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Search results for silly

Showing results 101 - 125 of 189 matches

October 9, 2007 Link to this post

I think she got yelled at.
Silly bs angel - she thought the 'Social' playlists were going to be friendly. Never one to shrink from a challenge, though, she's written up the Noob's Guide to Being Social - if just ONE person reads this and learns from it, Xbox Live will be a better place. (Louis Wu 12:50:14 UTC)

October 3, 2007 Link to this post

I didn't post this yesterday, because I thought it was silly... but hey, we've posted silly before. Hawty McBloggy has put up an exhaustive guide to coordinating your armor colors in Halo 3. If you want to make sure you match, go read. (Louis Wu 16:01:54 UTC)

September 17, 2007 Link to this post

I bet it wasn't so fun for the little guy...
Pinflux entered a contest we mentioned a few weeks ago - write a gameplay story in 100 words or less for a shot at a 360. He didn't win - but his entry is pretty cool nonetheless. (Since a picture is worth a thousand words, he probably lost on technicalities.) (Louis Wu 11:10:11 UTC)

September 2, 2007 Link to this post

Silly Rumors Dept - Can I Help You?
There's a calendar floating around, purporting to show Microsoft's marketing plan for Halo - don't buy it. Thanks to MasterChief2829, who found this at Xbox Family. (Louis Wu 15:12:25 UTC)

August 29, 2007 Link to this post

It's Back, Baby!
It's been a really long time since we've done a 7 on the 7th contest - but then, we're schwagwhores, and we only do these when someone gives us stuff we can give away. This time, the sugar daddies are over at Freeverse - they've got a bunch of copies of Marathon: Durandal they want to spread around, and all you gotta do to get one is draw a silly picture. (Trust me - this contest is NOT about artistic proficiency.) Go read the full rules on the 7 on the 7th page. (Louis Wu 14:35:26 UTC)

August 19, 2007 Link to this post

Advertising reaches your blades
A long layover in the Detroit airport means time for Halo updates. Some tidbits from our forum... looks like Microsoft has released a free 360 theme based on Mountain Dew Gamer Fuel (along with Gamerpics) - thanks, Darknesshasfallen and KP. Yes, I think it's silly, too - but it's free. (Louis Wu 23:08:22 UTC)

August 5, 2007 Link to this post

When marketing goes too far
Back - exhausted, but back. It's going to take me a while to go through my inbox, but this popped out at me; you can now preorder Halo 3 at your local 7-11. That just seems... silly. (Louis Wu 21:20:52 UTC)

July 17, 2007 Link to this post

6 months. You can write a book in 6 months.
Imagine my horror and dismay when I discovered that the Wallpaper section hadn't been updated since JANUARY! January. That's beyond careless. That's just silly. Well, I've gathered up everything in the queue, up till now, and posted them all up on the page - many of those images have multiple versions, so check for the size you're looking for. And please - accept my humble apologies for the ridiculous queue time. I blame KP. (Louis Wu 01:48:17 UTC)

July 17, 2007 Link to this post

Don't talk back to pretty lady inside head!
elitewarrior117 found something you shouldn't watch. Unless you like karate/spartan exploitation films. Set up for E3, it's just... wrong. Update: doober187 pointed out this vid, as well, and on a far less silly note, the playing of Corporeal in the first few minutes of the first video on this page. (Louis Wu 01:39:37 UTC)

May 19, 2007 Link to this post

You gotta love drive-thru liquor stores.
CertainAffinity.net wrote up a bunch of great questions (and some silly ones) for Shishka, over at Certain Affinity - more than a couple are Halo-related, and even if they weren't, they're good readin' - so go read. Thanks, Ducain. (And Shishka - those guys are better than me.) (Louis Wu 05:18:43 UTC)

May 18, 2007 Link to this post

Ooh... Build-A-Bear.
Here's someone who thinks 'Limited Editions' are silly. Do you agree? (Louis Wu 12:58:58 UTC)

April 1, 2007 Link to this post

The Riot 42
Sigafoos points out The Riot 42, with coverage of the community, the new maps, and some silly soap opera stuff. And more, of course. 31 minutes, 12.5 mb. (Louis Wu 20:59:36 UTC)

February 6, 2007 Link to this post

When Game Journalists Get Silly
Wow. I'm not sure what to say about this editorial at IGN - it basically says "Bungie better make sure the beta is PERFECT, or it will derail the Halo 3 Hype Machine (™®©) and kill the entire game." Yeah, whatever. Thanks, I guess, to AfroRyan, who noticed it. (Louis Wu 14:53:04 UTC)

January 27, 2007 Link to this post

Planet Xbox 360 takes shots at MLG
Planet Xbox 360 has an opinion piece about MLG, and whether or not they have what it takes to be 'taken seriously'. Read it for yourself - but I have to say, and I'm saying this as an MLG outsider, some of the arguments used in the piece are silly. The author argues that watching games is nowhere near as fun as playing them - but he ignores the huge number of people who enjoy montages (and, in fact, he ignores the millions of worldwide fans of OTHER gaming leagues, and THEIR spectator sports). For many of us, it's more fun to play football than to watch it - but that doesn't negate the success of the NFL. He gripes that focusing on a single game (Halo 2) will hurt MLG in the long run, because people want 'new and fresh' material - but NASCAR hasn't started showing tractor racing, and I doubt they will. He scoffs at the idea that gaming can be a 'sport' - in his words, "since when did sitting in a giant hotel ballroom playing games against others for hours, constitute you as an athlete or player of sports?" One might ask the same about the drivers who sit for hours in the front seat of stock cars, circling the same track over and over... but in general, one doesn't. I'm not sure why this piece rubbed me so strongly the wrong way... but it did. (I enjoy reading about MLG, but I'm not a real part of their community - it just felt like this attack was relatively unwarranted.) (Louis Wu 13:00:58 UTC)

January 15, 2007 Link to this post

For reference - info on the Halo 3 Legendary Edition
It's been more than 2 months since the various flavors of Halo 3 were made public - it's been known since early November that $60 would buy you the bare game, $70 would buy you the 'special' edition (game plus bonus disc(s)), and $100 would snag you the Legendary edition - helmet and 4 discs, including the game. Paul Russell stopped by today to point out that Wal-Mart's listing has all the info you need for that Legendary edition - nice photos of the helmet and case, plus details about the included discs. (They list it as 'In Stock', which is pretty silly - but then, it's labeled as Wal-Mart No. 000000000, so as soon as it's assigned a SKU, it'll likely have a more realistic ship date. Maybe not a REAL ship date - we won't know that until Bungie announces it - but more realistic than 'now'.) This is worth posting so that there's a place to point to when folks ask about what is included in the Legendary edition. Update: Frankie warns that these pictures are just the prototype; the real thing is 'waaaaay better, more detailed and has much fancier textures.' Okay, now I'm worried that I didn't preorder... (Louis Wu 22:35:46 UTC)

November 11, 2006 Link to this post

The Halo-only version of the 1Up Show
EGM's Mark MacDonald pointed out that the Halo-specific portion of the 1Up show can be watched via streaming flash (or downloaded, in hi-res form) from GameVideos.com. And I'd like to take this opportunity to announce that I'm a little silly sometimes; I described the Halo content in the first news post of the day - but I was describing the content of Episode 53, not 54. This new one contains video footage of the EGM team in Kirkland (though no onscreen action), as well as interviews with Lars Bakken, Tyson Green, and Marty O'Donnell. Check it out! (Louis Wu 15:55:07 UTC)

October 10, 2006 Link to this post

Full Playlist Overhaul
Silly me... I didn't bother to check online when I read that Team SWAT had gone ranked; I'd have found that there were other changes, as well. As KP explains on Bungie.net, Team Carnage has changed, as well - this time, the list comes from the fine crew at Real Custom Games, a 7th Column group. KP's writeup has a full list of gametypes - looks like I need to set aside some time for playing, stat! If you visit the Optimatch forum, you'll find a new post by Ninja 0n Fire, as well, outlining the rest of the changes - games pulled, games added on the various playlists. Good stuff! (Louis Wu 19:36:42 UTC)

October 4, 2006 Link to this post

Dead Man's Potluck: Round 2
Monday night, a bunch of us got together for something Dweezle calls 'Dead Man's Potluck'. Everyone had to bring a silly gametype. (I was not allowed to use the Team Carnage options - party poopers, all of 'em.) It was a fun time - and Dweezle's written it all up. And Eisen Feuer filmed the whole shebang - that's a lot of video! Check it out. (Louis Wu 21:28:26 UTC)

September 22, 2006 Link to this post

Halo Sucks.
Wow. Ferrago has a story about online gaming, and mostly, it's just a screed about how crappy Halo 2 multiplayer is, how many problems it has, and how silly Bungie is for not having figured out how to fix those problems yet. (They also blame some of the problems on the "lack of an established and mature fanbase". Face it - you guys suck.) Wow, I guess Bungie wishes it were more like Team Ninja - since they (according to Ferrago) got multiplayer right, with DOA4. I'm trying to figure out what might have happened to the author to generate so much hate... (Louis Wu 11:54:01 UTC)

August 2, 2006 Link to this post

A Sales Juggernaut
Well, I think it's a dumb title for a list (the 21st century just started, it's silly to start ranking the top 100 ANYTHINGS in it yet), but it's still saying a lot about the games mentioned; Next Generation has published their 'Top 100 Games of the 21st Century', based on unit sales so far this decade... and Halo (the franchise) ranks at number 2, behind only Grand Theft Auto. Thanks, UberHax0r. (Louis Wu 14:23:28 UTC)

July 9, 2006 Link to this post

We all KNOW the real winner.
I'm very, very happy this morning. Why? Because over at Gamefaqs, they're running a 'Best.Series.Ever' contest, with two series pairing off each day, and being voted on by their members - and yesterday, Halo lost its first-round battle, with Castlevania. I was really hoping it would lose (which is why this news post is going up the day AFTER the face-off, and not the day OF) - because it means that there will be no more rounds in the next few weeks, so I don't have to receive hundreds of emails from fans who want us to promote the fight and get people to vote for Halo. Folks - these are silly. Don't buy into 'em. (Louis Wu 16:22:44 UTC)

June 1, 2006 Link to this post

Halo: Marine Tales
Over at Newgrounds, there's a very NSFW Flash animation called 'Halo: Marine Tales' - parts are quite funny, parts are totally silly, spelling is atrocious, profanity is WAY overused. Artwork is quite good. Worth a look - if you can do so without getting in trouble. Thanks, Naburu. (Louis Wu 12:53:48 UTC)

May 20, 2006 Link to this post

Yesterday, we added a larger-than-the-contest-thumb version of Bryn Casey's beautiful 'The Guardians' to his Gallery page - we need to do the same with the other artists who submitted new work for our t-shirt raffle. I'm going to start with Paul Davies' 'Arbiter', because, well, we've had a new image of his every day for the past three days - seems like a silly time to kill the streak. Plus, it's an astounding image that everyone should get a better look at. (Louis Wu 21:16:30 UTC)

May 19, 2006 Link to this post

Soldiers of War, Ep 7 - and More
QuickTactical and crew has been creating the machinima series Soldiers of War for some time - Season 2 just kicked off, and Episode 7 (the first of the new season) passed the MPRRS. Things are looking grim for the Americans... It seems silly to me that we host 2, 5, and 7, but not the rest - so I've put all 7 episodes up for download, in both QuickTime and WMP9 formats. You can get descriptions of the videos, as always, at the Epic Films website; we're just providing a one-stop download shop. (A couple of the QT versions are not quite done yet - but you can check back in the next couple of hours for them.) Enjoy! (Louis Wu 13:45:02 UTC)

May 12, 2006 Link to this post

The Trailer, Dissected
One quick last post, before heading off to DeanFest 2006 - the Weekly Update is posted over at Bungie.net, and it's a doozy. It might just contain the most real information about a Bungie product, ever. Amazing collection of solid answers. Go read. (And then stop harping on the silly stuff in our forum, and start speculating about the REAL meat!) As always, it's available in our Bungie Weekly Update Archive, as well. (Louis Wu 23:44:39 UTC)

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