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Search results for Heh

Showing results 551 - 575 of 751 matches

September 1, 2004 Link to this post

How NOT to play Halo 2
Hehe - Ross Mills just got back from Gamestars Live... and it sounds like there were some organizational issues. Pretty odd... in all the hands-on reports from all the various sites hosting Halo 2 gameplay that we've seen, this is the first really negative one - and it comes from a pretty hardcore Halo fan. Sometimes, there ain't no justice. (Louis Wu 18:52:40 UTC)

August 22, 2004 Link to this post

The Hornet - in action
Hehe - d3fault_dot_xbe has taken one of Roger Wilco's concept models and begun to insert it into Halo CE. Nice! Heads-up goes to MasterGrief, who found it on the Gearbox forums. Remember - Roger Wilco created those models more than 2 years ago. Wonderful! (Louis Wu 14:43:50 UTC)

August 18, 2004 Link to this post

Laughing Llama
Hehe - a late afternoon post by bentllama on his recently-unveiled blog points out a thread on the CGTalk forums in which a Toronto resident explained how to get into a press-only Halo 2 showing. (The event ended yesterday, so don't bother going down now.) Goes to show... hang around in the right crowd, you might get wind of stuff that's pretty interesting... (Louis Wu 11:00:52 UTC)

August 5, 2004 Link to this post

Flight of...
Hehe - Roger Wilco seems to be as tired of a certain buzz-inducer as we are. (Louis Wu 15:00:21 UTC)

July 23, 2004 Link to this post

Flight of the Marine
No, no, I was right... it's Movie Day. Hehe - if you wondered why folks thinking about entering High Impact Halo's The 3 Towers competition were happy to hear that Dark Helmet was a judge, and couldn't compete... watch this video (15.3 mb, WMV format) showing how it's done, with s7yle. (For you WMP-haters out there, I've ripped a QT version - 16.8 mb.) Thanks to Ash for pointing this puppy out. Update: Gah. Looks like Dark Helmet posted it himself on our forum, last night. Sorry, DH! (Louis Wu 09:51:51 UTC)

July 13, 2004 Link to this post

The bar continues to go up
Falcon Zero has tried his hand at HUDless Megabattle pics... some really nice pieces in there. Check 'em out! Update: Hehe - nice one from Mothergoat, as well, using his home-brewed Decoy map. (Louis Wu 11:54:36 UTC)

July 7, 2004 Link to this post

Dual Wielding in Halo
Heh - pretty cool! Veegie and Madrox have begun work on a dual-wielding mod for Halo - there are a couple of short movies available in the Halomods thread (wmp9 format). This looks like it'll be a lot of fun! It's not clear from the thread or either movie whether this is Halo CE or Xbox. Thanks to FOrunnER for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 08:03:55 UTC)

July 5, 2004 Link to this post

Everybody loves eggs
Hehe - Pico has found an egg in the recently-announced SP-to-MP conversion of AotCR, by nukedude... and while it was designed to be unattainable without cheating, nukedude has stated that there IS a way to get it (but he won't tell anyone how). Can YOU find the way? Personally, I'm more interested in the concept of a melee-only weapon in GENERAL - creating a map with ONLY this weapon would enforce the melee-only gametype we try (using the honor system) at local lanfests. (Louis Wu 08:14:48 UTC)

July 1, 2004 Link to this post

Polygonal Beauty
Hehe - TeamXbox is running a feature called 'Top Ten Xbox Babes'... and Halo's Cortana makes number 9. Not bad for a hologram! Thanks, daedalus. (Louis Wu 11:33:44 UTC)

June 30, 2004 Link to this post

XboxOttawa says Bring It
Hehe - the Fire Team Charlie boyz have a whole bunch of goodies to give away, and they've finally settled on how they're gonna do it. Play 'em on XBC, 2v2, and beat 'em, and you win stuff. That simple! There are some very reasonable rules laid out on the contest page - go make sure you're not breaking any! Thanks to Dr Lime, at HaloPlanet, for pointing it out. (Louis Wu 13:30:15 UTC)

June 25, 2004 Link to this post

Wait... I thought that shot bullets?
Hehe - pretty cool. ThinkGeek sells a green laser pointer, and accepts 'Action Shots' - the combination led one Halo fan to send in this very slick shot. Thanks, Troy Conrad, for letting us know! (Louis Wu 08:37:54 UTC)

June 22, 2004 Link to this post

Tiniest Update Ever!
Hehe - looks like Frankie posted a mini-update over an the Underground forum. One item - but it's great to hear! (Thanks, Jager.) (Louis Wu 22:30:20 UTC)

June 15, 2004 Link to this post

Goodies for Music
Hehe - Xraf posted a note on Bungie.net's Underground forum, with lyrics for a song called 'We Will Frag You', set to Queen's 'We Will Rock You'. Sketchfactor jumped in and offered a bonus:

Someone record it to music and send in an .mp3 of it! I'll send you a prize. =)

Sounds like a deal! (I'd guess that the offer only applies to the first mp3 he receives, though I don't know for sure; you might wanna check with him for details.) (Louis Wu 15:16:50 UTC)

June 15, 2004 Link to this post

Rejected Halo 2 Ideas
Hehe - nice. Owl found a fun Halo-related issue of Aikida, a web comic. Good stuff. (Louis Wu 01:42:06 UTC)

May 28, 2004 Link to this post

That's just not right.
Hehe - very nice. Sketchfactor points out a new Zoe-created Wallpaper, entitled 'WortWortWortHog', on the Bungie.net Wallpaper page. Nice composition! Thanks, Caligula Caesar. (And thanks, Evil Otto, for the inspiration!) (Louis Wu 01:00:23 UTC)

May 4, 2004 Link to this post

I need driving lessons
Hehe - new Flash game from Z, of Xbox Ottawa; it's called Banshee Chase, and it's a top-down driving game (avoid the gravestones - yeah, I know they're not gravestones). It's tiny; we haven't asked, but we'd be happy to host this. At the moment, though, you can find it at Newgrounds. Go play! (Louis Wu 21:49:17 UTC)

April 26, 2004 Link to this post

Sudden catastrophic wha?? yecch!
Keen eyes among the hardcore Bungie fan community were aware that The Man, or I guess, the Ex-Man (heh), Alex Seropian was secretly planning to head up a new game company. He left Bungie back in 2002 and many of us wondered if he could really quit the gaming business after being in the thick of it for so many years. Well I guess not because his secret plans are no longer secret. You can read the press release regarding his new venture here. Most pertinent is that Wideload's first game will be based on the Halo engine! Stick around as we will have an exclusive interview with one of the founding fathers of Bungie later today. Update: another article has surfaced, this time on CNN's Money site; I find it fascinating that 7 of the current 11 team members at Wideload are ex-Bungie employees. Dun dun dun... (Thanks, Akilo) (Ding 07:46:12 UTC)

April 13, 2004 Link to this post

I think I want Clippy back
Hehe - seems some people have had trouble with the new bungie.net... Preston the Cyberdog discovered a hard-to-find secret feature of the new site, and took a screen (203K). Only from Microsoft... (Louis Wu 12:33:09 UTC)

April 11, 2004 Link to this post

Nightmare Easter Update
Whoa - bunch of new stuff at Nightmare Armor... Easter Egg helmets (hehe), and some pics of NEW work; a Grunt helmet? I want, I want! (Also, a very nice pair of shots of the Rocket Launcher. Coming along!) Thanks to {SS}Zag1 for the heads-up. Update: AAAA, I'm jealous. Dolbex visited the Nightmare Armor guys this weekend, and just posted a writeup of that visit (complete with some awesome pics) on his Been Mawed site. Go read it - and check out some really unique images! (Louis Wu 17:40:01 UTC)

April 1, 2004 Link to this post

Ducain continues his pretty awesome experimentation with Warthog-assisted flying; the latest movie is just under 10 mb, 2:48 long, in WMP9 format. The forum post contains a pair of links to find it at. I'm amazed that there are STILL ways to blow things up that produce results I've never seen before... Update: Ducain added a small movie (2.3 mb) showing a pretty slick final cliff jump. It's similar to one done by Frogblast oh so long ago... except that 1) it's in single player, and 2) he STARTS at the top, so grenades are a bit... scarcer. Very nicely done! (Louis Wu 11:20:35 UTC)

March 31, 2004 Link to this post

Pac WHO?
Hehe - here's a fun little Halo-related flash thingy... Nice work from the HaloNATION team. Heads-up from HuMaN_fLy in our forum. (Louis Wu 18:40:46 UTC)

March 27, 2004 Link to this post

Weekly WHAT?
Hehe - isn't it always that way? This week, the Bungie Weekly Update is right here at HBO... and I'm too busy playing Death Island CTF on Homelan_HBO_East to get it posted. OUCH! Go read it - it's full of tasty morsels about dual needlers, glass shaders on the Pelican, and flank-forcing. Rockin'! (Louis Wu 01:26:54 UTC)

March 13, 2004 Link to this post

I'm what you used to be.
Sports fan Lophan sent in this Halo sighting, on ESPN's website. Frank Wiley wrote a column about trash-talking... and apparently, among sports fans, Halo lines are a common form. Hehe. (Louis Wu 12:43:00 UTC)

March 5, 2004 Link to this post

Connect the Dots, Capture the Baddies
Hehe - this is a nice twist. J Squared has submitted a Halo Dot Game; download this image and print it out, and you and a friend can play this classic pencil-and-paper game with a twist. Connect the dots to close off boxes... but this time, there are Covenant forces inside some, and you get bonus points for capturing them. 372 kb jpeg, suitable for printing at 8.5 x 11 at 300 dpi. Enjoy! (Louis Wu 10:03:05 UTC)

March 2, 2004 Link to this post

I don't remember that gun from Sonic...
EmptyShadows found a new piece of Halo-related fan art - The Master Chief vs Shadow. hehe... nice. (Louis Wu 00:36:04 UTC)

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