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August 3, 2003 Link to this post Playing Catchup - Fan Fiction Three days' worth of Fan Fiction: - Once, In A Field with Dying Hopes, by TheRambler
- Earth, A Place for Death. Part 3: NYC final action, by FuManChu
- The Virus Part 6, by monitor101
- A John Before Halo: Part 6, by J-117
- Halo from the Flood's Point of View: The Attack, by Simpsons Rule
- Halo 2: Revenge of a Spartan, Chapter 8, by LostRock
- Halo: The MCconto Chronicles Part 3, by JCDenton
- (Part 13) M31: First Blood, by Greg and Wes Foutch
- Search for Chief part two , by Legend Player
- All Roads Lead To Sol...Despite What The Map Says: Chapter 9, by S7N
- Project: Shadow Spartan, Chapter 11, by Agent Shade
- O.C. Tango Red: Welcome aboard the Autumn, Chaos., by Shinai Purugganan
- In Light of Destiny Part I, Chapter I: And so it begins..., by Jinkaiden-XI
- A Marine Named Peters: Snow Day, by GLADIATRRR3000
- Long time gone part 1, by grylsy
- The Defense of Earth 6; Spark's Demise, by Steele
Hopefully, I can get to artwork later today... off again now, though. (Louis Wu 20:19:49 UTC)