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July 13, 2003 Link to this post Those backwards Elites Several people have written to us about the new Elite sound included in the Bungie Dialog Archive - some have gone so far as to attempt to reverse and filter the snippet. Bottom line - it conforms to the standard rules that xbill and others discovered about ALL Halo: CE elitespeak; it's the Sarge, with the pitch lowered and the sound reversed. This particular clip, when reversed, says clearly "Like I don't have enough on my mind!" (There's been no pitch change here; my audio editing software is unhappy that I changed disks, and I'll need to contact the company about re-serializing tomorrow.) A rather appropriate clip, given the trigger (Killed by friendly fire)! Update:Okay, for those who care, here's a pitch-adjusted version, as well (27K). (Louis Wu 22:05:18 UTC)