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Halo news back Monday, May 15, 2006 Halo news forward

Unforgotten Siege Redux
Yesterday, we mentioned that Red Leader had found some similarities between Siege of Madrigal and Unforgotten - wheeler took a crack at this, too. (Louis Wu 21:10:29 UTC) (permalink)


Another Halo 3 Trailer Analysis
Stonesand let us know that he did his own in-depth analysis of the Halo 3 trailer, focusing on the engine Bungie is using now, and contrasting it with what we saw in Halo 2. Pretty solid read... a lot of thought was put into this. Give it a look! (Louis Wu 20:55:34 UTC) (permalink)


I wanted 'My other plane is a banshee'...
New goodies at the Bungie Store - you can snag a license plate frame that reads 'My other car is a Warthog', and a pretty snazzy Relic notebook. Thanks, Jonathan Rivas. (Louis Wu 20:14:44 UTC) (permalink)


Who built what, and when?
If you want to see how Stephen Loftus' brain works with respect to Bungie consistency, check out this forum post. He makes a case for similar (but not identical) construction techniques on the H3 artifact and features of the Halo rings... (Louis Wu 19:44:07 UTC) (permalink)


And then, at Band Camp...
In what must be the most detailed view of the Halo 3 trailer to date, Narcogen has gone over it moment by moment, noting interesting tidbits (covered elsewhere, but not all in one place) and adding commentary. Save this one. (Louis Wu 18:57:58 UTC) (permalink)


Seven (Three) is Darker.
Narcogen, over at Rampancy.net, noticed an interview with a couple of Bungie employees in the London (Ontario) Free Press - some great quotes in there. Give it a read. (Louis Wu 18:54:57 UTC) (permalink)


I hope he wiped his feet.
BOLL, known around these parts for his Flash skillz, came through the US last fall - he just found one of the photos of his visit to my house this week. Check it out. (Louis Wu 18:43:33 UTC) (permalink)


Podtacular goes multimedia
Podtacular has been busy - Episode 62 went up on Saturday (focus is on Relic), and PodTV Episode 1, a video blog, is up now. Thanks, Fr3d-105 and David Smith. (Louis Wu 18:29:50 UTC) (permalink)


They Said We Might Recognize It...
Stuntmutt found a wealth of material in the Halo 3 Trailer - check out today's One One Se7en for some of his musings. (Louis Wu 18:25:08 UTC) (permalink)


It's just me, man.
Heh - DHalo points out a short vid over at G4TV.com, illustrating the brawl they expected to take place last week at E3. (Looks like they were pretty spot-on, actually.) (Louis Wu 18:18:10 UTC) (permalink)


Art of Elnea - Updated
Wow - I hate neglecting stuff, though it happens all the time. Elnea has drawn a few new images (including along-the-way sketches)... and I simply let 'em go. No more, though - they've been corralled up and posted on her Gallery page here. You can find a powerful vision of the Chief (and an in-progress version), along with a poster made for a breast cancer run (and one, no two, progress sketches). Finally, there's a fun sketch of her fellow RvB'er Oboecrazy, starring in her very own movie! Check 'em out. (Louis Wu 17:14:00 UTC) (permalink)


An Interesting Similarity
A Jolly Old Soul sent along an interesting tidbit for your perusal - a comparison between the Halo 3 trailer and an older cinematic work. He clearly says he's not accusing Bungie of stealing - but the visual similarity is definitely intriguing. Check it out! (Louis Wu 16:17:20 UTC) (permalink)


Video game mascots on the run
Duo stopped by our forum to point out a new Halo-related w00tness - great art, and a nice WoW crossover! Go read. (Louis Wu 16:02:57 UTC) (permalink)


Consider Him Hailed.
DropShock Episode 15 is now avilable for download - an hour and a half of stuff like discussion of the Halo 3 announcement, Gravemind's Poem, and the 2007 Halo marketing machine. Go listen. (Louis Wu 15:37:55 UTC) (permalink)


Miniature Halo Returns!
After a really, REALLY long hiatus (Page 25 was released in November, 2004), SESpider restarted Miniature Halo - you can find Page 26 and Page 27 in our archives. (To be fair, 26 was actually posted on our forum 2 weeks ago - it's just been a really, really busy 2 weeks.) (Louis Wu 15:24:59 UTC) (permalink)


Tourney in NJ
There's a note on our forum about a tournament in Rahway, NJ coming up on June 10 - details (including directions, prizes, and the like) can be found in the post. It's a Rumble Pit FFA with plenty of goodies to go around - check it out! (Louis Wu 14:41:07 UTC) (permalink)


Da guy iz creative, ya know?
A relatively old face has reappeared and stepped into the shoes of previous forum posters with not only the inquisitiveness but the creative drive to help the community visualize the clues that Bungie has dropped. In this case, Geoff Chang (of POA infamy) has used Google Earth as well as his own creative skills to try to figure out just where the heck the Forerunner Artifact, the centerpiece of the Halo 3 announcement trailer, is located. We've been told by Bungie to not expect any Marathon imagery in the artifact's structure, but regardless of that, nice work Geoff!

UPDATE: And another example of how the old regulars are truly worthy of being called 'regulars', Ape Man has come out of hiding to offer some corrections to Geoff's musings. Regardless of how this all ends, THIS is what the forum is all about. Intelligent discussion that neither stretches credibility nor resorts to name-calling when folks are called on the veracity of their claims. We're doing Hamish proud, I tellsya. (Ding 01:44:57 UTC) (permalink)


Thanks to those who deserve it!
Back from E3, you would think we would be thanking the fine folks at Bungie for some awesome hookups, or the local guys in L.A. who helped us save on hotel and travel fare.

Well, you would think wrong. Who we should really thank is our partners who put up with our shenanigans during this crazy time of the year. So in no particular order, from all of us b.org folks that attended E3, we'd like to thank Dana, Frieda, Becky, Michelle (esp. her!), and an abused copy of National Geographic (think about it people). (Ding 01:27:01 UTC) (permalink)


Sunday's news in brief:

Punchy Writing.
Halo News back... tomorrow
HGN advertising
Unforgotten Siege
Weekly Fanfic - and an out-of-character rant
More Hi-res Halo 3 Goodness

Saturday's news in brief:

Poster Winners Picked
Our Little Boy Has Grown Up

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
