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July 2, 2003 Link to this post Changes to the Fan Fiction section again The Fan Fiction authors have just become guinea pigs again. I've made some changes in how the Series name gets chosen; it'll be much, much harder to forget to add it (or to add the wrong one) now - you'll have to work at it. :) Of course, it hasn't been rigorously tested yet - that's where the authors come in. So submit your stories, and if you notice a major problem with the posted version (as compared to what you originally submitted), please, let us know. It should go without saying that you should keep a local copy of your story, in case of trouble during the submitting process - but I'm going to say it anyway, since many of you don't seem to bother. Hopefully, this will solve most of the problems you've run into - if you find new ones, please tell me; I can't fix what I don't know about. Thanks! (Thanks go out to John Myers, for suggesting - in a very useful way - the direction in which I could change the series picker.) (Louis Wu 15:26:47 UTC)