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An Officer Named Starblade: Onward to Earth!
Posted By: Hunter_Killer<jlp8118@sbcglobal.net>
Date: 11 August 2003, 3:04 AM
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1450 Hours, 15 July(Military Calendar) Shuttle Craft Vigilante, en route to UNSC Space Station 1, ETA Five Mins.
Rear Admiral Jonathan Starblade looked at the officers he picked to take with him to his new ship: Commander Lance McDouglas, Newly Promoted Junior Lt. Hawk, and his Engineer, Lt. Commander Red(With a shiny new Distinguished Service Cross). Then, he directed his attention to the Shuttle's large viewing window. Earth. He had forgotten how beautiful it was, even in this time of great peril. Then, he saw the dark patches, here and there. The Covenant Invasion had been stopped, but now Earth looked like A Mosaic of Greens, Whites, Blues, Browns, and Blacks. Damn those dastardly Covenant! They were out to basically turn every last Human into a smoldering cloud of ionic gas. But, there were known sympathizers, and Rebel Fractions. One such 'Elite', a Red One, would be onboard. He was chief of security, though Jonathan was still uneasy, because of the fact that an Elite would give orders to the 200 Marines aboard. Then, the Space Station, a Massive Sight, floated into view. Inside one of the Twelve Capitol Class Hangers, his ship lay in wait. "UNSC Station One, to Incoming Craft. Please transmit your name, security code, and cargo," Crackled over the radio. Jonathan turned on the microphone. "This is Shuttle Craft Vigilante, Security Code Alpha Gamma Zulu 451. Cargo: One Rear Admiral, a Commander, a Lieutenant, and a Lieutenant Commander." "Ah, yes. Confirmed, Vigilante. The Lone Wolf is in Hanger 3. Activating signal Lights. Have a nice trip, sir." The Radio clicked off. Even as it did, several dozen lights activated, announcing the location of Hanger Three. "Adjusting Course," Said Jonathan out loud. Back when he was a Flight Leader, he flew Longswords. So, he was at home with the controls for the shuttle. Several port thrusters activated, swiveling the Shuttle. Several Seconds later, they were in the hanger. The large ship, in all it's magnificence, revealed itself to the shuttle, as it slowly paced alongside many others: More personnel, mostly for The Wolf. The ship was larger than Jonathan imagined; the last time he saw anything as big as this, was when he saw the Covenant Assault Carrier. Launch Bays, two on each side, were on the massive hull. Jonathan carefully maneuvered into one. The small craft touched down, and the Officers exited. In the room adjoining Hanger One, was a large welcoming committee. The Elite walked up to Jonathan. Hmmmmm... a Human Child... Oh, well. Most humans are short in stature. Thought Panthan Onama 'Omaree. He said, "Admiral, sir! Welcome aboard. I am Panthan Onama 'Omaree. I command the security 'Marrenzz' on board. I shall live, and die, in your service!" Jonathan smiled. "Let's hope it does not come to that, Panthan 'Omaree." A Black Crewman, in a Gray Uniform, walked up next. "Sir! I am Leautenant Obuto, the ship's Weapons Officer." Jonathan shook his hand. "Good to meet you, Lieutenant." So, he was introduced to the Bridge Crew in this manner. His radio clicked on. "Admiral and Senior Officers to the Bridge, please." "On our way," Replied Jonathan, and he clicked off the radio.
1457 Hours, 15 July(Military Calendar) UNSC Heavy Carrier Lone Wolf, Bridge
The whole crew was on station now, and the Communications Officer requested permission for launch. "Sir, We're clear to go," Said Lt. Mayweather, the Comm. Officer. "Mr. Hawk, take us out," Commanded Jonathan. "Aye aye." The ship's six giant engines sprang to life, shoving the Wolf out of the hanger. The ship buckled slightly, as they traveled through the heavens.
Just past Saturn, Sol System Deployment + 00:17:57(Admiral Starblade Mission Recorder)
"Where next, Jonathan?" Asked Lance. "Well..." Said Jonathan, as he sat down in the Captains' Chair. "Captain! There's a Distress Call, from the Cruiser Starhammer." Mayweather announced, as his console beeped. "Where is the Starhammer?" Asked Jonathan, as he rose out of his seat. There was silence for a second, then a Crewman walked up to Mayweather, and said, "Look, pal. I'll pay you good money not to say: 'Over Earth'." Mayweather stuttered, then blabbed out, "Over Earth!" "Go to Combat Alert Alpha! All Personnel to battle stations, now!" Sirens and Lights went off, and the Bridge Crew ran around, manning posts. "Hawk, set course to Earth, Full Power! Engage!" "Yes, sir!" The ship spun around, and hurled towards The 40 Covie Ships, powering up to bombard Earth into a ball of Molten Glass...
To Be Continued...