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Search results for Heh

Showing results 351 - 375 of 751 matches

December 11, 2006 Link to this post

Abusedgoat's Megamix
Z wrote to point out Abusedgoat's Megamix - a montage that includes 10 different maps (it's not just Lockout and Midship!) and some nice editing. Abusedgoat's pretty darned good with the stickies... and he's a master spawnkiller on Turf. (Heh - he's a pretty good sniper all around, but there's a Kilimanjaro or two that wouldn't have happened with more random spawnpoints...) WMP9 format, 146 mb. (Louis Wu 18:11:00 UTC)

December 9, 2006 Link to this post

A noble prechour named Mayster Cheeve
Heh - did you know Geoffrey Chaucer had a blog? And that he played Halo? Me either. Thanks, Anton P. Nym. (Louis Wu 21:59:52 UTC)

December 7, 2006 Link to this post

Halo Hamlet.
Jordan117 did some creative writing. Heh. (Louis Wu 21:13:51 UTC)

December 7, 2006 Link to this post

The Best of the Halouvre - a new gallery
Yesterday, Bungie.net posted a small note about the Halouvre, and how it had just celebrated its 2nd birthday. Since we mentioned that celebration a week ago, I figured I'd pass on this - but JeBr0nie made me look again... and there IS something of note that's new in that post; the Halouvre has opened a new section, called 'The Best of The Halouvre', nailing down some of the most impressive HUDless shots they've collected. If you've found their large collection daunting, check out this best-of gallery - it's a great way in! Update: looks like the site's down (probably for bandwidth over-consumption) at the moment... not a good sign, given that we're only one week into the month. (Louis Wu 17:12:30 UTC)

December 7, 2006 Link to this post

Hold? Wow.
Heh - Ross Mills found a funny shirt. Be sure you read the description UNDER the shirt. (Louis Wu 16:54:03 UTC)

December 7, 2006 Link to this post

VGRC reviews Halo, HaloPC
Heh - it's never too late to find new reviews. We got word from Dennis Wyman of VGRC.net that they've got reviews of both Halo (Xbox) and Halo (PC) online; the games earned 9.0/10 and 9.5/10, respectively. Go read 'em! (Louis Wu 14:23:45 UTC)

December 5, 2006 Link to this post

You Can't HANDLE The Speculation!
In case you're not TOTALLY overloaded with Halo stuff today, Jillybean has submitted a massive update to the Halo Story Page - lots of goodies in there. She's doing her best to flood your senses... (heh? get it? Flo- oh, never mind.) (Louis Wu 16:20:22 UTC)

December 4, 2006 Link to this post

Don't Hold Your Breath
Heh - Paul Maestri has some advice for the most strident among those of us waiting for the beta... check out today's Halo Heads. (Louis Wu 20:13:56 UTC)

November 27, 2006 Link to this post

The Dustiest of Trails
Heh - today's RPG-TV looks at the Halo 2/Gears of War XBL rivalry... should bring a chuckle. Thanks, Kotaku. (Louis Wu 01:01:19 UTC)

November 16, 2006 Link to this post

That's just... big.
Heh - if you're interested in a super-high-resolution version of the campaign screenshot released yesterday (uncompressed TIFF format, 5120x2880, 28 mb), you can find one over at HaloPlanet. Nice! (Louis Wu 16:17:41 UTC)

November 16, 2006 Link to this post

1Up puts up THEIR Halo screens
Heh - I should check ALL mail before posting. Looks like 1Up decided to go ahead and release all the new assets they have, since they're already out there on the web. (There's been no announcement from Bungie yet about this content, but I'm guessing it'll come today.) Oddly, though the news post says they've released concept art and renders, I can only find the new screens - but maybe that'll change soon. Anyway, thanks to Black Six for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 15:11:39 UTC)

November 14, 2006 Link to this post

Curb Stompers
Heh - when I saw the title of the latest Halo Heads, I thought it would be Gears of War-related. Nope... it's a shot at the PS3 availability... and the hubris of certain Sony execs. Funny stuff... unless you're in line right now. (Louis Wu 19:41:44 UTC)

November 12, 2006 Link to this post

H5K Project
Chryton noticed an advertisement for the H5K Project, a Halo 2 tournament in Bowling Green, Kentucky, on November 27-29. $35 to register, $5000 first prize. More details on their website. (Louis Wu 17:05:17 UTC)

November 7, 2006 Link to this post

Heh - the new EU commercial for the Xbox 360, Cops and Robbers, shows some cars with nicely customized license plates. Gears of War, 1106 (wait, that's NOW!), and Halo 3, 07 (sounds about right) - fun homage! Nice catch by Wolverine Monkey. (Screengrabs in this post.) (Louis Wu 02:41:50 UTC)

November 1, 2006 Link to this post

I don't think that's regulation.
Heh - A tech writer at Microsoft took some photos in her building's lobby yesterday. Poor Chief! Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 15:13:10 UTC)

October 31, 2006 Link to this post

Git 'er done.
Heh - there's an editorial at Cinema Blend today about how Halo (the movie) could make a billion dollars. Okay, that's probably a stretch. The gist, however, is solid - there are a LOT of gamers, they WANT to see a good movie, whoever nails it first is gonna make a mint. And Halo has everything going for it. Here's hoping the funding comes through! (Louis Wu 16:32:36 UTC)

October 30, 2006 Link to this post

UNSCDF Contest Winners Announced
Thanks to Saint, who noticed (heh) that the UNSCDF Fan Fiction Contest winners have been posted; congrats to the 5 winners (including Saint), each of whom will receive a signed copy of Ghosts of Onyx. (Louis Wu 14:17:16 UTC)

October 26, 2006 Link to this post

Hired Gun - Number One with a Bullet
While I slept (heh - right now, I'm not doing much else), KP dashed around to all the team members working on Halo 2 Vista (codenamed 'Hired Gun'), and asked 'em a few questions for you. Go meet the guys (of both sexes) that are gonna be bringing you this masterpiece in just a very few months! (Louis Wu 13:10:46 UTC)

October 18, 2006 Link to this post

Halo Owl
Jake Meents pointed out a Halo-related strip from the webcomic Oxygen Deficient. Heh - been there, done that. (Louis Wu 13:46:17 UTC)

October 6, 2006 Link to this post

I wonder how long that took to film?
Heh - very cool, and almost TOTALLY off-topic. Zugy found a video showing live-action Space Invaders; this is one of those things that shows up in your email inbox and (usually) puts a smile on your face. I get to post it because they decided to use the shield recharging sound effect at the end of each round. (Yeah, I know... it's a stretch. Go watch anyway, because it's really fun.) (Louis Wu 10:19:05 UTC)

October 6, 2006 Link to this post

Chalky Chief
Heh - cool; 'spu7n1k', in Singapore, drew a nice Master Chief in chalk outside his door - just watch that dog! Thanks, Ryan -117. (Louis Wu 10:03:19 UTC)

October 5, 2006 Link to this post

Inafune - Remaking Halo
3Suns points out a feature at Kotaku - an interview with Keiji Inafune, a longtime Capcom bigwig who's currently working on Lost Planet.

"I really wanted to do something as cool as Halo. I'm a big Halo fan, but not well know in Japan. It's very interesting, but very American. But we wanted to do something that had more of a Japanese flavor. That's why we added robots. In America, mech-type robots are not so cool. Just look at the mechs in The Matrix."

Capcom said it couldn't sell it. It was "just a mech game," but Inafune contested that it wasn't just a mech game. It was his take on Halo.

Apparently, even though his bosses told him he couldn't do it, he went ahead anyway - "The buildings are separte, so managers aren't able to check everything they do". Heh. Interesting read - check it out! (Louis Wu 19:26:35 UTC)

September 28, 2006 Link to this post

Wikipedia never sleeps
Heh - rapture is amused by how quickly Wikipedia info is compiled - check it out, there's already a pretty comprehensive page on Halo Wars. (rapture also wanted to point out that the new H2 for Windows screens are browsable at halo2pc.org - though if you happen to be browsing in Safari, the page is invisible.) (Louis Wu 15:08:16 UTC)

September 24, 2006 Link to this post

Console Wars
BOLL found a series of vids called 'Console Wars' - they're remakes (hehe, sort of) of Star Wars films, with video game characters sort of grafted on. The Master Chief has a pretty big part. They're pretty funny. (Louis Wu 13:10:42 UTC)

September 19, 2006 Link to this post

How NOT to write an article
Heh - Games.net has a 'Winners & Losers' column in which they praise (or take to task) gaming articles around the net; they hammer GameDaily for an article entitled 'Five Reasons Why Halo 3 Might Suck'. I gotta say - I'm behind 'em on this one. (Louis Wu 00:55:55 UTC)

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