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Halo news back Saturday, July 5, 2003 Halo news forward

A day of fine artwork
In less than 5 hours, the Chelsea Studio Gallery, at 515 W. 19th St. in New York City, will open its doors for the Pillar of Art gallery showing. Come by and see the submitted artwork, displayed in this lovely little gallery - the public is welcome until probably around 6 pm. (After that point, the artwork will come down, tables will go up, and a LANfest will be taking place - unfortunately, attendance for this segment is NOT open to the public, simply for space reasons.) We'll also have examples of the signed Lorraine McLees artwork that will be given to all entrants, as well as the little red MC (96k jpeg) that will be sent to Geoff Chang for his Battle Rifle entry. If you're in the New York area, swing by and say hello! (All of HBO's staff except for the Story Page boys will be there, as well, so updates will be rather sparse for the rest of the day.) Pictures will be taken, of course, and a Gallery showing page will be added to the Pillar of Art site at some point in the near future. Update: Miguel Chavez sent along a few shots of the setup work yesterday - they've been put up at the PoA site. More to come! (Louis Wu 11:16:42 UTC) (permalink)


In Memoriam
From November 2000 through January 2002, HBO received a number of Fan Fiction submissions from Chris Cox. Much of what he wrote was submitted before our Comments section was online... but what DID get commented on was generally liked. I'd always wondered why the submissions stopped, with no word from Chris - and now I know. A couple of days ago, we received mail from Steve Cox, Chris' father... who stumbled on his son's stories accidentally. Chris chose to take his own life on March 21, 2002, less than 2 months after his last submission here. As his father points out, Chris will live on for family and loved ones through pictures, memories, and the work he's created - like these stories. (There's a memorial page for him at the family's website.) (Louis Wu 11:00:11 UTC) (permalink)


Wisconsin Carnage
Dave Writz writes to point out a Halogamers.com-sponsored tournament, in Rice Lake, WI, in late August. There's not that much info at the website yet (give it a couple of days), but there is a flyer that will be posted around the area; looks like they're shooting for 32 4-man teams. Check it out! (Louis Wu 10:46:15 UTC) (permalink)


(Mortal) Combat Evolved.
Seeing as the Fourth was a holiday, yesterday's One One Se7en didn't get announced until right now - still, technically, at the home of the poster (if not via the timesystem in use at this website) the Fourth... If you have to ask what Babality is, you didn't get the title of this strip, either. At least the POOF is relevant for today (or yesterday, as the case may be). (Louis Wu 02:36:43 UTC) (permalink)


The hardest-working man in the Story page business
In a daring daylight raid on the Halo Story Page, mnemesis, perhaps one of the hardest working people in the b.org family, provides still more meat for your eat- er, reading pleasure. Check it out! (mnemesis 00:05:53 UTC) (permalink)


Friday's news in brief:

And it SHOOTS, too!
Red vs Blue - text, and movies, sort of

Thursday's news in brief:

Action Figures - in July?
Mythica Update
New Wallpaper for All
Stories under duress
Curse me, the flag is gone!
Halo PC Update - from Bungie
Still more easter eggs to find!

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