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Halo news back Thursday, October 14, 2004 Halo news forward

Track Listing for Halo 2 Sountrack Volume 1
Sumthing Distribution, the producer behind the Halo 2 Soundtrack, has put up a track listing for Volume One. There are some typos (Mjoiner?), but you can see what percentage is O'Donnell/Salvatori music, and what percentage is from other bands. (The Incubus piece is 4 movements!) Thanks, Cybrfrk. Update: Oops, seems like Multipilot found an article over at TeamXbox with that listing (though no link back to the source, tsk, tsk) several hours earlier. Sorry, Multipilot! (Louis Wu 20:47:43 UTC) (permalink)


Piracy Sucks - Still
Wow. Some scumbag uploaded a Halo attract movie to our ftp space; we served a lot of copies before someone was kind enough to tell me about it. I've shut down our ftp space for the time being - I don't have time to monitor it minute by minute, I'd rather it were offline than being used like this. Folks who need to upload files to us - feel free to email me, I'll give you a private, temporary link (use it or lose it). [Update: This does NOT mean you should mail me asking to see the video - it's people who do that make me wish I could reach through the internet and smack you upside your head.] It sucks that the majority end up suffering for the idiocy of a few... but that's the way it goes. In a similar vein, SketchFactor over at Bungie.net has asked for the community's help in shutting down sources of this leak; yeah, they'll keep coming back up, but the hope is, the number of people outraged will actually exceed the number breaking the law. Also, Deimos Fawkes, of Subnova, has posted an address where you can send mail; he'll do the job of weeding through duplicates and the like before forwarding to Bungie. Update: Apparently, the term 'attract movie' isn't as common as I thought. If you leave your Xbox idling on the start screen for Halo (or Halo 2), it will eventually cycle through several movies - showing solo, coop, and multiplayer gameplay. One of these movies, for Halo 2, was what was uploaded. (The name goes back to arcade games, I think, when 'attract mode' was the gameplay that would show on the screen to entice you to drop your quarter in the slot.) (Louis Wu 20:29:57 UTC) (permalink)


Multiplayer Mudslide Madness!
Old-schooler xzzy drops into the forum to mention a Halo CE multiplayer map he's finished, available now (and at an old-time hard-core url, to boot ;-)). He's also got a few screens showing it off. It looks great, so come on! Help keep HaloCE alive! (mnemesis 19:43:28 UTC) (permalink)


Halo 2 Launch Party in London
On November 10, there will be a Halo 2 Launch party at London Bridge (England) - it's open to all UK residents 18 or over. If you want to win tickets, visit Xbox.com! (Louis Wu 13:04:47 UTC) (permalink)


Online Halo Tourney on Halloween
Halo-2 points out a tournament on Xlink Kai, an Xbox tunneling app; they're kicking off their latest iteration with a big Halo'een tournament. Details are in the forum post. (Louis Wu 11:19:20 UTC) (permalink)


Reality in Halo, Part VII
Mhaddy, over at the Junkyard, points out the latest in the series of analyses of Halo from a US Military perspective - this time up, it's The Library. This one's a bit more personal, since it's just the Chief... I suppose that's true of the next few, as well. Go read! (Louis Wu 11:14:19 UTC) (permalink)


He likes it!
Again, we're 12 hours late - but what can you do? Eric Trautmann mentions that his author's copy of The Art of Halo showed up yesterday - and he's happy with the end result. (That's a good thing; I'd be nervous if the AUTHOR was unhappy.) Thanks, KiGlow. (Louis Wu 10:51:40 UTC) (permalink)


Piracy sucks.
As many of you already know, there is a cracked copy of the French PAL version of Halo 2 out there on the net. I suppose it was inevitable - but that doesn't mean it's okay with us. Leaked screens, descriptions of not-already-released areas of the game (both single and multiplayer), links to downloads - all of these will get you permanently banned from our forum, so don't put them there. Please understand our position; we started this site in 1999 to pay homage to Bungie - we really felt they were the best gaming company out there, bar none, and we wanted to create a place where people could appreciate their work. When that work is stolen and released without permission, everybody loses. Bungie loses revenue, and control over their own intellectual property. Fans who choose NOT to download the product (and it's rather large, and in a format most Americans don't have the capability to read) lose, because information about the game will begin circulating weeks before they can get their hands on it. Folks downloading the pirated game lose because it's nearly certain that Microsoft will get a copy, as well, and once they have a fingerprint for this, your chances of getting on XBL are nonexistent. (Yeah, sure, you can use it for LAN games, and on networks like XBC and Xlink Kai - but it's possible someone will be monitoring those networks as well.) I'm sad today. (Louis Wu 10:21:34 UTC) (permalink)


That's a lotta figures
Brian Towne, the man behind Mythica.org (and a rabid Halo Action Figure collector) pointed out this auction on eBay today. Every action figure released so far (barring the brand-new Halo2 figures), including a bunch of pretty rare exclusives. There are still 4 days left in the bidding, but it's already up to $305. Back in April, a similar (though smaller, due to the fact that Series 4 and Series 5 hadn't been released yet) collection went up - and I bid on it (and won it). Unfortunately, I was stiffed by the seller, and eBay turned out to be no help - no action figures for me, and a lot of money out of my pocket. I know the seller this time around - in fact, he was in my house a week ago - and I'd sure vouch for him... but you might be bidding against me for this collection. (Don't let that stop you - I've got most of these already, so I'll drop out before it gets absurd. :) ) In any case, if you've ever regretted not buying action figures, this is a pretty darn good opportunity to get every single one of them in one fell swoop. (Louis Wu 01:23:27 UTC) (permalink)


Wednesday's news in brief:

After War - A Halo 2 Comic
Multimedia Blitz - this Friday
Have You Done It All?
Protect the Coolbox!
Wallpaper for the upcoming halo2.com relaunch
The Art of Halo - thoughts from the author
Society's Crime.
Halo 2v2 tourney in NJ
IGN's Inspiration
Babies in 3D
The Worst Halo 2 Tournament?
Corpse Humping... and No Bullets
Gamertags - back.
That man works FAST.
SpikeTV Casting Call - Moved!

Tuesday's news in brief:

Sleep works, too. Ask Rip.
Halo PC Tweak Guide
Breaking Benjamin - in .WMA format
Video Cornucopia
Early Gameplay for Canadians
The Best Laid Plans...
A new reality show?
USA Today profiles Halo 2 soundtrack
Gaming Gear for sale - to benefit kids
Site problems
If you're not buying Halo 2...
Weekly Update Vid - QT, not squished

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
