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Halo news back Wednesday, July 9, 2003 Halo news forward

MC Goes XL.
Hehe - you knew this would happen, didn't you? Today's One One Se7en shows pretty clearly why the MC needs to get his sorry self back out on the battlefield... pronto. I blame Jason. (Louis Wu 16:51:31 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday Movie Madness
Well, Mythica's up to 18.2 Mbit/sec (35 gigs in the past 11 hours), so what the heck - here's another movie for you. This one hasn't actually been released anywhere, yet. It's called 'Hall of the Sidewinder King', and it tells the story of a red soldier (well, pink) getting the flag. Set nicely to Edward Grieg's Hall of the Mountain King, this one tells a story we've all lived through. It's in QT5 format, and weighs in at about 8MB for a 2:23 long film. Team Sexy gets the creation credits. (Louis Wu 16:42:14 UTC) (permalink)


KS/MO Halo Cash
Sam writes to point out a Halo tournament in the Kansas City area, at the National Video Gaming League on August 2. Top prize is $500. More information can be found at Team Viper's Bungie.net chapter. (Louis Wu 16:36:14 UTC) (permalink)


Customer service - to the next level
Do you find yourself using our forum without actually figuring out whether your time would be better spent checking for the answer in FAQs first? c0ld vengeance is working on a new site feature that might help. (Louis Wu 16:32:15 UTC) (permalink)


Evolution Gaming crunches the numbers
Derek Tick points out a link to Evolution Gaming's Summer Leagues, a Milwaukee, WI Halo-playing group. They list full stats for each member of each 3-man team (there are 8 of them) - it's not clear what all the acronyms are, but it's for certain that they're serious about ranking their players. Check it out! (Louis Wu 12:34:46 UTC) (permalink)


Snowed under
Man, only 15 new stories in the Fan Fiction section today. You guys are slacking!

Just kidding. Read 'em before someone prints them out and hits you over the head with the resulting ream of paper. Don't worry - there'll be more tomorrow, you can hit 'em back. (Louis Wu 12:27:25 UTC) (permalink)


Weapons Respawn Times, revisited
Devin Olsen and Goatrope submitted three new maps to the Weapons Respawn Times chart in our Miscellaneous section. This leaves only Boarding Action and Chiron in the completely untested column. Nice going, guys! (Louis Wu 12:22:57 UTC) (permalink)


That's what I'm talkin' about!
Captain Spark turned in another 25 dialogue snippets - we've added them to the Dialogue Databank. I've also added some sorting functions - you can see new material by simply sorting the full page by date, reversed. Update: Jamirus99 has added 4 new Marines quotes - they're listed at the bottom here. Update 2: Two more, from Ghôlsbane (extracted from Randy Glass movies, actually). Again, sort the Marines section by submitter. In order to keep this particular news item from taking over the page, this is the last 'update' we'll add; if there are more submissions today, I'll put up a status update tomorrow. (Louis Wu 11:57:01 UTC) (permalink)


Mythica's back!
Woohoo! Mythica.org, which has been down since June 19 (that's just short of three weeks ago, for you movie-starved folks), is back up and running! We're going to be attempting to clear the rather substantial movie backlog over the next week or so... we'll start with the longest-waiting movies. First up: Too Many Vehicles, a film put together by Darksage and released on June 25 on a friend's server. You can read about it here. If you've already grabbed it, be patient - we'll release another one in the next few hours. Whoa, I feel the chest loosening! (Louis Wu 11:27:30 UTC) (permalink)


Tuesday's news in brief:

Drawing for Glory (and money)
Seventh Heaven... figures
The Official Unofficial Halo Drinking Game
Dialogue Databank Opened
How much do YOU know about Halo?
Desktop Madness

Monday's news in brief:

Apocalypse: Halo, part 1
Shootin', Tex.
Bungie.net - better because of you
Halo PC Interview at HomeLan Fed
Pictures, part 1
Oddball Juggling
Blam Hotel
PoA writeup... still coming
Feel the Halo Love
Words, words, words
Gamelords - Halo fun in San Diego
Screenshots DB updated

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
