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April 10, 2005 Link to this post

Religious Architecture.
I HATE it when I forget stuff. I forgot Friday's One One Se7en. What's worse... nobody noticed. Hmm... (The thing is, this one hits close to home. Maybe that's why I forgot it.) (Louis Wu 14:20:47 UTC)

February 25, 2005 Link to this post

They'll Never Find Me Now.
Hiding... in plain sight? Don't try it, says Stuntmutt in today's One One Se7en. Hmm... Maybe the HBO Helljumpers ARE moving forward... (Louis Wu 18:11:44 UTC)

February 21, 2005 Link to this post

Hogmasta put together a Halo 2 gameplay vid called 'Broken'. Lots of folks on our forum liked it - but Hogmasta was pretty afraid of the bandwidth rush. Two kind souls have leapt to his aid - PLEASE, use these links instead of Hogmasta's. Thanks to the DJ, of HaloImpulse (hmm... that link doesn't seem to exist yet, but should, sometime today), and Nirvana, of Halo-Vids, for their help. There's also a copy here. (Louis Wu 11:59:06 UTC)

February 11, 2005 Link to this post

All Things in MODeration...
Another Wednesday's gone by, another Halo Humpday Challenge - this one was against the Halo2CE team (who are NOT, as a matter of fact, affiliated with HaloMods.com, no matter what the Humpday Challenge writeup says). Bungie actually WON this challenge, 2 games to 1... but check the stats for the WHOLE story. Nice playing! (Anyone wonder if the win happened BECAUSE Frankie didn't play? Hmm...) Thanks, blackhawk, for the first heads-up. (Louis Wu 03:33:20 UTC)

February 4, 2005 Link to this post

The Philosophy of Matchmaking
Hmm... is disappointment a natural consequence of rational competition? Are we only happy when we win? nof looks at how the impersonal and implacable matchmaking system drives us to be who we don't like. (Something to remember: matchmaking attempts to pit you against those of equal skill level. This means, if it's working properly, that you'll lose, on average, one out of every two games you play once you reach your true level. It also means that BEFORE you reach this true level, you'll win much more often. Could it be this shift - expressed in business as The Peter Principle ("Managers will rise to the level of their own incompetence") - that REALLY causes the unhappiness?) (Louis Wu 15:23:08 UTC)

January 28, 2005 Link to this post

There's A Script?
Eep - that last news post reminded me I forgot to post today's One One Se7en. Hmm... maybe that was a GOOD thing. (Louis Wu 19:30:24 UTC)

January 5, 2005 Link to this post

I wonder if they get to wear turbans, too
IGN has put up an article predicting the year-to-come as far as Microsoft and Xbox are concerned. Their prediction for Halo 3: it won't be out until fall 2006, released as a 'counterpunch' against the PS3 and Nintendo's next offering. Hmm... Thanks, Guardian. (Louis Wu 20:51:01 UTC)

December 20, 2004 Link to this post

Clan PMS gives Bungie a Headache
Two new stories up at Bungie.net right now; not surprising they tried to bury one. Last week's Halo Humpday Challenge didn't actually happen until Friday - and when it did, they almost lost to Clan PMS. Read all the gory details, written by He Who Died A Lot (otherwise known as Frankie). You can tell they wanted to hide this story, because the current top story, put up 8 minutes later and bumping the HHC writeup off the visible spectrum, was an article called 'Getting Started with Halo 2' - an article that's already been the Top Story at least twice. Hmm... (Louis Wu 23:14:42 UTC)

December 20, 2004 Link to this post

Today's One One Se7en has spoilers, of a sort... If you don't get it, you either haven't played much of Halo 2's campaign, or Stuntmutt's just not funny. Hmm... on second thought... (Louis Wu 12:29:09 UTC)

December 14, 2004 Link to this post

How Hard is Hard?
Hmm... yesterday, we mentioned that Frankie had weighed in on the matter of what happens when you collect all the skulls - folks worked pretty hard to figure out what he meant. Then, yesterday afternoon, he stopped by again... and apologized for misreading the original post.

I thought he was talking about beating the Vidmaster's Challenge. Apply my original post to that.

The thing is... nobody's even DEFINED a Vidmaster's Challenge for Halo 2, yet... is it the same as Marathon's Vidmaster Challenge? (Louis Wu 08:35:53 UTC)

December 13, 2004 Link to this post

Not observant enough?
Hmm... Cody Miller posted that he collected all the skulls, in the order they appear on the Soundtrack... and nothing happened. First response to his post? Frankie, saying he was wrong. Ooh... (If this means nothing to you, visit High Impact Halo's Skulls database, and read the background. And realize that Cody's feat, by itself, is something pretty darned impressive.) (Louis Wu 16:41:30 UTC)

December 1, 2004 Link to this post

Enrichenation Schemes Wanted
Wonga. New Letters to the Webmaster over at Bungie.net; along with the usual ridicule and scorn is word of the possibility of customized shirts (emblazoned with your gamertag). Hmm... the ridicule and scorn is pretty fun, too. (Louis Wu 02:38:35 UTC)

November 3, 2004 Link to this post

Five to Play
Hmm... looking over the two dozen news posts that went up recently, I realized that I'd managed to neglect yesterday's Countdown to Halo 2 article from IGN. It was called 'Five Other First-Person Shooters to Play While You Wait' - and, well, yeah, that's what it was. (Yes, Halo was number 1.) (Louis Wu 00:48:34 UTC)

October 30, 2004 Link to this post

UNSC Re-cruet-ment.
Bah. You might have noticed that there's been an absurd amount of news recently - and sometimes, things fall through the cracks. Yesterday's One One Seven is one of those things. It's posted now... sorry. (Hmm... upon reflection... maybe you'd have been better off spared that particular pun...) (Louis Wu 12:33:11 UTC)

October 12, 2004 Link to this post

A new reality show?
If you live in Southern California, Spike TV is looking for outgoing 18-30-year-old men and women who are crazy about Halo. Hmm... More details can be found in Konrad's forum post. (Louis Wu 10:54:44 UTC)

October 7, 2004 Link to this post

Halo 2 at Ubercon?
Hmm... is Halo 2 going to be playable at Ubercon IV next week at the Meadowlands in New Jersey? It's certainly listed on the LAN Gaming page... thanks, insaneidiot432. Update: this seems to be a random claim by a random group... Bungie, officially, has no plans whatsoever to show Halo 2 at Ubercon. Maybe they're gonna show a movie? (Louis Wu 14:58:05 UTC)

September 22, 2004 Link to this post

More Images for your Desktop
Wow. We cleared the Wallpaper queue. I can't REMEMBER the last time I could say that. Check the Wallpaper Section for 10 new pieces (14, actually, if you count size variants), including a few really nice creations. Wow. I'd hate to say I was catching up... because you folks would just up the rate of submissions. Hmm... Update: Eep, we yanked one of the images, because it used (without permission) some artwork created by ANOTHER fan. (The original artist asked us to pull it.) If you decide to use artwork you find on the web for your submissions here, you really need to make sure you have permission of the original creator; we take a pretty dim view of IP appropriation. (In most cases, if you find it on HBO, there's an email address associated with the original; if there isn't, you can drop US a note, and we can pass the note along.) Thanks! (Louis Wu 15:08:27 UTC)

September 1, 2004 Link to this post

Halo 2 Release Date in Japan
Hmm... I hadn't realized that the release date for Halo 2 in Japan hadn't been finalized yet... but no matter, according to IGN, it will go on sale there on November 11, just like most of Europe. One more country heard from... (Louis Wu 18:46:42 UTC)

August 23, 2004 Link to this post

Ooh - upcoming game hype
The latest Gamespotting column at Gamespot is about upcoming games... and it contains a poll - 'Which upcoming game will be the greatest?' At the moment, Halo 2 is in second place... behind Half-Life 2. Hmm... (Thanks to GruntKilla for the heads-up.) (Louis Wu 16:31:03 UTC)

August 19, 2004 Link to this post

The PR onslaught begins... with a whimper
Hmm... Alex Cross got his hands on the long-awaited OXM Holiday Preview Guide... and he was disappointed. Yes, there's a large spread on Halo 2 - but to him, it seemed like a rehash of existing info, and there weren't any new screenshots. (The leaked shots currently making the rounds will likely show up in the October issue, due on newsstands on September 7.) It's got plenty of information, and if you're looking for a mag that compares the various games due out for Christmas, this would be a great buy (it is, after all the Holiday Preview Guide) - but if you're specifically looking for Halo 2 info, it looks like you won't find it here. Go read Alex's post for more details. (Louis Wu 12:13:46 UTC)

July 19, 2004 Link to this post

MC Shoots Trap
Dark Helmet posted a small video showing his own Marine Launching techniques yesterday, on the High Impact Halo forums - he shows that Marines take no fall damage, no matter HOW FAR they fall (or what hits them)... but more importantly, he's invented a new sport - Halo Trap, using marines as the pidgeons. Hmm... there might be ethical problems with that. To save on DH's bandwidth, we've made both his original WMP9 film (5.2 mb) and a QuickTime conversion (5.6 mb) available from here. Thanks, Ducain, for pointing this out. Update; Dark Helmet clarifies a few points about fall damage and marines. They CAN get killed from it, my mistake. They can take a heck of a lot more punishment than you can, however... (Louis Wu 09:50:59 UTC)

July 16, 2004 Link to this post

Enemy Rundown at Xbox.com
There's an article over on Xbox.com I've never seen before; dunno when it got posted, but Character Close-up: Know Your Enemies is a fun read. (I'm not sure I agree with all the advice - in fact, I think almost every section had something that made me go 'hmm...' but it's a nice complete list.) Spoilers, for those keeping track. Update: There's a Weapons Strategy Guide and a 'Cheats' (more like glitches, actually) page that are new to me, as well. (Louis Wu 12:26:30 UTC)

July 16, 2004 Link to this post

Just Play Games
Hmm... Play video games with band members (I have to say I've never heard of any of them), win prizes. Interesting concept. Details can be found on this page. Thanks to W1ldfire for the heads-up. (Louis Wu 11:22:33 UTC)

June 22, 2004 Link to this post

Avast ye mateys!
There are lots and lots and LOTS of Bungie fans that would love to see the game played out in today's Calvin and Halo. Hmm... (Louis Wu 15:50:01 UTC)

June 5, 2004 Link to this post

Sleep is for the weak
If you read the section of this week's update that comes from Nathan 'bentllama' Walpole, you'll find that he's going to be bringing a number of new animators up to speed in the coming weeks. I guess he's in education mode, because if you swing by CGNetworks, you'll find a 3-page article reviewing MotionBuilder 5, a character animation application. There's no Halo content in this review, but reading it might give you some insight into how the bent one thinks. (Hmm... on second thought, that might be a bad idea.) If you're not into 3d modeling or animation, this article is probably not for you. (Louis Wu 04:14:18 UTC)

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