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Search results for go watch

Showing results 1676 - 1700 of 1706 matches

January 28, 2005 Link to this post

Speeding Through
Cody Miller has posted a number of his speedruns over at archive.org (home of the Wayback Machine, and a pretty darned respectable video game film collection) - you can find links to them in this forum post. (The Outskirts and Cairo Station runs were already posted in our news a couple of months ago - only the last two are new.) You've got to watch the Maw run; it beats the GNF winner by over a minute, and contains some pretty amazing moves. (Come to think of it, the Metropolis run's pretty slick, as well... I loved the bit where Cortana said 'those pilots are no pushovers either'... just before Cody smacks one of 'em in the back of the head. Oh, Cortana... sometimes you're just clueless.) Go watch. (Louis Wu 18:27:15 UTC)

January 25, 2005 Link to this post

Happy Birthday, Mister Chief!
Thanks to Cody Brigan, who notified us that the Mister Chief contest being run by misterchief.com is now over - with the winners announced! Some pretty cool stuff came out of this one. (Mr. Brigan, not totally coincidentally, was the grand-prize winner, with a funny Flash tidbit.) Go watch. (Warning: Stuntmutt's entry might be considered unsafe for work. Or at least scary.) (Louis Wu 05:14:37 UTC)

January 24, 2005 Link to this post

Jump Tactics
Yesterday, High Impact Halo posted a note about a new jumping vid from Kahai_maluu and the Jump Tactics team; is this a new sport? (Some of the atmosphere reminds me a lot of skateboarders, actually.) The movie is a monster - over 50 mb for 15 minutes of jumping hijinx on Lockout - and it's some pretty amazing stuff. Amazing, as in you had no idea how far the Bungie physics could be pushed before now. Duke's note put a serious strain on Mythica's servers (they spiked somewhere near 120 Mbit/sec last night), so HALOChat has tossed the file up at Filefront, as well as made it available via BitTorrent - grab the links from his forum post. WMP9 format; folks who can't view that can save themselves the huge download. I dunno... this is just gonna make me MORE frustrated when I fall off a ledge on Lockout... these guys would have just jumped across to another walkway, or something. Go watch. (Louis Wu 19:17:01 UTC)

January 20, 2005 Link to this post

Them Geezers - they write a lot
3Suns noticed a whole bunch of content over at the Geezer Gamers' site, related to the recent Halo Humpday Challenge they participated in. They're all linked from the current front page, but in case things change, here's what we've got:

Go read, go watch - good stuff all around! Update Whoops! almost before I got the thing posted, the video's been pulled. :( Sorry, folks. Go read the rest of the stuff. (Louis Wu 00:04:39 UTC)

January 19, 2005 Link to this post

They'll Eat Your Bones.
The HBO Lekgolos clan is on a movie-making tear; in short order, two films have popped up. The first was done by Arashi90 and Blackstar, and features nice gameplay, awesome production values, and crystal-clear video; it's a blood-pumper to get people interested in playing this clan. It's being hosted by both KP's Boomerica.com and Verdafolio's DementedPuppy.com. 36.6 mb, just under 2 minutes. The second was done by WhoKnew, of DementedPuppy, and is a bit rougher; it contains tricking footage, solo footage, cutscene footage, and regular multiplayer gameplay, all set to AC/DC's Show Business. Quality is... lower than the first one. 28.6 mb, almost 5 minutes long, QuickTime. This one is available at DementedPuppy.com, as well (and comments can go in this forum thread). Go watch! (Louis Wu 13:12:27 UTC)

January 6, 2005 Link to this post

March of the Cutscenes
We have four new cutscenes for you today in the Cutscene Library, because they're not very large. This finishes up Gravemind, takes us all the way through Uprising, and starts off High Charity. Go watch! (Louis Wu 21:24:15 UTC)

December 24, 2004 Link to this post

It must be Movie Night.
Movie'd out yet? No, wait! Remember the Halo CE Movie competition at HaloMaps.org? Remember how I said it was totally Mac-unfriendly? Not only has that been fixed, but there are now 16 entries to view - and less than a week to get your OWN entry in. Go watch! And then go submit! (Thanks, Dennis.) (Louis Wu 01:25:46 UTC)

December 19, 2004 Link to this post

Multiplayer Launching... oddness.
Wow. Devin Olsen posted a pair of vids last night that... well, go watch 'em. Bizarre multiplayer glitch leads to some really, really odd (but fun-to-watch) behavior. c0ld vengeance suggests this might have negative effects on gameplay - but I'm having trouble seeing how, at the moment. For now, it's silly but fun. (WMP9 format; if there's enough demand, I'll whip up a QT version.) (Louis Wu 18:31:59 UTC)

November 26, 2004 Link to this post

A Tur.... what?
Speaking of overeating... Red vs Blue has posted a new Public Service Announcement; Indigestion 2004 is part political commentary, part cultural commentary, and all funny. Go watch! (Careful of the airsick bags...) First heads-up goes to Graham Cree. (Louis Wu 00:10:22 UTC)

November 26, 2004 Link to this post

Halo 2: The Movie
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving... or if you're outside the US, you did something else involving far too much food. We've just said goodbye to our guests, and I'm sitting down to take a look through today's mail. We've got a very nice new film from Jon Oakes - he melded video footage from Halo 2 with audio material from the Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow trailer, to make a pretty slick little piece. 5.6 mb, QuickTime format, kindly hosted by KP on boomerica. Go watch, as you digest! (Louis Wu 00:01:03 UTC)

November 24, 2004 Link to this post

Movies worth watching.
Yesterday, Ducain pointed out a post on the High Impact Halo forum; it was made by Chubigans, and had links to a pair of movies. The newest one looked at Halo 2 combat from the viewpoint of your Marine buddies, the older one just checked out some of the cool scenery you run into throughout the game. Both show some spectacular filmmaking technique; great camera angles, nice choices of content. This is a guy to keep an eye on. (Warning - some of the content might be considered spoiler material. Not by me... but then, I've already received angry email about some of the news posts I've put up, so clearly my view is more lax than some.) The HIH forum is down right now, but that's okay, because the links in the original forum post are dead (from bandwidth overload). We've grabbed copies of both movies (they were in WMP9 format), and put them up on bungie.org and mythica.org servers - and made QuickTime versions, as well.

"In the Front Lines" (Halo Action Vid):Halo Sights Tour:

This is a lot of byteage - if you can help with these, please send us mirror links, and we'll pass 'em along. Now go watch! Update: Thanks to the7thwar.com - we've got another mirror for the QuickTime version of the Sights Tour. (Louis Wu 19:32:39 UTC)

November 5, 2004 Link to this post

Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect 200 GP
FTC 15, released to members a few days ago, is now available to the masses. 9:10 long, in DivX and QuickTime formats, weighing in at 32 and 31 mb, respectively... go watch. (There are BitTorrent links you should use if you can.) Thanks, Andrew! (Louis Wu 15:02:12 UTC)

November 1, 2004 Link to this post

JPOGDNA, from Sector 7 Halo, put together a video showing the transition between Halo and Halo 2. 4:21 long, 20.1 mb large, QuickTime format. Hosted by EdgeFiles. Go watch! (Louis Wu 15:33:34 UTC)

October 29, 2004 Link to this post

Eye Candy
New video, straight from Bungie - the new trailer (both long and short versions), in English, French, German, and Italian... last summer's movie teaser... and the bonus of bonuses, a multiplayer featurette yanked off the Making of Halo DVD (high and low res, 88 or 44 mb, WMP9 format). Go watch the fantastic fllmmaking of Jim McQuillan and Film Oasis as they turn Bungie opinion and chatter into a work of art. Yeehaw! (While we're mentioning the launch ad, we should mention that the German version is also available in DivX format from HaloUniverse.) What are you waiting for? (Mac users - we'll do our best to get a QT version out in the next day or so. This came as a total surprise, though, so it's not ready yet.) (Louis Wu 20:08:15 UTC)

October 12, 2004 Link to this post

The Best Laid Plans...
Red vs Blue Episode 39, kicking off Season 3, is now available for download. It's 8:45 long, and currently only available in Lo-Res formats (they haven't started the sponsorship stuff yet). QuickTime is 49 mb, DivX is 48 mb, WMP9 is 36 mb - and whatever format you grab, the whole thing is pretty durn funny. Go watch! (Louis Wu 11:12:48 UTC)

October 10, 2004 Link to this post

We Will... well, go watch it.
There's a new video from Ms Man - a whole series of funky glitches and tricks. 12:44 long, 14 mb, WMP9 format. Some really cool stuff in there. You can find a link to it in this forum post - if bandwidth runs out, drop us a note, we'll put up a copy. (Louis Wu 17:20:27 UTC)

September 23, 2004 Link to this post

Don't Move
Paul and KINGHALO! from halosecrets.com have put together a live-action promotional vid for Halo 2 - though I doubt it's the sort of thing that Microsoft would ever actually sanction. It IS pretty funny, though. The 360x240 DivX-encoded .mp4 is up on our server; there's a larger version on their own server, but there's no guarantee the bandwidth will hold out. The small version is 4.5 mb, the large one is 11 mb. Go watch! (Louis Wu 11:07:28 UTC)

September 15, 2004 Link to this post

Dem Grunts, Dem Grunts
That Weasel writes to let us know that Episode 10, Chuckzilla, and Episode 11, Green, are both available at the Grunts are People Too!!! website. Chuckzilla chronicles the rampage (and downfall) of the infamous monster grunt, while Green requires some serious work to translate, but checks out Halo from the other side. Modding to the max. Available in both WMP and QuickTime formats. Go watch! (Louis Wu 00:30:56 UTC)

August 30, 2004 Link to this post

Death of the Common Grunt
Okay - the film quality is pretty low (it was filmed with a digital camera, in movie mode), and the dialogue leaves a little to be desired... but Collin Ferry's 'Death of the Common Grunt' film still brought a smile to my face. It's available in WMP9 format (3.6 mb) or QuickTime format (3.4 mb), and it'll only eat a minute of your life. Go watch it. (Louis Wu 14:56:02 UTC)

May 29, 2004 Link to this post

Bacon-Flavored Marshmallows
Red vs Blue has Episode 34 - 'aftermath, before biology' - up for sponsors. (The general public will have to wait a couple of days.) It's 4:27 of RvB goodness, with a great combination of humor and plot advancement. And the - oh, go watch it. (Louis Wu 00:11:19 UTC)

April 23, 2004 Link to this post

That box is there for a REASON.
Red vs Blue Episode 31 ('Room for Rent') is now available on the Season 2 Sponsors forum at RvB. It's gettin' weird, folks. (I, for one, never wanted to see the inside of... oh, never mind. Go watch it.) (Louis Wu 16:25:45 UTC)

April 9, 2004 Link to this post

I don't like where this is going...
The latest Red vs Blue episode (29) is available for Sponsors (on the sponsor forum, not the standard page) - and it's the best in a while. First swearing I've heard all season, too... New logo, goes nicely with—nope, not ruining it. Go watch. (If you're not a sponsor, this will be up on Sunday. Nice Easter present.) (Louis Wu 14:36:16 UTC)

April 1, 2004 Link to this post

Nonsense, PinkyPants...
Red vs Blue has put up Episode 28.5 for sponsors - and I gotta say, this is the funniest episode of the season, so far. You'll find it in the Season 2 Sponsors forum (not the normal place). Go watch it. Now. Update: Oops - it's not just for sponsors... it's for EVERYONE. GO! (Louis Wu 18:22:26 UTC)

March 4, 2004 Link to this post

[T]rickity trick trick.
goatrope and Devin, along with venom, essex, nukedude, and ziggy, have put together a new Tricks-filled movie showing how to get out of various Halo PC multiplayer levels, or use clipping glitches to get into walls, or... well, go watch. The movie is 3:32 long, and weighs in at 39.3 mb in DivX format. There are a pair of mirrors listed in this forum post; I decided we could probably host this, but I felt the encoding was a little wasteful; you can find a 31.8 mb QuickTime version (still pretty huge - it was a rush job) on files.bungie.org. (Louis Wu 10:18:03 UTC)

September 15, 2003 Link to this post

MacGamer scores the Halo goods
Very cool. Last week, MacGamer visited the home of Phil Sulak, the president of Westlake Interactive. They walked away with a lot of video. There's 13 minute Halo-specific vid (available in a 70 mb version and a 10 mb version), with a TON of information about where the Mac port stands and what it's gonna need. Definitely a good thing to watch for those waiting for the Mac version. There's also an 11 minute long interview with Phil Sulak, Ken Cobb, and Duane Johnson discussing Westlake in general (with a goodly amount of Halo info). This one weighs in at 63 mb or 9 mb, depending on whether you get the broadband or dialup versions. If you're a Mac gamer, or you're interested in how some of the PC-specific features implemented by Gearbox are going to be translated to the Mac, go watch these! (Louis Wu 13:53:48 UTC)

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