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Halo news back Monday, October 18, 2004 Halo news forward

Halo in the news
Two more Halo 2 news stories today: there's the transcript of the recent 60 Minutes Australia preview of Halo 2 (thanks, Joshua Rennert), and a piece in the Washington Post on games used for serious purposes mentions Halo in passing as a game loved by soldiers in Iraq (thanks, Adam Daniel). Press, press, and more press! (Louis Wu 20:54:19 UTC) (permalink)


Maclean's looks at Halo 2
Bah. ferory sent in a scan of the September 20th issue of Canadian Weekly magazine Maclean's this weekend - I forgot to put it up. It's up now in our Press Scans area. A one-pager on Halo 2 - in a pretty mainstream magazine! Nice. (Louis Wu 19:50:38 UTC) (permalink)


Stories - and a warning
10 pieces for you today in the Fan Fiction section - that's AFTER I deleted 57 duplicate submissions of the single piece by JCDentonCZ. (I left one, even.) What makes this more amazing to me is that he was part of the conversation a couple of days ago when something like this had happened before (though not NEARLY to this absurd level) - and it was made CLEAR that even though an error popped up on submission, the actual submission went through fine. If you're wondering why the Fan Fiction section is so flakey... it's (in part, at least) because of idiots like this, wildly overloading the system. (Louis Wu 19:31:34 UTC) (permalink)


Pelican is ready to go!
Compassghost, deprived of his ability to post his cool flash stuff on our forum, has asked us to point out two new Pelican-related pieces over on the Halo Babies forums. Pretty nice work! (Louis Wu 19:21:40 UTC) (permalink)


Xbox.com Readiness Guide - two more parts
Xbox.com has updated thier Halo 2 Readiness Guide, with Part 2 (Enter the Halo Universe) and Part 3 (Tips from the Halo 2 Beta Testers) now online. The first gives you a nice list of appropriate books, movies, and music to help get you in the mood - the second gives you tips from beta testers on gameplay strategies. Good stuff in both. Early props go to MELEE, who sent this in last night. (Louis Wu 19:17:38 UTC) (permalink)


' .'
Stuntmutt takes a look at potential casting pitfalls in today's One One Se7en. (Louis Wu 13:38:28 UTC) (permalink)


Homefront Update
Homefront, the Battlefield: Vietnam mod, has lost their home temporarily because Gamespy's dynamic servers are down - so they've got an update posted over at the Junkyard. Today is Covenant day, it seems. Thanks to Mhaddy for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 13:36:40 UTC) (permalink)


Now that's a RANGE.
Wow - two WILDLY different audio submissions today - actually, one came in this weekend, but I didn't get to it (sorry, guys!).

  • Welcome to Halo was created by Kil and Lox - it's a Halo-themed version of the Welcome to Atlanta remix from Jermaine Dupri. Guns and rap - they just seem to go together, don't they? 3:21, 4.6 mb mp3
  • Death of Cortana Sample is another Mothergoat creation - don't worry, there aren't any spoilers here (at least none that Mothergoat knows of); he came up with the idea after reading First Strike. A moving piano piece - I'm looking forward to the full version. 1:36 long, 1.4 mb mp3

Grab them both - or pick the style that appeals to you. (Louis Wu 13:33:19 UTC) (permalink)


The Puppetmasters Speak
Wired News has a great article on the I Love Bees phenomenon - a look at what's behind it, and how it's affected people. The whole shebang comes to a close on November 9, just in time for Halo 2 - I can't WAIT for the summaries after that. This particular game, while not a product of Bungie, DOES tie in to the Halo 2 storyline, and will provide quite a bit of useful backstory for folks interested in the entire Halo universe. Just a few more weeks! The final quote in the article is priceless. Thanks, Stephen Smith. (Louis Wu 12:53:46 UTC) (permalink)


On Halo 2 and Piracy
Narcogen, over at Rampancy.net, has taken a long, hard look at the whole piracy issue (specifically with respect to the Halo 2 leak), and has blown out a few myths, and dispelled a few unreasonable rationalizations. It also looks at WHY the community has reacted the way it has. Definitely worth a read. (Louis Wu 12:48:50 UTC) (permalink)


13b for the masses
In early September, Fire Team Charlie released FTC13b as a member-exclusive movie. This saddened many people who wanted to see it, but didn't want to (or couldn't) pay the $10 membership fee. Well... now you can watch it anyway - just visit the site for details. Thanks, Ash! (Louis Wu 11:01:36 UTC) (permalink)


High Encryption
Today's Penny Arcade might, or might not, involve a game you're all familiar with. You'll have to crack the code to decide. Thanks, KP. (Louis Wu 10:50:40 UTC) (permalink)


The Fate of the Forum - decided
I've turned off the Fate of the Forum poll - the 'Yes' percentage is almost exactly 77.7% of the total vote, and that was too good to pass up. ;) (It's been hovering around this point for the last 18 hours or so, but I wanted to give it a little longer last night.) Four thousand or so of you have weighed in on this - and 3/4 of you want the forum shut down, to avoid spoilers. We talked, behind the scenes, about opening the forum back up in a moderated form - you could post, but your post would be queued until a moderator approved it. This would eliminate the chance for spoilers on the forum - but would 1) slow down conversation dramatically, since posts wouldn't be viewable until a moderator got around to approving them, and 2) would guarantee spoilage for moderators. It was a narrow vote, but the 'keep the forum closed' voices won in the end. So - that's what we're going to do. The forum will reopen on November 11; if you're actually playing the game, we'd recommend you come back even later than that. (Once you've STARTED playing, it's totally up to you to keep your nose out of the forum; we can't be your willpower FOREVER, you know. :) ) In the meantime, we're going to try and upgrade the forum software; you may or may not notice the visual differences (depends on the viewing mode you use, I suppose), but hopefully you'll notice the under-the-hood tweaks by how much easier they make some things. And if you really miss community conversation, there's always our IRC channel; the moderators are pretty brutal when it comes to spoiler chat, so you're reasonably safe there. (Louis Wu 10:05:21 UTC) (permalink)


Next up - a Plantronics view inside the ear
Daily Game has posted Duke's Diary - the story of a controller's visit to San Francisco to play Halo 2. Yeah, you read that right. Now go read it. (Louis Wu 02:13:13 UTC) (permalink)


Halo Theme: Mjolnir Mix
Wow... very nice. If you visit nilerogers.com, you can listen to a 1:45 long snippet of the Halo Theme Mjolnir Mix - composed by Marty O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori, with guitars by Steve Vai. It rocks. Thanks, palatine. (The Flash popup that goes with the song is pretty nice, but if you're having trouble with it, the music is here.) (Louis Wu 00:18:17 UTC) (permalink)


Sunday's news in brief:

The Halo 2 Council?
Reassurance from Bungie
Did Those Piercings Cost A Buck-An-Ear?
The bottom of T and R... DONE
Movie Mirrors
Best Trick Ever Vote - Finals!
Halo 2 on 60 Minutes (AU)
That page most of you have seen...
New resources for alien text
Open... or closed?

Saturday's news in brief:

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Freebies with Halo 2 in Canada
Full story mode laid out - in December OXM
Sk8r Chief.
Halo2.com translating simplified (for macs)
Broken, glass filled, acid-ruined ruminations
MTV Special on Halo 2 next month

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
