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October 2002 Archived News

News October 31 2002


More than just webcam fun
Bungie's hiring again... this time, they're looking for a Community Development Manager. Responsibilities, requirements, and general info can be found on Bungie.net... oh, how I wish I lived near Seattle sometimes. (Louis Wu 22:07:59 UTC) (permalink)


Winter Season Promo Mirror
A European mirror for the Halo Winter Season promo mentioned yesterday has come online - thanks again to GJ of Fantazm! (Louis Wu 12:33:34 UTC) (permalink)


True, True
Halo in your local pub? Narcogen, of Rampancy.net, found an interesting article describing a new marketing deal between Microsoft and Anheuser-Busch which will get Xboxes into bars. Promotional schwag, including Xboxes, will be given away during the initial phase. Nice! (Louis Wu 12:21:02 UTC) (permalink)


Mighty Cool
In the midst of the forum madness of the last couple of days, Lorraine Reyes-McLees dropped by with an update on Eagan (misspelled the last time we mentioned him) - sounds like everyone's doing well! (We want sketches, Lorraine!) (Louis Wu 11:38:00 UTC) (permalink)


Trick or Treat...
Strykerwolf created a pretty cool image for Halo-ween... we've shamelessly stolen it for use here on this page. (You can see the original on our forum.) Strykerwolf - if this thievery is not acceptable, we'll yank it... but it was just too cool not to use. (Louis Wu 11:10:13 UTC) (permalink)


News October 30 2002


Deluge of Dramas
Lots of Fan Fiction today...

See what you can read (and comment on) before the next wave. (Louis Wu 20:55:41 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Winter Season promo
Whoa. Can't remember the last time we did this, but hey, exigent circumstances, and all... Travis Cossel, quickly making a name for himself in the Halo Video scene, has put together a promo film for the iGames Halo Winter Season - you can grab a copy (6.3 mb, 1:22 long, QT 5 format) over at our Mythica mirror space, or from the Psyjnir.com hotline server, or from HBO's mac.com overflow space. (This, too, we'd be happy to offer mirrors for... if you've got the space, let us know.) (Louis Wu 18:59:45 UTC) (permalink)


Don't try this at home
On October 25th, jackass the movie opened in theaters. Within three days, we'd received two submissions parodying this film. Our limited bandwidth resources required that we choose one... Kevin Kranzky has created a 6:45, 32.5 mb film that looks at stupid Halo stunts. Some of it's hilarious, some of it is kind of silly... but then, I'd guess that can be said about the MTv film, as well, right? It's currently being hosted by Mythica.org and the Psynjir.com hotline server, but it's a big'un, so if you've got space, and would like to help out, let us know! Update: CYBRFRK has put a copy up at Cybrfrk'n. Thanks! Update 2: GJ has supplied another mirror, courtesy of Fantazm. Woohoo! (This one's in Europe.) Full mirror list coming at some point. (Louis Wu 14:25:42 UTC) (permalink)


iGames posts tournament rules
iGames has posted the tournament rules for the Halo Winter Season; if you're interested in competing in this national event (the first qualifiers are this weekend), check out this page! Thanks to Team Overkill for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 13:16:36 UTC) (permalink)


News October 29 2002


The H Boys...
Tuesday's Fan Fiction:

Have at 'em... (Louis Wu 21:27:40 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Electronica
SilverBrin****, of The Psyjnir Complex, has created another piece of Halo fan music. In SB's words:

Think Halo meets Oni... If the Master Chief and Konoko were out clubbing, you might hear this....then again mb not not :(.

It's interesting. I have trouble hearing the Halo influences in places... but you should check it out for yourself! Just under 3 megs, in MP3 format. And yes, this means I'm gonna get off my butt and set up a Fan Music section to this site... Soon™. (Louis Wu 11:23:51 UTC) (permalink)


Blame Canada
Game Nation has interviewed Xbox Canada's marketing manager, Ryan Mugford. There are some interesting numbers in there; Canada has the highest percentage of Xbox gamers in the world (30.1% of their home console market), the highest percentage of Halo purchasers, and a ridiculously high percentage of people with access to broadband (80% of Xbox owners have it). Now, except for the silliness about Halo coming to the Gameboy Advance (I must say, a large chunk of Mugford's credibility went out the window when I read that portion of the interview), there's some good info in there; don't mind the uncertainty in the Halo 2 release dates, pay attention to the Xbox Live info (and the Canadian stats in general). Thanks to Harry Al-Shakarchi for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 10:34:03 UTC) (permalink)


A light in the sea of darkness
Hojjen drops off a big, bright desktop for our Wallpaper section. Take a look... (Louis Wu 03:27:59 UTC) (permalink)


What happened to Faircloth?
Bizarre pair of Miscellaneous Art submissions tonight. (For what it's worth, the creator of the first one has nothing to do with me, and I probably wouldn't have posted the second one if I hadn't been so amused by goings-on on the forum this evening.) (Louis Wu 03:23:39 UTC) (permalink)


News October 28 2002


Monday's Reading
Better late than never... today's Fan Fiction offerings:

Apparently, the comments abuse is getting worse. A forum thread has been started to get votes from people interested (one way or the other) in the continued existence of the Comments section - be sure to chime in soon. (Louis Wu 19:43:00 UTC) (permalink)


News October 27 2002


Sunday's reading
Weekend Fan Fiction:

A word of advice to fan fic writers: If you decide to use a font that 95% of your readers do not have access to (like, say, Tengwar Sindarin), be sure to submit any text in that font in GRAPHIC format (take a screenshot, save as a gif). This is the first and last time I'm going to be downloading fonts to do this for writers; in the future, any text that comes in in a totally random font will be displayed in the default font (which will, I promise, make it look really stupid). (Louis Wu 18:12:08 UTC) (permalink)


Fear and Wonder
We received another movie from Jiberish Halo Productions. This one's called 'Fear and Wonder, and it's a 3:21 long, 13.8 mb gameplay film. There are some great moments in this film (the dismount/mount at 0:40 is fantastic), but I'd like to make something clear... this movie (and more than a dozen like it that have been submitted by various people in the past couple of weeks) is the kind of movie that we wrote the Posting Guidelines for in the first place. It's pretty cool to watch, it's well made, for the most part... but it really doesn't add anything original to the corpus of Halo movies. :( I'm letting this one through, for a variety of reasons, but I want to make it clear that from this point on, movies like this will NOT be hosted by us (or more accurately, by those that supply our bandwidth) any more. Please don't ask, because I hate saying no. Likely, I'll just point you to this news post. [Movie sidenote: Someone uploaded a movie called 'Red Star's Halo Secrets'. There was a readme attached... but there was NO CONTACT INFORMATION in the readme. The movie is not watchable (either the upload failed midway, or it uses some strange codec I don't have access to), but I have no way of contacting the creator to ask for another copy, or more information. If you're reading this and you know who created this movie, please let us know.] (Louis Wu 17:26:26 UTC) (permalink)


Pair of desktops for you today. (One was submitted probably as a logo enhancement... but it's wallpaper-sized, so I'm putting it here.) Check our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 16:10:36 UTC) (permalink)


Getchyer Bungie Screens Here!
We've added the three map views from Bungie's recent Team Tournament Strategy Guide to our Screenshots database. (Louis Wu 15:58:21 UTC) (permalink)


News October 26 2002


HCC comes online again
Griffon writes to point out that Halo Command Central (a site that has existed in many guises over the years) is live again, in its prettiest format yet, over at Forerunners.org. There's not much content yet (Just a Weapons page and a Vehicles page, it seems)... but it's open, and content will fill out quickly, he promises. Go check it out! (Louis Wu 14:23:31 UTC) (permalink)


Only one? Whoa.
Light Fan Fiction offering today - one story; Revolution 2 Return of the Forerunner, part 2, by Gruntkiller. Go take a look! (Louis Wu 11:38:07 UTC) (permalink)


Gotta love that red guy
Unreal Halo, and some mods on an early bit of concept art... all in our Miscellaneous Art collection. (Louis Wu 11:30:38 UTC) (permalink)


Muted Desktop
A pretty dark image for you today in the Wallpaper section... (Louis Wu 11:21:15 UTC) (permalink)


HBO AIM theme available
Team Overkill has created an Expression for AOL Instant Messenger based on this site. It's being hosted by AIM Buddy Expressions, on this page... but there are no previews there, so we've put one up here. This work was done with the help of Nick. (Louis Wu 10:45:49 UTC) (permalink)


Hang 'em Hign, for Unreal
Nick found a pretty cool-looking UT2k3 version of Hang 'em High... someone's putting a lot of time into making it right. The thread (with a number of screens) can be found here. You'll need to register to view the site, so here's a link to one of the images, so you can get a better sense for what's being shown (and a local copy, in case that one goes away). (Louis Wu 10:18:26 UTC) (permalink)


Bungie posts strategy guide
In time for next week's perliminary round of the iGames Halo Winter Season, Bungie has posted a Team Tournament Strategy Guide. Complete with very nice overhead shots of the three maps to be used in the qualifiers, this guide should help you and your team enter the fray with s7yle. Check it out! (Louis Wu 01:38:45 UTC) (permalink)


News October 25 2002


Story Page's Level Transcripts updated
StarWarsFanMan pointed out a snippet of dialog we missed on the second level of Halo (you only hear it if you don't climb into the Warthog when Foe Hammer drops it off). We've added it to the Halo level transcript. (Louis Wu 18:28:38 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's Fan Fiction
Two new Fan Fiction authors:

Go check 'em out... (Louis Wu 18:21:30 UTC) (permalink)


Watch it, Marine...
Did someone blow it? Was Silent Cartographer a doomed mission from the very start? Are courts-martial in order? Be sure to watch Combat History, this week on VisionStar. (Thanks to Travis Cossel, who captured this 40-second, 6.7 mb QT version of the trailer.) (Louis Wu 01:41:34 UTC) (permalink)


News October 24 2002


Rock On.
Warbow started a movie based off of School House Rock... but never really got anywhere. The splash screen is great, though. (Louis Wu 20:33:34 UTC) (permalink)


This makes what... three?
HaloJuggaloProductions has redone the site (again). There's a little bit of new content, even. (Louis Wu 20:27:19 UTC) (permalink)


Today's stories
Just a couple of Fan Fiction pieces for you today:

Go get 'em... (Louis Wu 20:10:13 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday Art 2
One Miscellaneous Art submission today... (Louis Wu 19:28:32 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday Art 1
Today's desktop submissions can now be found in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 19:19:51 UTC) (permalink)


Phoenix Artwork updated again
Pretty cool pic added to the Phoenix Posthumous Artwork page - though I'd have to question the text that goes along with it. look for dosaphoenix.jpg if the link doesn't take you all the way down to the bottom... (Louis Wu 17:58:13 UTC) (permalink)


Halo50k survey up
dolbex points out that the Halo50K preregistration database is now online. It starts with a survey - they're trying to get an idea about how much interest there is. (After the survey, you're given a chance to preregister your team; this isn't the stage at which you need to pay or anything.) Stop by and fill it out! (Louis Wu 12:39:14 UTC) (permalink)


Tamte on Mac Halo - again
Gotta love it when the big boys are months behind. Today, Macworld UK posted an article about a talk they had 'recently' with Peter Tamte, president of Destineer Studios, and Bold, the company that will publish the Mac version of Halo. The information seems a tad out of date:

"Halo for the Mac will be released in summer 2003 simultaneously with the PC release, and will very much be a multiplayer thing. PC and Mac users will be able to play Halo online against each other. It's unclear yet whether it will be possible to play against Xbox users, because the Xbox uses a different set of controls."

Tamte went on to confirm that the Bungie team responsible for Halo is now working on Halo 2, and discussed the way the game is being ported: "Westlake is doing the Mac port. The company is working with the PC code produced by Gearbox for the PC port of the title. Westlake will begin work in mid-September".

That's what he told bungie.org's Freewill in July, Inside Mac Games in August, and MacGamer in September... and what's with the future tense about the Westlake start date? (Well, to be fair, the possibility that the PC and Xbox versions might be able to play together is new; up until now, the answer has been a flat-out 'no'.) Thanks to Harry Al-Shakarchi for the heads-up on this one. (Louis Wu 12:16:26 UTC) (permalink)


More Bootcamp writeups
Since the Xbox Live Bootcamp summary went online yesterday, two other writeups have come to light. (One was just published, the other I just found.) We'll be keeping up on these; as new ones come up, we'll add them to the list. In theory, there will be about a dozen when all is said and done. Right now there are 8. (Louis Wu 09:33:27 UTC) (permalink)


Man, how cool is that?
Dang, and it's times like these I wish I had a webcam. BOLL has created yet another Flash masterpiece; this one's a bit larger (640K), and requires that you have a webcam attached to your PC... but if you do, you can put your own face behind the visor of the Master Chief! (Three different image options.) Check it out. (Louis Wu 09:22:12 UTC) (permalink)


Running Riot Invitational gets pretty
Emildux has written up the Running Riot Invitational Summary, complete with pictures - this was the $1000 first prize competition we mentioned recently. Take a look! (Louis Wu 09:16:53 UTC) (permalink)


News October 23 2002


Check out that grenade-assisted tank jump!
This came in a little while ago, but I forgot about it. :( Jiberish Halo Productions has put together a little vid called 'Halo - Session'. It's in .wmv format, 2:31 long, and weighs in at 12.5 mb. Mostly, it's a demonstration of what you can do with 400% health, a lot of rockets and grenades, and some careful shooting. We've put it up on mythica.org. If you like this, visit Jiberish's video page; there are a number of other similar films. (Louis Wu 20:44:09 UTC) (permalink)


A happy birthday wish to Stefan Sinclair! (Earlier today, the Bungie webcam text read 'HappyBD2me :O)' - it's since been shortened to ':O)'. *Ar-Isildur speculated from the smiley that this was written by Stefan... and a quick check confirmed this.) Have a Surly Dwarf Ale for all the fans! (Louis Wu 20:15:24 UTC) (permalink)


Xbox Live Bootcamp
Took way too long (what else is new?), but the Xbox Live Bootcamp article is finally online. I was invited (along with 14 or so other people from around the country) for 'Xbox Live Bootcamp', an in-depth look at the Xbox Live gaming service, and what it means for Microsoft. A day in Seattle (plus two days traveling) last week... read my thoughts on the subject! Comments, as always, are welcome on our forum. (Louis Wu 19:06:37 UTC) (permalink)


Questions (and answers) about Phoenix
Not really Halo-related, but PBO doesn't have a news-posting mechanism (and even I'm not stupid enough to build something like that for a game that's already been canned) - Rampancy.net has posted a short Q&A with Matt Soell about Phoenix, and the project that has replaced it. Check it out! (Louis Wu 16:52:32 UTC) (permalink)


New Halo vid at BSP
New video at Blackstar Productions this morning. It's by Ben Dussault, and it's in the vein of BSP's Halo movies; inspiring music and Halo gameplay. 480x274, 1:30 long, 19.1 mb big, in QT format. Check it out! (There are a couple of movies we'll be posting soon, as well.) (Louis Wu 14:54:03 UTC) (permalink)


A sad, sad story
Sometimes, people just get too attached to what they're doing. Pity them. (Louis Wu 14:48:34 UTC) (permalink)


PlanetGameCube checks out Xbox Live
Heh - another Xbox Live Bootcamp writeup comes online - this time from Billy, at PlanetGameCube. It's an interesting view of the whole shebang; he picked up on a lot of negative stuff I never even saw, one of the advantages of multiple viewpoints and backgrounds. It's Halo-related only in the fact that some of the pics have Bungie personnel in them. (The picture labeled 'Inside Bungie' shows Chris Butcher giving an impromptu talk on the Halo 2 AI, with Marcus Lehto (seated, all the way in the back) looking on. That's Ed Fries right in front of the big geeky-looking old guy. There's also a shot of Marty that should never, ever have seen the light of day. Thanks to Freewill (and Infininight) for pointing this puppy out. (Yes, the HBO writeup will be up soon. Really.) (Louis Wu 14:36:43 UTC) (permalink)


Another look at Halo 2
Ferrago.co.uk has put up a Halo 2 preview - a nice overview of the current info. Take a look! (Louis Wu 14:17:24 UTC) (permalink)


Jester Speaks
Bungie.net has put up an interview with Jesse Tribby, a Halo fan and Psyjnir Complex staffer who has been working really hard to make the iGames Halo Winter Season come together. If you're curious about how some of the decisions were made, read this. It's not often that a major competition like this is actually organized by hardcore gamers... usually it's the money boys, looking for the angle. (Louis Wu 12:25:12 UTC) (permalink)


Recent Fan Fiction:

If the torrent of stories and artwork ever slows, I might even get a chance to finish the writeup on Xbox Live Bootcamp. :( (Louis Wu 03:40:43 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's Artwork, part 2
Three more desktop images for you in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 02:16:12 UTC) (permalink)


Michigan Tourney, coming up!
Another team tournament for you, in Michigan... The ACM Microsoft Michican Halo Tournament. This one's 3 vs 3, takes place on November 7, and the entrance price is a measly $5/person. Check out the details, and sign up if you're local! (This was announced on our forum.) (Louis Wu 02:10:17 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's Artwork, part 1
Pair of new art submissions; another SA-style sketch from Gasmask, and a pretty slick vignette from David Glen Walker. Check our Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 02:06:29 UTC) (permalink)


They don't die, they start up indie presses
Whoa, random info. Hot on the heels of a discussion over at Subnova about who'd left Bungie recently, we got mail from Matt Segur, a programmer on the Halo team who left after Halo shipped. He's got a brand-spankin' new mixed-media publishing company called Ghostweed Press, and they're currently selling a book and a CD. The music's pretty good... go check 'em out, and see what happens to Bungie expatriates - after they receive "the operation"! UPDATED: The discussion in question was held in a private forum; the link that used to be in this post would deny access to pretty much everyone so it was removed. --CZ) (Louis Wu 01:18:55 UTC) (permalink)


News October 22 2002


Let the Carnage Begin!
iGames is ready to kick off their Halo Winter Season - a series of 4-man tournaments held across North America. Grand Prize is a trip for four to E3 2003... but there's lots more to it than that. Go read about it at iGames! (Thanks to Jester for the heads-up.) (Louis Wu 21:47:27 UTC) (permalink)


MacOSX Jaguar boot icons, and a pair of... situations, today in our Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 09:22:43 UTC) (permalink)


Um... Robocop?
Shallow Throat has gotten into the cough syrup again. (Louis Wu 08:51:06 UTC) (permalink)


They came, they played, they kicked tuchus.
Congratulations to The Specialists, of San Diego, CA, who took home the $1,000 top prize in the Halo: Running Riot Invitational that took place on last Saturday. (We originally reported on this when it was named 'CobaltNova'.) A massive summary (summary? blow-by-blow, almost) can be found on our forum. Thanks to emildux, of xboxlanaz, for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 08:47:12 UTC) (permalink)


News October 21 2002


Something Important, yes, sir!
Pallor points out that a blurb in the current issue of Rolling Stone has Trent Reznor (of Nine Inch Nails) stating that Halo actually delayed work on his newest album:

Halo is a spectacularly done piece of work. I got it right before I was going into the studio. I thought, 'OK, to get on with my life, I better just finish this thing.' It put me back a few days. But what's a few days when there's something important to do?"

What's a few days, indeed? This blurb was first mentioned to us by David, a couple of weeks ago... but there wasn't anything about the work stoppage, so we forgot about it. (Louis Wu 20:55:11 UTC) (permalink)


Halo for UT 2K3
Hehe - you knew it had to happen. Kayas pointed out a map for Unreal Tournament 2k3 called 'SOT Bloodgulch'. The screenshot shows a bit more... um, scaffolding than I'm used to, but the concept is great. (Louis Wu 20:46:18 UTC) (permalink)


Gotta get me one of them...
Gasmask comes up with a novel use for Grunts... check our our Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 17:09:10 UTC) (permalink)


A couple of days' worth of fiction
Apologies to Fan Fiction writers; on busy weekends, more time-consuming tasks get pushed back, and formatting fiction entries falls into that category. Here, then, are the submissions from over the weekend:

Note that there are two series-finishers in there... (Louis Wu 16:57:31 UTC) (permalink)


Carnage in the Hills
ICDedPpl wanted to point out that the 7th Column chapter MOSHPIT will be hosting a tournament in mid-November, with $850 in cash on the line (if full attendance - 64 people - is reached), and pizza, soda, and snacks for everyone. Entrance fee is $20 a head, and the location is Rochester Hills, MI. If you're in the area, check it out! (Louis Wu 14:31:37 UTC) (permalink)


Monday morning desktops
Four new desktops for you in our Wallpaper collection, including one from the curator of the newly opened Bungie Wallpaper Stash over at Forerunners.org. Go check 'em out... and check the stash for other Bungie-related (not just Halo) desktops! (Louis Wu 14:21:15 UTC) (permalink)


HBO banners for you
Charles Powell has whipped up a pair of banners for our Banners section... we're honored. You'll find both a small version and a larger one. (Louis Wu 14:06:15 UTC) (permalink)


More Phoenix stuff
The Posthumous Phoenix Artwork page has been updated again. (Louis Wu 13:43:33 UTC) (permalink)


What is the groundspeed of an unladen warthog?
It's been said that Halo can inspire obsession. We recently received a pretty clear example of this. Zachary Hahn, armed with Halo and a stopwatch, managed to run some time trials and calculate various speeds and rates related to Halo vehicles and weapons. You'll find the results in our Miscellaneous section, in a document called 'Random Stats'. (Note: except for rounding numbers with more than 3 significant digits, and adding the note from Chucky Gough, we here at HBO had nothing to do with the actual values; any contentions should be taken up with Mr. Hahn.) (Louis Wu 13:12:39 UTC) (permalink)


News October 20 2002


Phoenix-inspired artwork
Since the announcement that Bungie's secret project known as Phoenix has been shelved, the artwork has begun to pour in. We started by placing it in our Miscellaneous Art section... but it's clear that it has the potential to crush that section, and it's not particularly Halo-related. We've therefore added new additions (as well as recently submitted pieces that are already in our Misc. Art section) to phoenix.bungie.org... and will continue to add new pieces there as they're submitted. Minimalist interface; the art is the thing. Hope this works for everyone! (Louis Wu 19:33:16 UTC) (permalink)


Screens Bonanza
Recently, Bungie posted the eighth chapter of their Legendary Walkthrough at the Tru7h and Reconciliation site. It included a whole passel of the now-legendary (hehe) Bungie-quality screenshots to illustrate the text. We've added these to our Screenshots database; you'll find the 43 shots shown on that page, plus 9 others that didn't make the cut. Go crazy! (Louis Wu 03:09:28 UTC) (permalink)


Long Live Phoenix (the logo)
Ghôlsbane has submitted an .eps file containing a path of the Phoenix logo outline. To use this, open it in Photoshop (or anything that reads Photoshop paths) and select the Paths palette. It's invisible until you select it. Quality is quite good; there's a simple example of what you can do with it in the Miscellaneous Art entry that houses it, and a fancier one at the Phoenix Hub over at Forerunners.org. The Phoenix project, a shadowy enigma these past couple of years, has been shelved... and to add to the history of this image, the word from Bungie was that "it's not an 'official' Phoenix logo, just one that the team picked out from a dozen or so Chris Barrett put together for our Bungie business cards." However, it's all we've got, and now that Phoenix is no more, I'm sure folks will put it to good use. :) (Louis Wu 02:50:22 UTC) (permalink)


News October 19 2002


New Press Scans
Last month's mind-shaking magazine articles are no longer on the newsstands... so we can finally bring them to you in our Press Scans section. You'll find 'Apokalyps Nu' from the September issue of Sweden's Super Play, 'X-Files' from the October issue of France's Official Xbox Magazine, and the gorgeous article from the September Edge Magazine. Enjoy! (Louis Wu 16:15:50 UTC) (permalink)


More Pics 2
We're swimming in Miscellaneous Art today... (Louis Wu 09:56:03 UTC) (permalink)


More Pics 1
Pair of new desktops for you... check our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 09:37:26 UTC) (permalink)


New fan banner
---m0bus--- has turned in a new banner, in use on his clan site, BOX Inc. Halo. You'll find it in our Banners section. (Louis Wu 09:25:55 UTC) (permalink)


Ask not for whom the bell tolls...
There's been plenty of Halo Story speculation on our forum recently... but now there's even more; the Halo Story site has gotten a tasty update by our very own Finn. Go see what he thought was worth considering this time around! (Louis Wu 01:37:04 UTC) (permalink)


The Bungie Boys are Busy
Boatloads of new content at Bungie.net... on top of yesterday's system upgrades, we now have a Legendary walkthrough for Two Betrayals (with almost 50 new screenshots - and more if you know where to look) and an article entitled 'So You Want To Be a Programmer', written by Michael Evans, a programmer on the Halo team. Go read it all! (Louis Wu 01:31:51 UTC) (permalink)


News October 18 2002


Artwork part 2 and a new policy
Three new images for our Miscellaneous art collection this time around. Folks: during the past few days, we've received a huge number of art submissions. Some of them we received more than once. Again - if you don't see your image online in a day or so after submission, feel free to send us email asking us whether we got it... but PLEASE don't resend the image unless we say we didn't. Also: if you're going to start with Bungie artwork, and add a line of text... or paste a character from another game onto it with no attempt at actually combining the images... we're going to decline to host it. The overall quality of submissions in recent weeks has dropped precipitously (with several very notable exceptions) - people seem to be encouraged to send in barely modified existing work by seeing other barely modified existing work actually get posted... so from this point on, we're going to be a bit more selective about what we post. This is not to say you must be a great artist; it's just to say that in order for us to display your work, we have to be convinced it's YOUR WORK. (More than half of the submissions this week aren't getting posted for this reason.) I hope this makes sense to everyone. (Louis Wu 14:00:21 UTC) (permalink)


Artwork part 1
Inverted can be fun. New desktop from Frank Machado in our Wallpaper section. Update: eep, forgot one. Bbow of Been Mawed dropped off a Halo50K desktop. Sorry about that. (Louis Wu 13:19:47 UTC) (permalink)


Three new logo modifications from Justin Guizzo - check our Logos section. (Louis Wu 10:57:36 UTC) (permalink)


Stories, stories, and more stories
A week's catchup on Fan Fiction:

On a less pleasant note, there's been some abuse of the comments system in the fan fiction section recently. There's not a lot I'm going to do about this; the system wasn't built with idiots in mind, and policing it really isn't feasible. One writer suggested that if the abuse doesn't stop, I'd have to institute some sort of forum system and force people to register to leave comments; this isn't true. If it gets bad enough, I'll just remove the comments mechanism altogether. One of the things that makes this site interesting to a diverse group of people is the ability to contribute; artwork, music, fiction... and yes, comments on others' fiction. If it makes you feel good, or powerful, to screw up the ability of others to add to this community by forcing me to shut down areas I don't have full control over... well, maybe you need to get out more. Remember: this site is run completely on volunteer effort. We don't charge you anything, we don't force you to look at banner ads, we're simply trying to give you a place to share your love of Halo. Please - don't make it so hard for us that we simply remove areas that require policing. (Louis Wu 10:36:05 UTC) (permalink)


Man, oh man...
Ouch. (Louis Wu 02:16:48 UTC) (permalink)


News October 17 2002


Shiny things?
Achronos has posted at b.net that some new features are being added to the site that will make your surfing experience better, but that will include a half-hour of downtime today. Since we were reamed for not notifying the public the LAST time b.net went offline for upgrades, consider this your notification. (Louis Wu 09:45:49 UTC) (permalink)


Penny Arcade looks at XBL
Gabe and Tycho of Penny Arcade were at the Xbox Live Bootcamp (the MS event that took me out west this week), as well... and the comic that came out of it is Halo-related. (The actual writeup Tycho posted is far more interesting to read - even though I now feel I have to rewrite parts of my own impressions (written on the plane home yesterday) in order not to look like I'm just ripping off his text.) Take a look! (Louis Wu 08:21:22 UTC) (permalink)


News October 16 2002


Gameplanet in NZ looks at Halo
The Xbox was finally released in New Zealand at the beginning of October... and the Kiwi gaming site Gameplanet has posted their review of Halo. They loved it. We've added the review to the Reviews database. (Louis Wu 13:30:37 UTC) (permalink)


Quick activity update
It's late, and I have to be up pretty early for the plane flight home... but I figured I'd drop off this preliminary report. I spent today in a conference room at Microsoft with a dozen other folks, testing a wide variety of soon-to-be-released games that will work with the Xbox Live online service. It was a blast, and though what I learned isn't directly related to Halo (and Halo 2 won't be out for over a year), I think some of the information might be of interest to some readers of this site; I'll be writing up my impressions in the next few days. More to the point, though, I'll be back in town (and able to update the site) by tomorrow night... to fan fiction submitters, thanks for your patience! (Louis Wu 07:08:47 UTC) (permalink)


News October 15 2002


New Hotline Movie Mirror
David Karl, of Moden Studios, has mirrored a whole bunch of movies on his hotline server:

The Evolution of Halo, Groove 117, High Speed Highway Halo, The Halo 2 Trailer, an extra small version of the H2 trailer for poor modem suckers, The Matrix (Halo Remix), Warthog Jump, and Warthog Revisited.

Links have been added to all appropriate lists. Thanks, David! (Louis Wu 07:02:22 UTC) (permalink)


Gold on Black
A new banner for you, from Jack Smith - check our Banners section. (Louis Wu 06:51:32 UTC) (permalink)


News October 14 2002


One for the road
One last desktop before I get on a plane... grab it in our Wallpaper collection. (Louis Wu 09:17:49 UTC) (permalink)


Fan Fiction for an early Monday morning:

This may be the last fanfic update for several days. I'm headed out of town, and although there are others who might update (and although I might find time while gone to do so), it's quite possible that any submitted stories will be queued until I return on Wednesday night. Please - don't be impatient, and don't send your story more than once. Thanks! (Louis Wu 09:10:25 UTC) (permalink)


Logo addition
A nice brick wall, enhanced with a Halo logo, courtesy of Random Hero... check our Logos section. (Louis Wu 04:40:33 UTC) (permalink)


The weather is here, wish you were beautiful
Gah! Almost missed a postcard - from WHERE? Check it out in the Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 04:35:49 UTC) (permalink)


Apes and Gangsters...
A couple of new desktops (one in two flavors) in our Wallpaper section. Update: Eep - missed one. (I'm not doing very well this evening.) Find it here. (Louis Wu 04:25:47 UTC) (permalink)


Is that an MC in your pocket...?
Got an iPAQ, Jornada or a T-Mobile Pocket PC Phone? Want a Master Chief theme for your Today Screen? Thanks to Jack Ash, you can grab one from our Miscellaneous Art section. Cool! (Louis Wu 04:18:52 UTC) (permalink)


News October 13 2002


MC drawing
A nice MC sketch from Doggone, now in our Miscellaneous Art section. (News for the near future will be pretty light - I'm out all day today.) (Louis Wu 15:46:00 UTC) (permalink)


News October 12 2002


Schwag for Atlanta
Woohoo! Gary points out that the Halo50K store is now open! Grab a shirt, sticker, lunchbox (!!), mousepad, backpack, travelmug now! (Louis Wu 22:44:07 UTC) (permalink)


This is Rough and Tough
Travis Cossel, who recently submitted the Groove 117 movie, has given us another fun clip. This one's called 'Tough Guy', and every MC-induced death in this 96 second vid is dealt via a melee attack. Timing is quite good. Check it out! 8.1 mb of QT goodness at mythica.org. (Not sure if this is still relevant to anyone... but there are spoilers in this film.) (Louis Wu 18:24:57 UTC) (permalink)


Stories for Saturday
Start your weekend off with some Fan Fiction:

The Final Fight was split into two pieces to fit into the database, but the above link provides it in its original form. (Louis Wu 13:20:18 UTC) (permalink)


Busy, busy...
6 new desktop images for you in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 11:17:17 UTC) (permalink)


Soledad, eh?
Deimos™, of Subnova fame, has been spotlighted over at the Junkyard. Check it out! (Louis Wu 02:28:35 UTC) (permalink)


Donate Your Brain to Bungie
Wondering how to build a successful Seventh Column Chapter? Matt Soell has written up a nice overview of the components that make a good chapter hum. Go read it at b.net. (Louis Wu 00:52:52 UTC) (permalink)


News October 11 2002


You say you want a Halolution...
Pair of new desktops for you - a Halo 2 composite, and a wicked-cool 'Evolution of the MC' bit. Check 'em out in our Wallpaper section! (Louis Wu 19:17:23 UTC) (permalink)


Is that a covie ship?
Jenova puts together a Halo pic using Bryce - you'll find it in our Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 19:07:38 UTC) (permalink)


The New Paint
HaloJuggaloProductions gets a new (flash) look - go take a look! (Louis Wu 19:03:30 UTC) (permalink)


More mirrors at Nukedude
Nukedude drops us a note that a bunch more movies have been mirrored at his site:

We've added the mirror links to the appropriate mirror pages or Movie database links. Thanks, Nukedude! (Louis Wu 14:49:43 UTC) (permalink)


Rappin' MC...
Choreographed MC dancing has shown up in vids before... but never to this extent. Travis Cossel, the mind behind Fragfest: Unleashed, has turned in a 2:38 vid in QT format that should make you laugh. And just when you think it's getting old... it gets funny again. :) Check it out! 6.3 mb at mythica.org... (Louis Wu 02:50:34 UTC) (permalink)


News October 10 2002


The Accolades Continue
Halo picked up a pair of top-notch awards at the annual Bafta Interactive Entertainment Awards - it beat GTA3 for top spot in Games Multiplayer and Games Console. (It was also nominated for the Audio award, but didn't win.) Read more at BBC news. Thanks to Chris Chan for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 22:02:05 UTC) (permalink)


Big money, coming up...
Lots of new information at Halo50K.com... go check it out! (Louis Wu 21:56:47 UTC) (permalink)


6 more for the gristmill
Thursday's Fan Fiction:

Get to readin'... (Louis Wu 21:51:09 UTC) (permalink)


Mosquito, eh?
Whoa - pretty cool. Nathan Falslev has built a dropship (and warthog) out of Lego bricks... nicely done! (There's also a page devoted to the Warthog itself.) Thanks to Leo Shklovskii for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 20:40:56 UTC) (permalink)


Killing Time
Ack! A piece of artwork came in a couple of days ago - slipped by in the confusion. Recovered, now... you can find it in our Miscellaneous Art section. What the Master Chief is doing in his off hours... (Louis Wu 09:38:46 UTC) (permalink)


Don't make me...
Dogsounds builds a new MC for your desktop - find the result in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 09:26:23 UTC) (permalink)


Movie bandwidth is always nice
A couple more movie mirrors... arcor pops the Ultimate Warthog Jumps vid on Xbox4uweb, and Nukedude mirrors the wmp9 version of the Halo 2 trailer. These have both been added to the mirror lists. Thanks, guys! (Louis Wu 09:20:05 UTC) (permalink)


Halo in Tribes 2
Nice. vector40 points out a post at the Junkyard forums from someone building a Halo-based mode for Tribes 2. There are shots of the MC model, an Elite, and the assault rifle. (All need to be pasted into new browser windows to load properly.) Check it out! (Louis Wu 08:44:35 UTC) (permalink)


News October 9 2002


Tricks? You people remember tricks?
After 56 days of drought, the Tricks page gets updated through the end of July. Only 3 months behind! Gah. Anyway, go check out the 6 new tricks posted in the Gameplay Tricks section. (I've decided to leave out Frogblast's tricks until I've cleared the rest of the queue - there are just so many of them. Remember, all of his are documented at Utfoo.) August is coming as soon as I can get to it. (Please - sending mail asking when this section is going to be updated will do nothing but upset me. I can't answer the question, and every time someone asks, I feel worse.) (Louis Wu 19:49:15 UTC) (permalink)


No black here
A pair of colorful desktops have been added to our Wallpaper section. Update: Random Hero just dropped one off - you can see it here, or with the other two here. This one's dark. :) (Louis Wu 18:56:12 UTC) (permalink)


The mirror list grows
Halo Orbit, in Germany, has put up a mirror for the Ultimate Warthog Jumps film, as well. We've created a mirror list, to make your life easier.


Marathon? What's Marathon?
The banners come alive! Patroclus submits an animated banner extolling the... um, virtues (yeah, that's it) of Halo 2. Check it out in our Banners section! (Louis Wu 12:48:09 UTC) (permalink)


Warthog Mirrorage
vector40 writes to point out that Rampancy.net has mirrored the OXM UK Ultimate Warthog Jump movie. If you haven't grabbed this yet, and the existing mirrors are tight... go visit R.net. Thanks! Update: Note to self: read all the incoming mail before posting... StarWarsFanMan has put up a copy at his Forerunners-hosted Green Marines, as well. Go get it! (Louis Wu 12:36:50 UTC) (permalink)


News October 8 2002


Rockin' Warthog Jump Flick
The October cover disc of the Official UK Xbox Magazine contained a Warthog Jump competition. They solicited innovative warthog jumps from their readers, then rated them on Height, Landing, and Originality. The 18 jumps included in the video ranged from a score of 12/30 up to a pretty impressive 27/30. Even the duds are pretty funny. Yes, the Warthog Jump has been done a bit (hehe), but consider this a swan song to the genre. And the last jump has to be seen to be believed! (Thanks to Griffon for making this video available.) We'd LOVE mirrors - currently, you can find it at mythica.org and the psyjnir.com hotline server. It's 18.5 mb, in QuickTime 5 format. (It's almost 5 minutes long.) Enjoy! Update: Eclarap writes to say that Halo-Game, in France, has put up a mirror for this movie. Thanks, guys! (Louis Wu 20:02:24 UTC) (permalink)


MORE Wallpaper
Ross Mills sent in a desktop image he's been using for a while. It combines one of Bungie's wallpapers with a poem called 'The Reaper' - written by T. GhostWolf Davidson and used in a fake 'Cortana Letter' that circulated recently. (You can read more about the situation in this forum thread.) Ross' desktop, meanwhile, can be found in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 13:17:01 UTC) (permalink)


Be Ready.
Continuing with the banner theme, Warbow sends in one of his own. You'll find it in our Banners section. Update: the image is considerably smaller now. (Louis Wu 12:58:37 UTC) (permalink)


more pics
Pair of new desktops avaiable... in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 10:56:23 UTC) (permalink)


All the way or no way
Justin Bernard turns in another piece of artwork promoting the squad Delta Force - this time it's a banner. We've reduced the display size (so that it fits on the page), but the original is available as well. (Louis Wu 10:48:23 UTC) (permalink)


300dpi doesn't work on the web
FunkyCheesMunkey draws another Halo pic for our Miscellaneous Art section. (It's really, really big, so if you load it and see only white in your browser window, realize you have to scroll a LOT to get to any content.) (Louis Wu 10:40:25 UTC) (permalink)


Yahoo IM skin
Okay, I guess this is sort of Halo-related... Matthew Ramos created an Xbox Yahoo Messenger skin, and the MC has a prominent place in it. You can see a preview he sent of the skin in action (42K), or you can download the skin itself (172K). I'm not sure we're the best place for Instant Messenger skin collections... maybe in the future, if you have a skin you'd like the Halo community to see, you should find a skin archive site to house it at, and send us a link. Thanks! (Louis Wu 10:31:37 UTC) (permalink)


Football and Halo in Texas
Heh - in an article from the Houston Chronicle's Sports 2 section front page last Sunday, tossed into the middle of a pretty funny discussion of what happens when real-life football players run up against their electronic doppelgangers is a tidbit of Halo goodness.

On the other side of the room, a group of offensive linemen were involved in a four-player game of Halo, the most popular game in the locker room next to Madden. The game involves the deployment of a cyber-enhanced soldier whose mission is to keep a threatening alien race from Earth.

"I can't believe I killed myself," McKinney yells.

"I survived that crash?" guard/center Chad Overhauser says.

The game gained popularity among the Texans during training camp, when tackle Jimmy Herndon and Chad Overhauser brought an X-box to training camp.

Better believe it - athletes know where the REAL competition is. :) (Thanks to Alex "Atoyot" Philips for the heads-up.) (Louis Wu 10:06:46 UTC) (permalink)


TXB looks at Halo 2
Team Xbox has put up a preview of Halo 2, combining much of the info available elsewhere into one big easy-to-read story. Go take a look! (Louis Wu 09:07:21 UTC) (permalink)


Stories to read
Early-week Fan Fiction:

The Story of Halo is broken into two pieces in the database, due to limitations here... but the above link points to a full reading of it. (Louis Wu 03:13:24 UTC) (permalink)


Big money for winning at Halo
Live near Nashville, TN? Up for some Halo competition with $5,000 guaranteed on the line ($2200 for first place in the CTF competition, for example) at the end of November? Stop by the website of The Associates of Gaming Professionals, and read about their upcoming Halo tournament. $25 a head to enter; not bad for a shot at $2,200! (Thanks to b.net for the heads-up.) (Louis Wu 01:48:12 UTC) (permalink)


News October 7 2002


Matt's playing with you.
Pretty pictures... (Louis Wu 23:17:13 UTC) (permalink)


October POD posted
Bandwidth might be a little tight... but we've tossed up the 'Pyramid of Destruction' film from the October 2002 OXM cover disc. It's 5.3 mb, 1:20 long. Nothing spectacular, mostly vehicle antics on Sidewinder... but hey, if it's good enough for OXM, it's good enough for us. (The November issue hit the stands yesterday, which is why we're willing to post this.) Thanks, as always, to Team Overkill for ripping it, and to Brian Towne, for the bandwidth to serve it. (Louis Wu 20:56:49 UTC) (permalink)


Leaving drydock
Another creation from the Reyes-McLees shipyards... first the Pillar of Autumn, now Egan. Congrats, Lorraine and Rob! (Louis Wu 20:47:23 UTC) (permalink)


Dead Trees to Electrons
Issue 9 of the Official UK Xbox Magazine hit the stands yesterday. Because of that, we're able to bring you two articles that were published in issue 8. You'll find these in our Press Scans section. Thanks to Griffon for the scans. (Louis Wu 19:44:59 UTC) (permalink)


Plethora of Pictures
Four new desktop images for you today - mostly dark, but otherwise without a unifying theme. Check 'em all out in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 17:41:03 UTC) (permalink)


Just stay out of their way
Justin Bernard, of the Halo squad 'Delta Force', has submitted a logo promoting the squad. You can find it in our Logos section. (Louis Wu 17:29:41 UTC) (permalink)


Duotone MC
Another banner from Richard, aka t3ch - you'll find it in our Banners section. (Louis Wu 17:08:39 UTC) (permalink)


HNN Productions has created a new Halo gameplay vid; NewGun. 5.3 mb, .wmv format, 3:12 long. Video quality is low, but good enough to see what's going on (and the tradeoff was made to keep filesize small, which is nice). Footage ranges from run-of-the-mill gameplay to pretty funny little clips; overall, there's nothing really new here, but the 'tank chasing a player' scenes have a real Warner Brothers cartoon feel to them. Take a look! (Louis Wu 16:57:13 UTC) (permalink)


News October 6 2002


Wallpaper submission
Another desktop entry from Mattman, in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 20:54:05 UTC) (permalink)


Writings... fiction and otherwise
Weekend Fan Fiction:

Once again, Havok (previously Helljumper, previously Andreas) has changed his posting name. Apparently, my polite request to maintain the name you post under was overlooked. Because of that, we've instituted a new policy; no name changes will be accepted in the future. This is now documented on the Fiction Guidelines page. This may seem harsh - but understand that adjusting all the database entries that reference this name (in the Fan Fiction database, the comments section, the front-page news, sometimes the Miscellaneous section or the Misc Art section) takes quite a bit of time - for something that really shouldn't change at all. Thanks for your understanding. (Louis Wu 20:45:10 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Banner Cornucopia
A couple of pretty cool banners were turned in recently; they're HUGE, but they're definitely worth looking at. I've put up smaller versions in our Banners section simply for page-loading convenience... but links to the originals are there as well. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 14:17:53 UTC) (permalink)


Another Instant Messenger Upgrade
Another AIM Expression... this time it's Halo 2-specific. Check out Nick's note on our forum; it contains links to preview pics, and to the Expression itself. (Louis Wu 14:08:52 UTC) (permalink)


... (Louis Wu 01:58:13 UTC) (permalink)


News October 5 2002


Let's hope Bungie's watching...
dogsounds sends in a new Halo 2 weapon option. You'll find it in our Miscellaneous Art section. Man... I need one of those. (Louis Wu 17:03:57 UTC) (permalink)


fan Halo 2 website up
Alex Sullivan wanted to let us know of his Halo 2 website. Looks like there's more coming... (We've added a Halo 2 section to our Links page.) (Louis Wu 12:28:54 UTC) (permalink)


GameReviewers looks at Halo 2
GameReviewers.com have put up a Halo 2 Preview... and are hosting both main QuickTime versions of the trailer. (We've added the links to our Mirrors list.) Check it out! (Louis Wu 12:26:07 UTC) (permalink)


Nice armor...
Daniel submits a great sketch of the MC - you'll find it in our Miscellaneous Art section. (Louis Wu 12:21:49 UTC) (permalink)


AIM Halo theme available
SpikeDaDragon has created a new Halo Expression for AOL Instant Messenger. If you know what this is (or if you use AIM and would like to know what this is), visit Spike's site and download the file. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a preview of it anywhere, so if you don't have AIM (or aren't willing to modify files without seeing the results first), you're out of luck. Update: There's a screenshot now, so you can see what you're getting into. (Louis Wu 12:14:54 UTC) (permalink)


Zippo, huh?
DragonFire's little brother whipped up a new desktop for you - you'll find it in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 12:12:01 UTC) (permalink)


A Movie to Watch
Dan Chosich has outdone himself again. He's created a promo movie for the Halo50k competition to be held next February in Atlanta... and it's pretty fantastic. There are 4 versions - Large and Small (well, Medium) versions of both QuickTime and Windows Media Player formats. You can find the existing links on the Halo50k mirrors page - and we're gratefully accepting any mirror offers that come our way. Enjoy this one. Apologies to all who wrote recently - there'll be a news update in the morning. (Louis Wu 02:09:44 UTC) (permalink)


News October 4 2002


Halo: Combat Evolved comes online
Spec Ops Elite sent word of his Halo site - he'd like you to check it out! (Louis Wu 18:15:16 UTC) (permalink)


New screens finally posted
Our Screenshots database has been updated with the X02 screenshots released a couple of weeks ago, and some images released by gamesradar.com, the web arm of Edge Magazine's parent company. (The X02 shots are high resolution... but the gamesradar shots are lower-res scans. If you can get hold of the magazine, you're better off.) (Louis Wu 16:42:56 UTC) (permalink)


Baseball players relax with Halo
Halo sighting on the front page of today's San Francisco Chronicle - seems some players with the Oakland A's like to burn off steam with Halo. Check Patroclus' post for details. Update: Patroclus found an online version. (Louis Wu 16:10:59 UTC) (permalink)


Friday Morning Fan Fiction:

Go get 'em... (Louis Wu 14:00:03 UTC) (permalink)


Wallpaper, and some requests
Three new desktop images for you in our Wallpaper section. I'd like to take this opportunity to clarify a couple of points about item submission - be it artwork, fan fiction, movies... First: if you use our ftp uploads space, please identify your work. Either upload a small text file saying who you are (and what you uploaded), or email us with this info. One of the Wallpapers in this upload is unidentified; it's the last submission without attribution that we'll post. (There's an unattributed banner we can't post in the uploads folder at the moment.) Second: I realize this is partly my fault, for posting things quickly most of the time, but please: if you submit something, and it doesn't get posted in the next 6 hours, do not submit it again. If you're unsure whether we received it, you can send us email. In the past few days, we've gotten 5 or 6 creations submitted more than once, because we didn't post them the day they came in. As a common sense check, when life gets busy here and decreases the amount of time available for updating HBO, having to deal with multiple copies of the same files only makes things worse. (It doesn't help that more than half of you choose to send in your wallpaper with a name like 'Halo.jpg' or 'Wallpaper.bmp' - when trying to make sure we've covered all the recent submissions, it's hard to tell duplicates apart from similarly named items.) Just a few requests that will make our lives easier... which, in turn, means more Halo goodness for you. (Louis Wu 13:07:07 UTC) (permalink)


Halo cleans up at OXM Year One Awards
Nick points out that the November issue of the Official Xbox Magazine contains the "Xbox: Year One" Awards. Halo took 6 of the 22 first-place awards; Best Action Game, Best Multiplayer Game, Best Game Story (shared with Silent Hill), Best Use of Hard Drive, Most Addictive Multiplayer, and Most Shocking Moment. Not too shabby! (Louis Wu 12:35:14 UTC) (permalink)


12 steps... down the AotCR pyramid
Is the Xbox taking over your life? This article suggests that the quality of video games is pulling in more and more converts - and not all of them are male. Halo features prominently in the discussion of addiction. Thanks to Dave Candland for passing on the link. (Louis Wu 00:48:28 UTC) (permalink)


News October 3 2002


Jaime Griesemer talks to CVG
Computer and Video Games has interviewed Jaime Griesemer, Halo 2 Lead Designer... and there's some good info to be had.

CVG:Something that really impressed about Halo was the non-player AI, especially that of the marine allies. What sort of improvements are you making in this area for Halo 2?

Griesemer: In Halo the AI was only concerned with shooting and not being shot. In Halo 2 the AI will have a much greater awareness of their environment. They will be able to adapt to it, and more importantly, they will be able to actively manipulate the environment to serve their ends. They'll knock over objects to create cover, they'll climb walls and leap between floors to get into a better position, they'll even destroy the cover the player is hiding behind to force him into the open.

Go read the rest (including another variation of the 'bacon' quote) at CVG! (Thanks to Harry Al-Shakarchi for the heads-up.) (Louis Wu 17:52:38 UTC) (permalink)


Guess that release date!
Ack. Mhaddy wrote a couple of days ago to remind us that the Junkyard is holding (and has been holding) a contest called "Halo: Guess the Release Date" - there'll be cool stuff for the person coming closest to the date that Halo goes gold for the Mac or PC. Check it out! (We mentioned this back in July... but it's always good to refresh your memory for longer-term stuff.) (Louis Wu 16:40:32 UTC) (permalink)


Legendary... sort of
Griffon found this Winamp skin accidentally - he didn't make it, but as he says, "it's still halo!" (Louis Wu 16:33:25 UTC) (permalink)


And they said it couldn't be done...
Frogblast finds the Holy Grail! Okay, maybe that's already in a church in Seville, I don't know... but he's managed to get to the bottom of Halo (the level, not the game), a feat that has become the embodiment of the ultimate stunt. Read the details (there are a lot of them) or just watch the movies... and chime in on the forum thread. (Louis Wu 08:18:40 UTC) (permalink)


News October 2 2002


Just watch the drops, dude...
Ever wonder what the MC on a unicycle would actually look like? Team Overkill suggests it might be something like this image from our Miscellaneous Art collection. (Louis Wu 20:17:29 UTC) (permalink)


Psychadelic Halo
Another Halo banner from Michael Frank can be found in our Banners section. (Louis Wu 20:07:55 UTC) (permalink)


Halo'ed MC
Three new desktops from Random Hero - you'll find 'em in our Wallpaper section. (Louis Wu 20:03:15 UTC) (permalink)


EGM Goodness now available everywhere
In case anyone hadn't noticed it... the November issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly should now be on newsstands everywhere. Inside, you'll find a monster 15-page article on Halo 2. (Yes, it's been discussed before. Yes, some have found it at their local newsstand before. No, it wasn't SUPPOSED to be there until yesterday.) (Louis Wu 16:10:39 UTC) (permalink)


NextGen Gamers looks at Halo
Konrad points out that he's written another Halo review for NextGen Gamers; we've added it to our Reviews database. Take a look! (Louis Wu 12:39:40 UTC) (permalink)


News October 1 2002


The torrent slows
Just a pair of Fan Fiction pieces for you today:

Go read 'em... (Louis Wu 20:22:45 UTC) (permalink)


Pictures again
Pair of new desktops for you in our Wallpaper section... (Louis Wu 19:51:15 UTC) (permalink)


Filmmakers, take heed!
Are you a movie-maker? Wanna work for Bungie? They're hiring. The new Cinematics Designer position will

work with Bungie's Director of Cinematics to create in-engine, scripted, cinematic sequences and post-produced materials (trailers etc.) for future Bungie titles.

Read the whole listing for job requirements and a more in-depth description. Apply today! Joe needs a new barista. Wait, that's not right... (Louis Wu 18:17:02 UTC) (permalink)


Headline Mania
A little-known feature that's been around this site for almost 3 years now is a small xml channel that provides headlines for inclusion on other sites. The original channel was (is) written in Bungie's own version of RSS, known as BSS. Sites like Rampancy.net and Subnova.com grab this channel from us (and channels from many other places) - and if you want this, you can have it too! The point of this news post, however, is not to make an old feature more visible, but to point out an enhancement. A reader pointed out that the feed reader he uses, NetNewsWire Lite for Mac OSX, was choking on the BSS file - part of the problem is that Bungie's definition page, which tells readers how to interpret the file, is no longer online. Therefore, in addition to the BSS file, we now provide a fully RSS 1.0-compliant version of our channel. The old version is still available, here, and the new one can be found here. Both are updated every time news is posted. (If this is all greek to you, ignore it; it's either of use or it's not. :) ) Update: RSS Mania! Now there's an RSS2 channel, as well - not just headlines, but you can read ALL of our front page news in a feed reader! Check this out. (Louis Wu 15:35:39 UTC) (permalink)


I gotchyer Nados right here...
What happens when the Mountain Dew Code Red spills into the mushroom drawer, and gets drunk anyway? I think I know... (Louis Wu 08:08:08 UTC) (permalink)


New mirror for existing flick
Spunge14 points out that the Oh Sh*t! video now has another (fast) mirror at HostedScripts.com. You'll find the link in the movie listing. (Louis Wu 01:49:49 UTC) (permalink)


Postpose gets new digs
Postpose, the home of Aquaduct, gets a new look and a forum. Go visit! (Louis Wu 01:12:04 UTC) (permalink)

Halo news backOctober 2002Halo news forward
