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July 15, 2003 Link to this post

More new Halo PC footage - this time at IGN
Not to be outdone, IGN has put up a Halo PC preview as well. It's not 5 small clips - it's one mongo one, and it's only available to insiders. It comes in two flavors (400x300 QT, 84 mb and 320x240 QT, 55 mb), and it's 5:29 long. It's not all multiplayer footage - it's about half solo play, with a voiceover explaining why you're gonna want this puppy. (There are spoilers for those still keeping track.) The gameplay itself is great to see... but the info in the voiceover is also really, really nice. (Minimum specs for PC Halo as of now: 733-800 MHz PIII and a GeForce2. Definitely easily attainable - though don't expect to see the cool pixelshading effects he was pointing out if you run it on the minimum box.) They recorded this themselves, today - so the footage is totally different from what Gamespot is offering. Thanks to Infininja for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 02:41:03 UTC)

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