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Fan Fiction

Chapter 3: The Battle Of Cairo
Posted By: Nightblade<miked@oz.net>
Date: 3 July 2003, 7:32 PM

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      The Wraiths, or as General Greeves would call them, sat quietly on the Freight Carrier on the way to Cairo,Egypt. Their mission in Cairo is out find out what the Kaibo is doing and who is behind it.
      "How long?" Viper asked.
      "Were here. Get ready!" Boss yelled as he was getting ready to parachute out.
      The men strapped the chutes to their backs formed a single file line behind Jackson. "5....4....3..2.1!" The whole squad leaped out the cargo bay doors. As they free fell they could see buildings and AA guns. This was the biggest outpost they had ever infiltrated and were severely outnumbered.
      As the team hit the ground they cut their parachute ropes and took the pack off.
      "Remember, we fight as a squad. We die as a squad." Jackson reminded the team. "Lets Go!" He yelled to the team.
      "Follow me!" He ordered. The men followed in a split formation.
      "We'll split up into three teams two. Viper, you come with me, Hunter, go with Doc. Ghost, go with Shadow. Understood?"
      "Yes sir." The men said.

      "Whose that?" Ghost asked looking down the horizon of the dessert.
      "Holy crap! thats the whole UNSC force." Jackson said suprised. He then clicked on his radio. "General Greeves, what the heck do you think your doing, sending the whole frickin' army to Egypt!!" Boss said angerly over the radio.
      "It was my only option, Jackson. So unless you wanted earth being destroyed I'd help those soldiers I've sent!" Greeves yelled back.
      "Yes sir, Jackson out." He clicked off the radio.
[indent"Come on boys, lets help this army out. Stay in your groups. Once we get down to the battle all hell will break loose.
      Jackson grimly looked down onto the outpost. Suddenly, his eye caught something. A Blackish-Gold Elite was standing and the entrance to the outpost.
      "Julio. Do you see what I see down there?" Jackson asked.
      Shadow grabbed his thermal vision visors from his back and looked through the the scope.
      "I see a gold armored Elite with black skin." Shadow answered.
      "Exactly. But what would Covenant be doing in a Kaibo base camp?" Jackson questioned himself.
      "Lieutenant Pierce Jackson! Good to see you. I'm Major Howard Frank of the UNSC." The man said coming up on Jackson's back.
      "Shut your mouth, Major. Have you realized were about to go to war!" Jackson yelled to Major Howard.
      "Have you got a Lieutenant or Sergeant around here?" Jackson asked out loud.
      "I am sir." A man said coming out of he group. "I am Sergeant Lake. We were sent here by General Greeves to destroy a Covenant Beam Cannon.
      "What? our mission was to infiltrate and kill the Kaibo leader. Not to destroy a Beam Cannon of the Covenant's. Now, did Greeves tell you anything else?" Jackson asked the man.
      "Yes, he also sent us to eliminate the Covenant Chief, Orcita Valito." The man answered.
      Jackson nodded. "Lets Go!" Jackson boomed. The whole army scattered and hurried down the hill. Behind the infantry was the 101st armor division of UNSC.
      Jackson and the squad lead the way into the Covenant outpost. The first enemy in sight of Jackson was a Jackal at the begining of the building. Jackson drew his MA75 battle rifle and fired a couple rounds into the outpost.
      The huge mass of the UNSC met up with the huge mass of Covenant. Battle raged for hours until as the UNSC were being sadly defeated. It was up to the Special Forces squad to make the difference.
      "Hunter, get over here." Jackson called as the heafty man made his way to Jackson.
      "Yes sir?" Hunter said.
      "Do you have any more of that C4?" Jackson asked.
      "Nope." Hunter answered.
      "Okay, The Covevant does. See that group of barrels over there, shoot it with your Jackhammer.
      Hunter aimed his rocket launcher towards the target and shot. The missle whistled through the air and hit the barrels on impact. 3/4 quarters of the outpost was destroyed including the main objective, the Beam Cannon.
      "Mission successfull." Jackson happily reported over the radio.
      "Good job, come on home." Greeves reported.
      "Ghost, Viper, Shadow, Hunter. this mission was a success. I am very proud. For now we get to take a break on Longsword. Lets also hope our next mission is as successfull as this one." Jackson told his team.
      The team nodded in agreement. "There's the pelican men, hop aboard.
      The six men hoped aboard as the pelican revved it's engines and took off at 230mph.
