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Rampancy Is Character Forming: Part 3
Posted By: S7N<n.j.r.jones@brighton.ac.uk>
Date: 11 August 2003, 1:35 AM
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Part 3
Something struck 'Kilsomee as very strange the moment he stepped through the door and his feral instincts took over. In the whole ship, all the lights were on, and all the doors were unlocked. Why was this door locked, and why were the lights off? Whoever was in here had done these things for a reason. And it wasn't to hide, it was to hunt.
It was the same tactics he would employ if he had to employ them. If he wanted to hide, he would pick a nice spot where nobody would look. A door that was locked with the lights out was not a place where he would do it. If the door was locked, the enemy, and in this case himself, would want to know why it was locked.
Whoever or whatever they were dealing with, it wasn't about to turn over and give up without a fight, and that chilled 'Kilsomee. The darkness folded around him, his lamp giving off little light in the vast expanse of the room. 'Gisomee followed a few metres behind, his eyes focused on the shadows. Although he had been trained to kill since he was born, 'Kilsomee was a Ship Master, used to flying ships, not close combat. 'Gisomee, on the other hand, was trained for close combat and was looking out for things that 'Kilsomee didn't know about, which was the soul reason he had brought the Master of Arms along.
They moved far away from the door, hugging the walls. 'Gisomee had motioned for them to do so, and 'Kilsomee had only realised why till they had done so. With their backs to one side of the room, they could not be ambushed from behind. The room was full of what looked like holding cells, only very small. They reminded 'Kilsomee of the stasis tubes the humans carried on their ships, only more organic, as if grown.
A whooshing sound made him turn sharply. Nothing. He looked behind and saw 'Gisomee inspecting one of the little holding cells.
"Did you hear that?" the other alien looked at him and shook his head, then went back to the pod. 'Kilsomee tried to see passed the light his lamp, and could have sworn he saw a cloaked figure in the shadows. He raised his rifle quickly and fired off a shot. The blue plasma illuminated the room, but he saw nothing but the space around him illuminate in a blue glow for a brief second.
Was he seeing things? He looked around, trying to adjust his eyes as best he could, but still could not see anything other than what the light was cast upon.
"We need to get the scouts down here, immediately." He said to 'Gisomee, his voice laced with panic. He turned to the Master of Arms and saw he was staring back at him in estranged disbelief.
"Yes, sir." He replied after a long pause. He pulled a com link from his belt and clicked it on. "Unit four, arm up and meet us at our position inside the ship." He clicked off and waited for a reply, but none came. "Unit four, do you read me?" he said again. Still nothing.
"The ship may be disrupting our communications, sir," he said, placing the com link back into his belt. 'Kilsomee cursed. The Jackals could pretty much see in the dark and they would be perfect to have, but he didn't want to have to be on his own whilst he or 'Gisomee went back up to the top and got them down.
"Then we'll just have to carry on without them." He turned back to the darkness, raised his rifle and continued on. Again, he heard a whooshing noise, as if something had glided passed him. He spun around to where 'Gisomee stood, but there was nothing except the other Elite. He didn't like this. It took a lot to spook a Ship Master, and right now, 'Kilsomee was as freaked out as he ever wanted to be.
He turned back round and caught a glimpse of what looked like the robed figure again, this time he saw it more clearly and was determined he wasn't seeing things. It looked taller than the Elite by two full heads, and wore a dark purple cloak, with silvery shoulder and head armour on. He was frozen by the figure as it melted back into the shadows again. Fear took hold of 'Kilsomee as he started to fire wildly in all directions, but every shot he fired hit nothing but the opposite side of the room. He felt a hand grab at the rifle and turned to see 'Gisomee, a look of concern and anger on his face.
"Sir, are you alright?" the tone in which he said it negated the words themselves.
"I'm fine, soldier, just a little jumpy." He snatched his rifle back from the claws of the other Elite, then turned back to the room. As he did so something fizzled down from above, crashing into his lamp and knocking it from his hand, and plunging the area in front of him into darkness. In a panic he fired up into the air. He saw a ball of energy appear about three metres above his head, and watched as the yellow ball fell and careered into 'Gisomee's flashlight, sending the room into complete darkness.
'Kilsomee fired wildly into the air but before he could see if he hit anything he felt something hit his chest hard. It overrode his armour and he was launched backwards, sliding along the floor and impacting with the wall behind. He tried as best as he could to see what was in front of him but saw nothing. "'GISOMEE!!" he cried, "'GISOMEE!" but no reply came.
Something hit him on the head, something hard and metallic, not like the ball of energy that had struck him in the chest. He felt his vision fade a little, felt unconsciousness approach. Something grappled his ankle and he felt his body being dragged along the floor. Whatever held him had a strong grip, but before he had time to figure out what it could be he lapsed into unconsciousness...