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Halo news back Sunday, May 14, 2006 Halo news forward

Punchy Writing.
Stuntmutt put together a special Sunday strip to celebrate a fun piece of news - check the One One Se7en page. (Louis Wu 17:41:19 UTC) (permalink)


Halo News back... tomorrow
There are 8 billion other tidbits in our inboxes (and more on the forum)... but it's Mother's Day here in the US, and it's time to spend some serious quality time with two important mothers in my life - the mother of my children, and the mother of ME - so Halo news is gonna have to wait. Don't forget to tell your mother you love her. Meantime - one last tidbit today (check the next news post). (Louis Wu 17:39:01 UTC) (permalink)


HGN advertising
Laird noticed a new card for the Halo Graphic Novel at a local comic shop... according to the shop owner, interest is huge. I'm intrigued by the 99 cent preview comic, due out in a couple of weeks - I hadn't heard about that! (Louis Wu 17:19:51 UTC) (permalink)


Unforgotten Siege
Interesting... Red Leader decided he could hear definite similarities between Siege of Madrigal (a song Marty composed for Myth, and then included in Halo as an easter egg) and Unforgotten (a track on the new Halo 2 Soundtrack Volume 2). He overlaid them, roughly, tweaking the tempo a bit on Siege... but I definitely hear where he's coming from. See if you agree! (Louis Wu 17:16:37 UTC) (permalink)


Weekly Fanfic - and an out-of-character rant
Weekly Fanfic update is a couple of days later than usual, due to E3 and some really unpleasant experiences on airplanes - but it's up now. 23 new pieces. Go read. (To the two idiots (you know who you are) who wrote to bitch that it wasn't posted before now - keep a sharp eye on the content you DO submit; there might be some subtle editing in the future. No, not really - I'd never do that - but you guys really are jerks for not even bothering to read the front page to see if there might be a reason the update was delayed. And because of you, i'm instituting a new policy: Fiction updates will continue to be on Friday, unless something comes up that keeps me from being able to post. If the update is NOT on Friday, and someone writes to complain that their piece hasn't been posted, not only will I delete the piece they're asking about, but I'll ban that username from posting to the section again. (This won't keep you from changing your username, but it WILL stop you from continuing any ongoing series.) Seriously - you guys, as a group, are the biggest PITAs I've ever dealt with, anywhere. And that's my rant for today.) (Louis Wu 16:57:58 UTC) (permalink)


More Hi-res Halo 3 Goodness
Home. Exhausted. Crashing. Before I go, though: if you go back and grab the Halo 3 Press Kit from Xbox.com, you'll find that it's grown in size from 70 mb to just over 100 - the added space is filled with Master Chief cutouts (the MC with no background image), Halo 3 and Bungie logos, and high-res versions of the storyboards up at Bungie.net. Awesome stuff. Thanks, Deimos. Now, bed... (Louis Wu 01:24:02 UTC) (permalink)


Saturday's news in brief:

Poster Winners Picked
Our Little Boy Has Grown Up

Friday's news in brief:

The Trailer, Dissected
Announce This!
IGN gives us a peek at HGN
Quickie pics
Repeating Himself.
Tourney Story
Halo 2 mention in Vista Gaming Roadmap
Stories to tell
You got questions? Frankie's got answers.
They're back...and we're late!

Hot Pages
HBO Gallery Pages
A Fistful of Arrows
Halo 5 Mythic Guide
Halo 4 Mythic Guide
Reach Mythic Guide
ODST Mythic Guide
H3 Mythic Guide v2.0
Cutscene Library
Dialogue Databanks
Articles by Stephen Loftus
BC: Video Design Tips
Video Guide by LordGideon
Nomi's Paper Spartans
Halo 3 Terminals
NSCS Strategy Guide
Aesthetic Artist Interviews
Director Dialogues
Bad Cyborg Movies
