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Halo news back Saturday, May 13, 2006 Halo news forward

Poster Winners Picked
We picked the winners of the second T-Shirt Raffle tonight at DeanFest 2006; I won't be able to do anything useful (like send the winners email about their winnings) until late tomorrow or Sunday - at the moment, I'm sitting at LAX, waiting out an incredibly stupid mistake that resulted in my missing my flight home last night, and because of this will be spending an enormous amount of time (and money) traveling in the next day or so - but I thought we could at least post the names of the winners:

  • Linnea B.
  • Kyle D.
  • Jens H.
  • Jeremy H.
  • Mitchell L.
  • Laird M.
  • James M.
  • Matt S.
  • Kyle S.
  • Neil W.
  • Congratulations, to all ten of you; we'll be letting you know what we need in order to send you your poster soon! (Louis Wu 10:46:47 UTC) (permalink)


    Our Little Boy Has Grown Up
    We're taking a break from DeanFest 2006 to post a pretty cool news tidbit... our very own KP, master of the HBO Forum Banhammer as Badmin and occasional front-page newshound, has found himself a new job. We were fortunate enough to snag a photo of his new workplace (72K) - and if you want more information, check out KP's forum post about it all. Congrats, KP! (Louis Wu 09:42:51 UTC) (permalink)


    Friday's news in brief:

    The Trailer, Dissected
    Announce This!
    IGN gives us a peek at HGN
    Quickie pics
    Repeating Himself.
    Tourney Story
    Halo 2 mention in Vista Gaming Roadmap
    Stories to tell
    You got questions? Frankie's got answers.
    They're back...and we're late!

    Thursday's news in brief:

    Marty Waxes Poetic (or maybe just his back)
    Organized Halo 3 Content at R.net
    PvP Stats Fixer
    Halo: Now Read The Book

    Hot Pages
    HBO Gallery Pages
    A Fistful of Arrows
    Halo 5 Mythic Guide
    Halo 4 Mythic Guide
    Reach Mythic Guide
    ODST Mythic Guide
    H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
    Cutscene Library
    Dialogue Databanks
    Articles by Stephen Loftus
    BC: Video Design Tips
    Video Guide by LordGideon
    Nomi's Paper Spartans
    Halo 3 Terminals
    NSCS Strategy Guide
    Aesthetic Artist Interviews
    Director Dialogues
    Bad Cyborg Movies
