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Rise and Fall of the Flood Chapter 3
Posted By: BlackValkyire<BlackValkyire@aol.com>
Date: 8 July 2003, 10:53 PM
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Ty crashed into the combat form, twin fists crashing down on its head. His right knee came up, slamming into the thing's stomach, followed by him putting it in a head lock, smashing his knee into what was the thing's throat, and leaping forward, the flood landing on its back, an the entirety of Ty's weight crashing donw on the flood's throat, crushing it in. The thing lashed out, throwing him off. Ty rolled over and over and threw himself to his feet. The flood thing leapt up and ran at him, flailing his arms, ready for a kill strike. Ty brached him self, and at the last instant, ducked, spearing the creature, rising to his full height, and falling backwards, dropping the creature face first onto the rain slicked roof, and crushing it with his own weight. Ty quickly got up, grabbed the flood's arms, put a foot square between the shoulders, and PULLED. The Flood spasmed as Ty pulled and pulled as hard as he could. Fianlly, with several loud cracks, he was holding both arms, seperated from the body. He tossed them away, and kicked the combat form twice before it leapt to its feet. Ty slugged it hard in the chest, and kept swinging, forcing it back towards the edge of the roof. He yelled as loud as he could with each punch, driving his fist into the creature's chest, forcing it back and back and back, and finally, off the edge, to a long four story fall. Ty fell to his knees panting, gasping for breath, wiping blood from his jaw. The rain was falling harder now, beginning to impair his vision. He pulled himself to his feet, and began to walk again, still headed for the vechile yard. ***
Ty could see it now. The yard where the vechiles were kept was close...very close, the high walls that bordered it in full vision. It was quite a long jump, but if he got a good running start, he could clear the short gap between the wall of the yard, and the roof of the base. He stopped about thirty feet away from the edge, and inhaled twice. Dropping into a crouch, he breathed in and out a few times, and took off at a dead sprint, running as fast as he can. He let out a howl as he leapt, arcing up into the air. Time seemed to slow down for him as he flew through the air, howling all the while. Then, with a thump, he crashed onto the wall's edge, barely hauling himself up. The wall was a few feet thick, seeing as it served as a foot walk between the four corner towers. Ty ran inside one of the towers, and activated his energy knife now that he was out of the rain, and wouldn't get vaporized. If there were flood in here, he stood a much better chance with a melee weapon. The rain was beginning to pour harder, making defeaning bangs resound through the tower as the rain drops crashed down atop the tower. Ty made it down the stairs, finding mauled bodies below, to mauled to be infected, but they still had their guns. Ty got his hands on a pulse rifle, and scavenged two extra charge packs, struggling not to gag at the sight of his fallen comrades. The pulse rifle was definitly a bounus. A mintuarized version of the pulse cannon he had used so long ago, the weapon provided punch at a fast rate of fire, and its energy consumption rate was quite decent, the best forerunner infantry weapon to date, even if it was hard to produce. Ty put his energy knife away, and stepped into the yard. Vechiles could be seen everywhere. Sentinel fighters...and remote operated sentinel drones, armed with very heavy beam weapons. Unfortunatly, most of the pilots were not infected or dead, and Ty wasn't qualifed to fly them anyway. What he WAS quilfied to drive, was only a good fifty feet away. A personal suit type thing, basiclly a huge powered armor system, with plenty of onboard weapons, and two modes. Ty jogged over to it, made sure no flood were nearby, using his motion tracker, and climbed into the assualt suit. Once he was in, he put his arms into the armor's "arms" and gripped the control yokes. With a few switches, he had the thing powered up, and ready to move. It was tricky, but he managed to hit the mode toggle switch with his chin. Slowly, the armor converted from a humanoid configureation to a small tank. Using the foot pedals, Ty drove slowly though the ranks of vechiles, noticing some were burning and damaged by weapons fire, holes and burn marks in the armor, from forerunner weapons...which meant armed flood. Fortuantly, this praticular vechile came with energy shields, a recently developed technology, stolen from the covenant, the forerunner's warrior servants. Ty rounded the last row, headed for the north exit, and winced as three armed flood turned around. They didn't hesitate for a single second, beam rifles carving into his sheilds, the gague dropping fast. Beams splashed across the screen of light threatening to drop it and slice into his reltivly light armor. But Ty didn't just sit there and get shot at. He squezzed the pulse cannon triggers on each weapon arm, and his vechile returned fire, spraying screaming white bolts of particle energy across his foes, burning angry holes into their fleshy bodies as he bore down on them. As was common, flood had no sesne to dive out of the way when anything large was coming at them. Ty ran them over, a sickening crunch resounding through the vechile. The north gate was closed, and wasn't responding to remote commands from the assult suit. Ty frowned, and tried again. The gate squeaked, but didn't open. He sighed in frustration. "Alright then..." he said to himself, a self assuring grin rising on his head. Ty squeezed all the firing studs he could at once. The assualt suit lashed out with all the firepower it had. Heavy pulse cannons spewed bolts, long range, high powered beam cannons sliced into the gate, melting though it instantly on either side. The pulse cannons continued to pound into the gate, until finally, something gave out, and the whole thing just collapsed. Ty hit the accelerator, and the assualt suit leapt forward, driving through the rubble into the swamp, away from the flood. Ty opened the top hatch, and yelled in his victory, yelled, and saw the flood begin to pour from the swamp behind him. He frowned, swore loudly at them, and shut the hatch. It was gonna be a long drive back...