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Halo news back Thursday, July 10, 2003 Halo news forward

The Fat Lady has Sung
Wow. That didn't take very long. About 20 hours ago, I posted a note about a contest sponsored by gwdp....to, involving getting in to the separated room on Chill Out. Almost 2 hours ago, Macegac posted a movie (with BOLL's hosting help) showing the completion of that challenge - and this is something that folks on our forum have tried to do, on and off, for almost a year. Guess sometimes it just takes cold hard cash to motivate the hardcore. Nicely done, all around! (Louis Wu 21:39:49 UTC) (permalink)


The second Mountain Dew parody
Devin Olsen has created a Mountain Dew parody - you can find it on Lion's Truth and Reconciliation site. It's just under a minute long, and weighs in at 7.7 mb. If you haven't seen the original it's based on, don't fret - it's included. QuickTime format. (Louis Wu 16:45:44 UTC) (permalink)


The Dialogue Databank continues to grow
Captain Spark has turned in another 39 snippets for the Dialogue Databank. Along with the bits submitted by Jamirus99, Gholsbane, and Wraith yesterday, these bring the total up to almost 210 samples. There are some good ones in there! (If you choose to record - do your best to get clean samples, without a lot of background noise. Makes it easier to hear what's being said!) (Louis Wu 14:49:04 UTC) (permalink)


And Still more new screens at ToTheGame
ToTheGame has ALSO put up 'new' screenshots; again, these are pre-E3, and most have been seen before. However, the first shot (a Brute model) and the last (a nice shot of the new Warthog) are really new. Check it out! Thanks to Eclarap, of Halo-Game, for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 13:43:19 UTC) (permalink)


More Halo 2 screens at TXB
Team Xbox has put up 7 'new' screens from Halo 2 - actually, they're digital versions of some images posted in the June issue of the Official Xbox Magazine. (Three have appeared online, in a slightly smaller form, already - check our Screenshots section for details.) Thanks to CuBaNo for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 09:27:03 UTC) (permalink)


Movies, movies, and more movies
gwdp....to went on a movie-posting spree last night; he was kind enough to organize all the links in one post. They're all pretty small (none of them are over 7.5 mb) and show a variety of things. Descriptions can be found in the thread that post resides in, if the movie's not self-explanatory enough for you. (Louis Wu 09:07:19 UTC) (permalink)


Salmon vs Teal, episode 2
In the continuing process of clearing out the Movie queue, we've got a 14.7 mb QuickTime for you of the second episode of Salmon vs Teal, the first Red vs Blue parody. It's 4:3 long, and ranges from hilarious to totally incomprehensible. Take a look! (This was released on the RvB forums almost 3 weeks ago - but it wasn't until now that we could help with hosting.) If all goes well, there'll be another movie released later today. (Louis Wu 08:26:10 UTC) (permalink)


Now THERE'S a kill.
Darksage was playing some Rockets-only Race with a bud, who tags him first, but then Darksage gets revenge with a pretty amazing shot. It's 22 seconds long - the first 15 seconds are only there to prove that the shot wasn't set up ahead of time. It's only 1.4 mb - check this out for a grin. (Louis Wu 07:45:42 UTC) (permalink)


Halo50k2 - coming soon!
dolbex reminds everyone that early registration for Halo50K2 ends this Saturday; if you register now, you save $100 on the team's fees. If you're gonna be there, think of all the beer you can buy with $100! (Louis Wu 02:19:51 UTC) (permalink)


RvB/Bungie Shwag for the taking
Do you consider yourself a Halo god? Could you stand to be $20 richer (in shwag)? guy who doesn't post...too often has a challenge for you - get a live Master Chief into the separated room, behind the glass, in Chill Out, and he'll pay you for it. Read the details in this forum post. (Louis Wu 01:49:49 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

MC Goes XL.
Wednesday Movie Madness
KS/MO Halo Cash
Customer service - to the next level
Evolution Gaming crunches the numbers
Snowed under
Weapons Respawn Times, revisited
That's what I'm talkin' about!
Mythica's back!

Tuesday's news in brief:

Drawing for Glory (and money)
Seventh Heaven... figures
The Official Unofficial Halo Drinking Game
Dialogue Databank Opened
How much do YOU know about Halo?
Desktop Madness

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
