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Halo news back Friday, October 15, 2004 Halo news forward

Halo2.com - in progress
For folks working on the decoding of the various pages at halo2.com, there's a great thread over at the Unfiction forums; you'll find a really useful decoder based on shape, rather than alphabetical order. (If you want alphabetical order, there's also this one, posted over in the Bungie.net forums - but the signal to noise ratio is much higher over there.) Pretty much all of the text has been decoded at this point. (I even know it's right, because BOLL cheated, and extracted the XML file that's being used to GENERATE the text - and it's in English. No, I'm not gonna show you what he found, because it's not particularly sporting.) The only things that are not yet decoded are the three password-protected screens in the Prophet subring. And according to one person on the Unfiction forums, those will not BE decoded until the Flash asset involved is actually updated with a real password. So for now, enjoy the site, and the new glimpses into the wonder of Halo 2... and try not to stumble over any major spoilers on other sites. Update: for the lazy among you, NK has decoded the entire site, graphically. It removes the enjoyment of doing it yourself... but hey, nobody's forcing you. Because it's far too much work right now to set up a page where you can see these one at a time, I've packaged them all up (43 images in all) - you can grab them here (1.8 mb). Thanks, NK! (Louis Wu 23:41:21 UTC) (permalink)


Speculation Marches On...
Need something to read? Something to fire up the neurons and kick the axons in the pants? Try the Halo Story Page. Chock full of conjectural hypothesizing and loaded with really neat stuff. And it's been updated. Today. By me, strangely enough. (mnemesis 21:44:28 UTC) (permalink)


Halo2.com has relaunched
The overhaul of halo2.com is complete - sort of. It's pretty much unviewable on a mac - it works well on XP/Firefox and XP/IE (though the IE version takes over your screen; there's no way to get to the desktop any more, without closing the window). The outbound link is also busted, though I'm sure they'll fix that at some point. All text is in the same code as the teaser stuff we mentioned last night. It's fun to explore - though there ARE vehicles, weapons, and buildings (and maybe aliens - I haven't fully explored it) that you've never seen before... that's your spoiler warning. There are at least 3 downloadables - I found some wallpaper. Thanks to Elite TAR, who pointed it out first. Update: I was wrong - the site IS viewable on a mac; OSX/IE5 seems to be a useable combination. (I didn't even test IE before, since Microsoft abandoned development on it over a year ago.) Thanks, -Nash--housewares. Update 2: w00t! BOLL managed to find a direct link that lets you view the main part of the site (at least the North American version) in a window - it's now watchable on Macs (any browser)! (It'll also respond better for PCs that aren't the top of the line...) Thanks, BOLL! (Louis Wu 18:06:33 UTC) (permalink)


Common sense. Want some?
It hurts to do this, but the forum is shut down for the foreseeable future. Why? Because even though our stance has been consistent, folks out there still don't take to heart our policy on leaks, spoilers, pirating, etc.

Considering it's not a right but a privilege, instead of tearing our hair out for the next few weeks until Halo 2 officially launches, we'll turn it off (you can still read, but you can't post) if we think you folks are making things too difficult for us to moderate and stay on top of.

Why do we have to feel like we're fathers punishing our bratty children? I don't know, I really don't. Peace out. (Ding 17:56:41 UTC) (permalink)


That's gotta hurt.
Forgot to post this last night - Hawaiian Pig did another RvB MegaBattle pic, but with a twist - it's the Anti-Leak Edition. Ouch! (Louis Wu 16:02:23 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 artwork emerging
Kryptonic lets us know about a new piece of artwork by vegasmike over at DeviantArt. Before you go - realize that this is a sketch of a new enemy that shows up in the latest issue of EGM; some people consider its mere EXISTENCE to be a spoiler. If that's you, don't follow the link. For the rest of you, check out this really nice sketch! (Louis Wu 15:42:05 UTC) (permalink)


More eBay Halo action
pOgO points out an auction on eBay.co.uk for a pop art Halo 2 painting. I sort of wish the artist had chosen a pose that DIDN'T come straight from a screenshot... but it's a nice work, anyway. (Me, I wouldn't be selling stuff like this when Microsoft Legal's in such a tizzy... but then, I'm a coward.) Speaking of eBay, the full action figure auction we mentioned recently has heated up; current bid is over $1,000, and the number of visits has turned the counter over. It's still a deal - you're getting stuff you can't actually buy ANYWHERE - but man, that's a lot of dough. (Louis Wu 15:38:21 UTC) (permalink)


Comics, comics, and more comics. And other stuff.
More new comics out there today... J_Speeder talks about a new episode of E.A.R."T.H." (though it's in movie form, and a mammoth 45 mb, on Freewebs, so I'm guessing it won't be accessible within about 10 minutes of this news post), and Halo Babies has a new strip up, looking at one area Cortana MIGHT not be the sharpest tack in the box. (Halo Babies also has an interview with the creators of MC and Cortana, and an anti-piracy message up as new content.) Go see! (Louis Wu 15:26:18 UTC) (permalink)


Piracy is for Punks
Today's IGN Countdown to Halo 2 article is a diatribe about pirating - appropriate, and a pretty good read (awesome if you contrast it to the last few in this series). Go check it out. First heads-up came from Mumbly JoE, last night. (Louis Wu 15:11:15 UTC) (permalink)


Pallor points out today's edition of GU Comics, commenting on the Halo 2 piracy issue. Sounds about right... (Louis Wu 12:38:11 UTC) (permalink)


It's all coming together
Everyone and their brother has pointed out that 1) the same symbols that had appeared on the Halo 2 teaser wallpaper for the Halo2.com site relaunch have appeared on the site itself, clearly in a countdown to the changeover. And the code itself has been cracked, by hundreds (if not thousands) of people - the wallpaper reads 'BTW Cortana is hot now', and the site itself reads 'All your base are belong to us and we love bees'. Yes, there'll be more. No, I don't know yet how in-depth our coverage is gonna get; the ILB storyline hasn't fully played out yet (though it's pretty darn close now), and I'm loathe to remove the discussion ban from our forum. Bottom line, though - you can stop telling us about this, and stop posting it on the forum. It's there, and we know. Thanks! Update: here's a good thread on the decoding - pretty pictures. (Although he can't add very well - total image size is 126k.) (Louis Wu 02:37:08 UTC) (permalink)


Sarge on Board
Murph McManus points out that a new MC and Cortana comic is up. (Louis Wu 02:29:38 UTC) (permalink)


Piracy FAQ up on B.net
Shishka wrote a nice FAQ about the leaked copy of Halo 2, and what spreading it might mean to you, specifically, over on the B.net forums. Some of the content is Bungie.net-specific - but folks should take heed of the warnings about the banning of your Gamertag from the Halo 2 experience... Thanks, kwdono04. (You might have trouble accessing this post; B.net is being flakey right now. Keep trying.) (Louis Wu 02:26:13 UTC) (permalink)


Yet another XBL headset option for you
dwchief pointed out a new cordless XBL headset from Logitech - it looks nice, but it ain't cheap. ($79.99, though that includes a communicator, which the $50 corded Plantronics does not. I don't count the 2 free months on XBL, since you can get that almost anywhere.) I was amused by the actual text - "the ability to play Xbox Live games over the Internet with complete cordless freedom -- from up to 30 feet away -- for the first time." I mean... how useful is that... if your controller is sitting over by the television set? Anyway, dwchief found the info in this Teamxbox article, and there are more details on Logitech's product page. 30 foot range aside, the ability to go cordless is actually quite nice, as you might find when you're juking in your chair, trying to get away from that nasty elite... (Louis Wu 02:20:39 UTC) (permalink)


Things to Read
While we're on the subject of Fiction - there are 8 new pieces in the Fan Fiction section today. Enjoy. (Louis Wu 02:02:38 UTC) (permalink)


Danger! Falling Grunts
rockslider points out that Frontline With Suzie is back on the airwaves with an interview with some little people. (Louis Wu 01:54:44 UTC) (permalink)


That's sort of how I feel, too...
Gah. The other thing I missed yesterday was Blackstar's latest Calvin and Halo. Which is kind of a bummer, since it really was appropriate for yesterday. Go read. (Louis Wu 01:37:31 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2: Flashback
I missed yesterday's countdown article at IGN - but it's almost worth missing, because it perpetuates a myth that simply isn't worth perpetuating. It's a story from IGN editor Hilary Goldstein about a conversation he had with Pete Parsons a year and a half ago. Pete told him that Halo was not coming out in 2003; he discusses how that made him feel. The thing to remember, however, is that at that point, nobody had announced ANY date for Halo 2's release - this was a courtesy heads-up to a journalist, not 'being told that Halo 2's being delayed'. Go read, but remember, November 9 is the first date EVER OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED AS A RELEASE DATE FOR HALO 2. Thanks to the myriad of folks who pointed this out... I think El337 was first. (Louis Wu 01:27:21 UTC) (permalink)


Thursday's news in brief:

Track Listing for Halo 2 Sountrack Volume 1
Piracy Sucks - Still
Multiplayer Mudslide Madness!
Halo 2 Launch Party in London
Online Halo Tourney on Halloween
Reality in Halo, Part VII
He likes it!
Piracy sucks.
That's a lotta figures

Wednesday's news in brief:

After War - A Halo 2 Comic
Multimedia Blitz - this Friday
Have You Done It All?
Protect the Coolbox!
Wallpaper for the upcoming halo2.com relaunch
The Art of Halo - thoughts from the author
Society's Crime.
Halo 2v2 tourney in NJ
IGN's Inspiration
Babies in 3D
The Worst Halo 2 Tournament?
Corpse Humping... and No Bullets
Gamertags - back.
That man works FAST.
SpikeTV Casting Call - Moved!

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
