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May 13, 2006 Link to this post

Poster Winners Picked
We picked the winners of the second T-Shirt Raffle tonight at DeanFest 2006; I won't be able to do anything useful (like send the winners email about their winnings) until late tomorrow or Sunday - at the moment, I'm sitting at LAX, waiting out an incredibly stupid mistake that resulted in my missing my flight home last night, and because of this will be spending an enormous amount of time (and money) traveling in the next day or so - but I thought we could at least post the names of the winners:

  • Linnea B.
  • Kyle D.
  • Jens H.
  • Jeremy H.
  • Mitchell L.
  • Laird M.
  • James M.
  • Matt S.
  • Kyle S.
  • Neil W.
  • Congratulations, to all ten of you; we'll be letting you know what we need in order to send you your poster soon! (Louis Wu 10:46:47 UTC)

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