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Showing results 76 - 100 of 486 matches

March 1, 2010 Link to this post

Scaling Death
Just one montage today on Bungie's Comm Chatter - 'Scaling Death' has some great gameplay, though if you're not a screamo fan, you might want to use your computer's volume controls before you start it up. The gameplay... wow. (Louis Wu 19:29:46 UTC)

February 12, 2010 Link to this post

A five-year-old challenge falls
Wow. Over at High Impact Halo, HB sa' lamee filmed a Halo 2 feat that's been discussed for years - he successfully launched himself from the Covenant to the Human gondola on Quarantine Zone... and lived. Check out the newspost by Nofirefrog for the history on this one, then read HB sa 'lamee's writeup and watch the vid. The tenacity of these tricksters never ceases to amaze me... (and thanks to Grumpy for the heads-up.) (Louis Wu 15:27:00 UTC)

January 7, 2010 Link to this post

An early glimpse of Reach artwork
Wow. NeoGAF's Gribbix noticed a piece of artwork on Game Informer's website last night - it was taken down quickly, but not quickly enough, it seems. (The placeholder article it was attached to had a date of January 9, so it's likely we'll see it 'officially' in two days.) Meanwhile, check out the hawtness early! (And shame on GI for testing stuff on a live site.) (Louis Wu 19:43:04 UTC)

January 1, 2010 Link to this post

Happy New Year!
Welcome to 2010 - the year of Reach! News might be a bit light today (well, this entire weekend), but don't worry - we'll catch up! (And don't forget - the Hide, Seek, Snap contest is still going on; reproduce our latest pic, and be the first to do it, and you'll win yourself a Sgt. Johnson code!) Okay, on to what's currently in the queue... (A fun sidenote: this is our 3818th day of operation, and newspost #28,500 - we've averaged more than 7 newsposts a day, every day, for the past 10.5 years. Wow.) (Louis Wu 17:13:18 UTC)

November 30, 2009 Link to this post

Halo 3 Bungie Tribute: Show Some Luv
This is a few weeks old, but I just stumbled across it today - I Kapture created a Rube Goldberg-esque contraption to pay tribute to Bungie. I thought I was tired of these, but this one was a lot of fun. Update: Wow. nash--housewares pointed out that this map was already front-paged... back in July. When the film was released by its original creator, oMFG Carnage (now Carnage is Ripe). Oops... (Louis Wu 16:12:36 UTC)

September 23, 2009 Link to this post

Out of Lost Platoon... already
Wow... these guys have aleady gotten out of Lost Platoon - check the vid. Unclear how far they can go... but MAN, the views from the edge are already amazing. Thanks, Devin. Update: link fixed. Eep! (Louis Wu 17:17:55 UTC)

September 17, 2009 Link to this post

Comm Chatter Comestibles
Bungie's Comm Chatter (woohoo) has some fun stuff for you today:

That should do you! (Louis Wu 17:02:52 UTC)

September 17, 2009 Link to this post

'Halo: Heroic Story Telling' Garners New Awards
McCann Erickson won another prestigious advertising award based on the Halo Believe ads - check out this press release. Agency Network of the Year: 2009 for a campaign started in 2007? Wow. (Louis Wu 16:43:32 UTC)

June 20, 2009 Link to this post

Keeping track of peripheral action is REALLY hard.
Wow. Them Texans, not wanting to EVER be outdone, went and set up a game of Halo 3 (among other games) on a 160-by-72-foot (not inch) screen; the Cowboys Stadium LED wall was used to play some 360 stuff during downtime. That has got to be the biggest screen hosting a game of Halo... ever. Thanks, Blackstar. (Louis Wu 22:17:39 UTC)

June 14, 2009 Link to this post

Winning points, the REALLY easy way
Wow... you guys blew an easy chance at $20. We mentioned an Action Shot contest at The Social a couple of weeks ago - free MS Points to the winning shot. In this particular case, only ONE SHOT was submitted - congrats to Kamikaze8 on his win, and shame on the rest of you for not turning in an entry! Thanks to XMixMasterX for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 16:08:23 UTC)

June 5, 2009 Link to this post

Drop Into Firefight
Wow... getting across the country after E3 took WAY longer than I'd expected. (I walked in the door about 15 minutes ago.) I'll do my best to catch up on news this weekend, but I can certainly clear out the easy parts of the queue right now. Let's start with a great story from Bungie.net - this was posted yesterday, but we've been offline since then. 'Drop Into Firefight' is an in-depth look at the new co-op mode that Halo 3: ODST will offer you in September - I wish I'd read it before playing for a couple of hours last night! Read it, absorb it, bookmark it so you can find it again this fall. (Louis Wu 18:10:17 UTC)

May 26, 2009 Link to this post

Hawty McBloggy found a Mario Cart/Halo mashup on YouTube (with an accompanying downloadable map on Bungie.net) - I'd have to agree with her general assessment: great job with the combining of games, too long. Give it a look-see, though - it's a lot of fun. Update: wow... apparently that was just Part 2. Part 1 (another 10 minutes) is here. Thanks, Kibbles. (Louis Wu 14:46:55 UTC)

May 20, 2009 Link to this post

LEGO Halo Scraps
Wow. Major.dump stopped in with a LEGO Halo version of the first Halo cutscene... with a few alterations. Amazing piece of work! Check it out. Looking forward to future updates! (Louis Wu 19:47:25 UTC)

May 12, 2009 Link to this post

It's a game that just won't die.
I told myself I wasn't going to front-page these... but geez, five weeks in a row, with a game that's been out for more than 85 weeks... wow. (Halo 3's at the top of the LIVE activity list... for the fifth straight week.) (Louis Wu 17:26:05 UTC)

April 16, 2009 Link to this post

They promise better delivery than Uprising
Wow. UNSC Trooper and Leviathan are teaming up to create a Halo comic... and the teaser looks pretty cool! Check it out. (Louis Wu 17:41:38 UTC)

April 8, 2009 Link to this post

The LEGO Halo 3 Foundry Forge Kit
Wow. J.R. sent us to this link (a year old, but still amazing)... a guy who used LEGO's 'Pick a Brick' site to create a Lego Halo 3 Foundry Forge Kit (his name, his invention). Cost? A mere $380... but he can build anything in LEGOs that you can build in Forge, using Foundry! Now THAT'S dedication. (Louis Wu 19:57:52 UTC)

March 17, 2009 Link to this post

Wow... that's just corny.
Hawty McBloggy found a shot on Flickr of a Master Chief created from... canned vegetables. (He's even got a stickydoom plastered to the side of his head, courtesy of Gatorade and some backlighting.) My question is... which of those guys first held a can of creamed corn in his (or her) hand and thought... hmm, I wonder what the Master Chief would look like if I used these? (Louis Wu 10:35:29 UTC)

March 12, 2009 Link to this post

Expanding the Emotional Universe
Wow. Just... wow. vector40 (who was once a large contributor to our Fan Fiction section) stopped by last night to mention that the textbook being used in a course he's taking on video game structure contains a Halo-based fan-written poem... taken from our Fan Fiction section. In fact, it was written by UNSC Trooper, who's currently on our Story Page staff. Fan Fiction showing up in a textbook on game design... that blows my mind. (Louis Wu 12:16:30 UTC)

March 2, 2009 Link to this post

Halo Wars News Roundup
Bunch of Halo Wars tidbits came through the wires today:

  • Xbox.com is hosting a Play & Win Sweepstakes - register (by downloading a gamer picture off of Xbox LIVE), then play a multiplayer game online between March 6-8. 29 people will win, with prize packages ranging from 500 MS Points all the way up to a 52 inch LCD, plus home theater system.
  • Grunts R Us has posted a Halo Wars Skull Guide. As always with this sort of things, you're best served looking for them on your own... but I guess it's here, if you need/want it.
  • blackouTT let us know that TheDigitalSet.com has released their first podcast, and one of the topics in this week's 'cast is Halo Wars.
  • The official Halo Wars website has a global stats page - and total gametime has already exceeded 4 years. Wow. Thanks, Spartan-056.
  • WorthPlaying reviewed Halo Wars - they said it's the "closest that an RTS console game has come to success in recent memory." (They gave it a 7.7/10.)
  • The St. Petersburg Times also reviewed Halo Wars - they called it "an RTS for the crowd that doesn't like RTS games," and were overall quite positive.
  • NeoXDonut remixed released Halo Wars footage into his own trailer, in anticipation of release here in the US.

That's it for this morning... (Louis Wu 14:24:17 UTC)

February 27, 2009 Link to this post

OXM has 100 Codes to Share
Wow... I don't know how much time is left on the contest... but OXM UK is giving away 20 codes today - register and answer a simple question, and you're entered. This contest went live yesterday, and they say the winners will be announced today... but it's still open as of this writing. Get over there! (They're doing ANOTHER 20 later today, it sounds like - and have a total of 100 to give away.) (Louis Wu 12:06:27 UTC)

February 26, 2009 Link to this post

Running the last level of Halo 3 (literally)
Matthew Rivera stopped by last night with some links to videos showing a team of four friends running the final level of Halo 3... on foot. Yes, on foot. (No, they couldn't COMPLETELY finish; you can't make the final jump without a vehicle. But other than that one... wow.) Go watch! (Louis Wu 14:42:24 UTC)

February 25, 2009 Link to this post

Mythic Map Code Giveaway: Results
Wow. So we wanted to give away a few Mythic Map codes yesterday... little did I know how much interest that idea would generate. The next giveaway is gonna be a bit simpler (on the back end), I think. In the six hours that the contest was open, the official thread received 943 responses, with a total of almost 4500 title line suggestions. (Many, many more were posted in OTHER threads, or emailed to us - but those weren't eligible for a code, according to the very simple rules listed in the first post.) I'd like to say that an awful lot of these submissions are great - and I'll be folding many of them into the title line rotation here at HBO, so your words will live on, whether or not you win a code. That said, though... when you've got 5 codes, and almost 5000 entries... 99.9% of all entries are going to lose. I'm sorry about that. If you want to see what we got (without reading nearly 1000 individual posts), I put up the full list here. Without further ado, then... the winners!

  • HBO - Saucy, with a hint of win (Llamalizard)
  • HBO: Please pwn responsibly. (Testify)
  • HBO: How many times have you been here today? (JeSteR 343)
  • HBO: now adopted by Angelina Jolie (Ryan Clark)
  • HBO: This is the last tagline. Start over. (Stephen L. (SoundEffect))

All five of these people have been contacted via the email addresses they supplied in their posts; if your name is up there and you haven't gotten an email from us, check your junk folder. I can't tell you what made these stand out over the enormous amount of competition; I DO know I have a first-cut file with my top 75 or so, but on a different day, the winning five would probably have been different. Don't feel bad if you didn't win - and don't give up hope! We'll be giving out another five later this week. (Louis Wu 18:28:33 UTC)

February 22, 2009 Link to this post

Massive Halo Auction
Wow... must be a day for selling Halo stuff; Caleb 117 stopped in to say he was selling his entire Halo collection. 9 days out... but the list of included stuff is astounding. Go read it. (Louis Wu 05:08:11 UTC)

February 15, 2009 Link to this post

If you click the heels together, where do you go?
Wow... Kelli 'Pinkuh' Davis wrote in with word of a pair of shoes she'd customized... amazing! (Louis Wu 20:19:54 UTC)

February 1, 2009 Link to this post

Wow. Just... wow.
So Halo (the original game) was released in November, 2001 - and within a month or so, folks were exploring the boundaries of the maps. 2002 was the 'Golden Age' of Halo tricking; the Xbox hadn't been hacked yet, and Halo PC wasn't out yet, so folks were getting out of the maps the old-fashioned way... they were playing by the rules laid down by Bungie (though not always in ways that had been predicted). Tricking continued, but the earlier magic was lost, for a time; tricks were refinements on earlier techniques, rather than new discoveries. As later games were released, however, the community that was left working on Halo (the original) was a community that simply loved those maps - and some pretty impressive tricks, requiring some serious time devotion, were released. Yesterday, more than 7 years after the release of Halo, another one of these was completed. Ms. Man (with lots of feedback from HIH forumgoers) launched himself to the top of 343 Guilty Spark... at the END of the level. (Normally, this sort of launch requires a Shade - and there aren't any at the end of the level. So he brought his own.) The High Impact Halo thread is here (thanks, Evan Volm), the video is here. Hats off to you, Ms. Man. (Louis Wu 21:33:04 UTC)

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