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July 4, 2003 Link to this post Red vs Blue - text, and movies, sort of It's Red vs Blue night... sort of. Over on, there's an interview with the team - and it's a great read. If you're curious about how some of the shots were pulled off, or how much sleep Buzby's gotten in the past couple of months... you'll enjoy this. Then, because tomorrow is a holiday, and the guys don't wanna be around this weekend, they've posted this week's episode (which is actually the special episode they made for E3 this year, not a normal story episode) on their site 1-3 days early (depending on what kind of visitor you are). Unfortunately... their main movie server seems to have died, which means you can't actually get it now. :( All we can say is... keep trying, it's a pretty funny episode. Update: BitTorrent works. See their site for details. (Louis Wu 02:15:08 UTC)