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Sunday, July 13, 2003 |
Send In The Oddballs Yet ANOTHER movie at XboxOttawa - this one's not an FTC film, but instead a fun Oddball match on Blood Gulch. The Matrix-like effect at the end is generating some interest these days - it was discussed yesterday in this forum thread (and that thread references this one, from a few months ago). Useful for folks making movies, certainly... Send in the Oddballs is 8.9 mb, in DivX 5 format. (Louis Wu 22:46:38 UTC) (permalink) 
Those backwards Elites Several people have written to us about the new Elite sound included in the Bungie Dialog Archive - some have gone so far as to attempt to reverse and filter the snippet. Bottom line - it conforms to the standard rules that xbill and others discovered about ALL Halo: CE elitespeak; it's the Sarge, with the pitch lowered and the sound reversed. This particular clip, when reversed, says clearly "Like I don't have enough on my mind!" (There's been no pitch change here; my audio editing software is unhappy that I changed disks, and I'll need to contact the company about re-serializing tomorrow.) A rather appropriate clip, given the trigger (Killed by friendly fire)! Update:Okay, for those who care, here's a pitch-adjusted version, as well (27K). (Louis Wu 22:05:18 UTC) (permalink) 
You want movies? We got movies. We didn't release any movies yesterday because I was out of town... but here are a few more from the queue. These have all been released on their own already - but bandwidth might have been tight, or you might have chosen not to download them because we weren't hosting them. (That may sound silly to some of you... but one side effect of our Movie Posting Guidelines is that if we choose not to host a movie, some visitors choose to conserve their bandwidth and pass on the movie altogether.) Anyway, here you go: - 300 Meter Flag Throw - SleekShadow has taken the trick shown in Maverick's recent CTF 2 movie and applied it on the Blue side of Blood Gulch - for a total distance of 300 meters (half again as far as the throw Maverick showed with the red flag). Original details are here. 6.6 mb, QT5.
- Sidewinder Saga - series trailer. Original description is here. 5.8 mb, QT5.
- FTC Episodes 1,2,and 3 - Fire Team Charlie has put out three very different (but all very funny) vids; we're mirroring them. (The originals are here. Video 1 was first described here, Video 2 here, and Video 3 here. Mac users will need to run these through DivX Doctor II to be able to hear them properly.
Hmm... let's see, that's 36.6 mb of videos - but luckily, some of you already have these. Grab the ones you don't! (Please, for the sake of our bandwidth, actually CHECK to see if you have these; don't waste Mythica's freely-given bandwidth if you don't need the files... it would be terrible if the resource were yanked because folks were too lazy to conserve.) Coming tomorrow - new content (that is, not seen before on other sites). (Louis Wu 19:00:00 UTC) (permalink) 
Halo Tourney in Chicago Short notice... but we just heard about it. Game On Entertainment is hosting a Halo tournament (21 and older) in Chicago, this Monday, July 14, at 6:30 pm. Prizes are not listed yet - but entrance is free. Take a look! (Louis Wu 18:46:34 UTC) (permalink) 
Red vs Blue Episode 12, again Red vs Blue Episode 12 is now available to the publc. Normally, this doesn't warrant a separate news post (we announce the RvB movies when they hit the Sponsor pages)... but in this case, there's some additional info which might be of use to some of you. First, the archive of existing episodes has been pulled offline until traffic drops, so that they can serve Ep12. They're guessing Monday or Tuesday for its return. Second, in addition to standard HTTP and Bit Torrent download links, they also now have FilePlanet links - the options continue to increase. (Louis Wu 17:24:36 UTC) (permalink) 
Home again - it was definitely big enough Just got home from Brian Josselyn's Are You Big enough lanfest - here's a shot (68K) of some of the folks present, set against the backdrop of the largest screen we used. (No, we didn't play on this surface - there was a real screen that had been stored by the time this picture was taken.) Twelve hours of hi-def Halo goodness - and even though a bunch of the players won't actually be home for a few more hours, it was absolutely, positively worth the drive. More soon, I hope. For now, bed. (Louis Wu 05:07:43 UTC) (permalink) 
Saturday's news in brief:
Friday's news in brief: