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Halo news back Friday, July 4, 2003 Halo news forward happy fourth of july!

Today is the Fourth of July, a pretty major holiday here in the US. My family and I are declaring independence from the wired world - we're going to spend the day on the beach. We recommend you do the same - even if you live elsewhere in the world! (Louis Wu 14:28:33 UTC) (permalink)


And it SHOOTS, too!
Wow. A couple of months late for our Pillar of Art contest (gallery showing tomorrow!)... but it's a killer piece of work. Chris Bryan has submitted a picture of a rifle he built; solid wood body, laser sight scope, co2 powered pellet gun - it's even the same scale as the actual 3d gun model! He's now off to work on the suit... (Louis Wu 14:25:17 UTC) (permalink)


7 Fan Fiction stories for you today:

Seems like the Series glitches are worked out... fingers crossed! (Louis Wu 13:53:22 UTC) (permalink)


Red vs Blue - text, and movies, sort of
It's Red vs Blue night... sort of. Over on Bungie.net, there's an interview with the team - and it's a great read. If you're curious about how some of the shots were pulled off, or how much sleep Buzby's gotten in the past couple of months... you'll enjoy this. Then, because tomorrow is a holiday, and the guys don't wanna be around this weekend, they've posted this week's episode (which is actually the special episode they made for E3 this year, not a normal story episode) on their site 1-3 days early (depending on what kind of visitor you are). Unfortunately... their main movie server seems to have died, which means you can't actually get it now. :( All we can say is... keep trying, it's a pretty funny episode. Update: BitTorrent works. See their site for details. (Louis Wu 02:15:08 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday's news in brief:

Action Figures - in July?
Mythica Update
New Wallpaper for All
Stories under duress
Curse me, the flag is gone!
Halo PC Update - from Bungie
Still more easter eggs to find!

Wednesday's news in brief:

Grunts first - we're smaller!
CPL, Halo PC, Dallas, December - mucho cash
whoa - mnemesis works?
Maka 'Mockeree
Toy Story
Changes to the Fan Fiction section again
Gettin' some air... alone

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happy fourth of july!