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Search results for go watch

Showing results 1526 - 1550 of 1706 matches

April 17, 2007 Link to this post

Monty Oum released a pretty cool vid last year - had a bit of Halo content, so we mentioned it. (He's done quite a bit of other stuff, too.) He's just released his latest work - Haloid. It's not what you think. And even if it IS, it's got stuff in it you simply must see. Go watch. (Louis Wu 19:34:20 UTC)

April 13, 2007 Link to this post

New Montages at the360forum.com
Z let us know about a couple of montages they've announced over at the360forum.com; both are hosted by Mythica. The first is inX 2Bit's Best of Both Worlds Volume II Trailer - a melange of Halo 2 and Gears of War. WMP9, 3:39, 76.3 mb. The second is J Mayne's 1v1 Trailer (edited by Zola) - WMP9, 1:11 long, 20.2 mb. Go watch! (Louis Wu 12:43:03 UTC)

April 11, 2007 Link to this post

Lost: Halostyle Ep 13
Haloplayer stopped by to point out the second half of the Lost: Halostyle Season Finale - it's available in streaming format, plus 3 downloadable options, from their site, and (because we like this series so much, and because this episode is pretty darned funny) in several flavors from us, as well: we've mirrored the to larger WMP9 versions (720x480, 73 mb | 720x480, 169 mb) and added a pair of QuickTime versions (720x480, 72 mb | 720x480, 155 mb). There's a lot more death in this one than in previous versions... and you're certainly set up nicely for the return of the series, later this summer. Go watch! (If you've missed episodes, visit their website.) (Louis Wu 12:25:50 UTC)

March 30, 2007 Link to this post

Foulacy, Legendz, and FBI Icon - MLG Floweth Over
3Suns pointed out a raft of new content over at MLGPro.com - there's player match commentary from Foulacy, an interview with Legendz, and an interview with FBI Icon (a lesser-known team, but one with high hopes). Go read, go watch! (Louis Wu 14:42:29 UTC)

March 17, 2007 Link to this post

Where Credit is Due
Red vs Blue Episode 92 was released for sponsors last night (thanks, hezekiah) - Sheila gets a new home, Simmons gets a drug habit, and Grif gets overlooked - again. Donut has some of the funniest lines of the episode. If you're not a sponsor, this will be available early next week from their front page. If you ARE a sponsor, go watch now. (Louis Wu 11:49:30 UTC)

March 13, 2007 Link to this post

Wow. scurty accomplished (with a little help from MadRoX) a feat I've never seen before; he put six Banshees into the Control Room on AotCR. Six. Wow. Go watch. Thanks, Ducain. (Louis Wu 17:41:42 UTC)

March 11, 2007 Link to this post

Top o' the world, mate!
Mostly, we leave tricking to the folks at High Impact Halo - but occasionally, there's a trick vid that reminds everyone how beautiful it all can be. dantheman87 reproduced an old trick - launching to the top of the MAC gun - but did it with a new technique that shaves hours off the setup - and in fact does it in a way that's fun to watch. Go watch! (Louis Wu 20:52:37 UTC)

March 3, 2007 Link to this post

RvB 91: Missed Direction
The latest episode of Red vs Blue is now up for sponsors (thanks, Angrist) - Sister gets oiled up and nekkid, Simmons gets jealous, and Caboose tries to get dead. Or not to get dead. Go watch! (Unless you're not a sponsor - in which case, come back in 48 hours, read this again, and then go watch!) (Louis Wu 12:49:40 UTC)

February 19, 2007 Link to this post

VShields Gets his Due
Got word from Ducain about a new video archive at High Impact Halo; it was compiled by Madrox, and it shows off the trickstering of Vern Shields (long known on our forum as vshields_ash, now semi-retired from Halo). Looking back over some of these films, I got hit with such a wave of nostalgia... go watch. Good stuff. (Louis Wu 06:05:54 UTC)

February 6, 2007 Link to this post

Player Spotlight: Karma
Over at MLGPro.com, you'll find a Player Pro Feature on Karma linked off the front page. Flush, in shape, on top - he's living his dream. Go watch. Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 13:41:05 UTC)

January 29, 2007 Link to this post

Legend 3 - Sort Of
Years ago, Mike Miller created 'Legend', and a followup, 'Legend 2' - these were basically Halo 1 campaign montages showing some really elegant gameplay at Legendary difficulty - the trick wasn't so much the difficulty, but the style with which the gameplay was performed. He was good enough that we asked him to create a Legendary Walkthrough of Halo 2, when it came out - and he did an awesome job. So today, when I opened up the forum, I was intrigued when I read this post - an anonymous poster (who went so far as to post via a proxy, so we couldn't check IP addresses) has created 'Legend 3' - which, he disclaims, is really only an homage to Mike's work, and will hopefully be REPLACED by a 'true' Legend 3 from Mike himself. I downloaded it - and I found that Halo Legend did a great job of following in Mike's footsteps; it's not about the kills, it's about HOW the kills happen. From fantastic flight control while sword-flying to a great no-scope on a perched elite to a truly novel way of killing a Major Sentinel, this vid is full of great clips. We've mirrored the original QuickTime version (linked in the forum post, 67.2 mb), and added a WMP9 version, as well (59.2 mb). Go watch - and maybe try and figure out who posted this! (Louis Wu 18:35:28 UTC)

January 2, 2007 Link to this post

...And a banshee stuck in a tree.
Rookie Rabbit sent us a belated Christmas video that we've made even MORE belated by not posting for two days - but you can go watch it now at YouTube. (Louis Wu 10:27:07 UTC)

December 29, 2006 Link to this post

Agent 117 - John's Bond
Lt Tuma sent word of a trailer he'd made, and posted on YouTube - audio comes (mostly) from the Casino Royale trailer, video comes from lots and lots and lots of different Halo sources. Really well put together, great choices - go watch it! (Louis Wu 23:28:44 UTC)

December 23, 2006 Link to this post

This Spartan Life, Ep 4 (most modules)
This Spartan Life, a machinima talk show, has released previous episodes as 'modules' - a half-hour show might be broken up into 5 or 6 pieces, and released over the course of a few weeks. Episode 4 is a little different - 3 of the 5 modules are online right now, with a fourth due to show up later today. This episode will contain interviews with McKenzie Wark (author of A Hacker Manifesto, among other works) and Burnie Burns (of Rooster Teeth Productions), as well as humor and music snippets. The opening monologue, the travelogue we mentioned in early November, and the interview with Burnie are all up now, with the McKenzie Wark interview coming soon. Go watch - good stuff! (Louis Wu 17:48:22 UTC)

December 22, 2006 Link to this post

Top 10 Worst Ways to Die in Video Games
Mintz noticed a video called 'Top 10 Worst Ways to Die in Video Games' over at TechEBlog - and Halo makes an appearance. (In fact, the Halo entry is unique, in a way. Go watch.) This isn't new; it was created by ScrewAttack, and originally went live a couple of months ago... I remember seeing it then, but for some reason, never posted it to the front page. Well, here it is. (Louis Wu 15:25:42 UTC)

December 20, 2006 Link to this post

Libertyville Halo - studio video
We've mentioned the Libertyville Halo performance a few times now (it first came up in September, and we posted a higher-quality recording a couple of weeks ago) - now there's a video to go with the studio audio. Eastbeast314 found a version on YouTube, and DarkHelmet found it on Break.com. Go watch! (Louis Wu 15:30:50 UTC)

December 10, 2006 Link to this post

Lost: Halostyle Ep 11 - The Deep Breath
Injured Knee Productions has released Episode 11 of their Lost: Halostyle series. I know I said last month that I like this series - I'm upgrading that. I LOVE this series. Great cinematography, great storyline, great voices. And it makes me laugh. Go watch it. We're hosting copies for them - WMP9 (48.3 mb) or QuickTime (48.5 mb). Then go hang out on their server and pester them to finish Episode 12. (Or start it, maybe. I don't know how they work on these.) (Louis Wu 18:41:20 UTC)

December 3, 2006 Link to this post

Space Dementia, and Movies in General
Okay, first off - we've got a new movie for you. It's from Jamie98s, and it's called Space Dementia, and it's really quite good. Jack Walters thinks he's ready for active duty again - but all may not be as it seems. Great effects, astoundingly high compression (so that a 15 minute 640x480 movie weighs in at only 70 mb, and STILL looks pretty good), great story. Download it in WMP9 format (70.6 mb) or QuickTime format (71.5 mb) - I have to say, I'm pretty happy with the overall quality of new machinima these days. Which brings me to my second point - the MPRRS is NOT dead, it's still under reconstruction. Cybrfrk got called up for jury duty, so he's got less time for coding than we'd originally thought - but we'll get there, and the final product will be better (and more useful) than the original was. Thanks to all who've offered to help (we don't need coding help, but we WILL need reviewing help, once we reopen), and if you've written to us, worried that it's gone - don't worry, it really is coming back. Meanwhile, go watch Space Dementia. It's really well-done. (Louis Wu 00:51:29 UTC)

November 28, 2006 Link to this post

Legit goes for gold
Everybody's getting into the 'videogaming is a sport' thing, it seems - the Tampa Bay Fox affiliate covered Storm Ventures' Legit last week in a personal interest piece. I chuckled when they got to the part where his dad put his foot down... go watch. Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 15:18:57 UTC)

November 26, 2006 Link to this post

Nvincible's 1v1 Montage
I guess it's the weekend for montages - we heard from CiphA, of Halomega.com, about a montage from I Nvincible I - 74 mb of 1v1 action. They also run a 4v4 League, with cash tourneys coming soon. Go watch the vid, sign up for the tourney. (Louis Wu 19:24:59 UTC)

November 22, 2006 Link to this post

MLG Pro Circuit Ep 2 Now Online
3Suns points out that the second TV episode of MLG Pro Circuit is now available for free (in full) at the MLGPro.com website. If you missed it last week on TV, go watch on the web! (Louis Wu 17:12:55 UTC)

November 18, 2006 Link to this post

Lost: Halostyle Ep 10 - The Ultimatum
We got word from Haloplayer that Lost: Halostyle Episode 10, "The Ultimatum", was available at the Injured Knee website. Teh funni continues in this episode, and they're not 100% certain their bandwidth will hold out, so we're making local versions available - WMP9 format (52.8 mb) or QuickTime format (49.2 mb). I really like this series - great voice acting, great quality, classy camerawork, and it's funny. Go watch! (Louis Wu 22:12:51 UTC)

November 15, 2006 Link to this post

It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage.
IceWeasel pitted an ODST against a Heretic Elite, in a stop-motion tribute to a great movie. It's one of my favorite scenes of all time, and he did a great job with it. Go watch! (Louis Wu 16:37:46 UTC)

October 31, 2006 Link to this post

MLG Vidcast Episode 4
Over at MLGPro.com, MLG Vidcast Episode 4 has been posted; a talk with FBI GamerGraffix, highlights from the championship series. Go watch! Thanks, 3Suns. (Louis Wu 21:35:47 UTC)

October 16, 2006 Link to this post

Trailer Trash
Gah. A video submitted by Kusho to the MPRRS, entitled 'Trailer Trash', passed last night - it tells the story of 4 contestants, each with a movie trailer they're proud of, in a game show in which the winner takes all... and the losers die. Almost 12 minutes long, available in both WMP9 format (112 mb) or QuickTime format (102 mb) - go watch! (Louis Wu 17:03:03 UTC)

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