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October 15, 2004 Link to this post - in progress For folks working on the decoding of the various pages at, there's a great thread over at the Unfiction forums; you'll find a really useful decoder based on shape, rather than alphabetical order. (If you want alphabetical order, there's also this one, posted over in the forums - but the signal to noise ratio is much higher over there.) Pretty much all of the text has been decoded at this point. (I even know it's right, because BOLL cheated, and extracted the XML file that's being used to GENERATE the text - and it's in English. No, I'm not gonna show you what he found, because it's not particularly sporting.) The only things that are not yet decoded are the three password-protected screens in the Prophet subring. And according to one person on the Unfiction forums, those will not BE decoded until the Flash asset involved is actually updated with a real password. So for now, enjoy the site, and the new glimpses into the wonder of Halo 2... and try not to stumble over any major spoilers on other sites. Update: for the lazy among you, NK has decoded the entire site, graphically. It removes the enjoyment of doing it yourself... but hey, nobody's forcing you. Because it's far too much work right now to set up a page where you can see these one at a time, I've packaged them all up (43 images in all) - you can grab them here (1.8 mb). Thanks, NK! (Louis Wu 23:41:21 UTC)