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Showing results 376 - 400 of 486 matches

May 21, 2004 Link to this post

New Wallpapers on B.net
Wow. Swing by Bungie.net and grab four new wallpapers; there's a simple but beautiful one involving the Halo 2 logo, and really nice versions of mehve's Fall of Reach, The Flood, and First Strike book jacket artwork. All four desktops were done by Zoe. Thanks, Tempus Fugit. (Louis Wu 00:40:25 UTC)

May 7, 2004 Link to this post

Halo 2 Playable at E3?
Wow. Interesting if true - but as of now unconfirmed. GamesRadar is reporting that Halo 2 will be playable at E3 - a two-level demo. There'll also be boatloads of new media. Droolin' already... thanks, Milamber! (Louis Wu 18:08:44 UTC)

April 26, 2004 Link to this post

Is Zion under attack? Nope, just hackers.
Wow. Grendiac and KaptainKommie have been working on a new tool called Sentinel - and it has some pretty cool features. It's designed to help folks running modded maps on a server get the word out, so that people can play these maps. Another feature it has, however, will be of interest to many server admins outside the modding community; it can verify that a joining player has the same mapfile as the server, and keep out people who don't match. There's far more that it does - read the thread. Way to go, guys! (Thanks to Devin Olsen for the heads-up.) (Louis Wu 13:10:35 UTC)

April 22, 2004 Link to this post

RvB up for a Webby
Wow... Red vs Blue has been nominated for a 2004 Webby Award in Humor - winners will be announced on May 12. This was pointed out on our forum, by iBob... but I didn't notice it until Narcogen posted it on Rampancy.net. Looks like I'm getting behind on my forum reading... (Louis Wu 14:24:50 UTC)

April 16, 2004 Link to this post

I Dream of Meanie
Wow. Episode 30 of Red vs Blue is out for sponsors... and it answers a lot of questions I've had for a while. (it also has one of Sarge's most memorable rambles...) Go grab it - or wait until Sunday and then grab it. Your call. (Louis Wu 17:07:10 UTC)

April 16, 2004 Link to this post

Nothing New Under The Sun
Wow. Iron Forge, one of the early names in the Halo mod scene, has written a rather thought-provoking rant on the modding scene. It's amazing how the patterns never change; everything he describes as being wrong with the current Halo modding community - it was wrong with the Marathon modding community some years ago. (I'm sure it's happened in most communities; I just find the parallels between two communities I've participated in to be interesting.) Everything he describes as being 'right' about the early modders (it's mostly an attitude thing) - that was there in Marathon, too. Good games generate interest from talented people wishing to extend the experience - and those talented people tend to lower the bar on the price of entry to the point where casual modders can play. At some point, the expectations of the newcomers (that because tools exist, they (the newcomers) are ENTITLED to them) will cause the old guard to become disillusioned... and the community will fall into a rut. This cycle may even happen more than once for a given game. It's worth a read; those who don't understand history will, by necessity, relive it. Thanks to DrLime at Battleground: Halo for pointing out the article. (Louis Wu 16:18:29 UTC)

April 13, 2004 Link to this post

Dual Wep Goodness
Whoa - missed it; thanks to Ape Man for the heads-up. There's a brand-new Halo 2 multiplayer shot over at Bungie.net... Wow. I'm lovin' it. Go look! (Louis Wu 18:08:34 UTC)

April 5, 2004 Link to this post

Attack on the Control Room - in Multiplayer
Wow. MonoxideC has finished his Halo PC AotCR Multiplayer conversion - you can download it from Halomods (7 mb). It replaces Derelict in the map rotation. Thanks to James for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 12:32:18 UTC)

March 31, 2004 Link to this post

Wow. Wraith has managed to add a working Fuel Rod Gun to Two Betrayals; the graphics are a tad blocky, but the functionality rocks. (I'm not sure WHY the graphics are blocky; you're using the gun that the Spec-Ops Grunts use on that level.) It was originally available as a PC mod, but he also found a way to make it work for Xbox (NTSC). Update: Wraith explains the blockiness here. (Louis Wu 18:10:51 UTC)

March 28, 2004 Link to this post

Halo: Blood Covenant
Wow. A new 2d sidescroller looks to be in the works; Halo: Blood Covenant, from an Italian team. The site is in Italian, but you can get a decent sense for what it's looking like so far by following the screens link. _ib noticed this over at Battleground: Halo. Coolness! (Louis Wu 21:05:00 UTC)

March 22, 2004 Link to this post

The Reactor Room - now with 800% more Spartans
WOW. Gil27 and Devin Olsen have created a multiplayer version of the Maw's Reactor Room - there is a short (25 second, 2 mb) film as well as a few screenshots in this forum post; no map yet for downloading, but we can hope! (Louis Wu 12:29:48 UTC)

March 20, 2004 Link to this post

Now THAT'S what I'M talkin' about.
There have been so many HUDless screenshots recently, I was going to implement a policy of a single update each day, with all the links in it. However, there are two posts tonight by CuBaNo which simply demand personal attention. The second batch, especially, contains some of the best shots posted on our forum to date, in my opinion. The first post was here - and it's pretty good. The second post... wow. (Warning - these pics are pretty big.) (Louis Wu 03:13:29 UTC)

March 18, 2004 Link to this post

Halo Squeaks By Quake
Wow. That was a nailbiter, for anyone watching the voting on the Gamespy Title Fight match... but in the end, Halo fans pulled out the win, 9232 to 9211 (yes, it was a 21 vote margin on almost 18,500 votes cast). Nice going, folks! Next up - Goldeneye - again. (Halo beat Goldeneye handily in the first round, but they picked up an Extra Life slot, beat TIE Fighter and Super Metroid, and are up again for the championship.) Tune in next week for another exciting episode! (Louis Wu 20:13:13 UTC)

March 17, 2004 Link to this post

A new trick, at this late date
Wow. Ducain has come up with what I think is a brand-new trick; he's put himself, and a Warthog, on top of the Light Bridge support structure underground in the level Halo. In single-player mode. He says it took him about 40 hours - but then, in reality, it's taken more like 2.5 YEARS. Very nicely done. 6 mb WMP9 file, with a QT version coming as soon as I get the hi-res content. Update: the WMP9 version has been mirrored at Rampancy.net - thanks, Narc! Update 2: We're now hosting copies locally (the original 6.5 mb WMP9 version and a 6.8 mb QuickTime version). (Louis Wu 10:58:21 UTC)

March 11, 2004 Link to this post

The Evolution of Halo
Wow. Maybe not the best night to be doing this... but you play the hand you were dealt, right? Back in 2002, Bungie showed a pretty cool movie to the attendees of the E3 Fanfest. It was called 'Evolution of Halo', and it was a look at some very early builds of Halo, with voiceover and commentary by 4 Bungie employees (Marty O'Donnell, Shikai Wang, Rob McLees, and Paul Russell). If you're a fan of behind the scenes-type stuff, this is your kind of move. Unfortunately, at the time, Bungie was pretty clear about the fact that this movie would never, ever make it out onto the internet in hi-res format. However... this month, PC Gamer UK has included a copy on their cover disc, and that means the gloves are off. However, due to our bandwidth issues, we're going to run an experiment that we've been meaning to try for some time now; we're going to release this purely via peer-to-peer sharing applications. This was going to be a test of the Two Degrees network, but there's no Mac client; we didn't feel comfortable excluding Mac users. Therefore, it's also available via the BitTorrent network. Since our server is spotty tonight, the mirror page is being hosted here for the time being; visit, grab the client of your choice, and get to downloading! (Thanks have to go to Griffon, for the heads-up on the movie. I didn't end up using his submitted rip of the film... but I wouldn't have known I could release if not for him.) (Louis Wu 03:13:16 UTC)

March 7, 2004 Link to this post

The Homefront team adds a great artist
Wow. Chris Bryan (search for his name in our news, you'll find some pretty cool stuff) has joined the Homefront team (the group bringing Halo to Battlefield 1942) - and his first job is a piece of work! Check out the renders of his newly skinned Warthog in their latest news post. He's looking to start work on the Phantom next. (While you're there, check out the new Plasma Rifle, Patrol Boat, and Blood Gulch Base models, too.) (Louis Wu 13:42:58 UTC)

March 2, 2004 Link to this post

Miscellaneous Art - finally.
Wow. It's FAR from empty, but the Miscellaneous Art queue just dropped by 15 items... because I just posted that many. There's some good stuff, some bad stuff, and some weird stuff. Look it ALL over. For folks who have submitted comics in the past month or so - PLEASE be patient; we've gotten so many that a new section will open in the not-too-distant future. Okay, time to get back to work. (Louis Wu 17:46:11 UTC)

March 1, 2004 Link to this post

AotCR - in Multiplayer.
Wow. Eclipse points out that Monoxide has posted to the Gearbox forums that ViperNeo has worked out some of the problems in porting AotCR to multiplayer - and it might even be out, as a mod, in the next week or so. Won't THAT be a blast! (Louis Wu 13:02:03 UTC)

March 1, 2004 Link to this post

Links, links, and more links
Wow. In the last month or so, a lot of links have been forwarded to us about Halo-related websites out there. I THINK I've culled all of them from our mail - but I might have missed one or two; apologies if that's true.

Whew! We're really sorry for the huge delay here. (Please don't write, asking us when we'll actually get these added to the Links page - I don't have an answer for that question.) (Louis Wu 12:53:51 UTC)

February 24, 2004 Link to this post

He's a master, that one
XLNC continues his Astounding Screenshots collection, this time with 10 shots that show off the breathtaking to the hilarious. They're not just HUDless - they're gorgeously composed. Wow. (Louis Wu 18:35:26 UTC)

February 8, 2004 Link to this post

Randy Pitchford expresses Frustration
Wow. Randy Pitchford posted a note on the Gearbox forums a couple of days ago - he lays the blame for any delays on release of Halo PC content (new shaders, the Halo Editing Kit, bug fixes, and so on) completely at the feet of "Bungie/MGS". Homelan has asked for an official response from Microsoft on this one, so we'll have to wait and see what develops... but it's never a good thing when the dirty laundry starts coming out. If you gotta start pointing fingers, everybody loses - fans included. Thanks to Socrates, who picked this up over at Voodoo Extreme. (Louis Wu 00:15:26 UTC)

January 26, 2004 Link to this post

Four kills a minute... forever
Wow. Rapture posted a screen from a Halo PC game last Friday... this was about 5 hours in. That's a LOT of kills. (Louis Wu 22:14:19 UTC)

January 25, 2004 Link to this post

Sniper in the hills
Wow. XLNC continues to make hudless screens - and this time, they're from a pretty amazing vantagepoint. Check 'em out on our forum! (Louis Wu 21:25:12 UTC)

January 22, 2004 Link to this post

Can we put Hunters up there?
Wow. nukedude pointed out some screenshots of a multiplayer level he's working on (in gmax); it's a part of Assault in the Control Room, and looks to be pretty interesting when it's finished! Check it out, drop off your suggestions in the thread. (Louis Wu 08:52:40 UTC)

January 15, 2004 Link to this post

The Library - ONLINE
Wow. MonoxideC has created a multiplayer version of the Library. This forum post from Nick includes links to both the level itself (with a readme on how to install it) and a 36 mb movie (WMP9 format) showing 7 minutes of gameplay. This map looks incredible. So incredible, in fact, that gwdpto (the man behind the HBO-COERCE server) has set up a dedicated server for it; you can play it right now. (Information on how is in that forum thread, as well.) This opens all sorts of doors for multiplayer maps, I'd guess... (Louis Wu 10:13:03 UTC)

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