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Saturday, July 12, 2003 |
HBO Hiatus As i write this, it's 4:50 am, local time, and in just over an hour, a 2-car caravan filled with 8 psychos - er, Halo players - will head north from here for the Are You Big Enough lanfest in East Bumfu - er, Andover, Massachusetts. There probably won't be too many site updates today, unless Count Zero manages to dig his way out from under that mountain of Jack Daniels bottles he built last night. (Louis Wu 08:50:43 UTC) (permalink) 
Sounds, sounds, and more sounds Well, we might not have access to Marty O'Donnell's vast snippet archive... but Captain Spark is doing his best to keep up. 14 new submissions, based on some creative torturing, can be found in our Dialogue Databank today. (Louis Wu 08:47:59 UTC) (permalink) 
Saturday Morning Reading 11 Fan Fiction bits for you today: - Project: Shadow Spartan, Prologue, by Agent Shade
- Return of the Chief: Chapter 1: Lab Experiments, by Nightblade
- Escape from Marakesh, by The Scribe
- Battle for the Colonies Part One: Alpha Comus 8, by Hunter_Killer
- True Purpose(14), by Frensa Geran
- Oblivion Chapter 2, by Reclaimer
- Project: Shadow Spartan, Chapter 1, by Agent Shade
- pt2-Injustice-Halo2, by Spartan Construct-117
- The Last Hope For Outpost Bravo: Part 2, by Spartan5000
- The Maiden Fight:The Mouth of Hell, by pj-NYkr90
- A John Before Halo:Part 1 (Changed for the better), by J-117
Go get 'em! (Louis Wu 08:16:59 UTC) (permalink) 
Are you surprised? IGN has a realtively new feature where readers can rate the game they're reading about. Yesterday, they posted the top 10 rated Xbox games, as decided by their readers... and Halo is number 1. Thanks to Hank for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 07:45:46 UTC) (permalink) 
Aural Overload Massive updates at Bungie.net today. (Yeah, yeah, you all know about it already - that's what happens when I'm away from the keyboard for 6 hours on a Friday afternoon.) Lessee if I can get all of it into one post: - Part III of the Making of E3 demo article has gone up; Sketchfactor interviewed Marty O'Donnell and Jay Weinstein about the cool sounds you hear in the demo. Awesome behind-the-scenes info... must-read. (Fantabulous artwork, too.)
- A new Halo Voice Dialog Archive has come online. Because they know we'll beat 'em into the ground with quantity, they cheated and added a bunch of clips you can't even TRIGGER in the game. (Just kidding - it's all good. Awesome stuff, and in a few days, when they're not looking, we'll add these to our Dialogue Databank.)
- Halo 2 voice outtakes; things that never, ever had a chance of making it into a game, but are fall-down funny...
- The Halo manual, in PDF format, has been added to the FAQ/Info section. (Hehe - yah, it's been available at xbox.com since November 2001... but you know Bungie.)
Rockin' stuff. Go grab it all. (Well, maybe not the manual.) (Louis Wu 02:10:29 UTC) (permalink) 
Friday's news in brief:
Thursday's news in brief: