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May 14, 2006 Link to this post

Weekly Fanfic - and an out-of-character rant
Weekly Fanfic update is a couple of days later than usual, due to E3 and some really unpleasant experiences on airplanes - but it's up now. 23 new pieces. Go read. (To the two idiots (you know who you are) who wrote to bitch that it wasn't posted before now - keep a sharp eye on the content you DO submit; there might be some subtle editing in the future. No, not really - I'd never do that - but you guys really are jerks for not even bothering to read the front page to see if there might be a reason the update was delayed. And because of you, i'm instituting a new policy: Fiction updates will continue to be on Friday, unless something comes up that keeps me from being able to post. If the update is NOT on Friday, and someone writes to complain that their piece hasn't been posted, not only will I delete the piece they're asking about, but I'll ban that username from posting to the section again. (This won't keep you from changing your username, but it WILL stop you from continuing any ongoing series.) Seriously - you guys, as a group, are the biggest PITAs I've ever dealt with, anywhere. And that's my rant for today.) (Louis Wu 16:57:58 UTC)

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