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Search results for Heh

Showing results 401 - 425 of 751 matches

June 28, 2006 Link to this post

Halo 3 Cover Contest - Winners Announced
Halo Planet's Halo 3 Cover Contest has been over for a bit, and today they've announced the winners. 200 entries, 4 winners, with a bunch of Honorary Mentions to come soon. (Heh - are you as amused as I am that the overall winner is (or shares a name with) the head content monkey at Bungie.net?) Check out the pretty pictures! (Louis Wu 15:18:56 UTC)

June 27, 2006 Link to this post

His tank must have weighed a few tons.
Heh - if you followed the potentially spoiling newspost yesterday to c0ld's small movie, you might want to read this post - he's back, with a surprisingly credible suggestion about where that creature might have come from. (Louis Wu 18:00:25 UTC)

June 25, 2006 Link to this post

The HBO Shirt - All the cool pros are wearing it
Heh - In the photo gallery being built over at MLGPro.com for the MLG Anaheim event, you can see a shot of Foulacy, of Str8 Rippin, wearing the unique Stuntmutt-designed HBO t-shirt! Front | Back in the gallery... Coppermine doesn't seem allow links to remain permanent, so if these stop pointing to the right pics, we'll put up local copies. Thanks, Dustin. Update: Looks like at least the back image is gone - so here are local versions: front | back. (Louis Wu 16:39:52 UTC)

June 21, 2006 Link to this post

They're Heeeere
Heh - it's been a really busy morning (and will continue to be an insane day), but I'm posting this because we've already gotten over a dozen emails about it, and I want to stem the future tide. Today's Questionable Content (a webcomic I'd never heard of before, but apparently one widely read by the Halo community) has a subtle Halo reference in it today - last panel. The fact that this is strip 647 frightens me... it means I have a LOT of catching up to do. Looks like boristhespider52 was first with the heads-up. (Louis Wu 16:10:02 UTC)

June 20, 2006 Link to this post

Google says we rock.
Heh - over at Google Video, there was an episode of Google Current that aired about a month ago that looked at the subject of 'net neutrality' - it talked about how this concept (which is concerned with a possible 'tiered' internet, in which higher-paying customers get faster bandwidth) has really only exploded in the last couple of months. During the piece, a recent 'This Spartan Life' video blog was discussed (because its focus, too, was net neutrality - we mentioned it here)... the part that amused me was the end of the Google Current clip. "You can watch the whole thing at thisspartanlife.com, and (for now, at least) that video blog loads very quickly." A throwaway tagline, maybe... but since we're providing the video hosting for This Spartan Life, it's still nice to hear. Thanks, Joshua Ary. (Louis Wu 11:19:58 UTC)

June 11, 2006 Link to this post

How to make cheese taste better.
Heh - TragicNocturne noticed a book cover in Barnes and Noble that contained... a pretty interesting weapon. (Here's the listing at Amazon - click the 'See larger image' for a bigger shot; here's a local copy in case that gets yanked at any point.) Blade wrote as well, and sent this version, in case the comparison wasn't obvious enough. Update: looks like QuickTactical was actually first with the notice of this one; he posted a description (one that sounds a lot like TragicNocturne's story, actually) over at HaloGrid a day and a half before TragicNocturne visited our forum. I gotta start reading HaloGrid's forum more often! (Louis Wu 23:48:45 UTC)

June 8, 2006 Link to this post

Pitiful, eh?
Heh - Weird Al Yankovic's latest song, 'You're Pitiful', takes a shot at Halo 2 players - it's available for download (for now, anyway) on his site. Direct link is in KiGlow's forum post. (Louis Wu 16:14:56 UTC)

June 6, 2006 Link to this post

From splashdown to Lockout
Heh - over at NASA's Scientific and Technical Information website, there's an article about the origins and evolution of Plantronics, a company that specializes these days in headsets. (They grew out of NASA's need for clear communication tools in extreme situations in the 50s and 60s.) And yes, the Plantronics Halo 2 headset is discussed. Even at NASA, Halo makes an appearance. Thanks, bbqturtle. (Louis Wu 20:01:27 UTC)

June 2, 2006 Link to this post

Enjoy the future - today!
Heh - weirdness. Wikipedia not only has a featured story every day... they queue them up a couple of weeks in advance. Not only do they do that - but they MAKE PUBLIC what the upcoming featured stories are. Laird noticed that next Saturday's Featured Story (June 10) is going to be Red vs Blue. Read it now, before the rush! (Louis Wu 13:58:00 UTC)

May 31, 2006 Link to this post

BOLLing for soup-erman
Over at Bungie.net, there's a very cool interview with BOLL, a community member who tends to stand out if you pay any attention to community members. Go read about what makes him tick - I apologize that somehow, I can't find an original picture of his elite carving; I remember telling him to mail it to us as an entry for the Pillar of Art contest. (He decided it was too expensive to ship.) And what would a BOLL piece be without a cool Flash tidbit? Go read. Update: Heh - good to know at least ONE person kept that original stuff. Here's a screenshot of Battleground: Halo's front page (they're now HaloPlanet) when BOLL's carving was featured back in 2002, and here are the three cam shots (0902 | 0903 | 0904). Ah, memories... (Louis Wu 02:50:59 UTC)

May 25, 2006 Link to this post

Hand-eye coordination is hand-eye coordination
Heh - a new survey finds that surgeons who play video games make fewer mistakes when doing laparoscopic surgery than those who don't - and the lead researcher lists Halo 2 among his favorite games. In case you, you know, needed some ammunition against someone telling you to quit wasting your time... (Louis Wu 19:22:05 UTC)

May 24, 2006 Link to this post

Popularity, it's a funny thing
Heh... bizarre. Thomas Gonzalez used Google's Trend Labs to compare search interest in Halo vs George Bush. I'm not sure what it says about us, but in every region of the world, in every city tracked, in every language... more people search for Halo info than for George Bush info. Update: Taugosz pointed out that Bush searching actually edged out Halo searching in one city - Washington, DC. I suppose that's a good thing. (Louis Wu 14:09:29 UTC)

May 24, 2006 Link to this post

Surfing in Barbados
Heh - I'm not one to talk, but I have to snicker a bit that Stuntmutt took time out from his Caribbean honeymoon to update his blog; some One One Se7en musings on marriage and traveling. (No, this doesn't count as today's One One Se7en; that's coming a bit later.) (Louis Wu 12:52:51 UTC)

May 21, 2006 Link to this post

We're HBO - no, the OTHER one.
Heh - Funkmon got his new HBO shirt onto a TV broadcast of yesterday's Detroit Tigers game... anyone got a tape? (Louis Wu 21:31:38 UTC)

May 18, 2006 Link to this post

He'll give you the Mister Chief off his back.
Heh. Back on April 21, the Weekly Update contained this tidbit:

It looks like the Mister Chief T-Shirts are actually happening.

As you can see on the webcam page (or here, if it changes), these look to be ready to go. Thanks, serpx. (Louis Wu 13:56:39 UTC)

May 15, 2006 Link to this post

It's just me, man.
Heh - DHalo points out a short vid over at G4TV.com, illustrating the brawl they expected to take place last week at E3. (Looks like they were pretty spot-on, actually.) (Louis Wu 18:18:10 UTC)

May 6, 2006 Link to this post

Halo References in Pop Culture
Heh. Over at Fark.com, one of the tidbits picked up yesterday was a story about a new pirate-fighting center opening in Mombasa. Fark's footnote: "Prophet of Regret unavailable for comment" - cute. Thanks, Paul Marsh. (Louis Wu 10:46:49 UTC)

May 6, 2006 Link to this post

Fan Girls
Heh - whoda thunk it? Lost the Lead has a Silent Hill/Halo crossover. Yes, Pinkuh's a little... odd. Great artwork, though! (Louis Wu 02:52:48 UTC)

May 1, 2006 Link to this post

8-year Deathmarch
Heh - Today's Penny Arcade puts Halo 3 in perspective. Thanks, Stuntmutt. (Louis Wu 18:34:21 UTC)

April 25, 2006 Link to this post

Rumble Hardcore Now Available
Heh - looks like the new Halo 2 XBL playlist Rumble Hardcore is up and live, with no announcements - go play! Thanks, Compton. (Louis Wu 19:53:19 UTC)

April 24, 2006 Link to this post

Don't mess with the car.
Heh - there's a very cool vid available over at GameTrailers - a Tekken-style fight between two guys from the University of Rhode Island, one wearing Halo regalia. Not completely safe for work - I'd probably give it a PG-13 or so (suggestive language). Funny as all get-out, though. Really nicely done. Thanks, Chaos Recon. (Louis Wu 05:27:28 UTC)

March 30, 2006 Link to this post

Zany troupe, indeed.
Heh - the Rooster Teeth crew will be doing a film and Q&A session at the upcoming San Francisco Film Festival, in April and May. The title of the film? 'Cock Byte: Masters of Machinima' - you should definitely get tickets if you're in the area. (They go on sale to the general public next week, April 4.) Thanks, Cornballer. (Louis Wu 18:12:10 UTC)

March 25, 2006 Link to this post

I bet they have real trouble with the buttons.
Heh - Hminn noticed a writeup on some funky computer games in which humans are pitted against protozoa... and the writer starts out by suggesting that he hopes he could beat the protozoa in a Halo match. I hope so, too. (Louis Wu 19:09:02 UTC)

March 21, 2006 Link to this post

Heh. John Mayer loves Halo - if you're a long-time visitor, you already know that. emotaku found a short clip on Youtube in which John explains his feelings about the game, and how he wishes it would help him. (Louis Wu 13:32:46 UTC)

March 20, 2006 Link to this post

Heh - Rick sent us a pic of his Xbox, doing double duty as a drink smuggling device. (He says it's still workable; he just took the parts out.) The lengths people won't go to... (Louis Wu 12:12:30 UTC)

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