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Tuesday, July 15, 2003 |
Halo PC preview at Gamespot - with new screenies Gamespot has put up a Halo PC preview, with 11 new screens (heavy on the Banshees in multiplayer) - this game is looking mighty impressive! Go read the details. Thanks to KP on our forum, and an anonymous emailer for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 23:28:36 UTC) (permalink) 
Two guys from Canada know stuff - ask 'em. The Cananimators, the two Canadian animators on the Halo 2 dev team, have decided that they really don't have enough to do, so they've set up a new feature; Ask the Cananimators. It's a database where you can ask these guys whatever you want. (There are some rules at the bottom of the news article that will help you stay off the blacklist and improve the chances of your question being answered.) And whatever you do... don't ask 'em why they're not animating more. (Louis Wu 21:45:59 UTC) (permalink) 
It's all about the words. Eight stories for you in the Fan Fiction section today: Is it just me, or is overall quality improving? (Louis Wu 19:13:09 UTC) (permalink) 
And the snippets keep coming in. There are ANOTHER 10 entries in the Dialogue Databank - the good news is, these are all relatively unique and hard to hear... the bad news is, since it's the second DD update today, there's no easy way to show you just these 10. You'll have to comb through the 60+ entries for the day to find 'em... sorry about that. (A good way to get familiar with what's there, though.) (Louis Wu 18:14:42 UTC) (permalink) 
Can't Wait Another film for you - we haven't seen this style in quite some time, but I felt it was pretty well done. It's called 'Can't Wait', and it's an adrenaline pumper for Halo 2. Made up of stills and clips from existing movies, it's cut together pretty nicely. (It fills its small niche pretty full, though, so please - don't send us more like this.) 11 mb, QuickTime format. Created by Yokanabster. (Louis Wu 15:56:51 UTC) (permalink) 
New screenies at IGN IGN has posted 11 new Halo PC screens (mostly multiplayer) - they're only 800x600, but they're still beautiful. (Nobody over there has Dave Candland's setup skills, though...) They're available to everyone - check 'em out! Thanks to strato99l for the first heads-up. Update: There's an article that goes with these, available to all. Thanks to Infininja for noticing. (Louis Wu 14:21:40 UTC) (permalink) 
Yet more movie mirrors More mirrors: Blade, of Ice Team, has mirrored the three FTC vids (already mirrored by Mythica a couple of days ago and That Weasel more recently): If you need descriptions, follow the Mythica mirror link for more info. Remember, these are in .avi format, DivX5-encoded. New mirrors rock - they mean we can continue adding new files to Mythica. (Another movie coming soon, in fact.) We'll put up a regular mirror page for these pretty soon, since there are quite a lot now. (Louis Wu 14:17:51 UTC) (permalink) 
Sidewinder Saga Intro available Halogamers has put up the character intro for their Sidewinder Saga series - go visit their movies section. It's in two flavors (640x480 QT, 14 mb and 320x240 QT, 4 mb), so both broadband and dialup folks should be able to see this. As described on their front page, Sidewinder Saga is filled with guys that are quite different from those you'd find in the Red vs Blue world... they KNOW how to play the game. Episode one isn't too far off; go check the Intro Episode now for a taste! (Louis Wu 13:44:57 UTC) (permalink) 
More new Halo PC footage - this time at IGN Not to be outdone, IGN has put up a Halo PC preview as well. It's not 5 small clips - it's one mongo one, and it's only available to insiders. It comes in two flavors (400x300 QT, 84 mb and 320x240 QT, 55 mb), and it's 5:29 long. It's not all multiplayer footage - it's about half solo play, with a voiceover explaining why you're gonna want this puppy. (There are spoilers for those still keeping track.) The gameplay itself is great to see... but the info in the voiceover is also really, really nice. (Minimum specs for PC Halo as of now: 733-800 MHz PIII and a GeForce2. Definitely easily attainable - though don't expect to see the cool pixelshading effects he was pointing out if you run it on the minimum box.) They recorded this themselves, today - so the footage is totally different from what Gamespot is offering. Thanks to Infininja for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 02:41:03 UTC) (permalink) 
Movie News More Winning Isn't Everything news: The mirror that Blade put up earlier has been yanked (because of a directory name change) - it should be back up by tomorrow. Newly online is a copy at That Weasel Television (who points out that he's also got the three FTC vids we posted a little bit ago). You win some, you lose some. Update:Much more quickly than expected, the new links for Blade's mirrors are live again: In Too Deep and Winning Isn't Everything. (Links have been changed in yesterday's news item, as well, to avoid confusion.) (Louis Wu 02:08:59 UTC) (permalink) 
Editor for needed Another new job opening at Bungie... this time it's Editor for (Man, if they weren't in Washington...) Can you write? Do you have a passion for Bungie games? There might be a place for you! (Thanks to SketchFactor for the heads-up.) (Louis Wu 01:12:10 UTC) (permalink) 
WIE gets slashdotted, BitTorrent to the rescue DOH! Probably pays to actually have your email client running - Slashdot posted a note about (among other things) Winning isn't Everything, but luckily, included a BitTorrent mirror for it, so Mythica didn't get hammered. if you haven't downloaded WIE yet, and you'd rather use BitTorrent, head on over to GameTab and grab a copy! (Louis Wu 00:53:59 UTC) (permalink) 
It grows, and grows... The Dialogue Databank is up over 350 snippets - we've already got stuff I've never heard in-game. (Have you heard Sarge saying this?) Browse away! (I'm beginning to realize that '5000 snippets' counts some things 6 or 7 times - both Sergeants and all the marines (plus, in some cases, the crewmen) have their own variations. We're not collecting all variations (mostly because it would be really hard to keep track), so we won't come near the 5000 mark, even if we DO keep on the current pace. Just something to keep in mind. For those who just want the new stuff, today's uploads are here. (Louis Wu 00:07:55 UTC) (permalink) 
New Halo PC movies - for paying customers Gamespot has put up 5 new Halo PC clips - but all are behind the Gamespot Complete wall. If you don't pay, you don't play. (I no longer have a Gamespot Complete membership, so I can't even describe them to you.) Thanks to strato99l for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 00:00:03 UTC) (permalink) 
Monday's news in brief:
Sunday's news in brief: