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Wednesday, July 16, 2003 |
FTC mirror list continues to grow Lion pointed out that the FTC movies were mirrored on his Truth and Reconciliation site, so we decided there were enough mirrors to actually create an FTC Mirror list. Any future additions will be added to this list. (There are QuickTime versions available, if anyone needs them - but nobody's complained about the DivX versions, so I haven't posted them.) Update: One more - has them, too. These have got to be the most mirrored vids in a long time! (Thanks to andrew for the heads-up.) (Louis Wu 14:24:14 UTC) (permalink) 
Half Life Too. Can you tell that today's One One Se7en was written soon after E3 this year? (Louis Wu 13:51:39 UTC) (permalink) 
This one's at room temperature. Another 25 snippets for the Dialogue Databank from BlackWolverine - and I've added some extra code to allow for more accurate display of found results. (Like, for example, just those results submitted by a single person...) Check these out - there are some great ones. Update: It just doesn't stop - another 11 from Captain Spark (including two great versions of a specifically-requested snippet). (Louis Wu 12:58:07 UTC) (permalink) 
Closing the glitch door Whoa. I almost missed this... it seems that Gearbox has fixed (or is fixing) many of the glitches folks have discovered in multiplayer Halo... but it's unclear to me how many of these will affect some of the more enjoyable exploits in the single-player game, as well. (I fully understand the need to close some of these holes for internet multiplay; I just worry that some of the best single-player tricksterism will be inaccessible on Halo PC.) The relevant thread on Gearbox's forum is here; thanks to CobaltNova (through Battleground: Halo) for the heads-up on this. (Louis Wu 04:22:02 UTC) (permalink) 
Feelings... oh oh oh feelings Mythica continues to crank out gigabytes for you folks... so what the heck, let's add to the load. This one's called Fight Until We Learn To Love, and it was created by LeadHead. It's gameplay mixed with cutscenes, set to pretty appropriate music, with some nice timing. 3 minutes long, 18.8 mb big, QuickTime format. Sample and enjoy. (Louis Wu 04:05:34 UTC) (permalink) 
Last Man Standing Dust and Echoes: Adult Detroit League is hosting a 2 vs 2 tournament in Plymouth, MI on July 26th. If you're in the area, you might just want to jump in! Cost is $20/team, winnings get split 50/50 between the winning team and the League fund. Check out the page for more details! (Louis Wu 03:57:10 UTC) (permalink) 
Developer interview vid at Gamespot Gamespot has posted a massive video interview with Gearbox's Randy Pitchford and Bungie's Michel Bastien for Complete members... 6 minutes of discussions about how Halo PC rocks. (I was amused by Bastien's comment that the new multiplayer maps 'leverage some of the environments in the single player maps' - Death Island takes huge chunks of Silent Cartographer lock, stock and barrel, from what I can see. This is definitely NOT a bad thing; that's a map that should have been multiplayer-capable from day one.) The discussion about mod support was extremely promising, as well. This puppy (along with last night's 5 multiplayer movies) might just be worth the $6 a one-month subscription to Complete costs! (Louis Wu 02:28:35 UTC) (permalink) 
Contribute to the Halo PC Strategy Guide Doug Radcliffe, the author of the upcoming Official Halo PC Strategy Guide, has returned to our forum, and this time, he's soliciting game tips from veteran gamers - so if you've got some good stuff... send it to him! (He prefers email, since he'll be checking it more often, but you can reply to this forum thread, as well.) Guidelines on what he's looking for, and how you'll be credited, can be found in the post. Help make this guide the best it can be! (Louis Wu 01:49:57 UTC) (permalink) 
Nearing 400, now... Seventeen more dialogue snippets for the Dialogue Databank, including the first batch of Crewmen lines. Check 'em out! (Louis Wu 00:25:15 UTC) (permalink) 
Tuesday's news in brief:
Monday's news in brief: