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In Light of Destiny Part I, Chapter I: And so it begins...
Posted By: Jinkaiden-XI<Nolimits4csk@aol.com>
Date: 3 August 2003, 12:37 AM
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Fate only takes us so far down the road of life; where we go from there is up to us.
He remembers the words now. They replay softly in his mind, as if to tell him something. He knows there is truth in the words, but what of it?
A rock skips over the stream.
Those words…they were spoken to him years ago by his mother. He does not recall the reason or the cause, but he begins to believe that maybe it as a warning. Truth, and a warning?
With a splash, the rock hits the water a final time and sinks.
Why is it returning to him now? For some reason the words have suddenly entered his mind, as if a reminder. They have come to him as if to inform him of a deadline; a time to meet which he has forgotten.
Sieg watches the waters, almost waiting for an answer. Again, the words.
Fate only takes us so far down the road of life; where we go from there is up to us.
Nothing comes to him. All is silent except for the flow of the stream.
Sieg stands. Rays of sunlight filter through the towering trees surrounding the stream, casting a peaceful glow on everything. It is truly serene, despite the troubles elsewhere.
Sieg receives an image of Earth, the way it was when he left it. Still a grand planet, but the victim of over-population. Erusia is his new home now, and it is where he has lived since then.
Still no answer. What of these words, what is it they speak? Something, someone tells Sieg that the answer is obvious…but what? Silence now.
"I don't understand…"
No matter. Sieg drops the rock he is holding and turns away, intent on heading home. He ponders the thought as he slowly walks away, hoping to find what he is searching for. He turns once more and gazes, almost forlornly, at the stream. A breeze rustles the trees, shifting the rays of light that cast warmth on the waters. The last peaceful place.
He continues now, trying to push the images of the Covenant and all else of little importance from his mind.
Take what you care little for seriously, for danger lurks behind betrayal.
There it was. His mind goes blank for a split second and all that he can think of was those words. It is as if he is possessed; he has little control over what he thinks or says.
Sieg grimaces and clasps his head with his hands.
"Stop…make it stop…"
Sieg opens his eyes and lowers his hands. It has stopped, the words. No longer do they haunt him.
Quickly, he leaves the area and returns to the colony.
Awakening. The air is suddenly bitter cold, something that is not common in the colony at this time of the year. Has the climate control system been downed? Upon opening his eyes, Sieg notices that the air is dark as well. An eclipse, maybe?
No. This is nothing natural. Something isn't right.
Sieg rises from bed. His bare feet hit the floor, which is also biting cold. Even with these conditions, he leaves his quarters. He is about to walk outside when he senses something. Has the time finally come?
The words…perhaps this is what they explain. Is it destiny they speak of?
It lands some hundred meters away from Sieg, somewhere in the town square. Even at such a distance, the explosion knocks Sieg off balance, sending him to the floor.
The torpedo obliterates everything within a fifty-meter radius, flattening a small portion of the colony in seconds. Sieg shelters his head with his arms as the shockwave, a force like none other, rips by, blowing his quarters to pieces and scattering debris everywhere. The dust from the streets is kicked up and shot outwards, away from the colony. The strength of the blast forces them at Sieg and whatever else at intense speed, resulting in deep cuts and scratches all over Sieg's unprotected body. His clothes are torn at and shredded. Gashes are formed where the cuts have been made.
A second torpedo lands closer than the first to Sieg, further obliterating his quarters and anything else within range. The ground ripples like a pond, grabbing Sieg and hurling him through the air towards the barren landscape beyond the city. He glances back, which immediately proves to be a mistake.
A piece of debris, never mind what it is or what it is from, tears through the air and strikes Sieg across the face with tremendous force. Sieg hurtles to the ground, falling unconscious just before he impacts with the deserted land.
All is quiet now. Breathing is quick and short. There is no sight, only mind. There is no connection between body and mind. There is mere blackness; emptiness.
For a moment, an ominous figure glowing in white light appears. It is female, as far as can be told. Golden flowing robes intertwine with light blue ones. They drag along the floor, barely illuminated by the light. Long, thick braids and strands of hair hang down to her waist, bound with silver locks.
Then she vanishes, and Sieg blacks out entirely.