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July 5, 2003 Link to this post

In Memoriam
From November 2000 through January 2002, HBO received a number of Fan Fiction submissions from Chris Cox. Much of what he wrote was submitted before our Comments section was online... but what DID get commented on was generally liked. I'd always wondered why the submissions stopped, with no word from Chris - and now I know. A couple of days ago, we received mail from Steve Cox, Chris' father... who stumbled on his son's stories accidentally. Chris chose to take his own life on March 21, 2002, less than 2 months after his last submission here. As his father points out, Chris will live on for family and loved ones through pictures, memories, and the work he's created - like these stories. (There's a memorial page for him at the family's website.) (Louis Wu 11:00:11 UTC)

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