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October 2011 Archived News

News October 31 2011


Another CGHub Find
When poking around CGHub, I stumbled across an artist known as 'alp' - Allen Altiner is an art director in the film industry, but he does a lot of Halo work on his own time. Here are some of his pieces.

Pretty cool stuff! (Louis Wu 22:42:34 UTC) (permalink)


Jarod Lenz Erwin, who created the UI and painted background for the Waypoint mobile app, posted a pretty cool picture of Jun he did for 343. Love that detail! Thanks to NeoGAF's TheOddOne for finding it. (Wait... does this mean we'll be seeing Jun in future 343 creations? Ack! What will happen to A Fistful of Arrows?) (Louis Wu 22:39:27 UTC) (permalink)


Podtacular 267
Podtacular 267 went live this weekend - Dust Storm talked to CruelLEGACEY about his series Playtime, and to one of Playtime's characters about the plot. Go listen! (Louis Wu 22:39:08 UTC) (permalink)


The Halo Project
It's been a long time since we heard from ICDedPpl - but he sent us a link of his buddy's Photobucket album showing off some great armor pics. thorn696 is a 405th regular who doesn't even play Halo - but he makes armor good enough to win contests (three First Place awards this weekend alone!). Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 22:38:30 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Comic Poster
CaptainTony pointed out a pretty cool Halo Comic poster created by Riznof he found on deviantART - look at that six-pack! (Louis Wu 22:35:49 UTC) (permalink)


Starting Strong
Morpheus noticed a GameInformer article on the Top Ten Launch Games of All Time (how do you measure this?) - Halo made the list. Pretty high up, even! (Louis Wu 22:35:27 UTC) (permalink)


An amazing Spartan Laser
DaFrontlineTrooper put together a video showing off a Spartan Laser he built - very cool! Thanks to robofin117 for the heads-up - and for pointing out DaFrontlineTrooper's Facebook page, which contains blueprints for his weapons! (Louis Wu 22:35:01 UTC) (permalink)


Community Forge Remakes
nillapuddin is into remakes - check out his post for details on where you can find his work, and the work of his friends! (Louis Wu 22:34:20 UTC) (permalink)


...aaand... we're back.
It's been 17 hours - but it looks like AT&T managed to get a generator on the switching hut near HBO Central. The fiber line has power again, so things are running. Forums are back. We're sorry for the downtime. (Louis Wu 22:05:19 UTC) (permalink)


HBO fritzing
Quick note, parts of HBO central are without power. Expect power back up fairly soon. Everything's cool otherwise... how's by you? (Ding 15:35:20 UTC) (permalink)


News October 30 2011


More deviantART rounded up by CaptainTony (including one of his own) - and I finally put together the fact that DA's X38 posts as Ken on NeoGAF! (Love his Emile sketch.) (Louis Wu 22:11:31 UTC) (permalink)


Living Monument, hmm?
Imrane-117 brought our attention to some newly-registered domains - what do YOU think they mean? (Louis Wu 22:09:22 UTC) (permalink)


Will Anniversary kick off a remake trend?
Financial Analyst Michael Pachter takes a look at the remaking of 'classic' games in light of the release of Halo Anniversary in his regular Pach-Attack! feature on Gametrailers - interesting to see this game being appraised so clinically! Thanks to ZZoMBiE13 for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 20:52:56 UTC) (permalink)


Life-sized LEGO Sniper Rifle B
lack Six noticed a pretty killer life-sized LEGO Halo sniper rifle at The Brothers Brick - go check it out! (The final shot is money.) (Louis Wu 20:43:13 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Waypoint Goodies
Speaking of Halo Waypoint - if you visit today, there seems to be quite a bit of cool new content. Unfortunately, a Silverlight update my browsers prompted me for this morning has made much of it inaccessible. If you haven't updated, though, Grifball Highlight Frenzy 8 went live on Friday, and you can watch the first five games of the Instinct vs Infamous matchup at MLG Raleigh, back in August. An item that DOESN'T need Silverlight is the latest in-depth look at an asset from the Halo universe - this time around, it's the Covenant Phantom. Great pics! (Louis Wu 16:57:33 UTC) (permalink)


We still wanna see your pumpkins (twss)
It's a sad year here at bungie.org - it's the first time in 7 years that we're not hosting a pumpkin-carving contest for Halloween. That doesn't mean folks aren't carving Halo-related pumpkins, though! We've seen a couple - one on Halo Waypoint's twitter feed (sounds like there'll be a collection on Waypoint in the not-too-distant future), and one on Bungie's Twitter feed. Do you know of others? Tell us about 'em! (Louis Wu 16:48:33 UTC) (permalink)


There's Something about Kira
wheeler noticed some similarities between the AI assist in Edgeworld and another AI you might be familiar with... (Louis Wu 12:06:16 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 Delta Halo Ghost Launch
Wow... the dedication of some Halo tricksters blows me away. Grumpy sent along a link to a YouTube video (and a corresponding jumprs.org thread) showing him using a Pelican on Delta Halo to make it (in a ghost) all the way to the middle tower. There are a few examples of missed bounces - makes it really clear just how ridiculous this stunt is! Go watch. (Louis Wu 12:05:45 UTC) (permalink)


Fan-Made Helmets for sale
Omega_East is selling a couple of helmets he's made - he needs to clear the space (and bring in a bit of cash for the next build). Both are linked from this page - there's a Carter helmet, and an unpainted Noble Six helmet. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 12:04:59 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Anniversary Skulls
Sam Becker let us know that he took the Skull screenshots from the recent BTS video and matched them up with their actual names and effects. Swing by HaloEasterEggs.net to see (or don't, if you'd rather figure them out on your own). (Louis Wu 12:04:25 UTC) (permalink)


News October 29 2011


One Spartan Two Spartan Red Spartan Blue Spartan
MASSAIKUR (previously responsible for the grin + bear it comics) let us know about a new project that combines Halo and Dr. Seuss (in a way that might just ruin your childhood memories). Disturbing, it is... (Louis Wu 18:53:10 UTC) (permalink)


Halotracker Top 5 - October: Living Dead
Edge let us know of Halotracker's October Top 5 - it's compiled from the Living Dead playlist. I totally wish I faced people like those in the first couple of clips... (Louis Wu 18:52:39 UTC) (permalink)


They're deviants! All of them!
Looking for Halo artwork on a Saturday afternoon? CaptainTony has your back. Check out his deviantART roundup. (Louis Wu 18:45:01 UTC) (permalink)


Toymation Winners Announced
Congratulations to GeneticSpartan, whose stop-motion film 'The Rookie' (we mentioned it last month) won the Halo Toymation contest at Mega Bloks. Congrats, also, to NXTManiac and Surferdad, who took spots 2 and 3, respectively - you can watch all the videos (prizewinners and finalists are marked) on the Toymation Contest page. Thanks, Dielectric. (Louis Wu 15:56:54 UTC) (permalink)


Fails of the Weak Ep 58
The latest episode of Fails of the Weak came out yesterday - as always, it's full of funnies. You can watch it at AchievementHunter.com or YouTube - thanks, hezekiah. (Louis Wu 15:52:47 UTC) (permalink)


Blackstone Log 2
Lordstemplar1 announced Blackstone Log 2 (it's been a little while; we told you about the TRAILER for this project more than two and a half years ago). Worth watching, though - nicely filmed! (Takes a few bits from inspirations like Aliens, Predator, and Halo itself...) Go see. (Louis Wu 15:52:22 UTC) (permalink)


Reach Customz Ep 5 - Hex V2
Timgie and crew are back with Reach Customz Episode 5 - the gametype they're highlighting is called Hex V2, and it's a Racetrack variant... with a pretty cool twist. Go watch the video to see why it's a Race game that might not frustrate you if you get behind at the very start! (Louis Wu 15:52:00 UTC) (permalink)


You know you're a success when your creation gets a page on TVTropes. The insanely addictive site has pulled out the tropes present in Leviathan's A Fistful of Arrows - pretty cool! Thanks to Levi himself for the heads-up - he found out about it from a Twitter denizen @Tuckerscreator. (Louis Wu 15:51:04 UTC) (permalink)


GameTrailers Preview Could Be Terminally Insane
Lord Friendship brought to our attention a recent video by GameTrailers previewing Halo: Anniversary. If you are staying dark until release, you may want to avoid this one, as it does highlight a potential Terminal location. Otherwise, go check it out! (GrimBrother One 15:46:09 UTC) (permalink)


Only an Interview with Fronk O'Codfish Could Be Better
Don't miss the latest episode of G4's "Feedback", featuring 343 Industries' Frank O'Connor talking about the Halo Franchise and the impending release of Halo: Anniversary. It clocks in at just under an hour total. Definitely give it a listen! Thanks to doober187 for telling us about it. (GrimBrother One 15:39:44 UTC) (permalink)


If I Can Be Fronk, I Love These Adjunct Pieces
Assuming you are a fan of awesome stuff, you'll definitely want to go and check out Leviathan's latest Fistful of Arrows Adjunct piece, this one focusing on the city of Quezon. Absolutely beautiful art, and great story elements as well. Don't miss it! (GrimBrother One 15:36:02 UTC) (permalink)


Helloooooooooo, Noon!
In case you haven't seen it yet, definitely check out this awesome gameplay trailer from the upcoming "High Noon/Hang 'Em High" map shipping with Halo: Anniversary. Some gorgeous footage in there, and some nods to what's possible in Forge for the map as well. Go give it a look! (GrimBrother One 15:31:10 UTC) (permalink)


Jun No Take My Falcon!
Good ol' Rockslider stopped in to let us know that he has set up a very cool guide over at Bad Cyborg showing you how to steal Jun's Falcon in Halo:Reach and take it for a spin. Very cool stuff, go and check it out! (GrimBrother One 15:27:37 UTC) (permalink)


News October 28 2011


Goo Gun
MasterPIE decided to make a Plasma Rifle out of ice cream sticks, toilet paper, glue, and some paint - check out the pics below (1024x765)!




(Louis Wu 18:54:18 UTC) (permalink)


Spherical Panorama: Reflection
HaLo2FrEeEk stopped back in with another spherical panorama - this time, he turned his talents on Reflection. Check out his post for an overhead preview, a link to a fully navigable version, and even a screensaver! (Louis Wu 18:53:44 UTC) (permalink)


Flood: Origins
Dani found a fan-made History of the Flood - looks like the Crysis engine was used. Intriguing! (Louis Wu 18:53:22 UTC) (permalink)


War (or War) Issue #16
Firestorm12 released Issue #16 of War (or War) yesterday - never take matters into your own hands. (Louis Wu 18:53:03 UTC) (permalink)


Podtac gets some Playtime
Podtacular's Dust Storm sent word that CruelLEGACY would be joining him this evening to discuss Playtime. There's not a lot of time left (my fault, sorry), but you can send questions to him that can be asked on the show. (Louis Wu 18:52:37 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's Fan Fiction
Four new pieces up for you in the Fan Fiction section this week. Go read. (Louis Wu 18:52:16 UTC) (permalink)


News October 27 2011


The Halo CE Chronicles: Fearless Chapter 8
Delayed quite a bit due to new spam software on the servers here, but Dennis Powers wanted you to know that Chapter Eight of The Halo CE Chronicles: Fearless is now live. Problems for the Search and Rescue team, life tidbits for the Chief Engineer. (Louis Wu 15:23:48 UTC) (permalink)


Nerd Rage
It's not a total shock that in a song called 'Nerd Rage', Halo makes an appearance (1:41 in). (Song's pretty funny.) Thanks, Ogan Panavo. (Louis Wu 13:05:55 UTC) (permalink)


X-Play Anniversary Preview
X-Play has a 3-minute preview of Halo: Anniversary - and it includes some exclusive footage from Truth & Reconciliation. Take a look! Thanks, Hypertrooper. (Louis Wu 12:35:46 UTC) (permalink)


New Alexandria Speedy Help
Want help on finishing this week's LASO challenge in record time? Nak3d Eli posted a super-fast run, clocking in at 8:49 and using a couple of techniques I haven't seen before. If you're a purist, and you want do to this with the Blind Skull on (it's not needed for the LASO challenge, but it's certainly necessary for a real Mythic run), RC Master recently posted a 9:16 full SLASO run on High Speed Halo. Either way - a sub-10-minute run means a LOT of credits for a tiny amount of time! (Louis Wu 12:04:39 UTC) (permalink)


CC is live (again)
FyreWulff let us know that the Community Cartographers are active again - and looking for Race and Infection maps. Read his post for full details! (Louis Wu 12:03:12 UTC) (permalink)


GT Halo Anniversary Celebration Promo Trailer
Next week, GameTrailers is kicking off a mountain of Halo Anniversary content - and a pretty cool contest. Watch the promo trailer to see what's coming. (Really sounds like good stuff!) Thanks, Nighend. (Louis Wu 11:48:11 UTC) (permalink)


Never Stop Gaming
crzymnky069 put together a bunch of CGI (and some live-action) clips from a variety of games, including Halo 3 and Reach, in a tribute called 'Never Stop Gaming'. Not sure what all the dubstep hate is about... (Louis Wu 11:45:54 UTC) (permalink)


Achievement HORSE #47
Achievement HORSE #47 is live - it's the third round of the office HORSE tournament, and Chris takes on Kara. Neither of them are experienced with this style of play - leads to some entertaining moments. If you visit hezekiah's forum post, you get lots of links and information. (Louis Wu 11:42:25 UTC) (permalink)


Tyrant's LASO Challenge Walkthrough - LNoS
Daniel 'Tyrant' Morris posted the next chapter of his LASO Challenge Guide - this one gives you lots and lots and lots of help on Long Night of Solace. The video's nearly an hour long - go watch! (While you're on his channel, be sure to check out the trailer for his upcoming Halo 3 Legendary Guide... sounds ambitious!) (Louis Wu 11:35:23 UTC) (permalink)


PGCR 94 (and Doubles Tourney Details)
Robowski let us know that Post Game Carnage Report is now up to Episode 94 - discussion topics include Halo Anniversary's Kinect features, High Noon, Achievements, and Skulls. (There's also talk of the upcoming PGCR Double Team Tournament - registration deadline is November 22!) Go listen. (Louis Wu 11:32:42 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Bulletin - October 26, 2011
Halo Waypoint posted this week's Halo Bulletin last night - funny stories from London, reminders of cool Behind the Scenes vids, a summary of November's Matchmaking changes, pumpkin templates, and more! Go read. (It's in our Halo Bulletin Archive, as well, if you have need of it.) (Louis Wu 11:29:45 UTC) (permalink)


IGL's Night of the Living Dead
DPS Sundown, from the International Grifball League, wanted to share some upcoming events, and invite participation from you! IGL's Night of the Living Dead will take place on October 31st, from 4-9pm EST (or possibly later, depending on lobby sizes and turnout) - custom games, focusing primarily on Infection and Assault gametypes. Go play! (Louis Wu 11:25:49 UTC) (permalink)


The Running Riot - Slightly Live
Kete stopped in to remind people that The Running Riot will be hosting a live interview with Dani, aka Slightly Live, tonight at 9:30 eastern. Go listen to the man behind Forward Unto Dawn! (Louis Wu 11:21:41 UTC) (permalink)


That's a BIG 'hog.
Bry took some astoundingly large screenshots of Forza 4's Halo 4 Warthog - go check out the detail! (Louis Wu 11:19:19 UTC) (permalink)


Glasslands In Stores Now. HBO Coverage BLOWOUT!!!
In case you didn't realize, Tuesday, October 25, 2011 was the date the Halo: Glasslands hit the store shelves and doorsteps of excited Halo fiction fans everywhere. Glasslands is penned wonderfully by the "reliable Karen Traviss", and gives fans their first real, sweet taste of life in the Halo Universe following the epic events of Halo 3. In order to better serve the community with complete coverage of this incredible installment to the series, let us provide some more details...

  • In case you really want the book, but don't know what it looks like, here is the cover
  • In case you don't know what Karen Traviss looks like, here you go.
  • For you Press Release fans, here is the Official News Announcement on Halo Waypoint.
  • On the release date itself, Tor Books also posted an article that talks about the book with statements from both author Karen Traviss and Frank O'Connor from 343 Industries.
  • "But Grim, I just can't pick up the book right now and read it because it hasn't come out yet/I don't have the money/I'm allergic to books/etc. What do I do?!" Fear not! If you haven't read them already, here are the first two chapters, featured at Tor's website and Halo Waypoint. We've got your back, yo!
  • Wondering what other books are out there? Here's a selection of other Halo books you might have missed out on because we didn't front-page them.
  • You can find some great discussions already going on about the book by people who were sneaky enough to have already known about its release and read through it already. Those devious buggers! If you don't mind the spoilers, you can find threads here, here, and here.

By now, hopefully you have some idea of the gravity of the situation. New Halo fiction, people. If it's out in your region, go buy it. If it's not yet, go get in line. We'll be updating you further as more Halo: Glasslands news comes in, at a fast and furious pace I won't doubt! (GrimBrother One 11:16:47 UTC) (permalink)


Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary - Preview
IGN posted a Halo Anniversary preview - decent clips! Go watch. Thanks, ElzarTheBam. (Louis Wu 11:14:36 UTC) (permalink)


News October 26 2011


High Speed Halo Updates
RC Master stopped in with a list of new vids available at High Speed Halo - swing by his post for links and descriptions! (Louis Wu 21:31:30 UTC) (permalink)


Forward Unto Dawn Podcast Ep 1
Dani announced a new podcast from the Forward Unto Dawn crew - 90 minutes of Halo discussion from some pretty smart people! Go listen. (They're also giving away some free stuff - go see what you can snag.) (Louis Wu 21:23:39 UTC) (permalink)


Campaign B-Roll
ElzarTheBam pointed out some Halo Anniversary B-Roll Campaign footage released by GodisaGeek.com - 10 minutes worth. No gameplay of note - just a chance to see some campaign scenery you might not have come across yet. If you're staying dark to experience this fresh on November 15, pass on this one. (Louis Wu 21:22:53 UTC) (permalink)


Man, That Conference Room Looks Familiar
The fantastically-lineaged GrimBrother IV let us know that Game Informer has posted a very cool round=table discussion with a couple of 343i leads on the subject of Halo 4. Really good watch, go and check it out! (GrimBrother One 17:52:07 UTC) (permalink)


More info on McFarlane HCEA Series 2
Both Inside Pulse and Kotaku have articles about McFarlane's Halo Anniversary Series 2 figures - though neither site has pictures. (The press release can be found on Spawn.com, too, if you want to go straight to the source.) (Louis Wu 14:43:48 UTC) (permalink)


The Edit
RVideo let us know about a new Halo 3 minitage from Flashgabe - gameplay is from Sk Bonfire. Heavily edited, lots of nice kills. Three minutes - take a look! (Louis Wu 14:43:16 UTC) (permalink)


Reach Tattoo Sleeve
MLG Phumphy loves Halo - he's working on a full Halo: Reach tattoo sleeve. Shadow8P posted shots of the outlines - colored versions coming on November 15! (Louis Wu 13:18:28 UTC) (permalink)


BCP Halloween Specials
Ty Coker mentioned a Halloween special coming out soon - and linked to last year's special, so you can catch up. (Louis Wu 13:17:46 UTC) (permalink)


ODST Co-op Night Continues
Kermit wrote up a recap of last week's ODST Co-op night, on Kizingo Blvd. Funny stories! If you want to get in on the action, he also posted an invite for tonight's edition, which will take place on ONI Alpha Site. (Louis Wu 13:17:08 UTC) (permalink)


Yahoo looks at HCEA
ElzarTheBam pointed out a preview of Halo Anniversary at Yahoo Games UK's site - his favorite part was a hint of an easter egg that's time-sensitive... (Louis Wu 13:16:48 UTC) (permalink)


War (or War) Issue #15
Apologies for the downtime overnight; seems Reddit still has the capability of bringing down a server around here. Going to do a quick once-over of the news queue; the day is looking pretty hectic. First up: Firestorm12 reminded us that War (or War) Issue #15 was live yesterday - every Tuesday and Thursday there's a new ep! (Louis Wu 13:16:31 UTC) (permalink)


News October 25 2011


You make my skull hurt
GameFront has a little tidbit from Chad 'Shishka' Armstrong, the guy who hid Halo: Anniversary's skulls throughout the game. He wanted to make the skulls hard to acquire - but he learned the lesson from Halo 3 that just making the triggers complicated won't work, because modders can just read them out from the code. Grabbing some of THESE skulls is going to be tough - even if you know where they are. Hmm... (Louis Wu 16:41:23 UTC) (permalink)


Making Halo Armor the Easy Way
Hyokin pointed out a video from Tinkernut that can help making a Halo helmet easier for you. Halloween's just around the corner - take a look! (Louis Wu 16:40:20 UTC) (permalink)


10 Over-Hyped Video Games that Disappeared too Quickly
GamingBolt thinks two things: that ODST was overhyped (huhwha?)... and that it disappeared too fast. (Not sure I buy that; I was playing it until Reach came out. But hey... they're entitled to an opinion.) Thanks, Urban Reflex. (Louis Wu 16:39:51 UTC) (permalink)


What's Long And Purple With Sticky Blue Balls?
Surprisingly enough, this post has nothing to do with Hedgemony, so your first guess was wrong. Instead, Halo Waypoint added the most recent addition to the ordnance tech in the Waypoint Intel by bringing us a closer look at the Covenant Plasma Launcher. Go and check out some technical specs and well-rendered angles of the Sangheili's favorite sticky-shooter! (GrimBrother One 15:46:39 UTC) (permalink)


More Playtime 4 You
Earlier this week, Episode 4 of the Playtime Series from CruelLEGACEY Productions debuted on Halo Waypoint. It's a great way to end the second series. Definitely go and give it a watch! (GrimBrother One 15:41:19 UTC) (permalink)


Run, run run! Wait, MINES?!
Our friend Greenskull from ReadyUpLive wanted to share a really fun montage from their interactions with 343 Industries at the October 20th Community Playdate. Go and check it out! (GrimBrother One 15:33:10 UTC) (permalink)


A Fistful of Arrows - The End.
I'm thrilled (and a little sad) to announce that Leviathan has finished A Fistful of Arrows, his epic (and yes, I'm using that word correctly) tale following Jun after the events of Halo: Reach. The last time we mentioned the main comic was just before PAX - he was up to page 57. The tale ends on page 77 (yes, he made sure that would happen), and I can't imagine a better way to finish it. You can read the final act on our forum (he's provided a helpful summary of events up to that point), or on his dedicated site - or, if you remember where you left off, you can jump right in at Page 58. Whatever you choose - read this. It's a fantastic story, with fantastic artwork. (When you're finished, there are some credits, and a summary of what's still to come, in this post.) (Louis Wu 13:26:00 UTC) (permalink)


The Ultimate Disc
Mid7night has created what might be the coolest frisbee... ever. It's a Marathon symbol, and he made sure that the off-center hole was balanced against the extra material below it so that the center of mass is right in the center of the disc. He hasn't actually bought one yet, to see if it flies... but it SHOULD. Shapeways - bringing dreams to life! (If you love this, you can buy one for yourself - as always, Mid7night makes no money on them. If you do, and it flies - please let us know!) Update: Mid7night posted a bunch more pictures on our forum - check this out! I REALLY want one now. (Louis Wu 13:08:40 UTC) (permalink)


ODST Sketch
nillapuddin was inspired to post an older line drawing sketch he did - nice! (Louis Wu 13:04:25 UTC) (permalink)


Prophecy Act 1 (Director's Cut)
Lordstemplar1 stopped in to announce that Dispatch Films has posted Prophecy, Act 1 (a remake of an older series), with Director's commentary. I ran into trouble with the video portion of the film (audio was fine), but switching browsers fixed the problem. It clocks in at a hefty 16 minutes - go check it out! (Louis Wu 12:56:07 UTC) (permalink)


Red vs Blue Season 9, Episode 17 is live now; some serious CGI action in this one. Thanks to MoltenSlowa for being the first to let us know about it - but the real discussion on our forum is in a different thread. (I'm surprised by the number of people who are unhappy with the direction Rooster Teeth has taken - but love it or hate it, it's still a great story.) Check it out! (Louis Wu 12:48:54 UTC) (permalink)


News October 24 2011


Revisiting a useful resource
A quick reminder - last week's LASO Challenge Walkthrough chapter from Tyrant covered this week's Weekly LASO challenge... New Alexandria. If you didn't watch it last week, you should watch it now! (Louis Wu 23:19:03 UTC) (permalink)


All I want to know, Cortana...
Gamespot has posted a hi-res version of the Halo Anniversary opening cinematic - if you can't wait to see this in all its glory on your Xbox, go watch it on YouTube. Thanks, ElzarTheBam. (Louis Wu 16:32:19 UTC) (permalink)


More Anniversary Coverage - and B-Roll
ElzarTheBam pointed out a hands-on from DailyJoyPad, and Hypertrooper mentioned content from Halo.Fr (it's in French, but the interview with Dennis Reis is in English, and they've posted B-Roll footage from campaign (most levels, a visual comparison) and Hang 'em High. (Louis Wu 15:15:50 UTC) (permalink)


Terminal Location Clarification
Quick update on some info in the Xbox360Achievements preview: they mention that their location changes with difficulty level, but Frank clarified on NeoGAF this morning that while that USED to be true, it was changed during testing. Location is identical for a given Terminal, regardless of difficulty - and finding them gets progressively harder as you move through the game. (Louis Wu 15:02:53 UTC) (permalink)


The H:A Content Flood Begins
Tons of new Anniversary content hitting the web - I guess the embargo lifted at 9am.

I'm sure there'll be more as the day goes on - but this should hold you for a bit! Update: Here's a preview from OXM - thanks, Deadly Cyclone. (Louis Wu 13:56:29 UTC) (permalink)


Behind the Scenes: Anniversary Terminals, Music
Two new Behind-The-Scenes videos are up at Halo Waypoint (in Silverlight format only; nothing yet on the Waypoint YouTube channel): a look at the Anniversary Terminals has devs discussing how (and why) the Terminals will work in the new game, and the Anniversary Music also gets some documentary love. Go watch 'em both! (Louis Wu 13:36:00 UTC) (permalink)


Guilty Spark Shot First
Frankie tells IGN that Anniversary doesn't pull a Lucas - no rewriting of history here! Thanks, ElzarTheBam. (Louis Wu 13:21:33 UTC) (permalink)


DA Update: Sunday
Another deviantART update from CaptainTony - a Mark V helmet in Garry's Mod... and a pony that should never be. You can't win 'em all! (Louis Wu 13:21:10 UTC) (permalink)


Beyond the Frontline: Fragging Health
Over at Forward Unto Dawn, Beyond the Frontline has a new post - GhaleonEB looks at how health has been handled in Halo games, and looks forward to future titles. Interesting analysis! Thanks, Dani. (Louis Wu 13:20:47 UTC) (permalink)


Podtacular Halo Decade Show, Round 3 - online
Dust Storm let us know that the Podtacular Halo Decade Show, Round 3 is now up - 4 hours of Halo discussion by Halo community luminaries. If it's not enough for you, Round 4 is coming up on November 12! (Louis Wu 13:20:17 UTC) (permalink)


More H:A coming out of France
Paris Games Week has kicked off, and 343 is there showing off Halo: Anniversary. uberfoop linked to some gameplay from Truth & Reconciliation (pretty mediocre video, but the first meaty stuff we've seen of the level), and over at NeoGAF, TheOddOne found a runthrough of 343 Guilty Spark (again, offscreen, but a hefty portion of gameplay). We have word that higher-quality video will be released soon (within the hour, if David Ellis is correct) - or you could just hold off until November 15 and experience it on your OWN screen. (Louis Wu 12:14:35 UTC) (permalink)


News October 23 2011


We got word from HaloNorge's Stian Øby Johansen that the Norwegian Halo Community contributed clips to a montage called Norway, put together by Stiqz. It's 7 minutes long, and gameplay takes precedence over editing - nice work! Go watch. (Louis Wu 20:10:19 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Doom WAD
SIX min WHISTLE came across a video showing off a Doom WAD containing all the Halo weapons. Pretty nice work! (Louis Wu 10:32:55 UTC) (permalink)


AFoA Adjunct: Catherine
Leviathan posted another piece to the Fistful of Arrows Adjunct - this one is a look back by Kalmiya. Beautiful. (Louis Wu 10:32:23 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Waypoint Community Modcast Ep 2
The second Halo Waypoint Community Leader podcast has gone live - go listen to 7 Waypoint CLs discuss Halo for 90 minutes. Our own GrimBrother One is part of the crew! Thanks, rukizzel. (Louis Wu 10:31:28 UTC) (permalink)


NHL Halo Sighting
Yazool was at a Tampa Bay Lightning game last night - and was surprised when the organist kicked into the Halo theme during the pregame show. The early part isn't recorded (he didn't have his phone out at the start), but there's a pretty good chunk documented - go listen! (Louis Wu 10:30:48 UTC) (permalink)


Noob to Pro in 5 Minutes
Nak3d Eli put together a five minute video that nails down some of the critical components to successful multiplay (if you define 'killing the other guy' as success). Many of these things you probably already know - some you might not. ALL of them are things worth remembering as you go into battle. A pretty interesting project - go see what you think! (Louis Wu 10:30:01 UTC) (permalink)


deviantART Update
CaptainTony posted a couple of new deviantART finds he came across - Spartans for a fan fiction, and a gorgeous render of the Yanme'e homeworld. Go see! (Louis Wu 10:29:39 UTC) (permalink)


News October 22 2011


Tyrant's LASO Challenge Walkthrough - TotS
Daniel 'Tyrant' Morris has the next LASO Challenge guide up and active for you on his YouTube channel. Tip of the Spear is always a fun run - go check out the hints and tricks that will get you through with the least headache! (Louis Wu 21:11:37 UTC) (permalink)


HaloChallenges: Flawless Firefight
HC Redemption continues building challenges for the Halo community - his latest offering is Flawless Firefight. It's 81 separate challenges, packaged together - can you play enough Score Attack to conquer this puppy? Go read about it and see what you've got! (Louis Wu 21:11:04 UTC) (permalink)


Podtacular Decade Podcast – Round 3
Dust Storm wanted to remind people that the Halo Podcast of all Podcasts, Round 3, is being broadcast live tonight at 7pm Eastern. That's just 2 hours from now! Put some time aside. (Louis Wu 21:09:54 UTC) (permalink)


Playing Oddball with H2 Ultras
I don't know if you ever tried to get the IWHBYD skull in Halo 2, or if you remember how very, very difficult it was... but it was very, very difficult. Grumpy just sent a link to a video by BlinkIfYouCanHearMe in which the Blind Skull is picked up without triggering it (I don't know how this works), and then is used to kill the 28 Ultra Elites that you need to finish off before you can collect the IWHBYD skull. It's a pretty cool video to watch; I'm really not sure what I was seeing, but I was impressed nonetheless! There's a thread with discussion over at jumprs.org if you want more info. (Louis Wu 21:08:02 UTC) (permalink)


Halosphere2 - now with more goodness
Have you played HaloSphere2 yet? If you haven't, now might be a good time to try it; the dev team has just implemented a number of upgrades. You can read about the changes on the main page of the site and sign up if you don't already have an account! (Louis Wu 21:05:41 UTC) (permalink)


What do Queen and Halo have in common?
FoxmanFX noticed a new video from William Shatner, who released a 'Spoken Word' album of classic rock music. His treatment of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody has at least one, and maybe two Halo nods - the video starts with a piece that tips its hat to the Halo 3 Announce Trailer... and ends with one that could be considered an homage to the opening of Halo 3. Is Shatner a Halo 3 fan? It would appear so! (Side note: this is one of the oddest things I've seen this week.) Update: Got a photo taken at the G-Phoria Awards in 2005 that might suggest where that connection might have come from... (Louis Wu 21:03:17 UTC) (permalink)


It's That Time Of The Weak
ibeechu dropped in to let us know that Episode 57 of Rooster Teeth's Halo: Reach Fails of the Weak is now available! As always you can check it out both at the Achievement Hunter site or on YouTube. Go and watch! (GrimBrother One 18:49:23 UTC) (permalink)


News October 21 2011


ONI S3 - Data Drop Six
The Sixth Data Drop (and what might be the last, if the numbers on Halo Waypoint are accurate) is now live - go read some snippets of communication from members of the Pillar of Autumn crew! Thanks, CaptainTony. (Louis Wu 17:00:06 UTC) (permalink)


Recreating the Halo Experience
Dan Ayoub and Frankie discuss how to recreate that first feeling you had with Halo, all those years ago, with Halo Anniversary. Swing by IGN to watch. Thanks, ChrisTheeCrappy. (Louis Wu 16:57:43 UTC) (permalink)


Reach Customz 4: Jump Rope
Timgie's back with another episode of Reach Customz - watch it to learn how to play Jump Rope. It's an Infection gametype that's similar to Writer's Mind - Zombies are in vehicles, trying to splatter Humans, while Humans do their best to jump over vehicles as they come down the hill. Last Man Standing gets a jetpack. Looks like fun! (Louis Wu 13:55:12 UTC) (permalink)


Sprint Button Glitches
Cox sent word of a video from Lord Jefferson, a French Reach fan from the site Halo Creation, which documents a series of button glitches that can be performed when your Armor Ability is Sprint. Text is in French - but most actions are self-explanatory. Mostly... these speed up pairs of actions performed sequentially. Interesting! (Louis Wu 13:49:21 UTC) (permalink)


War (or War) Issue #14
Firestorm12 told us about War (or War) Issue #14 - went live yesterday, go see! (Louis Wu 12:17:32 UTC) (permalink)


How to make a Halo 3 Assault Rifle Part 3
DaFrontlineTrooper has posted part 3 of his 'How to make a Halo 3 Assault Rifle' tutorial on YouTube - this one covers painting. Thanks, robofin117. (Louis Wu 12:15:33 UTC) (permalink)


Like mammals around dinosaurs
Not really Halo-related, but we don't have an aerospace.bungie.org domain, so... Portfolio Manager Bernard Yee talked to Joystiq about where the name for Bungie Aerospace came from - the more you know... thanks, ncsuDuncan. (Louis Wu 12:15:01 UTC) (permalink)


The Foundations of Halo 4
Kiki Wolfkill talked to GameInformer, and offered a tidbit about the Halo 4 engine - swing by The Examiner to read it! Thanks, Domino Theory. (Louis Wu 12:14:03 UTC) (permalink)


Kevin Grace at NYCC 11
Cardo 8 atl noticed a fan-recorded interview with Kevin Grace from NYCC 11 - it's hefty (11 minutes), go see what he has to say! (Louis Wu 12:13:17 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's Fanfic - a week late
I wasn't around last week, so there was no Fan Fiction update - the two pieces live now were submitted almost 2 weeks ago. Apologies! (Louis Wu 12:12:53 UTC) (permalink)


News October 20 2011


Reach Psychiatrist
Lord Friendship created a pretty nice piece of work by setting Reach cutscene footage to The Avalanches' Frontier Psychiatrist. Strangely enthralling! Go enjoy. (Louis Wu 17:12:18 UTC) (permalink)


Mk V Armor - glorious
Revenant1988 pointed out a build thread on the 405th forums for some armor created by JUSTINIAN 117 - he's done an amazing job of nailing the Mark V suit from Halo 1. (If you don't have the time for the whole build thread, Revenant1988 included a number of final pics in his forum post, with permission.) Retro Power! (Louis Wu 17:02:36 UTC) (permalink)


Halotracker Campaign Contest
Edge let us know that Halotracker is currently running a Reach Campaign Contest - survive as long as possible on Heroic Lone Wolf, with Tough Luck and Catch activated, and you could win a McFarlane Mongoose (with Noble 6). Check the site for full details! (Louis Wu 16:53:48 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Bulletin: October 19, 2011
Yesterday was Wednesday, so last night a new Halo Bulletin went live on Waypoint - lots of Anniversary discussion. Plus, Anniversary MP Achievements! Go read. It is, of course, available in our Halo Bulletin Archive, should you need that. (Louis Wu 13:12:16 UTC) (permalink)


Almost a curse.
Ed Fries talked to StrategyInformer about how surprising Halo's success was at the outset, and about some of the unintended consequences of that success. Interesting conversation! Thanks, ElzarTheBam. (Louis Wu 13:11:38 UTC) (permalink)


Achievement Horse #46
Achievement Horse #46 is live (AH.com | YouTube) - Geoff faces off against Marshall, who is surprisingly good at Halo trick maps - go see who advances to the next round of the Rooster Teeth Office Tourney! Thanks to Ibeechu for noticing. (Louis Wu 13:10:55 UTC) (permalink)


Fanmade RvB CGI
MatthewDratt took some mocap files, some Red vs Blue voice clips, and some Trocadero music, and put together several funny moments. Go look. (Louis Wu 13:10:06 UTC) (permalink)


Robowski sent word that Post Game Carnage Report 93 is now live - if you're interested in a podcast full of gaming discussion (including a look at the High Noon map from 343 and some Halo fanfic), go grab a copy! (Louis Wu 13:09:30 UTC) (permalink)


Free Candy
urk stopped by with a very, very cool present - a link to Bungie's Facebook page, with a collection of pumpkin templates whipped up by Lorraine McLees. We haven't announced a Guilt o' Lantern contest this year - but urk is taunting me for that, so... if you guys wanna play, maybe we can work something out. (Time's getting tight, though, so...) (Louis Wu 13:08:45 UTC) (permalink)


Fan Art Notification
A couple of fans dropped off art links in our forum yesterday - great to have people finding cool stuff! CaptainTony pointed out a piece called Sangheili Honor Guardsmen, by DeviantART's xXHONORguardXx, while SEspider let us know about Aeonsend, who's posted a couple of Halo pieces. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 13:07:57 UTC) (permalink)


Bungie Mobile for Android (and iOS)
Yesterday's big news out of Bungie was an Android version of their Mobile App - check your friends, their news page, or your Reach stats from whereever you are (as long as you have an Android phone). All this is yours for the low, low price of FREE! (Louis Wu 13:02:51 UTC) (permalink)


News October 19 2011


2D-X plays HCEA at NYCC
Another quick writeup of the NYCC Halo Anniversary experience can be found at 2D-X. (Louis Wu 15:44:09 UTC) (permalink)


The Halo CE Chronicles - Fearless Chapter Seven
Dennis Powers let us know that Fearless Chapter Seven has been posted - the Fearless reaches the Artifact and finds a surprise. (Louis Wu 15:42:23 UTC) (permalink)


Community - Halo 3 Trick Jumping
jumprs.org member Resix released a new trick-jumping vid yesterday, compiled from community input - Community is 8 minutes of Halo 3 trick jumping, and some of these stunts left me speechless. Amazing. Simply amazing. Thanks, Reidon. (If you don't want to watch this on YouTube, there's a 343 mb download link from GameFront in Resix's post.) (Louis Wu 15:38:49 UTC) (permalink)


News October 18 2011


Grunt Herding
This took FAR too long to put online... but about 3 weeks ago, a handful of hard-working fans packed 450 Grunt Plushies into more than 300 separate bags, in preparation for delivery around the world. We took a few pictures, and thought you might want to see them. (Louis Wu 19:33:19 UTC) (permalink)


HCEA Skulls - the beginnings of a list
A number of the skulls - new and old - that are coming out in Halo: Anniversary were documented in the recent Behind-the-Scenes vid; JDQuackers took some screenshots. Take a look! (Further down in the thread two more that are mentioned, but not shown, are labeled.) (Louis Wu 17:00:50 UTC) (permalink)


Reach Map Packs - Fifty Percent Off
If you haven't purchased the first pair of Map Packs for Reach - now might be the time! According to Major Nelson, both packs are on the Deal of the Week list; starting tomorrow, they're 400 MS Points each! Thanks, Zeouterlimits. (Louis Wu 16:10:44 UTC) (permalink)


The Art of Building Worlds - Preview
io9 has posted an inside look at The Art of Building Worlds, officially being released today. There's concept art in the article that has NOT been seen on the web before. Check it out! Thanks, ncsuDuncan. (Louis Wu 15:05:57 UTC) (permalink)


H:A Campaign Gameplay Compilation
Over at NeoGAF, Kibbles went through the Behind the Scenes ViDoc 343 posted yesterday, and pulled out all the actual gameplay footage. If you want to see about 4 minutes of shots from Halo Anniversary's campaign, this vid's for you! (Louis Wu 15:02:15 UTC) (permalink)


10 of the Saddest Game Cancellations
Urban Reflex pointed us towards a GamingBolt list of 10 of the Saddest Game Cancellations... with one, in particular, of interest to Halo fans. Now I'm sad... (Louis Wu 14:58:52 UTC) (permalink)


ODST Tones on your Phone - now for iOS5
Back in December, Mid7night posted a series of ODST Phone sounds (replacement sounds to use on your phone, culled from ODST). Recently, UnrealCh13f modified these to make them iOS5-compatible (m4r format). Grab the zipped collection (394k) and enjoy! (The older link still works for iOS4 and below, as well as providing more generic .aif formats for other phones.) (Louis Wu 13:42:34 UTC) (permalink)


Samurai Fronk: Series Finale
JDQuackers brought us the Series Finale of Samurai Fronk, a rather disturbing creation from the mind of Hedgemony. Go enjoy it. (Louis Wu 13:33:42 UTC) (permalink)


Master Chief vs Doomguy - Death Battle!
Revision3 posted a Death Battle episode dedicated to the question "Who would win in a fight to the death: Master Chief or Doomguy?" I was entertained in spite of myself. Thanks, doober187. (Louis Wu 13:32:18 UTC) (permalink)


Hang 'em High flythrough (offscreen)
There's no official version yet, but a fan at NYCC has posted a captured version of the Hang 'em High flythrough shown last weekend. (Thanks to NeoGAF's Barrel Cannon for the heads-up.) (Louis Wu 13:32:00 UTC) (permalink)


Modding the Chief
The photo is pretty awful, but Laird's modification of a McFarlane Chief model is pretty cool! (Original is here, for comparison.) (Louis Wu 13:31:26 UTC) (permalink)


Hell's Angel
Red vs Blue Season 9 Episode 16 is live at the Rooster Teeth website - Tex enjoys watching Church squirm, Simmons gives up on his teammates, and a vehicle that we'd ALL love to operate makes an appearance. Thanks, mattroe. (Louis Wu 13:30:50 UTC) (permalink)


CaptainTony pointed out Halo fanart at DeviantART - Vybeosa took a slightly more personal view of the Chief and Cortana. (Louis Wu 13:29:59 UTC) (permalink)


News October 17 2011


MLG Orlando - Wrapped Up
Another thing I missed this weekend was MLG Orlando - Dynasty took first place in the Reach competition, beating out Infamous for the $20,000 top prize. (eon Instinct, the favorite going in, went home in 5th place.) There's a video recap if you missed it, the Hall of Champions, the brackets... and plenty of rebroadcast vids available. (Louis Wu 18:36:54 UTC) (permalink)


This Week On Waypoint
If you want to see what lies ahead for the week in Waypoint features, you can always check out their schedule to see what's coming up next. They've started strong already, let's keep it going! (GrimBrother One 18:04:40 UTC) (permalink)


Hang 'em High - Official Press Release
343 sent along the official press release for Hang 'em High - go read about it, along with all the other goodies they announced recently. I've also included 9 extremely high-res versions of the promo screenshots (6400x3600) for your viewing pleasure. If you want to see the map in motion, Kotaku's Brian Crecente filmed some Hang 'em High gameplay off the screen (with his phone) at NYCC this weekend (thanks, ElzarTheBam). (Louis Wu 18:02:35 UTC) (permalink)


Everybody Jump
Rockslider has released another video of Halo CE gameplay - it's him and a few marines against a whole BUNCH of Hunters. Go enjoy the fireworks! (Louis Wu 18:00:38 UTC) (permalink)


Graveyard of Heroes
Pierre Tartaix sent word of the latest machinima project from TGO GMBH - no words, but plenty of emotion. This one's REALLY well done - amazing cinematography. Go watch it. (Louis Wu 15:03:57 UTC) (permalink)


Tyrant's LASO Challenge Walkthrough - New Alexandria
This chapter in Tyrant's latest demolishment of the Reach campaign went live on Friday, but I was gone until last night, so you're hearing about it now. Chock full of hints for beating the Reach LASO Challenges, this video will get you through New Alexandria with a minimum of pain. (Actually, I mentioned it Friday. Wu just DOESN'T LOVE ME. -Grim) (Louis Wu 15:00:45 UTC) (permalink)


Falling in Love with Halo All Over Again
CraveOnline has a writeup from NYCC '11, detailing the crew's experience with Halo Anniversary - go read! (Louis Wu 14:56:26 UTC) (permalink)


I'm on XBox LIVE, myself.
Lonely Island inspires Halo machinimakers, apparently. I'm in a Ghost showed up in my inbox this morning (NSFW language) - and the comments pointed me to a video from two years ago, called I'm On the Maps. Adam Samberg - feel proud! (Louis Wu 14:46:56 UTC) (permalink)


Halo: Helljumper Preview Pic
Dan Wang, the director of the upcoming Halo: Helljumper fan movie, sent along a preview screenshot (2044x753, 135k) - I can't wait to see this stuff in motion! Be sure to keep an eye on their Facebook page (and their web blog) for complete details! (Louis Wu 14:44:18 UTC) (permalink)


Samurai Fronk #926
Hedgemony continues to amaze with Samurai Fronk #926 - this episode will show you where his power comes from! Thanks to JDQuackers for being the conduit through which the insanity flows. (Louis Wu 14:25:56 UTC) (permalink)


Title Update Armor Lock - In-Depth Analysis
Nak3d Eli put together an in-depth analysis of the post-TU Armor Lock - what it can handle, what it can't, when it's useful, and (if you're not a user) what you can use to counteract its features. Worth watching! (Louis Wu 14:21:25 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Kinect Details Emerge
Mixmasterchief let us know about an article on IGN that describes the Kinect features that will be available in Halo: Anniversary. As someone that doesn't own a Kinect unit, I'm saddened that the 'Analyze' mode won't be available to me - it seems like a lot of fun. (However, maybe there's an opening for a web version, created by fans...) Check out all the details, and join the conversation! (Louis Wu 14:17:55 UTC) (permalink)


Happy Birthday, FoA!
Leviathan stopped by on Saturday to point out that A Fistful of Arrows turned one on that day. He also used the opportunity to point out that the end of the story will be posted this week. w00t! Happy Birthday, Levi. Thanks for the year's worth of fun! (Louis Wu 14:15:24 UTC) (permalink)


Reach Customz Ep 3: Cloneball
Timgie released another episode of Reach Customz, this one focusing on the Cloneball gametype. Did you know that holograms will trigger mines? I didn't - but they do, and you can use this to set up a gametype where the goal is to get your hologram into the enemy goals, while stopping THEIR holograms from reaching YOUR goals. It looks really fun - go grab it and try it out with your friends! (Louis Wu 14:09:12 UTC) (permalink)


You can taste the smoke.
Hypertrooper highlighted a couple of gorgeous creations from DeviantARTist Lord Doomhammer, a fellow German. Check out Frontline and Charge - I love the atmosphere! (Louis Wu 14:06:23 UTC) (permalink)


Duelies, a member of PhysicsRemastered, put together a Reach Launching vid - check it out for some amazing launches! Thanks, Carnage A51. (Louis Wu 13:58:46 UTC) (permalink)


Your own IAC
Feels good to be back home again - while reading through the forum posts since Thursday, I came across a few tidbits you might have missed yourself. Let's start with something you can hold in your hand. Mid7night created a model of In Amber Clad... and made it available on Shapeways. (Feedback on his original model led to some changes from the original description; you can read through for details.) It's really pretty cool - and if you like it, you can have one made, in the material of your choice! (Mid7night doesn't make any money from this; the price is set by Shapeways.) (Louis Wu 13:55:02 UTC) (permalink)


The Morning After Playtime
Also featured on Waypoint this morning is Episode 3 from Season 2 of the "Playtime" Series from CruelLEGACEY Productions. Always a fun watch, definitely go and check it out! (GrimBrother One 13:37:09 UTC) (permalink)


Anniversary Buffet on Waypoint
Halo Waypoint has unleashed a barrage of sweet Anniversary coverage on their website. Here is a quick rundown...

  • First up is an awesome BTS feature on the Anniversary campaign.
  • There are two videos that take a look at the upcoming Fall update for Halo Waypoint, and you can see them here and here. The videos highlight features such as the layout redesigns, ATLAS program, and Custom Challenges.
  • If you are longing for a closer look at the newly-confirmed High Noon/Hang 'Em High map, then look no further

If you are hoping that any of this is going to make the wait to Anniversary any easier, you might want to leave now! (GrimBrother One 13:27:42 UTC) (permalink)


Machinima Double Comedy Feature
Ogan Panavo sent us a heads up about a couple of recent Halo machinimas you should check out. First up is the stalwart series "Arby N' The Chief" with its latest episode, "Remission". Second is a hilarious nature mockumentary called "Life of the Grunts". I definitely laughed at that one. Good stuff, go take a few minutes to watch them! (GrimBrother One 13:20:37 UTC) (permalink)


News October 16 2011


'Courage Is Resistance To Fear', No Wait That was Mark
Clefton Twain stopped by our forum to let us know that his "Extra Life" charity quest to play all 5 Bungie-made Halo games ended in success! The final tally on the clock was 23.5 hours, and he raised $250 for the MU Children's Hospital. Awesome job, CT! If you get the chance, stop by the thread and congratulate him! (GrimBrother One 18:35:13 UTC) (permalink)


Sticky Sundays Are The Best Kind
Don't forget to check out the addition of the Covenant Plasma Grenade to the ever-growing list of technology featurettes on Halo Waypoint. Check it out, but don't give one to bs angel. Don't tell her I said that, either. Maybe I should edit this. Why are we even here? (GrimBrother One 18:31:49 UTC) (permalink)


Fans Were Given Choices, ATLAS Shrugged, and 12pm Said Hello
Yesterday evening turned out to be a pretty good news night on the Halo front, with the New York City Comic Con yielding some nice tidbits...

  • 343 Industries formally announced the inclusion of High Noon/Hang 'Em High to the lineup of maps coming out with Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary. Check out the IGN Interview with Max Hoberman from Certain Affinity.
  • Also shown off was some of the very cool new upgrades and features coming soon to Halo Waypoint, across all mediums. Gamespot has a feature previewing what's coming, including a very interesting new program called "ATLAS", which streams data from any multiplayer game you are in to an app on your Windows Mobile Phone in real time, potentially giving you an armored-leg up on the competition. Also discussed are the new Custom Challenges that you can create for your friends to attempt in Halo: Reach. Sweet!
  • HBO Member Simpsons Rule also left us an awesome write-up on our forums detailing his first-hand experience and impressions at the Halo Panel from the NYCCC. If you weren't there, and want a great fan's perspective, definitely check this out and offer your own thoughts!

We will of course be adding more as the various news sites start making their own reports, but until now, enjoy! (GrimBrother One 18:13:50 UTC) (permalink)


News October 15 2011


And The Foolish Favor...HBO!
Dani was excited to tell us that the fourth edition in Forward Unto Dawn's "Beyond the Frontline" editorial feature has now gone more than slightly live. Go and check out "Fortune Favours the Foolish". Some very interesting points raised, go and see if you agree! (GrimBrother One 19:15:43 UTC) (permalink)


Should It Say 'Anniversary Has Gone Zealot'?
The fine folks at Halo Waypoint have let us know that Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary has gone gold! Only one month to go! (GrimBrother One 19:12:19 UTC) (permalink)


Not THAT Halo Anniversary...
We here at HBO would like to wish a very special 1st Anniversary to Halo community members Shotgunchief and QuackJag. Sorry guys, we didn't get you anything expensive. We do happen to have this oddly-appropriate looking piece of artwork drawn by someone named Catherine, though. It's a pretty awesome looking shot, and we hope you enjoy both it, and each other, for a long time to come! (GrimBrother One 15:47:06 UTC) (permalink)


Should You Avoid Calling A Feminist Bee 'Honey'?
Dragonclaws wanted to make us aware that she has released Part 3 of her "Feminist Analysis of i love bees". Always some interesting evaluation in these. Give it a shot and check it out! (GrimBrother One 15:26:00 UTC) (permalink)


Back 2 Back Top 10's from IGN
ChrisTheeCrappy wanted to let us know about two IGN Top-10's we may have missed along the way. Check out last week's and this week's. Some really nice kills in them both! (GrimBrother One 15:21:06 UTC) (permalink)


So Does This Mean Reach Needs A DLC BFG?
Ghost Faction dropped in to let us know about a Gametrailers Vid showing off a few new DLC maps for Duke Nukem Forever. Before you think this might not be Halo-related, check out the map "Sandbox". Clever homage if nothing else! (GrimBrother One 15:17:07 UTC) (permalink)


Anniversary Achieveables!
Pretty much top news of the evening last night was the revealing of the Achievement List for Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary. There are some absolutely great ones in there, as well as a few that will certainly provide a challenge for many. ElzarTheBam was also kind enough to use his 343rd post to start a discussion about it on our forum. Check it out! (GrimBrother One 15:12:46 UTC) (permalink)


News October 14 2011


I Decided to Omit My 'Goose Is Loose' Joke
I was remiss in my duties this past weekend, forgetting to mention to you that a new addition to the Ordnance section on Halo Waypoint went up. This time it's everyone's favorite Rocket-Racing steed, the Mongoose. Go and check out some really nice renders & cool tech info or lose me forever. (GrimBrother One 18:47:51 UTC) (permalink)


Advance Intel on Outpost Isil: Season 2
The fine folks at Treeskunk Productions sent along word of a special new sneak peek teaser at what's to come in Season 2 of their Halo Machinima "Outpost Isil". The first episode of the new season looks to air later this October, so keep your eyes peeled! (GrimBrother One 18:36:35 UTC) (permalink)


New Alexandria, New Mythic Guide
The ever-smooth Mythic Tyrant wanted to let us know that he has a new Halo: Reach Mythic Guide out on his YouTube Channel. This time, he spares no expense tackling New Alexandria using every trick in the book. A great watch with some always-clever strategies. Go and give it a look! (GrimBrother One 18:30:28 UTC) (permalink)


I Hope a Dodge Viper makes it into Halo 4...
...or a Pagani Zonda; already looks like a spaceship! Anyway, SIX min WHISTLE let our forum know that he found a full walkthrough of the Halo 4 Warthog as featured in the Autovista Mode of the awesome Forza Motorsport 4 for the Xbox 360. Whether you have the game and just want a sneak peek, or aren't a car-lover (nobody's perfect) and don't want to miss a bit of Halo goodness, it's a very cool thing to check out! (Thanks now to nillapuddin for finding an HD version as well! -Grim) (GrimBrother One 17:39:47 UTC) (permalink)


It DOES Pay To Be Yellow
Thanks again to hezekiah who let us know that Episode 56 of Rooster Teeth's Halo: Reach Fails of the Weak is now live on both their site as well as YouTube. Go get your fail on! (GrimBrother One 17:06:35 UTC) (permalink)


Your Avatar Can Now Be Covered in Covenant
Just as a reminder, the new October additions to the Halo Avatar Collection that we first mentioned on Monday are now available! They actually went Live yesterday, but who's counting? Go get some cool new Covie gear! Also, Hedgemony is awesome. Just saying. (GrimBrother One 16:54:02 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Art Book Sneak Peek
IGN has posted a sneak preview of the upcoming book Halo: The Art of Building Worlds. There is some absolutely gorgeous art in there, and some sample text from the book, which launches on October 18th. Trust me, it's amazing. Go check it out! Thanks to ElzarTheBam for noticing. (GrimBrother One 15:39:47 UTC) (permalink)


Fight for the Mammaries of your Loved Ones
Do you like Halo? Do you like women? If you care about them both, you should pick up a DMR and put your money where your mouth is and enter the Fight Like A Girl campaign. If you don't have any money to put in your mouth, then use Molten Slowa's or Kermit's, two awesome HBO members that are wanting so sponsor someone for the FLAG tournament. Better get in your request quick, deadline is this Sunday, October 16. Take advantage of of their goodwill and Fight like - and more importantly for - a girl! (GrimBrother One 15:29:08 UTC) (permalink)


ONI Hot-Drops More Classified Info
Stephen "Ladykiller" Loftus brought to our attention that ONI Data Drop #5 is now available at Halo Waypoint. Some very interesting infor regarding who knew of Reach's invasion and who didn't. Go and check it out! (GrimBrother One 15:23:39 UTC) (permalink)


Not Those Kind of Singles
The Flashover Gaming League wants everyone to know that they are holding a Halo: Reach Singles Tournament. Singles as in 1 v 1, of course. The tournament will be offering Cash Prizes to the Top 3 Players. They also have some other cool items in the mix, and the more participants that enter, the better the prizes will be! More details can be found here. If going solo is your bag, get out there and win some cash! (GrimBrother One 15:10:48 UTC) (permalink)


Bid On Goosechecka's Mythic Package
The lovely but deadly-with-a-hammer Goosechecka wanted to let us know that Grifball Hub is doing a very cool auction for the Extra Life charity. Up for grabs are 4 different packages of Halo swaggy goodness, the crown jewel being the drool-worthy Mythic Package, which includes a "Heroes Never Die" poster from Halo Fest with over 80 signatures from 343 Industries staff plus a few from prominent Halo Communities. If you're going to take a break from playing Halo, you might as well do something good for society while you're at it! Check out all the deets here at the Hub. (GrimBrother One 15:02:13 UTC) (permalink)


31 Podcasts of Beer On The Wall...
The folks over at The Drunken Halo Podcast wanted to let us know that Episode 31 is now up for your auditory viewing pleasure. Robowski from PGCR joins the hosts to discuss the new Title Update playlist. Check it out! (GrimBrother One 14:57:31 UTC) (permalink)


News October 13 2011


More (War)
Firestorm12 once again brings us word that Issue 13 of Halopen's war satire comic series "War (or War)" is now available. Accidental killing and fear of jail time do seem to go hand in hand. Check it out! (GrimBrother One 17:50:35 UTC) (permalink)


Awesome Headdress
Red vs Blue's Ubergirl experimented with ink to create Esri, a Sangheili high priestess. Pretty slick! (Local mirror here, just in case.) (Louis Wu 17:18:05 UTC) (permalink)


Reach Iron Pro - Filmed
RC Master decided to enter the Spartan I Project's 'Reach Iron Pro' challenge... and film his single-segment, no-deaths Heroic runthrough of Halo: Reach - including level breaks. Wanna watch? It's only 2.5 hours long! (My hat is off.) Read his forum post for full details on the challenge (and why he went the route he did), or just jump over to YouTube to watch the gameplay. (Louis Wu 17:10:31 UTC) (permalink)


NobleStats - Detailed Reach Stats
BKerr has resurrected NobleStats.com, his stats-based website. Easy to use, nicely organized, no ads - go check it out! (Louis Wu 17:09:47 UTC) (permalink)


PGCR 91 (and FanFic Contest)
SK1LL4XED sent word that Post Game Carnage Report 91 is now live - discussion of the TU Beta playlist features heavily. While you're there, remember that their Fan Fiction Contest has a deadline coming up in a couple of weeks - October 31, to be precise. Make sure you meet it! (Louis Wu 17:09:01 UTC) (permalink)


Extra Life and Red vs Blue Raffle
Jonathan Heier is going to be marathoning video games this weekend, to raise money for Extra Life - and if you help out, he's got some cool prizes to give away. Swing by StickSkills.com to read about the deal! (Louis Wu 17:07:13 UTC) (permalink)


Metropolis Magic Corner Rides
Grumpy sent word that DrBizz has released a new video that pretty much DEFINES what you can do with Halo 2 corner sliding. (Don't know what corner sliding is? Go watch this vid.) All I can say is... don't try this in real life. You will die. Discussion can be found over at Jumprs.org. (Louis Wu 17:06:34 UTC) (permalink)


The Halo CE Chronicles - Fearless Chapter Six
Dennis Powers let us know about Fearless Chapter Six - it's a turning point! (The advance team reaches the Artifact.) Go read. (Louis Wu 17:06:03 UTC) (permalink)


It Would Have Been Unfair For Them All To Be From Marty
In a cool piece of news, the London Philharmonic is about to release a collection of what they feel is the Greatest Video Game Music. Some really awesome selections on there, but of course the one we'll all be most happy to hear about is the inclusion of the O'Donnell/Salvatori epic "One Final Effort" from the Halo 3 soundtrack. The collection releases on November 8th. Awesome stuff! Thanks to Moorpheusl9 for letting us know. (GrimBrother One 15:45:02 UTC) (permalink)


Best Fronking Comic Ever.
The illustrious JDQuackers has brought to us a beacon of hope for all those who wake up in the morning with the insatiable hunger for a taste of sweet Hedgemony. Like Moses on the mount, JD has brought forth words from the man himself; a brand new adventure featuring our favorite fighting fish, Samurai Fronk. The adventure starts here. You won't regret this. (GrimBrother One 14:47:06 UTC) (permalink)


News October 12 2011


Achievement Creature #45
Achievement Hunter's ever-awesome "HORSE/PIG/WHATEVER" feature continues with Episode 45. Go and check it out! Thanks to Ibeechu for noticing. (GrimBrother One 18:27:54 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 MC Statue for sale
Cullen sent word that he's selling a Halo 2 promotional statue - if you're local (he's in Toronto, Ontario), you can pick it up and save the shipping! This is the half-size version (about 3 feet tall). Starting bid is $100, Buy It Now price is $500 - you've got 6 days! (They're pretty cool; I just got a compliment yesterday on mine.) (Louis Wu 17:53:52 UTC) (permalink)


Halotracker 2v2 Finals Gameplay
Edge let us know that the Halotracker 2v2 Tournament Finals took place recently (I'm not sure when, there's no information on the videos, and no easily-found info on their website) - and all five games are online. If this means anything to you... go watch! (Louis Wu 17:49:40 UTC) (permalink)


I weep for gaming journalism
There are websites out there that really, really shouldn't be writing reviews of upcoming products. A hands-on preview of Halo: Anniversary went live on Beefjack this morning that seems to have been written under the mistaken impression that there's a multiplayer component that is separate from the Reach maps being released with the game - that "it's the original Halo with online support and a new engine, marged onto the Reach servers." Huhwha? (This thread at N4G has a response from Giddens, the author of the piece, which contains the comment "There is a multiplayer component to Halo Anniversary beyond the Reach multiplayer. I know, I played it.") Thanks to NeoGAF's wwm0nkey for noticing this - and to anyone actually READING it, please don't believe that there is ANY multiplayer in Anniversary beyond the Reach-based maps. Because there isn't. (Louis Wu 17:43:48 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Fest: Cosplay
Halo Waypoint has put up a gallery of cosplay pics snapped at Halo Fest - some awesome costumes! Go browse. (Louis Wu 17:34:24 UTC) (permalink)


Halo: Last Stand Trailer
The Duo Group released a trailer for a vid they're not planning to make - sadly. (In their words, "this is just a taste of what could be.") Really nice work, regardless! Thanks, Sqorck. (Louis Wu 17:32:10 UTC) (permalink)


Multikill Tutorial for Multiplicative
Nak3d Eli posted a vid showing off some of the best ways to whip through multikills for this week's big challenge - if you're looking for shortcuts, check it out! (Louis Wu 17:28:47 UTC) (permalink)


Co-op Night: Uplift Reserve Recap
Kermit wrote up a funny recap of last week's Co-op Night, wherein several teams ran (well, walked) through ODST's Uplift Reserve - lots of pics, plus movies! Go read. If you want in on the action, the next iteration is tonight - go check out the writeup for Kizingo Blvd! (Louis Wu 17:27:27 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Anniversary Edition Green Vinyl
Gamestop is going to be selling a green vinyl limited edition of the Halo Anniversary soundtrack - can you play it? Thanks, Exanubisleader. (Louis Wu 17:26:51 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Reach Sword Base in Minecraft
flounderfish313 rebuilt Sword Base... in Minecraft. Insanity! (Thanks to HaloGAF's The Real Napsta for the heads-up.) (Louis Wu 17:06:30 UTC) (permalink)


Manic Bloom Was Not Affected By The Title Update
TheSparbiter wanted to let us know about his newest Halo Music Video creation, this time using the music of Manic Bloom. Really great stuff! So do yourself a favor and check out "Push Off The Ground". Do it now! (GrimBrother One 17:05:01 UTC) (permalink)


Halo: Reach Stat Checker (v1.4)
Shadow8P has updated his Halo Reach Stat Checker again - v1.4 removes the web browser altogether. Check it out! (Louis Wu 17:04:01 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Reach Fails and Laughs 14
Stewie2552 is back with another episode of Halo Reach Fails and Laughs - seven minutes of silliness. I really enjoyed a bunch of these. (Louis Wu 17:00:14 UTC) (permalink)


Pillar of Awesome Gameplay
uberfoop let us know about a Neocrisis interview with 343 Industries that features some really nice Pillar of Autumn gameplay going on from Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary. Parts one and two can be found on YouTube. Beautiful! (GrimBrother One 16:52:29 UTC) (permalink)


I Wonder What Power He Absorbed
ElzarTheBam dropped in to tell us about IGN's T-Shirt Of The Day. Nice. (GrimBrother One 16:47:37 UTC) (permalink)


This Week's Halo Bulletin Kicks Some Serious Glass
A pleasantly surprising early edition of this week's Halo Bulletin has just hit, and has something awesome in store for Halo fiction fans... the second chapter of Halo: Glasslands, the upcoming novel by Karen Traviss. Also, thanks to Hypertrooper for pointing out that you can also read the Prologue & Chapter One of Glasslands at Tor's website. What are you waiting for? Go and give it a read or two! [As usual, it's in our Halo Bulletin Archive, even if Grim hates me so much he never mentions it. -lwu] (GrimBrother One 16:31:44 UTC) (permalink)


News October 11 2011


The Lost Spartan
Nicholas Singer (search our news archives if the name's not familiar) has been making music for a project you'll be hearing more about going forward - but one piece he has been playing with recently didn't fit the needs of that project, so he's releasing it as a standalone. The Lost Spartan (3.2 mb) is a reimagining of The Lost Muse, a song that played during the level 'Attack on the Control Room' in Halo, but never made it onto the official soundtrack. (You can hear it at Bungie.net, if you'd like to refresh your memory.) It's gorgeous - soaring and rich. Go enjoy. (Louis Wu 20:42:09 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 3 + Exercise Can Help Prevent Terminal Illness
Beckx noticed a pretty neat piece up on Kotaku about Snow Crash author Neal Stephenson playing Halo 3 Legendary while working out. He talks about how much he loves Halo in general, and why he feels it works so well as a workout-partner, especially compared to other games. Cool little read, go check it out! (GrimBrother One 18:23:09 UTC) (permalink)


12 Issues of War (or War)
When Firestorm12 first sent me word that Issue 12 of Halopen's comic series "War (or War)" was titled "Five Incompetent Men", I was worried it might be a side story following the HBO admin team. Fortunately, it's about the Prime Minister meeting with a group of advisors in an attempt to make arrangements to stop the looming war. Of course, nothing actually gets done. Wait, maybe it is about us... Oh well, go read it anyway! (GrimBrother One 18:09:48 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Anniversary Developer Interview
Frank O'Connor and Chad Armstrong were down in Australia recently, talking about Halo Anniversary, and the philosophy behind the development of Halo titles going forward. Great interview! Thanks, ElzarTheBam. (Louis Wu 13:41:12 UTC) (permalink)


The Sarcophagus
Red vs Blue Season 9 Episode 15 is live - this one's all CG, and the fighting is AWESOME. Go watch, and see if the Freelancers can get the sarcophagus out of the building! Thanks, MoltenSlowa. (Louis Wu 13:39:44 UTC) (permalink)


Homeworld Art
Sl'askia brought word of some Halo universe homeworld fanart created by DeviantART's DeathCl0ck - amazing stuff! (Louis Wu 13:39:24 UTC) (permalink)


Inertia II - alternate cut
Anakade dropped in with a link to an alternate cut of Inertia II, the DWT Productions launching vid released yesterday. Different views, including actual launches... take a look! (Louis Wu 13:39:04 UTC) (permalink)


News October 10 2011


Frank Talk About Anniversary
Gamespot recently spoke with Frank O'Connor about Halo: Anniversary, his thoughts on HD remakes, and making the title a "total package". Go see what the man says! (GrimBrother One 16:52:19 UTC) (permalink)


October Halo Avatar Items are Legendary
For those looking to get your Covie on, the new October Halo Avatar Collection might be just what you are looking for. Check out the pretty sweet arrangement of foes you can deck out your dashboard minion in! (GrimBrother One 16:13:54 UTC) (permalink)


Fronk's Fish Tacos
HotIcePhoenix stopped by with a new piece of art - Fronk's, writ large on canvas with acrylic. Nice! (Louis Wu 12:03:59 UTC) (permalink)


DerFlatulator.com opens its doors
Der Flatulator6 has kicked off a new site devoted to forging - join him if you have the inclination! (Louis Wu 12:02:44 UTC) (permalink)


Spartans vs Zombies
Ed Ryan and friends visited the Pittsburgh Zombie festival this weekend - Spartans, Zombies, and KISS impersonators! What more could you want? We put up a gallery. (Louis Wu 10:49:49 UTC) (permalink)


TheSparbiter pointed out a new video he's made - it uses Linkin Park's Numb (don't worry, that's never been used in a Halo video before) to tell the story of the Elites. Footage comes from a variety of sources - games, videos, motion comics. (Louis Wu 10:34:09 UTC) (permalink)


An embarrassment of riches
Whoa. Not only has the Halo: The Fallen VFX teaser trailer (live-action) been released (thanks, Someone) - but so has a trailer for ANOTHER live-action project I've never heard of; mr.sci-fi pointed out a teaser for Halo: Helljumper, which ALSO hit the net yesterday. Websites for both projects can be found on Facebook (The Fallen | Helljumpers) - so check 'em out! (Louis Wu 10:27:38 UTC) (permalink)


No Hayabusa, right?
raulboy had a forged mini-katana that cried out for display... he figured out what to do with it. I'm jealous. (Louis Wu 10:27:12 UTC) (permalink)


More on the Health glitch
So it turns out that the health glitch discovered by Nak3d Eli isn't new to the Title Update of Reach - Chris101b did some experimenting with an non-updated Xbox, and found that the non-regenerating health has ALWAYS been present in Reach. It's just that before bleedthrough was implemented (in the TU), it was unnoticeable. (If you had shields, they absorbed the melee. If you didn't, you died. It was that simple.) He tweaked the initial conditions (increased health/damage resistance) in order to allow a player to survive that first melee hit - and then showed that a SECOND melee, even after picking up a health pack, would kill. So: old bug, but new circumstances make it relevant now. (Louis Wu 10:26:06 UTC) (permalink)


Two new bits from CruelLEGACEY
CruelLEGACEY sent word of the Halo Waypoint Community Modcast, Ep 1 - a podcast put together by Halo Waypoint Community Leaders. This is a discussion of Waypoint's community, and its growth, as well as Halo in general. He also sent word of Playtime Season 2 Episode 2 - this can be also be seen on Waypoint, if you'd rather watch it on your TV instead of your computer. Go explore! (Louis Wu 10:25:28 UTC) (permalink)


Inertia II
MelkorTheGreat stopped by yesterday with a new video from DWT Productions - Inertia II shows some ridiculous launches in Reach's campaign. (The launches themselves are not shown - just the targets. The forum post says that extended versions are coming, however.) The Nyan Cat parody at the end would be nearly unforgivable - if it weren't so cool. (Louis Wu 10:24:56 UTC) (permalink)


News October 9 2011


How to make a Halo 3 AR, Part 2
DaFrontlineTrooper has posted Part Two of his tutorial showing how to make a Halo 3 Assault Rifle - worth watching! Thanks, robofin117. (Louis Wu 16:43:21 UTC) (permalink)


More Signs!
Stephen Loftus is back with a few dozen new signs from the Halo in-game universe - samples from Halo 2's Turf, plus multiplayer logos, plus some UNSC imagery. First new image can be found on the bottom of this page, with more in the MISC and UNSC collections. Go explore! (Louis Wu 16:07:18 UTC) (permalink)


TU Health Glitch Analysis - More Data
Nak3d Eli continues his investigation into the odd health behavior manifesting itself in the post-Title Update Reach. (We first mentioned this yesterday.) Check out his latest video, which narrows down some of the causes. (The biggest surprise for me was the fact that after at least 5 melees, one shot and a melee will always kill you.) (Louis Wu 16:03:53 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Legacy - To Bungie
ScottJackson117 put together a tribute video saying goodbye to Bungie's contribution to the Halo franchise, and wishing 343 the best with the transfer. Mostly live-action footage, but a bit of nicely-integrated in-game stuff. Thanks, dogiojoe. (Louis Wu 16:03:14 UTC) (permalink)


Passing the Halo Baton
ElzarTheBam noticed a short bit on Xbox360Achievements - Frank O'Connor talks about the passing of the Halo baton. He remembers the transition in August as being 'pretty seamless' (I'd say 'relatively smooth', myself; I remember some glitches), and he points out that the Halo engine is owned by Microsoft (not really a newsflash, but nice to have something to point at if people ask). Now they just have to bring it home! (Louis Wu 16:00:41 UTC) (permalink)


News October 8 2011


Arby 'n' the Chief - Hypermail
It's time for another dip into the mailbag for Arby 'n' the Chief. Highbrow humor at its most sophisticated! Thanks again, robofin117. (Louis Wu 20:16:07 UTC) (permalink)


The Flashover Gaming League
Elliott Fitzgerald sent word that the Flashover Gaming League has been launched; it's a gaming center in Kathleen, GA, that's expanded into online tournaments. What it offers that MLG and the NGL don't are extra game modes like Racing and Big Team Battle - go see what they can do for you! (Louis Wu 20:15:46 UTC) (permalink)


How to make a Halo 3 AR
DaFrontlineTrooper put together a video (well, the first in a series) that will show you how to make foam weapons. Swing by and watch! Thanks, robofin117. (Louis Wu 20:15:27 UTC) (permalink)


TU Beta Playlist impressions
CruelLEGACEY wrote up his impressions of the TU Beta playlist - go see what he likes and doesn't like. (Louis Wu 20:15:04 UTC) (permalink)


Title Update Health Glitch?
Nak3d Eli pointed out what seems to be a glitch in how health is handled in the Reach Title Update - you might not have what you think you have. Watch his video, and decide for yourself! (The thread he started has some interesting discussion and further testing.) (Louis Wu 14:20:02 UTC) (permalink)


Time is of the Essence.
Postmortem has written a new article for the Forward Unto Dawn series called 'Beyond the Frontlines' - you can read it on our forum, or read it on the FUD website. It's a discussion of time travel, and its potential use in Halo - go see what you think! (Louis Wu 14:07:12 UTC) (permalink)


Buck/Kat Deleted Scene - in Reach engine
Kevin D. stopped in to say that he'd taken the audio from the Halo movie parody script read by Nathan Fillion and Clare Grant (we mentioned it last week) and filmed a machinima with it. Go watch. (Louis Wu 14:05:03 UTC) (permalink)


Donut: Battle Developed
Over at NeoGAF, Epyon MX pointed out some cool pixel art from JUNKBOY - makes a nice wallpaper for your smartphone! (Louis Wu 14:02:54 UTC) (permalink)


Fails of the Weak Volume 55
Fails of the Weak continues its spotlight on silly in-game choices - it's all about Geoff's laughter. Watch it on YouTube or AH.com. Thanks, BWO Lone Wolf. (Louis Wu 14:01:42 UTC) (permalink)


News October 7 2011


ONI/S3 - Data Drop Four
Another Data Drop is live at Halo Waypoint - go read Red Flag (and Bravado) intel from ONI! Thanks, CaneCutter. (Louis Wu 20:04:31 UTC) (permalink)


Movie rumors fade
Remember that story we mentioned a couple of days ago, about a MS press kit talking of a Halo movie coming soon? Yeah, well, as you might have guessed... it wasn't accurate. Thanks, Beckx. (Louis Wu 14:58:02 UTC) (permalink)


Faces of the Ghost
Leviathan dropped off another piece for the Fistful of Arrows Adjunct - this is backstory about Emile, and his out-of-the-ordinary helmet. That Levi is thinking about ways to explain some of the more confusing parts of Halo canon speaks strongly to his love for the universe! Go check out this fascinating page. (Louis Wu 13:33:37 UTC) (permalink)


Skulls for Tots - Test Run
Paul Ference sent us a link to Skulls for Tots - from what I can understand, they're planning to raise money for Child's Play by playing Halo marathons (co-op, Legendary) - and to keep things interesting, the more money they get, the more skulls are activated. They're doing a test run on Halo: Reach tonight at 6:30 CST - stop by their live stream and watch! (Louis Wu 13:32:32 UTC) (permalink)


Reach Customz Ep 2: Plasmaball
Timgie let us know that his new series, Reach Customz, now has a second episode - this one looks at Plasmaball. I could have sworn we highlighted this gametype before - but I can't find a link. It's quite a lot of fun - go check out the video! (Louis Wu 13:28:45 UTC) (permalink)


Halo: Reach Stat Checker v1.1
Shadow8P dropped in to announce an update to his Halo: Reach Stat Checker - now it shows Grifball stats, and lets you look at more stats at once. Windows-only. Go grab a copy! Update: dang, it's already up to 1.2! Now it has a new screen that doesn't rely on scroll bars. Take a look! (Louis Wu 13:27:57 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Wars: What Might Have Been
OXM UK has put together an article about what was cut from Halo Wars during development - one of the big things was splitscreen gameplay. Unfortunately, the actual article is behind a paywall (you can download it for a fee - if you've got a credit card with a UK billing address). Thanks to ElzarTheBam for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 13:27:17 UTC) (permalink)


Fanboy Rehab 101: How I learned to love Halo
Attack of the Fanboy has an article from someone who hated Halo for all the wrong reasons (without ever having played it), but then came around after actually trying it. A fine moral is included. (Louis Wu 13:26:42 UTC) (permalink)


News October 6 2011


War (or War) Issue 11
The War (or War) train continues with Issue Number 11 hitting your virtual shelf today. The situation 'escalates' between our two Corporals, and only one may be able to make the final charge. Check it out! Thanks to Firestorm12 as always for letting us know. (GrimBrother One 21:16:30 UTC) (permalink)


Winning over MS with tech
Computer and Video Games got some comments from Matthew Karch, CEO of Saber Interactive (the team behind the new graphics engine in Halo Anniversary). He talks about how excited they were to be able to come up with a way for Bungie's gameplay to remain the same while adding the new graphics layer... good read! Thanks, ElzarTheBam.


Baffling Early Prototypes of Video Games
Cracked.com looks at games that ended up pretty different from how they started. Halo makes the list. Thanks, Ibeechu. (Louis Wu 18:19:16 UTC) (permalink)


PGCR Ep 91
Robowski sent word that Post Game Carnage Report 91 is now live - Halo, Starcraft, and Gears 3 all make an appearance. Go listen! (Louis Wu 18:17:38 UTC) (permalink)


Halo: The Fallen (coming soon)
mr.sci-fi stopped by to let us know about Halo: The Fallen, a fan film coming soon. Apparently, a teaser trailer will be available on Sunday night at 9pm Pacific, here - and they've got both a Facebook page and a Twitter feed. Out of the blue! (Louis Wu 13:36:28 UTC) (permalink)


Achievement Horse #44
Achievement HORSE 44 is live (YouTube | AH.com) - and it's a PIG again (they just don't have time for this stuff any more). Cool maps! Thanks, hezekiah. (Louis Wu 13:16:03 UTC) (permalink)


Fight Like a Girl - in Style!
The next Fight Like a Girl tournament comes up in a couple of weeks... and Tiny has created some beautiful poster art to promote it. Swing by the FLAG Tournament website to download your own, in a variety of sizes! (Louis Wu 12:58:36 UTC) (permalink)


Takin' a trip back in time
Halo Waypoint posted the Weekly Halo Bulletin last night - the high point is the Then and Now sound comparisons between Halo: CE weapons and the Anniversary weapons. But there's also interesting backstory from TGS, and stories from bs angel's past... go read it. It's also in our Halo Bulletin Archive, if you'd rather. (Louis Wu 12:47:51 UTC) (permalink)


Community Love
CortanaVII stopped in yesterday with pictures of a package she received - it's a feel-good moment, go share it! (Louis Wu 12:39:55 UTC) (permalink)


News October 5 2011


This is becoming a yearly thing.
So in August 2009, rumors circulated that Steven Spielberg was interested in making a Halo movie. Nothing ever came of them. A year later, though, in October 2010, they resurfaced. Still nothing. Today, Halo.Fr posted some scans (thanks, Sirkan) of the material that came inside the French press kit for Halo: Cryptum - and right there, in black and white (and French), is a paragraph that translates to

A film adaptation is set in 2012. It will be conducted jointly by two heavyweights of American cinema: Steven Spielberg and Dreamworks.

343 has been contacted for comment, but we've heard nothing so far. Seems like it might be a misunderstanding... or maybe just a well-kept secret, broken by the French. (Louis Wu 22:01:38 UTC) (permalink)


Sounds Good to Us
Xbox360Achievements.org recently spoke with Frank O'Connor about a couple of the features in the upcoming Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary. The article focuses on the 3D support and the remastered sound. Cool stuff, go and check it out! (GrimBrother One 21:33:29 UTC) (permalink)


TU Beta Zero Bloom Gameplay Commentary
Nak3d Eli posted another commentary vid, this one showing off gameplay with the Zero Bloom gametype. Go ahead and watch if you want to see some randoms getting DESTROYED. (Louis Wu 16:13:32 UTC) (permalink)


The Halo CE Chronicles: Fearless Chapter 5
Dennis Powers let us know that The Halo CE Chronicles: Fearless is now up to Chapter 5. Check out a day in the life of the first officer. (Louis Wu 14:56:15 UTC) (permalink)


FoA Adjunct B: Insurrection Interception
Leviathan released another supplementary piece to his Fistful of Arrows collection - this is a manifesto from The Skald, a representative faction of the Insurrection. Give it a read, and see if you agree with where these people are coming from! (Louis Wu 14:39:31 UTC) (permalink)


Tyrant's LASO Challenge Walkthrough - Nightfall
Daniel 'Tyrant' Morris continues his LASO Challenge Walkthrough - the second chapter skips over ONI Sword Base (for his own sanity - don't worry, he'll come back to it) and moves on to the much easier Nightfall. Take a look! (Louis Wu 14:38:19 UTC) (permalink)


Feminist Analysis of ILB, Part 2
Dragonclaws continues her feminist analysis of I Love Bees - the latest offering covers Jan James. Check it out! (Part 1, if you missed it, was mentioned over the weekend.) (Louis Wu 14:37:36 UTC) (permalink)


Heat in the Pipe (Cleaner)
Missed this yesterday, but there's a pretty fun little pipe cleaner Master Chief over at Halo Waypoint - love the detail! (Louis Wu 14:37:00 UTC) (permalink)


Shaping the Future
343 is hiring a User Interface Designer - do you want to influence how Halo games are perceived, going forward? Apply! (Thanks to PsychoRaven, who pointed this out at NeoGAF - and thanks also to Hypertrooper, who noticed this video - probably fan-made - showing off what a new UI COULD look like.) (Louis Wu 14:36:02 UTC) (permalink)


Can We Get a 'Grunts Must Die!' DLC?
Sometimes we like to highlight a project in the game industry that might not have to do with Halo itself, but that comes from developers and professionals close to the Halo family. In that spirit, make sure you check out Orcs Must Die! from our friends at Robot Entertainment. Robot (formally Ensemble Studios) has a firm place in the Halo family with Halo Wars, and their Community Manager Justin Korthof was also a Community Manager with 343 Industries; you may know him better as SixOkay. The game is a ton of fun, and launches today for 1200msp. We're really proud of everyone involved, congrats guys! (GrimBrother One 14:04:30 UTC) (permalink)


Three Times the Pain
The Halo Waypoint crew added another piece to their growing list of ordnance features from around the Halo Universe. This time, the UNSC Machine Gun Turret gets the call. Go and check it out for some neat info and nice renders! (GrimBrother One 13:57:33 UTC) (permalink)


Megablok Montage Mania
Megabloks have narrowed down the entries for the Toymation contest, and have put together a really cool montage to show off the finalists. Some really awesome stuff in there. Go and check it out! Thanks to Robofin117 for noticing. (GrimBrother One 13:54:12 UTC) (permalink)


News October 4 2011


October Playlist Update Details - Reminder
Full details on the October Matchmaking playlist update can be found in this post on Halo Waypoint - the information was included in a recent Halo Bulletin, but it's live today, and it's always nice to have easy access to information! (Louis Wu 19:33:04 UTC) (permalink)


A Bit Like Doonesbury (But With Halo)
Firestorm12 reminds us that Issue number 10 of the Halopen war satire series "War (or War)" is now available. The story shifts back to two Airmen who may have just stumbled upon what they've been looking for. Go and check it out! (GrimBrother One 17:15:50 UTC) (permalink)


Jmacz and The Rev - Halo: Reach Dualtage
It's been a while since we've seen a montage on this page - a nice dualtage showed up yesterday at Halo Waypoint, and if you're jonesin' for edited gameplay set to music, this might just quench your thirst. Under 4 minutes - short and sweet. (Louis Wu 14:55:39 UTC) (permalink)


Cutting the Tether
According to kornman00, the latest issue of Game Developer magazine has an interesting interview with artist Ken Taya (FRONK LIVES!), and his move from Bungie to 5th Cell. Can't tell you much about it (don't have a GD subscription)... but thanks to kornman for the heads-up! (Louis Wu 14:38:37 UTC) (permalink)


It's Bungie Day! Er...
The Title Update Beta Hopper is online on Xbox LIVE - go play and see how 85% bloom suits you! If you want the gametypes for customs, FyreWulff has your back - 85% Bloom Slayer is already available in his Fileshare, and more variants will be coming soon. (The title for this newspost comes from the fact that when you log in to Reach today, you get a message welcoming you to Bungie Day - oops. Don't let this put you off - the new gametypes are a lot of fun!) Update: Der Flatulator6 has added three more gametypes to his Fileshare: 3 flag CTF, 3 Plot Territories, and Zero Bloom Slayer DMRs - go grab copies! Update 2: the splash screen's been updated with a REAL Title Update splash (looks like this). (Louis Wu 14:37:23 UTC) (permalink)


Son of a...
Red vs Blue Season 9 continues - Episode 14 was released last night. Both storylines (Freelancers and Blood Gulch) advance (though there might be characters that would be happier with less advancement). I can't wait to see where this is all going! Thanks to robofin117, who pointed it out on our forum. (Louis Wu 14:34:51 UTC) (permalink)


Teleporter Pushing in Reach (Tutorial)
uberfoop put together a tutorial showing you how to push teleporters out into blocked regions of maps - I'm sure this is old hat for Forge wizards, but for the rest of us, it's a really helpful little tool! (Louis Wu 14:34:27 UTC) (permalink)


Reach Customz Ep 1: Double Rainbow
Timgie stopped in with word of a new series called Reach Customz - it will feature a new custom map every week. First episode looks at Double Rainbow, which starts with the standard Writer's Mind/NASCAR gametype, removes the infection, and adds sniper rifles. Go give him feedback! (Louis Wu 14:17:42 UTC) (permalink)


Pick up Anniversary for free
Bing Rewards is offering a chance to win a pre-release copy of Halo: Anniversary, just for signing up. You have to be a US Resident, 13 years or older. Contest ends on October 30 (two weeks before HA's release), so we're not talking SERIOUSLY pre-release... but hey, free games are free games! Thanks again, Hypertrooper. (Louis Wu 14:16:39 UTC) (permalink)


Change and Deliver
OXM UK has posted another short article extracting info from their recent Halo Limited Edition Special - in it, various 343 employees discuss what they might be bringing to the table for Halo 4, and how important it is that this not be the same old Halo we've been playing for 10 years. Maybe the most interesting tidbit (for me) is a link to a previously unmentioned-at-HBO article posted in early September. THIS article contains discussion of the importance of continuity in the Halo fiction, across media - and the viewpoint expressed in the article might surprise some hardcore fans. (Don't mind the two typos near the end; I'm guessing whoever wrote the article didn't know enough about Cryptum or Karin Traviss to 'hear' the right names when Frank mentioned them.) Thanks to Hypertrooper for the link. (Louis Wu 13:03:08 UTC) (permalink)


Duncan schools Holmes with 'Destiny' dedication
Like an insatiable mole, ncsuDuncan continues to scrounge for "Destiny" information. He's resurfaced from the cavernous depths of exploration to grace us with a new update, "Continued Cartography." In the article, he attempts to decipher the topography and meaning of the "Destiny" map seen in bits and pieces in various locations. It's an interesting, well-written piece. Take a look! (Hitmonchan 05:27:23 UTC) (permalink)


343 Sparkast 007
The 343 Sparkast, Episode 007 (Licensed to... be listened to) is now live. Discussion revolves around the Beta hoppers, which will be going live early tomorrow morning (late tonight?)... but there are plenty of other topics touched upon. (A nice recap of Halo Fest, for those who missed it.) Go listen! (Thanks, David.) (Louis Wu 02:37:05 UTC) (permalink)


News October 3 2011


Hey! Let's go pull some pigtails.
Sometimes, you have to wonder what drives people. Kotaku has a story (from last Friday, we're a bit slow) about a Halo: Reach griefer who enjoys betraying teammates and filming the results. (Don't worry - he got his; if you check this video from Saturday, you'll see that he's banned from Xbox LIVE until 9999.) I have trouble wrapping my head around what's FUN about this, though. Thanks to lazybones18, over at NeoGAF, for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 17:05:35 UTC) (permalink)


400 Kills in 2 Mins - Daily Challenge Tutorial
Nak3dEli has added a new video to his Challenge Tutorial series; this one covers all 'Get X Kills in any game mode', plus all Target Locator challenges. You probably already know about the location for TL farming he uses - but you might not know how to maximize efficiency of kills. 400 kills in less than 2 minutes, consistently... crazy. (Louis Wu 17:04:56 UTC) (permalink)


Custom action figure accessories for sale
Kaidon created a couple of cool action figure accessories for customers... customers that fell through. He's now selling these items to the general public - if you would like cool ways of displaying your action figures, check these out! (Louis Wu 17:04:26 UTC) (permalink)


Seining for the good stuff
padraig08 found a couple of cool Halo fanart pieces at DeviantART - go see what floats his boat! (Louis Wu 17:03:57 UTC) (permalink)


Lumoria Episode Two Teaser
Higuy told us about a new teaser trailer for Lumoria Ep 2 (the campaign mod for Halo CE from the TM Mapping Team). Pretty impressive! (Louis Wu 17:03:35 UTC) (permalink)


Stop-Motion Vocab - now with more Halo!
Paula let us know that a stop-motion video made by her friend, for a vocabulary word assignment in school, uses some of her Halo toys - go see! (Louis Wu 17:03:04 UTC) (permalink)


Time 2 Play Again
CruelLEGACEY let's us know that Episode 1 of Season 2 of his very cool machinima "Playtime" is now available on Halo Waypoint. Very cool! The series' heroes get some unexpected guests in the opener. Go and check it out! I wonder when the developer commentary edition will come out... (GrimBrother One 14:47:53 UTC) (permalink)


News October 2 2011


I'm not your bird, baby - I'll only fly one.
This is... one of the most bizarre things I've sen this week - but it's pretty awesome. Nathan Fillion and Clare Grant did a reading from a Halo script (well, SORT of a Halo script) at the Nerdmelt Theater (the basement of Meltdown Comics) in LA a couple of weeks ago. The recording is pretty low-quality, but if you listen carefully, you can hear what's going on. Fillion gets 1 million internets for doing this. (Grant, too.) Thanks to Elnea, who found this for us. Update: kornman00 pointed out a much higher quality vid. Check it! This is gold. (Louis Wu 18:44:22 UTC) (permalink)


Reach Stat Checker
Shadow8P stopped by with a new Windows-based app - it's like a mini-browser that looks only at B.net's stats pages. (If you follow a link that leaves Bungie.net, it opens in your regular browser.) A convenient way to look up an opposing team (of four) in the pre-game lobby - check it out! (Louis Wu 16:00:55 UTC) (permalink)


HC Redemption sent word of Sticktoberfest, a new challenge/contest over at HaloChallenges. You register your gamertag with them, and then you see how many sticks you can get in Matchmaking during the month of October (multiplayer only). Registration is open all month, but you're encouraged to register early, to ensure there aren't any last-minute issues that might keep you from participating. Swing by the Challenge page, and get the full details! (The 'contest' bit is because there MIGHT be prizes offered. You know... if the fun of the challenge (and cool on-site awards) aren't enough incentive for you.) (Louis Wu 14:28:55 UTC) (permalink)


McFarlane Reach Series 5
Wow - if you swing by spawn.com, you can see a TON of new figures that will be coming out with McFarlane's Reach Series 5, due in November. Some of them are pretty amazing! Thanks, Imrane-117, for letting us know. (Louis Wu 14:26:49 UTC) (permalink)


FLAG Firefight Tourney
Tiny stopped by to inform folks about a Solo Firefight Score Attack Beat the Score event to raise money for breast cancer research, being held by the folks who run the FLAG Tournament. They've raised $22,000 so far this year, and are hoping to up that total. Registration opened yesterday, with the actual event taking place in 3 weeks. Check the post for more details, or head over to the FLAG homepage to register! (Louis Wu 14:25:04 UTC) (permalink)


Desert Rose
Sidd123456 told us about a teaser trailer for Suicidal Heroes: Episode 3 (Desert Rose). I was pretty impressed! Check it out. (Louis Wu 14:23:24 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 4 Teaser
7daywalk was inspired by the Halo 4 reveal to put together this tribute to the game - go check it out! (Louis Wu 14:21:57 UTC) (permalink)


Another Day on the Job
robofin117 pointed out Another Day on the Job - I found it a mix of interesting effects and stilted action. Judge for yourself! (Louis Wu 14:21:11 UTC) (permalink)


News October 1 2011


Mythical Help
Daniel 'Tyrant' Morris let us know that he's opened his own website - links to all of his guides can now be found in one place. Swing by and explore! (Louis Wu 19:06:25 UTC) (permalink)


An Arby 'n' the Chief Short
There's a new Arby 'n' the Chief short - Jon's run out of steam. Don't ever let Chief into your house when you're unconscious... thanks, robofin117. (Louis Wu 18:21:03 UTC) (permalink)


bryan newman posted a bunch of scanned sketches - take a look! (Louis Wu 18:14:40 UTC) (permalink)


Waypoint Wealth
Some good video content (and more) over at Halo Waypoint today. Puckett's Picks 4 is another Final Boss/Warriors matchup from MLG Dallas - always amazing to watch gameplay at this level. If MLG CTF action isn't your bag, maybe you'll enjoy Grifball Highlight Frenzy 7, the top 10 moments video for September from Grifball Hub. Not interested in videos at all? How about news of the release of Halo HeroClix? 45 figures bring Halo to your tabletop. Go catch up! (Louis Wu 18:10:38 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Reach Sigs
Okay, this is some weird stuff. Edge sent word of a video from the HaloSigs and HaloTracker communities - it's the Top 10 Sigs of September. What makes this fascinating is that all of these were created within Halo Reach's Forge. You can watch some speed art videos showing stuff like this being created if you have trouble believing what you're seeing at Halo Reach Sigs - and Edge has put together a playlist of all the Top 10 Sigs eps so far. Wild! (Louis Wu 18:02:44 UTC) (permalink)


Podtacular 264
Dust Storm let us know that Podtacular 264 is now live - Goosechecka and Pup from GrifballHub join Rukizzel from the Waypoint forums to discuss communities - go listen! (Louis Wu 17:47:19 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Anniversary Discussion at NYCC
Over at NeoGAF, Hypertrooper pointed out a talk at the New York Comic Con in a couple of weeks - bs angel, Dan Ayoub and Kevin Grace will be discussing Halo Anniversary, and Halo in general. Are you gonna be there? (Louis Wu 17:29:41 UTC) (permalink)


Suit up, Spartan
72 Pins is offering some vintage art attached to classic NES cartridges (they still work!) - $20 buys you an 8-bit Master Chief. Pretty cool! Thanks, Beckx. (Louis Wu 17:26:32 UTC) (permalink)


Feminist Analysis of ILB
Dragonclaws continues her feminist analysis of Halo fiction - the latest subject is the I Love Bees project. Go watch! (Louis Wu 17:11:54 UTC) (permalink)


Please Remain Calm.
BBC has an interesting story about what could very well be the precursor of the Superintendent. Fascinating! Thanks to several tipsters - looks like Skywalker DSP was first. (Louis Wu 17:09:26 UTC) (permalink)


Fails of the Weak 54
Achievement Hunter's Fails of the Weak 54 is live - I think the moral is 'don't betray'. Fun! Thanks, Sqorck. (Also at AH.com - thanks, hezekiah.) (Louis Wu 17:05:10 UTC) (permalink)

Halo news backOctober 2011Halo news forward
