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July 14, 2003 Link to this post

Now it's official - 3 million sold
Folks have bandied about the '3 million sold' figure for Halo for the last couple of months... but today, Microsoft and Bungie have announced officially that that number has been reached. From the official press release:

Microsoft Game Studios and Bungie Studios today announced that the critically acclaimed "Halo: Combat Evolved" for Xbox has sold over three million copies worldwide. "Great to see that Halo continues to be a success on Xbox," said Bungie studio manager Pete Parsons, "and later this summer we will unleash Halo for the PC with online multiplayer capabilities featuring new maps, weapons and vehicles, plus the ability for fans to create mods." Bungie is currently hard at work on the highly anticipated sequel, Halo 2, which will come to Xbox in 2004.
I can't find an online copy yet... but when we hear of one, I'll link it. Update: The press release can now be found on Xbox.com. Thanks to Zac for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 19:54:05 UTC)

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