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Halo news back Sunday, October 17, 2004 Halo news forward

The Halo 2 Council?
Gah. I wrote this up this morning - but forgot to post it. Credit goes to Rampancy.net, which is where I found it. Over on MTV.com, there's a story about "the Halo 2 Council", a group of '7' (if you count each of three bands as '1') who receive a specialized xbox/screen combination and a copy of Halo 2 before November 9. It's not at all clear 1) how this list was compiled, 2) WHY this list was compiled, or 3) why Bungie allowed these 7 discs out of their hands when nobody else is getting them... but that's the way celebrity is, I guess. (I'd be pretty unhappy if I were a member of Breaking Benjamin - I'm one of three popular bands to be featured in the game, and the OTHER TWO get Pelican cases? Ouch!) Thanks to the dozens of people who wrote pointing out that we missed this story. (Louis Wu 20:33:11 UTC) (permalink)


Reassurance from Bungie
Yesterday, we pointed out a story on Xbox.com in which an editor of OXM stated that they'd have a world-exclusive pre-release Halo 2 review that covers Campaign play. We got word today from SketchFactor that yes, it's true, they're going to have the only published story with a street date before November 9 - but that they did this story in conjunction with Bungie, and they aren't releasing any plot spoilers for the game. There WILL be new information - but it's nothing that would ruin the single-player game, and it will be in a special sealed section of the review in any case. If you want to read it, you actually have to rip it open. Bungie still wants you to have a pristine single-player experience (if you can) - they aren't letting anyone OFFICIAL ruin that. (Louis Wu 19:53:29 UTC) (permalink)


Did Those Piercings Cost A Buck-An-Ear?
Stuntmutt's taken his own (well, okay, someone else's, repackaged) view of the entire leaked Halo 2 issue in a special Sunday One One Se7en. (Louis Wu 17:20:19 UTC) (permalink)


The bottom of T and R... DONE
Whoa. Ms Man has managed to get to the bottom of Truth and Reconciliation, winning c0ld's contest and proving me a pessimist. Pictures will be up on his site later today, a movie tomorrow. Congratulations! (Louis Wu 17:13:14 UTC) (permalink)


Movie Mirrors
More mirrors for yesterday's high-quality Heart is a Lonely Hunter release - Djof points out that it's available on the Psyjnir.org Hotline server, and the DJ has put a copy up at HaloImpulse. Don't miss this one! The next episode comes out in a couple of days. (While we're mentioning HaloImpulse, they've also got the QuickTime versions of last week's video Bungie Update up, as well.) (Louis Wu 17:10:52 UTC) (permalink)


Best Trick Ever Vote - Finals!
Dark Helmet, over at HaloPlanet, has set up the 'favorite tricks' votes - go and make your opinion known! There's a Favorite Multiplayer Trick vote, a Favorite Coop Trick vote, and a Favorite Single-Player Trick vote. The choices you have are the ones nominated and seconded in the past two weeks on the High Impact Halo forums. Update - looks like the polls were broken, or something. A new poll page is up. (Louis Wu 17:06:14 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 on 60 Minutes (AU)
A couple of people mentioned that Halo 2 was the subject of a story on 60 Minutes in Australia - apparently, it's news because it's looking like November 9 (and the days that follow) will 'affect the industrialized world' with the number of 'sick' days taken. The web release is here, and a transcript is coming soon. Thanks, Octavian and ragereset. (Louis Wu 16:58:58 UTC) (permalink)


That page most of you have seen...
Churchofhalo found a funny error message on the net - the images are busted, but the text is humorous. (Louis Wu 16:54:37 UTC) (permalink)


New resources for alien text
Holy moley... in the last couple of days, a TON of tools for decoding the alien font used on halo2.com have come out - and now, you can find not one, but THREE different fonts available for writing your own messages on Wallpaper or whatever. We mentioned two tools yesterday - now there's a third (37K), and it's functionally identical to Chappy's Konfabulator widget, except that it runs on a PC and is built with .NET. The three fonts come from MrFluffyPants (8k), Multipilot (8k), and eek (5k). Grab 'em all, see which one suits you best. Okay - there's plenty more news for today - but real life takes me away from the computer for a bit; back in a couple of hours. Update: focused7 has updated his decoder to sort shapes by common feature. Link has been updated. (Louis Wu 14:59:30 UTC) (permalink)


Open... or closed?
Wow. The email response to the closing of the forum has been surprising, to put it mildly. Folks writing to us have been overwhelmingly in favor of keeping the forum closed until November 9. However - I want to hear from the whole HBO community, not just those who bother to write emails. To that end, I've set up a simple poll - please cast your vote. Thanks! (Louis Wu 03:12:48 UTC) (permalink)


Saturday's news in brief:

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Freebies with Halo 2 in Canada
Full story mode laid out - in December OXM
Sk8r Chief.
Halo2.com translating simplified (for macs)
Broken, glass filled, acid-ruined ruminations
MTV Special on Halo 2 next month

Friday's news in brief:

Halo2.com - in progress
Speculation Marches On...
Halo2.com has relaunched
Common sense. Want some?
That's gotta hurt.
Halo 2 artwork emerging
More eBay Halo action
Comics, comics, and more comics. And other stuff.
Piracy is for Punks
It's all coming together
Sarge on Board
Piracy FAQ up on B.net
Yet another XBL headset option for you
Things to Read
Danger! Falling Grunts
That's sort of how I feel, too...
Halo 2: Flashback

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
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Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
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