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July 3, 2003 Link to this post Mythica Update Bad news... but sometimes knowing is better than not knowing. Due to circumstances beyond EVERYONE's control,, the site that provides the bulk of our movie hosting bandwidth, will remain offline for at least another week. We're doing the best we can... but sometimes, there's just someone out to get you. As soon as we know anything more definite, we'll be sure to pass it along. What this means to you, the site viewer: many movies, hosted EXCLUSIVELY at mythica, are unreachable for the next while. (They WILL become available again at some point, one way or another.) For movie creators - the queue for incoming movies is already considerable (due to the fact that Mythica's been offline already for two weeks), and it's only going to get longer. If you have your own hosting, we're happy to put up a news item about your movie... but if you need hosting, you're just going to have to wait; best-case scenario is maybe 3 weeks at this point. (That is - a movie coming in today would have to wait 3 weeks before we could post it, if Mythica comes back up next week.) If the outage continues for longer than a week, obviously the queue length will grow. I wish I had a better answer for you all... but bandwidth is expensive, and Mythica was providing, on average, maybe 50 GB/day for us. Unless someone else steps up to the plate and is willing to host movies... we're stuck. :( (Louis Wu 16:50:11 UTC)