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Search results for Heh

Showing results 476 - 500 of 751 matches

August 1, 2005 Link to this post

DG says hold off a few weeks
Daily Game has reviewed the Multiplayer Map Pack - and found it wanting. "Plenty of fun, but you're better off waiting for them to become freebies." Read the whole review for details. (Hehe - they can say this - they're PLAYING the maps right now.) (Louis Wu 11:20:29 UTC)

July 31, 2005 Link to this post

Popular Halo Sightings
Vella pointed out that there's a really small Halo mention in the latest Wired - in the Found section (a 'Last Page' feature of Wired which shows 'Artifacts from the Future'), there's a shot of the crossword puzzle from an edition of the New York Times in 2019. 65 Across is 'First video game to nab Oscar: "______ 4"'... and the answer is filled in already, as 'Halo'. Heh. This is online at Wired's site. (Thanks to Dzejms, who reminded me I hadn't posted it yet.) (Louis Wu 19:04:41 UTC)

July 26, 2005 Link to this post

I'm a Dancing Fool
Hehe - TheGhost posted a short film (3.2 mb in WMP9 format, 2.8 mb in QuickTime format - smaller because I didn't bother to include a blank audio track) showing some pretty funny animation. A couple of forum regulars called 'foul' (Mig and Steve both suggested that this was rigged elsewhere, and overlaid over a Blood Gulch background, instead of actually being recorded in-game)... but whether it's real or not is irrelevant when you're deciding if it's funny (which it is). Go watch! (Louis Wu 16:22:34 UTC)

July 25, 2005 Link to this post

GT video preview of MMP
Gametrailers has posted a video preview of the Multiplayer Map Pack - nice footage, mostly decent descriptions (Hehe - I liked that Gemini was influenced by 'High Clarity') - but their bottom-line advice: because the maps will be free by the end of August, buying them now is a waste of money. This download is about 40 mb, in QuickTime or WMP9 formats. Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 16:11:19 UTC)

June 30, 2005 Link to this post

Where's their sense of History?
Gamespy is counting down the Top 25 Xbox Games of All-Time (hehe - or since 2001, I guess) - Halo made #6. Halo 2 hasn't been mentioned yet. Thanks, Spenser. (Louis Wu 11:17:24 UTC)

June 8, 2005 Link to this post

The Lost Humpday
Last week's Halo Humpday Challenge never happened; or maybe it just got postponed. There was a challenge match between Bungie and the Halo Babies crew last night, however. (mrsmiley spammed his Friends list last week, telling us not to bother him, because they were preparing for this match - Thursday, I think - so maybe something came up that kept it from taking place until now.) There's no writeup at either halobabies.net or bungie.net yet - but thanks to Bestmasterchief, you can look at the stats for the three games right now. They split the first two games, and the third (team slayer) was a squeaker... but Halobabies pulled it out, 2 out of 3. Nice going, guys! Update: mrsmiley has posted a writeup of the event on Halo Babies now - he takes great pleasure in showing off a nice triple kill in hi-res glory, and coming really close to calling Bungie cheaters on game 2. Hehe - let's see how this turns out in the Bungie writeup! (Louis Wu 14:59:04 UTC)

June 7, 2005 Link to this post

ODST.net Summer League Promo Vid
ODST.net has put up a promo vid for their upcoming Summer League - you can find a link in this forum post. (Hehe - clever way to release a montage vid.) 11.2 mb, WMP9 format. (Louis Wu 10:05:50 UTC)

May 30, 2005 Link to this post

The Hand that Feeds
It's the end of the month, and we happen to have a bit of bandwidth left over. So I went through some of the recent rejections from the Movie Peer Review Rating System, and I found a film I wanted to post. Partly, it's because I enjoyed it - it's the story of the Arbiter, set to 'The Hand that Feeds', by Nine Inch Nails. It mixes cutscene footage with gameplay footage, and does a nice job synching the music to the action. Partly, though, I was hugely amused by some of the comments this film received from reviewers - it taught me that context is EVERYTHING. You need to understand that this film, put together by Epyon, uses cutscene footage from our Cutscene Library, and gameplay footage, taken from Mike Miller's Legendary Walkthrough. None of the footage is original to this film. (That's not what makes it funny, though that IS what disqualified it in the eyes of several reviewers.) The funny part is this: the footage, while recognized by some reviewers, was totally missed by others - there were comments like "this whole thing was just cutscenes with mediocre gameplay mixed in," or even better, "Try doing gameplay footage on legendary, and pull off some awesome moves, like Mike Miller on the Legendary walkthroughs." My eyes were watering, reading this stuff. So it seems only fair to release the film and let others see it, as well. It's 15.3 mb in QuickTime format, or 15.7 mb in WMP9 format. (I guess Mike's gameplay looks much more awesome when viewed in the context of the walkthrough itself...) And for anyone who doesn't believe Mike has what it takes, after seeing his footage put together like this, I'd remind you of clips like this (in QT, or if you'd rather, in WMP9) - it's all in how you look at it. Okay, back to hotdogs and chicken wings - I hope you're all enjoying this Memorial Day! (Louis Wu 18:08:00 UTC)

May 23, 2005 Link to this post

Guide for MLG Beginners
Hehe - Vapor wrote up a short little guide for surviving in MLG Custom games (mostly for folks who can't). A couple of things I wouldn't have thought of in there (like the fact that even though it takes 4 bursts to the head to take out an opponent with a battle rifle, it STILL only takes 4 bursts if the first three hit the body; only the last needs to hit the head). Go read. (Louis Wu 14:53:03 UTC)

May 15, 2005 Link to this post

Zelda mod coming along
Hehe - the Zelda Ocarina of Time mod being created for Halo CE is progressing nicely, as can be seen in the screenshots in this thread on the Gearbox forums. Still a ways from being done, but what's there is quite impressive! Thanks, MasterGrief. (Louis Wu 18:57:59 UTC)

May 12, 2005 Link to this post

New meaning to 'High Speed Halo'
Hehe - hokeywebb22 came across a pretty fun truck, over at blennus.com... (Louis Wu 19:35:14 UTC)

May 11, 2005 Link to this post

Choose Your Covernant.
Hehe - Uncle Clive (a British gaming site) had its own recommendation for last week's elections in Britain... it's currently on the top of the page. Thanks, Lothar Hex. (Louis Wu 15:40:57 UTC)

May 10, 2005 Link to this post

Halo Custom for Forza
Hehe - nice! 3Suns found a fun Forza custom car that's pretty Halo-related at Tabwin.com. At the moment, it's no the front page, 7th row (!!), first column... but if it moves, here's a direct link. That baby's probably pretty fast... (Louis Wu 22:50:14 UTC)

May 7, 2005 Link to this post

Music comes into its own
Interesting article about game soundtracks over at the Hollywood Reporter; the focus is on the Hitman series, and its composer... but Halo 2, with sales of 120,000 copies for its first volume (12 times the average sales of a game soundtrack), is used as a benchmark. Thanks to Greg O'Connor-Read, of Music 4 Games, for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 10:04:47 UTC)

April 19, 2005 Link to this post

THAT wasn't supposed to happen...
Hehe - oops... If you visit the GameInformer preview we mentioned earlier, and head to the Media page, you'll find a 17.7 mb film labeled 'Sanctuary #2'. Somebody's gonna get yelled at - cause this ain't Sanctuary at all... it's Gemini, one of the five maps slated for release in late June. It's a really dark video, and if you don't grab it soon, it probably won't be there (I'm guessing as soon as someone realizes the booboo, it'll go bye-bye), but for the lucky few, this is a bonus attributable to human error. (Thanks to Apocalidiot and chaosknight514 for pointing this out - I wasn't going to watch the GI films until tomorrow.) (Louis Wu 03:22:50 UTC)

April 15, 2005 Link to this post

New content at Halo Babies today - the second half of the Spam comic series is up (hehe - made ME chuckle), and there's some non-Halo-related material from Gruntsbane, showing off what he does when he's NOT drawing the Babies. Go see! (Louis Wu 13:25:13 UTC)

April 9, 2005 Link to this post

He's showing up in the oddest places...
Hehe - now THERE'S an energy sword. (Louis Wu 13:54:12 UTC)

April 9, 2005 Link to this post

Elite Fight
Hehe - the first movie approval by the new MPRRS has been issued - and it's for a movie I meant to post a month ago (in a slightly smaller form), but forgot. I guess that means the system works! Check out Zukan's Elite Fight (QuickTime, 10.7 mb), a short but intense battle betweem a pair of elites. (He originally posted a smaller, less polished version in our forums in early March.) And to give you an idea about how the system works - here's the feedback page generated by our movie peer review rating system. From submission to approval (a movie needs 7 reviews, and a non-public minimum score, to pass) was about 3 and a quarter hours! Here's hoping that the sort of feedback provided by our volunteers will make ALL submissions better. (Louis Wu 11:13:29 UTC)

April 8, 2005 Link to this post

Wait! I lost him!
Hehe - today's Halo Babies is the first of a two-part strip, looking at what can only be described as spam. (If you look closely, I got a kill.) (Louis Wu 12:56:54 UTC)

April 7, 2005 Link to this post

The Art of Bryn Casey
Bryn Casey, who posts online as ofthehi77, has created quite a bit of traditional-media art focused on Halo over the past couple of years. We liked it enough that we decided to put up a gallery page for him; he'll be adding to it over time. Most of these pieces have been seen, either posted here in our Miscellaneous Art collection, or on our forum, or at Yayap.com - but now they're all in one place, broken out by medium. Browse the collection - there's some really nice stuff in there! (Louis Wu 19:14:52 UTC)

April 6, 2005 Link to this post

Wonderboy - again
Hehe. In mid-March, we put up a copy of a Halo 2 vid telling the story of Wonderboy, Tenacious D's mythical hero. It was the second Wonderboy vid we'd posted; the first went up in mid-2003. Now, there's a third. Team Legacy Productions has put together their OWN version... timing's quite nice. You can grab a WMP9 version (14.8 mb) or a QuickTime version (14.5 mb). Let the Wonderboy competition commence! (Louis Wu 14:57:51 UTC)

April 2, 2005 Link to this post

Out of Hang 'em High
Ragnarocker found a new trick - getting out of Hang 'em High. It's not very long - under 10 seconds - but it's available in both MASSIVE 1280x1024 format (2.1 mb) and a more reasonable 640x512 (1.1 mb). Good times! (Louis Wu 17:00:52 UTC)

March 31, 2005 Link to this post

Halo 2 Glow Effect in Halo CE
Hehe - SuperSunny has figured out a way to bring the Halo 2 glow effect (light reflecting off the ground) to Halo CE. The innovation doesn't stop! Thanks, MasterGrief. (Louis Wu 14:47:12 UTC)

March 30, 2005 Link to this post

Halo Stats on your Pocket PC
Hehe - when you absolutely, positively, can't go another minute without your stats... view 'em on your Pocket PC. Thanks to HaloPlanet for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 16:12:12 UTC)

March 29, 2005 Link to this post

Searching has never been easier.
Hehe - nice. prometheus has whipped up a Firefox plugin that lets you search HBO's news archive right from your browser's search box! We're flattered. (Well, okay, I'm flattered. I can't imagine the rest of the staff cares.) If you use Firefox, grab this! (Louis Wu 20:03:02 UTC)

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