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Halo news back Thursday, July 17, 2003 Halo news forward

Looks like we're not the only ones here...
Halogamers has put up Episode one of its Sidewinder Saga. 2:39 long, in QuickTime format, it's available in two resolutions: 640x480 (23.5 mb) and 320x240 (7.2 mb). Nice filming! The story's off to a rollicking start. (Louis Wu 19:07:38 UTC) (permalink)


Paper for your digital wall
Six desktop images in the queue today, now cleared out and placed in the Wallpaper section. See what captures your fancy. (Louis Wu 18:29:26 UTC) (permalink)


IGN explains those movies
More content from IGN - the movies posted last night (that went up with an article on Halo PC Sound) now have an Insider article to go with 'em, explaining what they're showing. 3 pages of explaining, even. (Well, they're short pages.) The movies, which were only available in a large (640x480) size last night, can now be grabbed in either 640x480 or 320x240. Thanks to ;@PTUR3 for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 18:01:58 UTC) (permalink)


Cool pictures
Pretty interesting collection of Miscellaneous Art for you today, from a kneeling MC (that would work wonderfully as a desktop image, even though it was explicitly submitted to the Misc Art section) to an oil painting of the Chief, to the DOA girls playing Halo... go look at all of 'em. (Louis Wu 17:29:18 UTC) (permalink)


Red vs Who?
It's not that usual for us to release two movies back-to-back... and it's certainly unusual for a movie to be released ahead of its spot in the queue, but I'm leaving soon, and this one's not very big. Team Sexy (whom you might remember from their 'Hall of the Sidewinder King' piece) has whipped up 'Red vs Who', a pretty funny (and quite short) look at grudge matches. 1:32, QuickTime 5 format, 6.8 mb. Grab a copy today! (Louis Wu 15:11:23 UTC) (permalink)


Requiem for Halo: new movie
Athol Productions has put together an artistic look at Halo 2; snippets of existing movies, interspersed with stills, all nicely composited. Nice soundtrack, too. 'Requiem for Halo' is available in both QuickTime 5 (19.6 mb) and WMP 9 (21.4 mb) formats. It's 4:55 long, and has a screensize of 320x240. Take a look! (Louis Wu 12:33:46 UTC) (permalink)


Text droppings
Didn't get to posting Fan Fiction yesterday, so there are 13 stories for you today:

Read away... (Louis Wu 12:21:31 UTC) (permalink)


Halo PC Sound - yeah, baby!
IGN continues to pour out the Halo PC goodness - today they focus on sound. Good questions, and lots of vids. Streaming lo-res vids for everybody, hi-res downloadables for Insiders. (There's even footage of the flamethrower.) Go get your fill! Thanks to Dan Chosich for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 03:00:45 UTC) (permalink)


My men are NOT the enemy.
Thirty new dialogue snippets for the Dialogue Databank, including a bunch of Monitor sayings and some pretty rare Sgt. Stacker quotes. (Before anyone gets on my case, there are some that are pretty similar to existing quotes - but they differ in small but substantial ways.) Thanks to Captain Spark and c0ld vengeance for this lot. (Louis Wu 02:24:20 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

FTC mirror list continues to grow
Half Life Too.
This one's at room temperature.
Closing the glitch door
Feelings... oh oh oh feelings
Last Man Standing
Developer interview vid at Gamespot
Contribute to the Halo PC Strategy Guide
Nearing 400, now...

Tuesday's news in brief:

Halo PC preview at Gamespot - with new screenies
Two guys from Canada know stuff - ask 'em.
It's all about the words.
And the snippets keep coming in.
Can't Wait
New screenies at IGN
Yet more movie mirrors
Sidewinder Saga Intro available
More new Halo PC footage - this time at IGN
Movie News
Editor for Bungie.net needed
WIE gets slashdotted, BitTorrent to the rescue
It grows, and grows...
New Halo PC movies - for paying customers

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
