungie's Community Guy. Will the Master Chief stop the Covenant? Will there be a Halo 3? A Halo movie? Check it out, and see for yourself! (Heh, not that there are many answers, mind you, but there might be a few hints... ;) Thanks to danbrennan.org for the heads-up. Update: Drat, mnemesis got to this before me... I wanted to also point out a discrepancy in one of their 'did you know?' facts. There's a claim that Halo 2 has sold 15 million copies to date; given that as of January 20 (just over a month ago), they'd sold 6.4 million copies worldwide, this number seems a tad unlikely. I suppose as a TOTAL of all Halo-franchise titles it makes sense (they were at 12 million last month)... [-lwu] (mnemesis 17:05:39 UTC)

February 25, 2005 Link to this post

Real Marines Wear Pink
New strip up over at Halo Babies; Baby Sarge is a little... mature for his age, I guess. (There's also a nice concept sketch of the newest character - check it out!) (Louis Wu 13:30:18 UTC)

February 19, 2005 Link to this post

Nightmare Armor - maybe your last chance
Wow. Webshift (the original webmaster for the Nightmare Armor website, but someone who left the team a ways back) is selling his personal Master Chief full body armor on eBay. Starting bid is $2000 (less than half the price a set would have cost you direct from Nightmare Armor, even if they HADN'T stopped selling it), and there's almost 7 days left in the auction. It's silver, and comes with undersuit and boots, and a storage bin. Check it out. (Louis Wu 06:18:02 UTC)

February 16, 2005 Link to this post

LiL Poison - Starting Young
Wonga. Xtournaments has a tidbit on LiL Poison, who at six years old is the youngest signed Pro Gamer in the world. (Apparently, he just signed with MLG.) Check it out! (There's a picture a little ways down the main page.) (Louis Wu 19:43:39 UTC)

February 16, 2005 Link to this post

ODST vid - now via http
More movie stuff - the Project ODST movie we mentioned yesterday now has http mirrors online - and a High-res version. WMP9, 28 mb (the Lo-res is still available, at 12 mb). Forum feedback is quite good - check it out! (Louis Wu 14:50:33 UTC)

February 15, 2005 Link to this post

Stalk The Enemy. (Or your friends.)
SupaPuerco, of mindquirk software, points out his Xbox Live Friends app, a MacOSX-based program that keeps track of your XBL Friends list (when they're online, what their stats are, and so on). It also has a built-in emblem designer. Pretty slick! Check it out; it's only about 600k. (As far as I know, this is the first standalone stats viewer that runs on a Mac.) (Louis Wu 13:51:35 UTC)

February 13, 2005 Link to this post

Sounding Different
A bit ago, Eric Oxenberg submitted a movie he'd made for an audio engineering class in college. It's something a little different; it's footage from the E3 2003 trailer, with all new sound effects, music, and dialogue. It contains over 100 SFX queues. It's not for everyone (the video hasn't been altered at all, it's just new sound), but it's well-done and fun enough that I thought we'd offer a copy. It's available in QuickTime (13.9 mb) and WMP9 (14.2 mb) formats. Check it out! (Louis Wu 15:57:28 UTC)

February 10, 2005 Link to this post

Custom Tourneys - and More
Wow. Frankie pointed out a new article on Bungie.net that gets down and dirty with RSS feeds - it's an interview with the guys who run the DeFAS.org website about the tools they're developing that use Bungie's RSS feeds in new and innovative ways. Go check it out! (Louis Wu 01:32:19 UTC)

February 9, 2005 Link to this post

A new Rockslide Megabattle
Wow. rockslider has updated his Rockslide Megabattle website, with yet another setup you can try for fighting huge numbers of baddies in the original Halo. Check it out! (Thread is here on our forum, for comments.) If you don't know what a Rockslide Megabattle is... explore his site. (Louis Wu 22:22:02 UTC)

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