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Search results for Heh

Showing results 576 - 600 of 751 matches

February 27, 2004 Link to this post

45 Seconds Too Short
Hehe - there's a new Halo Babies comic up - and I gotta say, I've been there. Oh, yeah, I've been there. Note that this week, while the art is still Gruntsbane's, the strip was written by a fan, vmanjr. Nice to be using community input! (Louis Wu 12:05:19 UTC)

February 22, 2004 Link to this post

Got a N00blar? You're FUBAR.
In just long enough to notice a new Subzero Chronicles comic - hehe, I played in a game like this today. Thanks, MarkHawk. Update: should have read the whole thread... MarkHawk points out a new wallpaper, as well. (Louis Wu 01:55:04 UTC)

February 20, 2004 Link to this post

For the ten billionth time...
Since so many people are still confused: HaloBabies is offline. If you go to the site, it will ask for a password. "Offline" here does not mean literally unpowered, it means the site is not fully operational and does not have comics on it. The operators are overhauling the content and it should return pretty soon. There is nothing we at HBO can do about this. So, please stop emailing us... Update:Hehe - see above. Count Zero was completely right to post this - we've been getting a ridiculous amount of mail demanding to know why the Halo Babies website was password-protected until today - and why we hadn't posted more news about this. The timing on his post, compared to the relaunch of the site, is amusing. (Count Zero 06:37:46 UTC)

February 19, 2004 Link to this post

Cortana.org is back
Looks like Cortana.org has come back online. It's positioned to be a file repository for Halo mods... once the Halo Editing Kit gets released. For now, it's just a design - go check it out! Update: Hehe - looks like I got corrected. :) There's a new news post up at the site explaining what it's REALLY about. (Louis Wu 17:06:01 UTC)

February 5, 2004 Link to this post

Calvin would be proud.
Hehe - Mad Cow (and cohorts) created a huge 7th Column Snowman recently - check out the pics on our forum! (Louis Wu 18:23:40 UTC)

February 3, 2004 Link to this post

Because it's there.
Hehe - people are STILL going where nobody's gone before. Ducain jumped into our forum with a pictorial explanation of a climb he did on Silent Cartographer. I've never seen pics of anyone getting up to that particular spot before. Glad to see folks are STILL exploring! (Louis Wu 01:16:14 UTC)

January 30, 2004 Link to this post

Halo 2 - Free
Hehe - c0ld vengeance is offering to pre-order Halo 2 for one lucky forumgoer. Guess the release date, win the game. Read the rules in his forum post. (Louis Wu 13:57:26 UTC)

January 21, 2004 Link to this post

Hang 'em High - from scratch
Ragnarock sent us a couple of pictures of a 3dsmax version of Hang 'em High he built for a class last year. They look amazing. (He was planning on using the model in a cg movie... but got busy.) Take a look at these shots; they're great! (Louis Wu 20:26:01 UTC)

January 21, 2004 Link to this post

Aquaduct 2 - closer still
Hehe - PfhorSlayer tempts the Macheads in the audience with screenshots of Aquaduct 2 - even though you can't actually download the app yet. Looks like a dream... I might even have to try XboxConnect again. :) (Louis Wu 16:48:06 UTC)

January 17, 2004 Link to this post

The Second Coming
Hehe - Bachus pointed out that the latest d+pad (a web comic) has a Halo 2 theme to it. Got a chuckle out of me... (Louis Wu 02:19:14 UTC)

January 6, 2004 Link to this post

Video Hijinx
Hehe - I read the article this morning, but managed to overlook the fact that it was Halo news. Ouch! Thanks to Rams, of BGH, and Dinky, for pointing out the error of my ways. Gamespy posted a 'Year in Video' article, in which they ranked what they considered to be the top 10 game videos of 2003. Halo 2's E3 trailer came in at number 2, trailing only the Half-Life 2 E3 gameplay video. Not too shabby! (Louis Wu 03:04:47 UTC)

December 27, 2003 Link to this post

CobaltNova - reopening for business?
Hehe - yesterday, we posted a news article about a new poll being run by CobaltNova (the 7th Column chapter), looking for predictions about 2004. I wondered, at the time, if this was an interesting way to re-enter the Halo community after the sudden shutdown of operations last month - and an entry by CobaltNova himself suggests it might be. "CobaltNova.com will become a repository for Halo based art with the announcement of monthly prizes for the best work." Hmm... and if you VISIT CobaltNova.com, you'll find a new design, plenty of brand-new news, and (non-functioning, but visible) a section of the navbar devoted to 'Halo Artisans'. Way to slip it in under the radar, Emil. :) (Louis Wu 09:57:23 UTC)

December 19, 2003 Link to this post

Higher Education Aid
Hehe - Putamee says Halo got him in to college. Not bad... (Louis Wu 16:56:52 UTC)

December 19, 2003 Link to this post

Mistakes Always Come Back
Guess who's back in Halo: Resolution? Hehe - I'm not tellin'... (Louis Wu 11:52:38 UTC)

November 28, 2003 Link to this post

A tribute, eh?
Hehe - the Story page boys get a nod from 343GS.com today, with the latest installment of echofournineteen, their ongoing comic. (Check the Downloads section.) Thanks, Madda Cheeb. (Louis Wu 21:50:27 UTC)

November 24, 2003 Link to this post

HBO Server Lag.
Heh. Stuntmutt takes one final shot at the absurd length of the Guest queue in today's One One Se7en. (Later today, the Archive will open, and SHOULD take care of that problem once and for all.) (Louis Wu 13:57:14 UTC)

November 19, 2003 Link to this post

Weapon Of Choice
Halo: Resolution takes a shot (hehe) at the needler as a weapon; check out today's strip. (Louis Wu 10:20:22 UTC)

November 15, 2003 Link to this post

CVG sticks its tongue out
Hehe - Computer and Video Games takes a shot at all the websites who fell over themselves to report the rumors of a 2003 Halo 2 release or an XBL-enabled Halo release in their description of the whole 'Halo Deluxe' rumor fiasco. Pretty funny article. Thanks to Ash, who found it on Shacknews. (Louis Wu 11:50:16 UTC)

November 14, 2003 Link to this post

Happy Birthday, John
Hehe - Halobabies.net has put up a new comic, in honor of tomorrow's 2-year anniversary of Halo - I certainly cracked a smile. Take a look! (Louis Wu 21:31:30 UTC)

November 5, 2003 Link to this post

Group Singleplayer
There's an article on 'Hot-Seat Gaming' over at Xbox.com - and one of the suggested events is a Maw run. Check it out. Thanks to Rendar for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 20:18:22 UTC)

November 5, 2003 Link to this post

Bits and pieces
Hehe - Finn calls it a drop in the bucket... but it looks pretty big to me. Check out the Halo Story page for the latest speculation. (Louis Wu 19:16:44 UTC)

November 2, 2003 Link to this post

Boxing MC
Hehe - goatrope figured out how to make the MC melee with no weapons. Okay, it's just for show, but it's still pretty cool looking. Check out this forum thread (more pics farther down, as well). (Louis Wu 14:31:02 UTC)

October 30, 2003 Link to this post

Local version of chat log now up
Busy morning, but I've finally gotten around to formatting our own copy of the CPL chat last night. (Hehe - I had to go back to this one to remember some formatting I'd used before...) I realize there are half-a-dozen other versions out there, but my long-term experience says that if it's not local, it's not available after a while. (Louis Wu 15:27:52 UTC)

October 24, 2003 Link to this post

The Devil's game - or something you can't live without?
Hehe - Konrad9 points out a pair of print articles mentioning Halo; one is in Ladies' Home Journal, and discusses the damage games do to kids, and the other is in Popular Science (or Mechanics - he's not sure), and looks at LCD screens for consoles (so that you can 'take Halo on the road'). It's all in your perspective... (Louis Wu 16:50:26 UTC)

October 21, 2003 Link to this post

The reviews continue
Two more reviews - this time from Rampancy.net (who got 'em from Blue's News, hehe): LoadedInc and deadalfs. LoadedInc was pretty disappointed, deadalfs enjoyed it, mostly. More screenshots in the queue... it never ends. (Louis Wu 21:05:05 UTC)

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