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August 13, 2003 Link to this post Too many words... The last Fan Fiction update was on Sunday - and now there are 24 new stories for you to read. - Halo- The Fallen Place pt1, by Darth Lord
- All Roads Lead To Sol...Despite What The Map Says: Chapter 10, by S7N
- A Marine Named Peters: Sledding is Fun, Unless the Covenant Are Behind You, by GLADIATRRR3000
- True Purpose: The Sequel, by Frensa Geran
- The Last War, Chapter One: Self-Aware, by Agent Shade
- SNIPER: Part-Two, by Vege7a
- The Sarge, by pooman
- Rampancy Is Character Forming: Part 3, by S7N
- Draco Part 1, by Dispraiser
- War for Earth City [2]: More of an Enemy Then You Thought, by Kancer
- An Officer Named Starblade: Onward to Earth!, by Hunter_Killer
- Search for Chief part one edited, by Legend Player
- The Last War, Chapter Two: Futile Pleas of Help, by Agent Shade
- Halo: The MCconto Chronicles 6: The Phrophecy, by JCDenton
- Halo: The MCconto Chronicles Part 7: The Meeting, by JCDenton
- Rampany Is Character Forming: Part 4, by S7N
- Earth, A Place for Death. Part 6: Helping out the Chief, by FuManChu
- Rebirth - The Ragnarok, by Shadow/Archangel's Blade/KnightmareWolf/Spartan415
- Chapter 1 - Boot, by Bloodcider
- Marines are fighting this war, not Spartans-Prologue, by Michael Gillespie
- War for Earth City [3]: Not Much of a Friend, by Kancer
- The First Battle of Sol Part One, by Joseph Themann
- Legiment To My Marines, by Spartan117
- The Fallen Chapter 4 Section 4: Power Regulation, by Hikaru-119
I hate writing personal notes in news posts, but the email included with Hikaru-119's posts bounces. PLEASE: If you're writing a series, INCLUDE THE SERIES TITLE in your posts. I'm really, really tired of resetting this. (Hikaru-119 seems to be the only author who still doesn't get it...) If you have a problem, or something doesn't work for you, write to me. I can't fix what I don't know about. (Louis Wu 16:26:42 UTC)