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Showing results 176 - 200 of 486 matches

June 20, 2007 Link to this post

When ARGs Attack
Wow. This story would almost be funny... if it didn't involve a poor, uninvolved bystander whose life was turned upside down by a series of coincidences. (As someone who is still - more than 9 months in - dealing with calls from the Xbox Live service center due to a mistakenly supplied phone number, I can totally sympathize.) Swing by The Hushed Casket, and read an interview with Michael VanderZand, a Michigan college student who got caught up in the whirlwind hype of the Iris marketing campaign by accident - and wants out. thanks, rapture. (Louis Wu 12:28:10 UTC)

June 19, 2007 Link to this post

And the Spoilers Begin.
Wow. Not sure where the info came from - but Xbox360Achievements.org has posted a full list of 49 achievements for Halo 3. Peripheral information that can be gleaned from the list is enormous (including level names, gameplay hints, and more). Do not look at this list if you're not interested in seeing campaign spoilers. It's not 100% clear to me where this list came from - but the majority of gaming sites out there seem to think it's legitimate. (If it's NOT legitimate, someone went to a lot of effort to create this content. I'm not totally convinced - one of the achievement icons is the logo for the now-defunct Bungie game code-named Phoenix - but I'm keeping an open mind.) First place I saw this was on our forum, from Naburu, who found it at Xbox 360 Fanboy. Update: If you weren't sure these were real or not (and I wasn't) - Achieve360Points.com found a link to the info on xbox.com (you need to be signed in to see it); makes it far less likely that this was faked. (Louis Wu 17:59:59 UTC)

June 19, 2007 Link to this post

I'd buy THAT for five dollars...
Wow. Now THAT'S cheap. sorahn points out a deal at Slickdeals.net whereby you can pick up Halo (the original Xbox version) for $6 - $5 for the game, plus a buck to ship it. Update: looks like we cleared 'em out. Sorry for those still looking! (Louis Wu 12:21:28 UTC)

June 18, 2007 Link to this post

Free Shadowrun with H2V
Wow. Halo 2 Vista came out a few weeks ago - so did Shadowrun. Both are Vista-only, both debuted for $49.99 each. Now you can buy the pair at Circuit City - for $39.99. (The deal is actually labeled as 'Free Shadowrun with the purchase of Halo 2'.) That was fast... (KP gets credit for noticing this first yesterday.) (Louis Wu 11:53:22 UTC)

June 17, 2007 Link to this post

Sometimes, The Internet Makes Me Sad.
Wow... I'm pretty discouraged today. We have a lot of company this weekend (a half-dozen people from two separate branches of the family), so I haven't been near a computer for a while... but when I checked this afternoon, I found several dozen emails casting aspersions on every single entry in the Montage section of our Zune giveaway. Videos that had been displayed elsewhere before the contest, videos that included clips from existing films, one person even claimed that 3 of the 7 videos contained footage from his public fileshare space during the beta (this, of course, is totally unverifiable at this point). More people seem to be looking for ways to disqualify entries than seem to be interested in the contest itself. I'm not sure how to handle this; I have no doubt whatsoever that if we disqualified every entry, and put up 7 NEW films, we'd get the same collection of emails. I have no doubt that some of these accusations are true. I have no doubt that some are NOT true. And I know that we're halfway through the voting on this phase. I feel as though the whole montage section has been tainted; I don't know how to fix this. I'm going to let the voting continue on the 7 entries we have right now, and then I'm going to disqualify any films I can PROVE have violated our rules - and the prize will go to the remaining entry with the highest score. This is not ideal, but I can't think of a better way to handle this without scrapping the section entirely. Here's hoping the parody and machinima sections go better. (Louis Wu 17:30:40 UTC)

June 14, 2007 Link to this post

Spartan-III hybrid armor - CGI
BlendedEcks posted a pic of his latest CGI work - Spartan III armor. Wow. (Louis Wu 20:31:57 UTC)

June 13, 2007 Link to this post

Lego Zanzibar Progress
A while back, we mentioned a Lego rendition of Zanzibar, by Kooberz. Recently he was contacted by the folks putting together some fan-related content for the Legendary Edition of Halo 3 - so he got back into it, and posted some links to the newest work. I gotta say... wow. (Louis Wu 16:05:31 UTC)

June 13, 2007 Link to this post

Forum Floodage - and Halo Unyielding
Wow. So the whole AdjutantReflex thing (looks to be another ARG, this time with possible Bungie input) is taking over our forum - it's cool, but it's drowning out all other content. (It's hard to find tidbits now. I'd be willing to put up a temporary forum specifically for this discussion, if I could get some volunteers I trusted to admin it... please let me know if this appeals.) In the meantime, I'm going to try and tease out the goodies that are buried between AR-related posts. The first thing I noticed was an announcement by Laird that a new trailer for Halo Unyielding Part 2 has been released; nice space battle scenes! Take a look. WMP9 format, 15 mb (with a QT coming soon, apparently). Update: Mirrored now at GamingTV, along with a self-encoded QT and a streaming flash version. Thanks, trigger119. (Louis Wu 15:05:17 UTC)

June 6, 2007 Link to this post

Wow. IGN put together their list of the Top 10 Best Co-op Games... Halo 2 made the list (at number 7), but Halo is nowhere to be seen. Bizarre. Thanks, Morpheus. (Louis Wu 15:12:44 UTC)

June 5, 2007 Link to this post

Halo PC - not dead yet
This is interesting - sawnose, over at Bungie.net, has posted stats of the number of unique product keys of Halo PC (and CE) that have played online in the past 30 days. 4 years after release... and there are still nearly 150,000 people playing it? Wow. Thanks, Fires7orm. (Louis Wu 15:14:51 UTC)

May 29, 2007 Link to this post

Zune Giveaway - folks are shooting themselves
Wow. Sometimes... I gotta wonder. So we're offering folks the chance to win one of four free Zunes, right? And there's a page we've put up that contains rules and regulations. They're pretty simple rules and regulations... or so I thought. I looked into the uploads directory today, to get a sense of how much work we were going to have ahead of us when this contest ends - and there were 62 uploaded entries. Thinking that I could get a jump on the sorting, I downloaded them and began to look through them... and commenced pounding my head against my desk.

  • 11 entries were commercially-released songs
  • 4 entries were previously-released material (songs or movies)
  • 18 entries did not meet our format/size requirements
  • 2 entries weren't even Halo files

Folks - if you want to participate in this contest, read the rules. File types, file sizes, SCREEN sizes - they're all defined. And the rules state that if you can't bother to meet those requirements, your entry will be discarded. Why waste your time - and mine? Check before you submit. Thanks. (Louis Wu 14:50:32 UTC)

May 26, 2007 Link to this post

Zune Giveaway Quick Update
Wow. The Zune giveaway was announced just 3 hours ago, and already we have 31 people registered to be able to submit, and two actual submissions. Just wanted to remind everyone, the submission deadline is June 10 - over two weeks from today. There's absolutely no advantage to rushing your entry in now; doing so locks you out of making changes, of choosing a different subject, of basically putting any thought at all into the idea. Just a suggestion... sleep on it. (Louis Wu 02:12:48 UTC)

May 23, 2007 Link to this post

Serious H2V Delay
Wow. According to Microsoft's Life Cycle Support page, Halo 2 for Windows Vista won't be available until July 4, 2007. That's a heck of a recall! Thanks, Aj Collins. Update: TheGhost writes to say that that page has been up for at least a month, and so probably has no relation at all to the current recall. He also says that folks at h2vista.net are already well along in their efforts to unlock the editing kit, and new maps are already being created. Good to hear! Update 2: We now have an official response from a Microsoft spokesperson:

"Halo 2" for Windows Vista did not release to retailers on May 22, as previously announced and will now ship from manufacturers on May 31. "Shadowrun" will be the first game to debut the highly anticipated Games for Windows - LIVE system on May 29. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our customers.

That's much better than July 4! (Louis Wu 21:46:03 UTC)

May 19, 2007 Link to this post

Beta Impressions
Major Silva wrote up his impressions of the beta over at UNSCDF, then told us about it. (Louis Wu 05:12:38 UTC)

May 19, 2007 Link to this post

What's Next?
Wow. This sort of disturbs me. When nerd goes chic... (Louis Wu 05:05:14 UTC)

May 18, 2007 Link to this post

Rule of 3 Fiasco - Update
Wow. For all the people who said that Bungie doesn't care... you guys can pull your feet out of your mouths now. Microsoft screwed up AGAIN - and for some reason, the 3pm remailing of the 'Rule of 3' codes never actually happened. Rather than letting their fans continue to swing in the wind, SketchFactor posted a couple of notes in the Bungie.net forums, telling people to mail in their requests. Those guys are handling these requests personally - in the middle of a public beta, 4 months before they have to ship the biggest product they've ever made. THAT'S fan support. Update: we're pulling the email address for now; Bungie is totally and utterly swamped, and they couldn't get to you before tomorrow even if you DID send a note in. Please be patient - we'll repost the info tomorrow, when they've got folks who can help get responses out. (They're hundreds of emails in the hole right now - they've done what they can, but if they don't go home soon, they're going to keel over.) (Louis Wu 02:16:51 UTC)

May 9, 2007 Link to this post

5 Meeellion Players.
Wow. 15 minutes ago, the 5 millionth unique Live account (not including guests) started a game of Halo 2 online... that's a lot of fraggers! (Louis Wu 20:28:01 UTC)

May 7, 2007 Link to this post

Where Xbox Meets Lunchbox
JeBr0nie found a nice article in the Washington Post - it looks at companies that are putting game consoles in break rooms (and two of their three examples involve Halo). Wow... a company that encourages its employees to play Halo, on company equipment! Nice! (Louis Wu 17:45:23 UTC)

April 19, 2007 Link to this post

Play and Tray Hands-On
IGN has another Play and Tray review - and since Halo 2 is the first Vista game to USE this feature, they're looking at Halo 2 Vista while they test. I have to say, I've never really understood the lure of this feature; after all, it's only one time you have to worry about the install, right? But IGN makes a point here that I'm not sure I ever considered:

A serious challenge in elevating the PC to platform status, however, is the fact that no matter how nice a gaming computer one has, the process of installing new games is an incredible hassle compared to the convenience of just throwing a new disc in the Xbox 360. Though veterans have become so accustomed to the chore that it takes on ritualistic overtones, console gamers and the broad consumer base are not excited by the prospect of clicking "Next" buttons for half an hour while a new game installs, and in some cases so intimidated as to give up.

'Give up'? Really? Wow. Okay, then - I'm glad it's there, and I'm glad they thought it worked pretty well! (Louis Wu 13:48:55 UTC)

April 17, 2007 Link to this post

Get your own Bronze MC
Wow. Someone has created a life-size wax mould of the Master Chief, and is planning to create 'a museum quality bronze statue'; Buy It Now price on eBay is just under $8,000, but you can make an offer. Statue will ship by June 7. Thanks, BARBARIC RAGE. (Louis Wu 19:20:25 UTC)

March 30, 2007 Link to this post

Trade in your Glock for an M19 SSM RL
Wow. This one's pretty interesting. Several sites (Engadget, Techdirt) are quoting a Reuters article about a new program from the Mexican government, an attempt to get guns off the streets; turn in a gun, get tech stuff. High-caliber weapons net you a computer, while handguns get you an Xbox. As Davidgojr (who sent in this story) says, this might generate a few new Halo players... (Louis Wu 17:40:08 UTC)

March 26, 2007 Link to this post

Fantasy Halo Part Two
Wow. We just a few hours ago learned of Fantasy Halo - and Part Two has now been released. (Granted, Part One was released 3 days before anyone told us about it, but still...) Part Two (Original Chaos Films link | HaloGrid link) is for the most part a story-telling episode, so the RPG style doesn't work quite as well (there's a lot of standing around, a lot of reading) - but it's still well-done, and makes me want to see part 3. Again, we're mirroring the WMP9 version (12:17 long, 53.8 mb), and are providing a QuickTime version (53.4 mb) - and again, you're better off with the WMP9 if you can watch it. Thanks to FinalCutHalo for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 01:41:53 UTC)

March 23, 2007 Link to this post

Spartan Dew? That sounds... rank.
Wow. The marketing blitz has begun. Kotaku has a story about Master Chief-branded Mountain Dew. (They're calling it 'Halo 3 Game Fuel'. I suppose that's better than 'Cyborg Sweat', which is the vibe I get from 'Spartan Dew'...) Thanks, Neo-genesis. (Louis Wu 23:45:22 UTC)

March 19, 2007 Link to this post

legohaulic, indeed
Wow. Cool Lego Hog/Spectre (more Spectre shots if you follow the 'more' link in this set). Thanks, cowfrommars. (Louis Wu 19:55:04 UTC)

March 13, 2007 Link to this post

Wow. scurty accomplished (with a little help from MadRoX) a feat I've never seen before; he put six Banshees into the Control Room on AotCR. Six. Wow. Go watch. Thanks, Ducain. (Louis Wu 17:41:42 UTC)

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